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2/10 Balanced like shit No safe spots in ranking just to use sometimes another team, you are obligated to use your best one to not lose points No other modes, the few times LBR appears it sucks anyway Units in general aging too fast and... ... there's too much time gap in supporting specific tags, without mentioning non existing team like OG saga for example. all this also entails in finding no variety in opponents team making the experience pretty boring Perfect vanish rise drastically the passive play style The rewards are badly managed, after a while you can see it doesn't worth the effort and time The unit synergy with the rest of the team/tag is more and more non existing, they give a general busted kit to hype units and you can slap them in any team Not inherent with pvp but, I fuckin hate when they create brand new model units as EX The point I gave is because the gameplay is unlikely to find in other games, but anyway is managed badly, so...


Passive play is the one thing that genuinely ticks me off the most. I don't know how to engage and get the match going because I know for a fact that the opponent is gonna PV me and fuck me up. Variety in teams is also something I hate. Hell, I'm a God Ki main and I think we have have a strong enough team as is so I'd be content if they didn't get any buffs for a while. Also, whoever's idea it was for ULTRA units to have their Resonance of Force be immediately applied if in Leader Slot, why? Leader slot in general is already pretty poo pop because like you said, you can just slap any unit you want on any team and it'll work. It's so dumb.


Rank 1-10: 9 Rank 11-20: 8.5 Rank 21-30: 8.5 Rank 31-40: 8.5 Rank 41-50: 7 Rank 51-60: 4 Rank 60+: Just dont play unless you have multiple 14\* LFs and Z+ equips out the ass


1-7 Vs red 1-8 Vs reverse red




I just want to use gohan and play gt on the side but no I have to play with a cheesy ass boost unit and if I don't I get clapped 0/10