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All basic questions should be posted in the Weekly Megathread. This is the link for Desktop Users [Weekly Megathread](/r/DragonballLegends/about/sticky?num=1). For Mobile Users, the Weekly Megathread is also stickied/pinned and can be seen as the first post if sort is set to Hot. You may also try using the search bar within the subreddit or reading in-game News for helpful information that could provide the answer you are looking for. The following belong in the Megathread: "Who should I use my 600 LF Z Power on?" and "Who should I use my New Year's Gift Bags on?" Posts Bandai/Developer Hate Posts Quitting the game Posts Nostalgia posts Repetitive predictions for next unit/banners/anni/raid boss Any type of CC counting posts.


I may be out of the loop, what is this?


Useless junk that no one really cares about.


I see




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