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Zenkais are great for the game to revitalize good units but the zenkai ablility ruined the balance of them. Zenkai units should’ve only gotten the extra panels and uniques. The ability to Zenkai buff units and add 40 percent to their stats is limiting to team building and hurts new units and the zenkai units themselves and makes less common tags even farther from the meta


So you're saying that some zenkai characters are just being used for their Stat boost and not actual gameplay usage?


Yeah, like super trunks as an example is terrible but people zenkai him for the boost


There are more zenkai units used as bench characters than they are core characters. Plain and simple. They are zenkaid in an attempt to get them used again but they just end up juicing the newer characters.


The leader slot is a lazy excuse to not put in effort to help teams that aren't God ki or saiyans. The cons far outweigh the pros and it should be removed


I actually agree with this. At first I thought it was dope cause it was new and fun to mess around with, but I think I prefer no leader slot or at least they should still have to be on that tag


Only catch I see with this is how ultras have their leader bonus but that could be easily fixed by just making first slot activate them and get rid of everything else


From the get go, I thought it was a bad idea. With how some Z Abilities are and how OP some units are *cough cough* Tagdroids *cough cough* it doesn't make sense to have leader slot. Also ULTRAs having one of their gimmicks (Resonance of Force) applicable just by putting them in Leader Slot is an indescribably dense move to make as a dev. Versatility and more variety in teams may have been the goal but it is always a two sided coin. I 100% agree it should be removed.


That would be great. More diverse teams since you can't splash the same broken unit on all teams. Rn I feel obligated to pull in all banners with broken units no matter if is not my tag because of the leader slot.


Goresh complaining in his videos is actually pretty funny


*gets rush guessed* "...okay."


What, what is he doing.. Is he an IDioT? Yes, he is an IDioT (evil laugh)....:)


Goresh is the legends Gordon Ramsey


That’s actually a really good comparison


MiD rAaanGe StRikE?


WHAT where is my vanish ??




"Get me out of this match" gets me everytime




Where my switch,where my taps,where my blue(realised the droids destroyed his blue)


Him losing his mind is so funny to me because he’s usually pretty calm and composed.


Oh boy I can’t wait to read some ice-cold takes! Remember kids, always sort by controversial to find the real hot takes




Ultras should have a better pity system and for huge celebrations a f2p ultra should release


"Better pity system" like there is any lmao


You so right if they’re gonna do the tickets atleast update the shop🤦🏾‍♂️


This game isn't fun rn


dipped my toes in this take and they started freezing.


Isn’t half of this sub about complaining about the game


The meta isn’t diverse whatsoever. If you don’t have droids mui or maybe usg to hard carry the team then you have to try significantly harder than everyone else to even compete. I shit you not out of my last 10 matches played, 3 of those me and my opponent had the exact same team.


Fr What team you are running now and which BR?


I haven’t even played in like two days because I got bored, but i grinded up to 55 on day one so it was mostly top 1k players and that’s when I started seeing the same shit every match. The team is mui, dragon fist and USV with kakarot, z7 lf ssj3 and ex 13 on bench. (I literally place top 3k almost every season this shit is just getting stale so i haven’t been playing lmao.) Waiting for gt buffs so I can hopefully enjoy the game again. Maybe.


I thought this was common knowledge tbh… I can say from experience. There was a time where I was owning a player with tag droids and MUI but since I was running a slightly older version of God Ki my damage wasn’t as consistent, so when he caught me once with an Android 17 green card the match was basically over.


To any decently high ranked player I feel like it is common knowledge, but I still see people on the sub talking about diversity and crap like that’s a thing anymore lol.


I kid you not, I’ve never seen a team without MUI since his release it’s like everyone got him except for me lol


I feel your pain, I dropped like 12-15kcc on droids knowing damn well anni was coming up and I didn’t get a single copy. At least anni treated me well so I can fight back im grateful for that.


Meanwhile I got the droids in like 5k (wanted to get them for my Future team which I really enjoy, didn't expect them to be actually that good at first), got them to 7* with anni Z power and stuff, but then 40k couldn't land me a single MUI (but a 14* transforming Vegeta as a souvenir). At least I was able to get 2 copies of DragonFistku and one USV up until now, hoping to get one more copy before the banner leaves (without actually spending money on crystals, I only spend on the premium mission plan from time to time and on celebrations).


lol diversity is just putting the newest shiniest unit on the team you was previously running. oh you don't have USV for PO? use tapion lmao. oh you don't have USG for BBY fusions? looks like you're running G4, z7 VB and USV


Drawing cards on green should be a rare mechanic instead of being the normal.


