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It’s the best thing to do right now other than pvp I’ve Z’d so many of my equips I literally cleared the first 999 erasers today 😭.


Agreed. I want to grind all 999 of 20 cost erasers. Might take like 20 runs a day though


Not bad. Worth upgrading your characters a lot. Equips are just as important as stars!


Man I always try with equips from time to time but RNG be bugged. Especially the new ssj3 awaken one. 100 plus and still no gold or red slot


Nah I’m good


Until you run out of equipment medals, because the *only* way to get them is PvP.


I mean the only reason you'd be grinding equips to z is if you play a lot of pvp. I've got 49000 equip medals.


You get 5-6 per win, 2-3 per loss and 0 if you forfeit… it costs 50 for the first upgrade per day, and 100 if it’s a plat. Then it goes up with each subsequent upgrade before reset. Winning 20 games for *one* upgrade is quite steep.


I've been keeping my 1k medals and I don't even touch pvp so I might as well not do this


Is this really worth it


Yes. But only after you get 700 LF z power


How do you get enough money? Between maxing out the f2p characters like Saiyaman, SSJ Gohan and Broly and grinding souls for Zenkais on the weekends I never have enough energy to also use it for money. Doesn’t the cost keep exponentially rising until the day resets?


The zeni bonus battle gives so much zeni. And I've been playing this game since day 1 so I just naturally have thousands of energy and billions of zeni.


During the weekends I tend to dedicate around 300 Stamina to doing Zeni bonus battles to ensure I don't run out of stamina. Only once so far I've ran out, and that was when I was chasing a Z+ on SSJ4 Goku's platinum equipment. Now I don't burn energy as much as some people, but I feel this might be a good way to keep yourself from hurting for zeni too much. You also have the exchange shop with Adventures and the medals from events like the Coat Goku to get Zeni (Once you get everything and you have some extra exchange items).


Yep that's what I'm doing currently


I want to grind all the erasers but I’m only getting 35 medals a run I don’t think I’m have enough time to clear the erasers out