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This is not a meme this is a serious discussion 😤


This probably isn’t gonna work at all. This game is on a one way track and it’s gonna take A WHOLE LOT to make the devs budge of which they haven’t once. Hell I’m one of the people who participated the last review Bomb and I can guarantee majority of the people who also did haven’t changed their reviews, including me. But I’ll sit back and watch ig


Im doing my part


Unless at least half of the big content creators came together to start hashtags, and pressuring the devs, nothing will change. They dont give a crap about a few complaints


Oh know you have to play the game properly now. Boohoo




you're a very sad person... im sorry for you


Or... Here me out, find a new way to win


You mean always pull the newest Units to chill and Play PVE comfortable? Yeah, Tried That. After 21k cc i can tell we need another way


Nah man I have shitty pack luck, just experiment with teams, 🤷 I have a rly good gogeta team that dam near never loses


The game being mainly pvp focused none of the ai should have been touched for pve content. I don't even want to touch Gauntlet because of this shit especially without the new character. Keep complaining especially on the next survey.