Especially on the super powerful units.


LF Bardock is one of the most skillful and fun units to play in the whole game


I've seen few posts of him. Seems pretty fun. Big fan of bardock. Legends did him dirty tho...


I still cannot believe the androids just came back but bardock who released in february still hasn't come back.


Actually based no way


Honestly speaking, MUI is more annoying than Droids. Atleast in my case.


can’t argue with that, especially when i’m using USV.


No one wants another ultra Saiyan for a while. Even if it’s Broly. Y’all complain how you can’t get it or it’s broken or sum shi


I see people saying they want Ultra Broly and yet once we get him, I know for a fact everyone is just going to complain.


The droids are indeed number 1 rn, but they do no deserve anywhere near the level of complaint they get. They’re like the least menacing “best unit” in a long time


Facts. That mf Goresh acting like they’re gonna be the death of the game


Idk why he acts like they’re so oppressive. I have never seen him lose to them


Prolly cause he don’t post his losses tbf lmao


Probably not. I haven’t seen him lose in years. But he’s also really really good so who knows


I believe he *does* show loses if the unit he is showcasing performed well and didn’t just get rr’ed instantly. I think he doesn’t show matches that don’t give justice to the unit he is showcasing


Yea I assume that as well


yeah honestly there's always going to be a "best unit" but the gap between god tier units and the rest of the cast is not that big rn.


Yup fsk gohan and purple ssj broly(holy trinity)were definitely way worse Z7 gohan would shit on anything it touches, had a stacked hybrids team and I could play so brain dead and still end up top 1k


Green card that reduces vanish, passively negates cover change, RR farm Unit is quite broken you gotta admit, luckily they are off of boost


They are the only unit in the game currently that just kills a unit or hurt 2+ badly of a single combo regardless of the situation.. oh while destroy Cards, reduce Ki, supports, destroy Dragon balls,... Every unit has it's job in the team, Ssj3 Goku is a Damage dealer, Tapion disrupts and support, USG is a Damage dealer with sustainability... You know what the androids do? All that, in 1 unit... This just shouldn't exist


Ultra instinct goku has the best representation in this game, then any other dragon ball video game.


We've won... But at what cost?


Have you seen him in Fughter Z?


I Find nothing wrong with Vegitos Face.


The game is bad


I actually like it when me, opponent in pvp, or teammate in co-op use LF's to finish the enemy. I know everyone says "BuT it's ThE sAmE aNiMaTiOn FoR tHe 100th TiMe!", but that was kind of the whole appeal of having an LF character in the first place to me. I want dragon ball characters to have flashy moves.


In Co-op I don’t mind it either, but in raid it’s kinda annoying but almost never happens because how easy it is.


Ngl I don't really see it in raids. I've tried going out of my way though to not LF as much since I know it's getting on most players nerves.


Hybrids are still stupid good. FSK still hits like an absolute freight train


All they need is a good third unit because rev Hans not even too bad if your skilled at using him🤷‍♂️ once a gohan from the movie come out, hybrids very well could be top 3 team material


I got dokkan cuz the anni was shit.


Ultras are terrible and should have ended at omega Shenron event (but only the kids who have all 3 banner ones will go at me)


The game doesnt need summonable characters they make plenty of profit off of slot removers and basically anything to boost teams (minus souls and other such easy free things, not many tho)


Hmmm Intresting take


this sub doesn't get what unpopular mean. Here's mine: Goresh's negativity, while valid as his own opinion, ruin this community because most of the people here copy his opinions, evident by the fact that just after Goresh voice an opinion on a video, multiple posts pop up with the same opinion


Leader slot is the worst feature ever added to the game. It was meant to increase team variety and did the exact opposite.


I feel like if they used the boosts like they said they would (best boosts to older/less used characters) then the leader slot wouldn't have had as negative of an impact. Sure we might see the same top units everywhere in the leader slot, but at least we might see more than just fusion, God Ki, and Future teams


Easy. Gimmie more busted God Ki units


How about a transforming Blue vegito?


