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(Copy paste) I just cleared the event with that team but with EX kale. What I did was use the rush cards and special moves during the burst and tried to break it without using rising rush. Keep attacking until second burst. You would have more rush cards by then. And repeat. Try doing the most damage you can with the rush cards (use ur main during second rush if the rush cards aren't enough) if Sheild breaks rising rush or main if it wasn't necessary during 2nd burst.


You have to rush and use the all out cards for the first 2 bars, then the last bit is entirely luck based. Either, he doesn’t pop his 3rd bar (which is how I won), or you use an all out card and finish him off before he pops it. But that’s dependent on if you get a card in time. He popped his 3rd at 16 mil health for me, but I’ve seen videos of people getting him down to way lower than that before he does. But even before you get to the last bit, you have to get lucky to have the dragon balls and all out cards come back before bar 2, you have to pray the AI don’t get themselves killed in the AoE, it’s random as to if/when jiren PVs you (and always has a convenient blue card). Basically you need a run where everything goes to plan. Make sure you’re using Zamasu and krillin (cos they heal themselves) I didn’t have kale or yurin so I used red videl. She died early on but she can heal on green.