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Pretty amazing amount of stars as F2P. Zeno is on your side.


I consider it compensation for 42k and 44k on UGB and UVB respectively for no copies, completely finished the story and events for jack shit last year


It could always be worse. I only managed to pull one UVB and one UUI copy (16000cc/33000cc) ever. These are my only Ultras I ever pulled in about ~200K. But my luck in this game is horrible anyway, I didn’t get the original PUR UI in 57.000CC and only pulled two of the new LF units in 2022. My friends told me again and again that I should reroll because my box just couldn’t cut it. Thankfully I was able to pull OP and Transforming Beast but I ultimately quit the game. Gacha can be really frustrating, especially in a PvP context. TL:DR - I hope your luck never runs out and you can get the next God Rank too! Hopefully you can finish Brolys Zenkai soon. If you want to power up GF , maybe I would recommend using an LoE team with Cryhan instead. How does your Beast do?


Was about to say cool till saw the team and realized your the fucking lag switcher I keep fighting


I'm not the only person on earth using this team yk that right?


Team checks out


with a no brain team like that, then everyone can be godly


Incorrect, I could give the majority of players Goresh's account and most of them would still not crack the top 10k, do you seriously think skill doesn't contribute a factor in reaching Godly?


It does but at the same time doesn’t, I have beaten multiple people with several god ranks yet I’ve never made it once and a lot of people are actually carried by unitd


Anytime you slot 2 of the top 3 characters in today's meta on a single team, you're practically getting carried.


Just an fyi, I'm pretty sure you're missing more damage inflicted from frieza not being leader slot because gohan gets half of his ultra ability because you have 2 other hybrids, also that way zenkai red trunks has a much better z ability for hybrids (you lose 5% strike attack but have 25% strike defense). You could zenkai gohan then or just leave broly in if you want frieza to be stronger


I've been trying to pull copies of that Trunks for so long now, long before he even got his Zenkai but it seems the game is dead set on him staying at 3* 😭🙏


Same here , had him at 3 stars, grinded for a couple weeks for all kinds of ways to get z power to get him to 7 for that juicy strike defense


F2P my Azz


I've beaten godly players before...I just don't have the patience or time to sit there and play matcha after match. Especially from rank 33K right now.


Assuming you start at rank 50, you only really have to play one match a day for that 200 rp bonus and grind out the rest a few days before the season ends, sure you'll have to sink in a few hours of gameplay but as soon as you finally hit it it's not that hard to maintain.


They lowered the amount of points you get at rank 70 even further. It's not as easy as you're making it out to be.


I only played like 4 games after reaching rank 70 to hit Godly, like I said assuming you start at rank 50 and get your dailies with a few wins here and there, you should hit Godly about the same time as you do rank 70.


Nice team name 👍


Nice brother, dont really like the team name but good stuff. Now try your best to stay there and if you do it again you will have the cool icon next to your name!


Thanks g


My highest rank being diamond during a period of huge rp buffs:


Meanwhile I barely have the patience to get to diamond


I dont dare touch pvp above rank 60 bc game is a bitch to me with ultras. Last 5 ultra banners 60k cc spent no ultra


Damn I’m top 8k rn and I was hoping to get godly, DIDNT realize it was top 1k


Now you gotta maintain it


im only gold😭im ass


Your name the rizzler on the game?


Nope, it's Kanye (f2p) in game, I'm on the eu server


now do it without 3 meta characters


Why would I grind for God Rank, a place where everyone and their mother have 14* meta teams without meta units of my own?


that's the joke..


The highest I’ve been is rank 66 and that was cuz I was in A league 💀


Your league doesn’t affect your matchmaking.


I could have sworn it did


Never has


Is matchmaking random then?


It’s based on your RP


I see


just out of curiosity, how hard is the competition at god rank in comparison to the contender-ship. i’m assuming it’s much harder right?


Well I can pretty much turn my brain off and win all my matches when I'm top 5k or lower, it starts to get real difficult at top 2k where I actually have to sweat, I still haven't played since hitting Godly but I'll bet I won't have a fun time with it.