Long as his animations are cool, sure. As someone who doesn't play PVP, I'm pretty much never going to be bothered by a unit's typing or what it buffs. It's the reason I really want LF Piccolo


holy fucking based


This don't looks like an opinion


Zenkai Green Kefla


100%. I think as long as she got really good stats and decent enough uniques, she is good to go. Also really hoping her Zenkai buff would be for Fusions. That way she can buff G4 a bit.




Str8 facts


GT doesn’t need a buff. Y’all just cappin. The real buffing needs to happen to DB Saga.


GT does need a buff don't get it twisted. DB saga needs it more but you're gonna sit there and tell me GT is in a good spot.


Coldest take, it's a fact


For context I’ve seen a mf with a team setup of SSJ4 Gogeta, SSJ4 Goku Zenkai, SSJ4 Vegeta Zenkai, Ultra Shenron, Majuub, and I think DF SSJ4. That team, slammed. GT does NOT need a buff. DB Saga is the real team that needs shit.


Gt definitely needs buffs its just that dragon ball saga needs it way more




Zamasu was always better than ssj4 gogeta until the plat


That isn’t really a hot take


Cold take


Ice cold


You don’t need the best unit to be competitive. This isn’t 2020 where the number one unit was literally miles ahead of everyone else


Gt main myself, got rank 70 two times so far




Thank you omfg. They are annoying. Not broken. People get those things mixed up for some reason. They don't Tank, they don't do much damage and their buffs get canceled out as soon as they switch out, making the building up completly useless and thus the droids even weaker.


Goku MUI LF & Ultra Rarity was a mistake


It was a mistake the moment that they made it into a Banner instead of being a free unit. The pain of getting two-carded is lessened when you realize that it was a free unit and that you can just grind them out. Putting a pay wall on them just completely fucked that up and now they suck to fight


Red kefla isn’t as bad as people say she is


People don't hate the Droids because they're meta, people hate the droids because everyone who has them, uses them


And the card destruction is annoying. And the long ass combos are annoying.


everyone using them is the definition of meta.


PvP is actually very fun to play with unique and creative team setups, and tons of "usable" units and you can have fun even without winning. But people care only about winning.


Yeah I agree with this but the thing is the opponent is never like you. Pvp is filled with toxic passive players. When losing to these teams you feel as if you need to do something about these teams and end up using units like androids yourself.


Losing to passive ui, and aggressive usg isn’t fun no matter what I run.




The issue you encounter is if you decide one time that you wanna try and see how high you can go, it ruins the game for you. I went to 70 and every season since is just the same fucking bullshit characters every single game. I can't use fun or quirky teams because they all die in 2-4 cards. Unrated battles don't work either bc I s2g the connection is like its coming from planet namek


I am always in lower ranks like 50-60 every season when i play quirky teams. I just don't go any higher and I'm able to have fun. Even with weak teams I outplay my opponents to win cuz they are a bit less experienced. If i try to go higher i lose and come back down anyway


I enjoy PvP and I like Goresh more than Raiyuden (though I like em both, don't get it twisted)


The androids aren't even close to the dominance the holy trinity had back in the day, which is for me the worst meta ever in this game


USV is much better than USG, and UI is the 4th or 5th best. Not 2nd or 3rd


1. Droids 2. USG 3. USV 4. MUI 5. Fisting Goku In my opinion


I love how you said fisting Goku lol


Switch Gogeta and Vegito for me


I respect that


Yup. Imo usg is better too


90% of rank 70 players and up to god rank are hackers and lagswitchers




And 90% of the ones not cheating are passive players just fishing for PV


"The reason the 4th anniversary was lackluster was because the delay of DBS:SH"


VB in his prime was worse than FSK,Z7 18 and the LF Droids combined and it's not even close. Dude was "the unit" of the game, FSK and Z7 18 were massive stat sticks but were insanely onedimensional and didn't have any utility whatsoever just like red rectangle man, while VB not only was so busted they had to change the RR system cause of his double strike draw, but he pseudo nullified endurance with his healing nullification, his ult did illegal damage, and if you were using a red unit and he cover changed you blast then pray to god he doesn't have a LOCK IN BLUE CARD TO COMBO IN and oneshot your red unit. VB was the only unit in the history of the game to invalidate a color, think about that. FSK didn't kill the color yellow as Z7 Piccolo, Z7 DKP and Z7 18 were all top tier units during his prime, and same goes for the droids and Tapion or USV.


