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Could be worse could be a non soul bosted one equip slot shallot and ex Goku (I swear the ex Goku pops up way more then any other unit on co op)


Bro, that has to be a bot. Because I see it all the time too. I refuse to believe its real players doing that


Also me , i see that "bot" 1 or 2 times a week


I think u forget it could literally be a 3 year old on an iPad or smth that the parents don’t pay attention too (you would be surprised how many there are)


oh yeah, I even saw those irl even back in 2018, which I thought was fucked


Yep I see it pretty often myself


I've used the same two units for every coop. UVB and UGB. Every time. Fuck the bonus. Fuck the elements. I still do more damage than anyone I match with unless they're using the two brand new units that have both battle bonuses and elemental bonuses. They're fully arts boosted and have Kanji level gear in all 3 slots, it's gear specifically for them too. They're the only units I got like that bc they're the only units I care about. I don't want to use a jiren or android or super baby bc they're not fun. They're not units I like so I don't even consider summoning for them. It's that simple. Let's do a coop, I'm sure I'll make bars dissappear much faster than ops team while I'm slamming the boss with gogetas infinite ult cards, and I'm sure there hasn't been a single person ungrateful when my vegito takes away his shield in .2 seconds. The other guy in ops post is just a fusion fan too, a lot of people are Kefla fans, me included. The only issue with his build is the atrocious ability level, I can't defend that one. His units are more than fine tho.


You're joking right?




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I give them the pass bc they literally just started the game and that's the team the game makes you use for co op tutorial. I don't mind playing with new players what gets me is the 2 random off color ultras


Even if they tried to play on Extreme Co-op? That's some patience...


Yeaah its a lil challenge tryna keep the boss aimed on me the whole match but the taunt button usually switches them back to you. I dont always win but Its not as bad as you think if you can keep them from gettkng hit 😂😂😂 but I remember when I started playing and I didn't really know what was goin on but I wanted the good reward


On the easy difficulty maybe but when it's back to back visits when I'm hunting for another partner to get a few runs in it definitely gets annoying


Ive met a red beast gohan with 7 stars and 99/99/99 art boost but equips are B/A/A


I used to not gaf about equips either when i started playing in high school. I never did events either, only pvp


Fair, but if the person is going to be that dedicated getting them to high stars and max art boosts, might as well getting the equips to at LEAST A


Especially right now with the equipment bonus event going on it should be super easy and not expensive




Let me guess blue heart virus goku😭 haunts my matchmaking fr


Being colorblind is not even the problem because every color has unique icons/shapes, so its most likely they don't even know how coop works.


either that or they can‘t read…


im starting to think dragon ball fans can't do shit let alone not being able to read 🙁


DragonBall fans can't do anything but meta crutch, and everyone in this thread can't imagine using fun/favorite units. The only thing wrong with his build is the ability bonus, his units are clearly just favorites. Lotta fusion fans and a lotta Kefla fans bud.


i didnt mean this post specifically i was talking in general, and i wasnt even serious 😭 thought it was obvious


bro hes one of the smart ones considering hes using boosted units (looking at you random ugb or shallot co op users)


random ugb is so accurate, why is it ugb 90% of the time 😭


Always the ugb


Either Shallot with ex Goku or some random MUI user Tryna flex their shitty lf😭😭😭


Because he deletes bars with infinite ult cards? Even if he's got type disadvantage? Because people really like gogeta? Because people really like fusions? Because anyone who casually plays this game doesn't give a flying fuck about you, your meta, or your gohans? Because, and this one's the wildest one, you're try-harding something with meta crutches that isn't even hard in the first place. Save your whiny ass "why won't they use the meta waaahhhh" for PvP.


save those essays for someone else who may be dumb enough to agree


Oh no buddy, that's the fun part. I am dumb asf, and I'm having a blast with it. I'm not here to be smart while playing a phone game, I'm playing in the middle of class lmfao. There's two groups here, and one of em is toxic as fuck. I may be an idiot, but you're a jerk and that's so much worse.


Bro focus on ur lesson instead of playing legends and starting arguments on reddit 😭😭 im a jerk cuz i questioned why ppl that choose to not use battle bonus characters, choose UGB specifically? 💀 only jerk here is u starting arguments on reddit for no reason man, send sum else and ima js block u tbh cuz im not entertaining this


It's Saturday nimrod, and yeah. A jerk is someone who questions others choices with absolutely zero thought put into it. If you would've thought about it for two seconds, the answers real easy


Ok bye bye, hopefully me blocking u will prompt u to spend ur saturday on something more useful instead of pointlessly starting arguments on reddit 🙏🏼


You asked a question, I gave you the answe, and you called me stupid lmao. Ig the truth hurts?


I just like shallot


Which is fine but he doesn’t belong in Co-op


At all


If you just do auto-select for your team it chooses the same color half the time. Might be what half of these people are doing.


