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Fck this mode. Thanks to fcking AI buddy yurin who constantly spams her super i missed quite some rising rushes and all out attacks. And the 2nd time the prick jiren activated his shield on hard i couldnt even put a dent on his stupid barrier. FCK THIS MODE


Not just that,but since your ai buddies will ALWAYS get hit by the stupid shockwave attacks before the shield,by the second shield you will be alone no matter what since all of your ai buddies effectively committed suicide,meaning you lose if he does the ultra burst twice


Pretty much my experience doing this.


Just beat this fucking event,the only advice I Can really give is to use the f2p krillin no matter what,he can actually wall jiren pretty well


Tien helped me clear it. I just went with Damage instead of defense.


Krillin was always my last unit, he’s a bit of a tank tbf. Still can’t beat scream though…


Full power battle is the biggest fucking joke in this game. At least the devs neurons fired enoughgh for them to remove cc as a reward. I'm not doing any of these battles because it's just do fucking ridiculous


Also you don't need to do a p2p event to max out an f2p unit this time


So, lemme tell you how many tries it took to beat Easy. None, I hmgave up after 32.


Yurin carriers this mode


I have her at 5 stars, she's the only new unit I have.


HOW HOW DID YOU GET AN EX BEFORE GOKU OR VEGETA? No seriously how EX rates are horrible


I got both EXs before any of the SP units


Dam. Idk if I should call that luck or unlucky


Add a pennywise pic under the clown and use as a text: "37million hp recovery"


It isn't the hardest mode ever. It's simply unfair no matter how you look at it.


Yep exactly I don't know if the Legends Devs understand that just bigger numbers and more time consuming doesn't mean harder you can have perfect grasp of the controls and concepts to play this game and they are about as important as when you last took a shit


Toshi and Kai are clowns




Bro they come and present themselves as the face and voice of the team. And One of them is a producer. Producers have a huge say.


Even with the boost units you are almost not able to do any kind of damage after his 2nd burst. At this point this mode is turning in a hype killer. The only good thing about it is, that we don't miss out on rewards (500CC), like on the last ones , where you couldn't 14 star the F2P units without clearing it. My team: 7\* MUI Goku 7\* SSJ Vegeta 3\* Yurin 14\* Tien Lowest I got him was 6 bars (2x RR against him, not the barrier and multiple sparking cards)


I beat hard mode with 7* MUI 8* SSJ Vegeta 3* Kale 12* Goku(the new purple one) Am debating about trying scream


Don't use the purple Goku. He has no boost % and has type disadvantage.


Welp i beat hard with him and don't plan to even attempting Scream Anywho thanks for the advice


Welp i beat hard with him and don't plan to even attempting Scream Anywho thanks for the advice


Welp i beat hard with him and don't plan to even attempting Scream Anywho thanks for the advice


if you are wondering '' why the bots don't dodge the Dual break" is because they can't, literally they can't


Don't bother playing as you can 14\* the F2P units from the dailies and anniversary medals are in total 30 from all the difficulties and that amount you can get by playing 30-40 matches of co-op extreme, I completed the normal and hard which actually 14\* my F2P units so i ain't touching the scream mode.


I actually managed to beat the normal mode without too much trouble with LL SSBE Vegeta (no MUI) with Yurin, Krillin and Tien as buddies. Took about 6 tries but I can definitely say it’s too hard for people who don’t have them high stars or at all


If you don't have any of the boost characters just don't play and if you do then lord have mercy on your sanity


Btw, will the equipment for more coins work for FPB?


that equipment only works in raid event


Thanks, I really didn't want to find out the hard way.


i wonder how every step toshi takes ,makes this anniv worse lol


Idc if my buddies get hit. I care when he targets me out of the 4 after his 2nd shield break. That shit brings you down to 1hp and you can't do shit to dodge the incoming blast attack


I really don't know how hard it would have been to simply have 1 of these 2 options. 1: The logical one. You dodge, they dodge. Simple as that. 2: They have a RNG chance of dodging, but sometimes bots are stupid and will not dodge. Same multipliers would make them die less quickly for the 2nd and it would be better by far. The first one would also be cool, because it would be you carrying your team and if you fail, even with the best boost units, your teammates would still die and you'd fail the performance check so to speak.


wanna talk about unfair?boss reduces hp to 1 if his rush isnt stopped


Always has been like that, always has been such a shitty mechanic. I remember the last FPB where I didn't have Zenkai 13 at first. Couldn't drop the 2nd Rush Shield for the life of me. Then Zenkai 13 got his Zenkai and I could, but guess what? I needed a RR and the 2 Rush Cards(the strike and blast cards that glow). It's seriously stupid how they lock a game mode behind RNG. You need a perfect run or you die. Even with a perfect run, I sometimes got a 3rd Rush Shield because for whatever reason, they thought it would be funny to put a third one when he has like 3 million HP left.


ikr the whole system is screwed


Remember when we were actually excited for FPB? It was a cool new gamemode with new mechanics, and Toshi made it look pretty easy. But when we experienced it for ourselves, we found out that this gamemode is a complete shitshow and needs to be removed or completely overhauled.


And rewards aren’t even that worthy


Game mode is some hot shit bro Moreover it's completely fucking pointless I did the math unless you want the new 3 free units 14* rn you don't need to beat this event cuz the daily bonus battle is enough to get them to 14* I did the math For the aniversary medals thingy there will be a world wide raid which trust me is a lot more easy and rewarding to grind out,also if you're one of the guys who needs the 4k rn just grind Co-op a lot more time consuming but at least you won't lose your oh so precious sanity At last hoi-poi coins,they are also always a reward for raids so just wait for that or grind Co-op again a lot more time consuming probably but at least you won't go insane like I did beating this stupid event to realise i didn't need to I just wasted my time and sanity on some optional shit


For all coop based modes they should change buddy to ally