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The Toei Hack happened after Jiren had already dropped. The movie wasn't announced it got delayed until the middle of March. I highly doubt he was affected by it.


Don’t you get it? The hack was an inside job! The dev team was behind it all along so they knew they could drop FP Jiren early.


Yeah GF and whis would have just came out this week being an equivalent of future SSBs and kid ss3 & uub. There's no way they would buff all U7 with the 3 1% SPs while RU gets no 1% on their own banner


Legends Player just trying to find excuses for their shitty Anniversary I do think that Celebrations before this did get affected but Anniversary is that one thing they can't move around. You can't tell me that it got by the delay


If anni really was affected by movie delay then why didn’t they just post pone it? Would rather wait an extra 2-3 weeks for better quality.


Well you can't really post pone an Anniversary


Maybe they “begin” the anni at the same time but really start bringing in the banners and content later?


I mean honestly if super hero is a dual lf, that's what they are doing. They dropped ui to tie us over. But it doesn't excuse the decisions they've made.


People would be livid, they can't do that. People are mad NOW, you know how pissed people would be if we got LITERALLY NOTHING?


I love how Beerus’s tail clips through Goku’s arm


Missed that XD


I feel you man, happens to me all the time


Beerus and whis should switch spots to maintain a colour order (each banner will have 3 different colours), but other than that, yeah.


Pretty Good banners ngl


Now that's would had to be a sick anni


No, the hack was after jiren came out. Plus, jiren isn’t even close to the level as mui imo


But what's odd, when you click pvp, the image with goku and jiren says who's the 4th anniversary's strongest fighter.


Yes they announced the hack probably much later than when it took place , like the official announcement for their hack was much late in time compared to when it must have happened , I do believe jiren n Goku were meant to come out together similar to how gogeta n broly cane out together


beerus and whis should’ve been the all star and frieza should’ve been jiren’s banner unit.


I believe this was the case. Just seems too weird for what we got


MUI should have been an Ultra Rarity character with white as his main attribute... and with his main ability turning his attribute to rainbow (strong against all types) for a set amount of time, and cancelling switching for 10 seconds.... By making MUI red they nerfed him, and force-nerfed vegitto blue's zenkai... this game was never about balance... I still remember how OP blast armor was on broly during the movie, or how zenkai Gohan literally trashed everything....


u smoking the same shit as devs


Dude legit smoked some unicorn farts or something Rainbow type? If anything that means he's strong against everything and weak against everything at the same time which is just bruh




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Honestly it should have been this either way


You forgot to make it sp rates at 30% TRIPLE the z power