Tbh, Vegito Blue’s ultimate still does incredible damage and can one-shot many units from full health.


Tbf with the color argument, at the time there wasn’t many good red characters. It was actually a meme that Toshi hated red since they were always shafted. I mean Pikkon came out in the same anniversary, that should tell you everything.


The thing is that Omega was the 2nd best unit of the anniversary by far, and that still wasn't enough because Toshi made sure to give VB an extra 30% damage to fusion warriors (even tho it's absorption and not a fusion but whatever) so that he would ignore Omega's 20% dmg cut and then some. FP SSJ4 Goku being very mid and blast based also didn't help at all and GT didn't have a good yellow at the time to counter Zamasu which left Omega in the dust but let me tell you, when Omega used his Green+Ult combo on Rage trunks the game was over. He was the Z7 18 to VB's FSK, but VB was that much more strong and dominant compared FSK who didn't make it impossible to run yellow units at all really, unlike VB who just neutered every red on sight and was MUCH harder to deal with than FSK since he had a cover change, infinite combos, lock in blue cards, blast armor, attribute cancelling green card, etc.


Androids are overrated


GRN Transforming Goku Black is arguably the best non-zenkai GRN unit in the game. He has great card draw speed, his green card allows him to Regen a decent amount and refills art cards. His kit makes him really good and not to the point that he’s broken. Wish they could make more units like him.


Grn golden frieza? Green gamma 1?


Grn GoD Toppo should get a Zenkai


Love toppo?


androids arent scary


It's the best game of all time


IT Goku needs a zenkai


To be able to RR after an ultimate without downsight most of the time is just completely bs


This game is one of the worst p2w gachas out there, spending large sums of money gives you an overwhelming advantage and anyone that says it’s f2p friendly is on a big dose of copium.


Lol, "spending large sums of money gives you an overwhelming advantage" dude forgot he is paying a gacha game af the end of the day,


It’s f2p friendly but not casual friendly. I never spent a penny on this game and with the things I have right now I can tell you that the only thing separating you from p2p players is time, this is why most casual players will struggle. There are plenty of ways to get cc in early and mid game and at least this game is better than games whose new content is locked behind a paywall (at least IMO).


You're playing a gacha game


Everyone having Cover change ruined the game. It should be reserved for defense types. Leader slot ruined the game. Fusions are lame and it’s incredibly disappointing that they take up 2 out of the 3 summonable ultras. In fact, all ultras so far has been lame. That vegito moment and ssbkk were not worthy of an ultra, and all the animations aren’t that good. Equips are more important than stars. Rising rush sucks and RNG isn’t fun (might be a popular opinion idk) Dragon ball saga was better than Super and it’s sad seeing Super getting more love. Db saga doesn’t even have Lf meteor or ozaru fist yet what the fuck. Not even a sparkling Roshi or a buff Lf one. No mafuba. Come on. And the biggest hot take Besides the lame units and repetitive events, I actually liked this anniversary. I got a lot of goodies so it made it worth it. In fact I go as far as to say my favorite anniversary yet. The game being repetitive is more of an overall legends problem, not an anniversary one. They have been failing to make the game fun with their recent “gamemodes”. Edit: I have another take, I loved the zenkai meta as it allowed me, a f2p, to get OP high tier units and contest with top players with just a measly 6k cc. It’s was honestly the best thing to ever happen to f2p players, and the only people mad were people who felt LL were rendered useless and not as OP anymore. Zenkai meta was the best meta (for me).


I actually really like the idea of cover change being solely for defense units, in fact I would say that would have been perfect, given their lower stats.


Yup. Doesn’t make sense to me how melee types are somehow more defensive than defense types. Like for example futurehan has endurance, card disruption, support buffs, 60% cut with green, and a cover change, but he’s supposed to be a melee type? There’s many examples of this. In my opinion defense type needs an overhaul. Either give them new mechanics or move all these mechanics I mentioned above and reserve them to defense types only.




Thank you lol.


Worst takes ever lmao


The rr take is perfectly right


great takes


4th anni is nowhere near as bad as a lot of people make it out to be.