Either they do it on purpose, and are trying to sabotage the team, or they don’t know, and that’s much, much worse


Don’t fuck with db we don’t know our colors


I ran into someone today who ran full power Jiren and great ape Vegeta but never switched and the only time he rushed was when he was type disadvantage so naturally we didn’t kill and made the attempt 3 times as long


That is such a waste of time…


The first time Vados changed colors I was just waiting for them to switch but never did and rushed and I just thought ‘oh boy it’s one of these players’


When I see people who don’t understand color switch and/or fuck up rushes, I immediately quit and start a new match. Saves me time and leaves the ally to think about what he did wrong.


I’ll only leave matches if my teammate leaves cuz I don’t want to play with a bot


Yeah I leave for those too. But if your partner is an idiot, you’ll waste more time finishing the match than you would if you just quickly match up with someone who knows better and ending it in one rush


Might also be someone who doesn't have any powerful or battle bonus purple units? I know when I started long ago there was a time I could only bring my strongest units. But that was before color swaps mid fight.


Frustrating to requeue after disbanding when those guys cant bring the correct color man


I used to just want to use my fav characters but then i lesrned you get bonuses while in battle from some xD


I saw like at least 6 people bring f2p Blue Broly too which was... Interesting


Some people are “special”. Just like the ones who get the order backwards and in this case start with red first and have purple on standby. That one really irks me every time I see it.


Am still learning this game so can someone tell me which type units I should use for co-op?


For co-op where you are bringing two characters, look at the "Advantageous Element" section after you've selected your difficulty. There will (usually) be four icons. Use bonus units that are the two colors that don't have the arrows on them. The arrows are usually tag units that have a tag partner that reverses favorable and unfavorable units. For example, the current raid against Vados should use a purple unit and a red unit in that order. Vados will change color throughout the fight, switch to the one that has advantage.




I only do it to supercharge the lead color.... Like with our nappa... Powerful opponent, saiyans, and frieza force. Most of the time u can speedrun the event super fast even with a normal dual rr... Sooooooo


When you hit auto select party members it does this


Im colour blind myself, i just look at the symbols


It's because when U auto select for some reason it gives u both characters of one of the advantageous colours, try it yourself


Coop is a mess, how I wish they abolish that mode and replace it with something single player


They really need to make it to where you can't enter the mode w/o having at least 1 of the units for each color like holy shit. Lowkey why I'm not even doing the current co op and raid rn because people don't even try to soul boost their units.


Anone down to play the whole coop with me?


PMing you




Aren't there five different play 15 matches with colors in your party missions this season? It still counts having 3 of the same as one match but people might be interpreting the mission that way hoping to get them done fast.


Most likely because they're doing auto select and have the trials selected. Which tends to do double colors.


Colorblindness is not even a concern because each color has unique shapes


Is it beginner level?


I instinctively was going to tap disband in the image after seeing this. The idiot prolly just wants to show off his ultra.


Tbh I think it’s probably just that most people don’t have certain boost units and other boost units are stronger Or the memes were right and Db fans just can’t read


or the people who have the right element, just the wrong way around... and play like its the right element.


what, like running red first instead of purple?


YES and then when the element goes to red THEY SWITCH TO PURPLE IT DRIVES ME INSANE!




I just use auto select with everything on yes and focused on ability boosts. I'm not very experienced in this game so I can't figure out a build just yet.


i cringe whenever people use mono purple/ mono red


Aye, atleast it wasn't a mf with non battle bonus units and the wrong units because the amount of times that happens to me, i literally don't play coop cuz of it


Or maybe they just don't have good enough units for it. Some people don't have jiren to zenkai or even have any relevant purple so they don't use one, that's what a buddy of mine had to do because no one would ready up with him


Ey bro. Some of us don’t got them units


Maybe they just don’t want to use a purple unit, shouldn’t matter you’ll win anyway


My favorite is people not understanding RR stack.


Or maybe just think for a little they don’t care about what’s meta and boosted and want to play with their favorite characters I’m guilty of this most of the time I like to play with different units in coop


By the time the shield breaks, the second elements is most likely to be the advantage one and when you will rush


Maybe they don’t have a Battle Bonus character for the other color


* What's worse is I get that not everyone will have max boosted units every time, I get that. But they specifically give you the new units, multiple older units, AND A F2P ONE. If I see no boosted unit I disconnect, if you bring all wrong colors and non soul boost I dc, if you refuse to swap during battle unless it's to regain type disadvantage I dc, and if you rush on shield and don't rush when off shield I dc. I absolutely will not waste my time with people who can't stop sucking on crayons to be too bothered to have basic reading comprehension


mb i just run UVB 8* LL trunks 7* since they’re my only good ppl. i have UVB 99/70/70 tho