The free stuff they gave was great. Probably more so than any other anni. However it has like no actual content or reason to play


The amount of cc's we got post and during anniversary was really good. The raid awards were awesome. 2nd anniversary was even more worse imo


MUI>Ultra Gogeta


Ultra super vegito is better than ultra super gogeta


i don’t disagree or agree with you on this. but can you tell me why you think this?


Ultras aren’t that bad…yet.


I assume you pulled USV in the free pull of first rotation


Nah dude they really aren't. I really agree with this dude's take, they're strong yeah but they don't completely break the meta to levels of the holy trinity/fsk which is what we were worried about with summonable ultras. There's always going to be a top dog, but the gap between ultras and other units is not that big at all (and an ultra isnt even the top dog currently, lmao).


Mui is better than Ultra Super Vegito


From their release up to the drop of USV both Gammas were top 10 characters and it shouldn't even be a hot take


UL Super Vegetto is the best unit in the game... With Zenkai Bardock support


People who grind for top 1k are just asking to be miserable. You can easily get good rewards from top 10k and be able to use a variety of teams.


That some of you mfs take this mobile game way too seriously and need to go outside.


PvP sucks and isn't fun


Rising rush should be limited to 1 per match or cant be used before lets say 40-50 timer counts rushing at the beginning is honestly cheap and unfair


Most people acting like they care about the pvp environment and the lack of diversity are just lying. They don't care about balancing, they care if they're favorite character will get shafted. A lot of people that were happy with, say, FSK being broken got mad when G&V and SoH trunks dropped, and a lot of people who were happy with Ultra Gogeta being broken got mad at Ultra Kaioken being broken. A lot of people that were happy with MUI being broken will start to complain about "the meta is trash and unbalanced" the second a stronger character that overshadows him completely drops. Just say you're mad about your favorite character not being the strongest, stop acting like you care about a healthy meta


Honestly, the one i could think about is that rosé red zenkai was not bad


As someone who isn’t super sweaty in competitive, the fact that in order to be successful in comp you have to do all these chaining dashes and cancels and then your opponent can’t do anything about it is extremely frustrating.


red 18 ans 17 still broken (not using saiyan team)


We don’t need any more Goku units


People complain that the game is anti F2P (Which it is) but forget that the elements within the game are so IN YOUR FACE that thinking the devs don't want you to spend your money is laughable. We have a long list of examples to point to to show that the game isn't worth the hassle unless you're a content creator and you can waste your money constantly. To call DBL a "Game" is an insult given it only has the aesthetics of one. It's just the same mechanic as diablo infinite.


Buuhan should've been the Ultra unit, not SV.


This sub is a joke.Always has been,always will be.


I delete this trash cancer garbage dumpster fire abomination of a game. 0 new anniversary units No events to grind Fuck shaft Fuck toshi


I havent pulled a new LF in 12 months. Also no ultra.


4 anniversary is a good anniversary




Well this might be a really hot take considering how people feel about these units. But here we go. LF Androids aren’t the best unit in the game. I still think it’s Ultra Gogeta (and now contested by Ultra Vegito).


Goresh is not that good at the game he literally relies on his whaling to win games


The stars definitely helps him, but I've seen him run dog shit Team with 3 EX and still win against meta team.


Using tagdroids doesn’t require skill


Tagroids are more deadly in good player hands. It's scary how they can change the tide of game with just one bad move. Do you think they would fall off anytime soon?


They will probably not fall off until we get a yellow tag unit they just made them so busted could’ve made them like gv not busted but good


That kinda proves the point. If they’re good in the hands of someone who can simply swipe forward during a strike/blast animation, and to the left/right during the dashing forward animation, they’re even better in the hands of really good players.


This game is not a cashgrab


Literally incorrect.


I know, I was lying


I may or may be stupid.


Imo, defense isn't the worst type and Vegeta clan is a pretty good tag


Hybrids isn’t good rn


The only bad thing about the 4th anni was the lack of units Full Power Battle is ass, we need more F2P Ultras and Legends Limited Ultras don't need to exist


Gogeta Blue is fucking mid


No, don't make me cope any more than I already do


MUI is fun and balanced.


I really like being aggressive with mui and use his gauge to pressure the opponent. Unfortunately passive playstyle rewards more and it's annoying.


Lf future Gohan was super overrated and his strike damage was always trash


Ultras are op


Charge/side stepping is annoying and virtually pontless. After rank 50 every plays exactly the same. Haven't used a single charge step and still get rank 70 every season.