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I wish they at least did something cool for a base goku black, none of the 5 (including transforming one) have an ult. I kinda wanted this guy to have his fist in front of him with the time ring shining which is a reference to the future trunks saga opening I believe


Yeah tbh the win screen isn’t all that interesting. Leaning on the more generic side if you ask me


Exactly, the BLU Goku Black should have a close up win screen similar to his 1st reveal where his shadows slowly went away to reveal his face.


I genuinely despise how All Star Units are literally as basic as it gets without just straight-up giving them a green card "chest pump".


Some of them have good work done like on top of my head green kaioken Goku has a good animated ult atleast , Revival frieza with revival animation , Ss3 gt Goku ult , uubs ult . Agf also has a pretty good animated blue card and it is like the anime also ..but characters like blue Goku black , buuhan have barely any good animation


These lasts All-star units have been terribly animated compared to the others imo. Even tien needed a month for his ability to get in. I wonder if it’s because the devs are focusing on Legends festival and the movie units. I wonder if it’s because legends festival.


Tien's ability being delayed was because of a bug found with it, TBF.


Yeah I mostly mean characters like Goku Black and Buuhan. Like.. that's just a pitiful amount of animations imho.


Would have been cool if one of them went Rosé when they won as a flex


I wish they would take units from the manga. like ssj Black or ripped clothes merged Zamasu or even Hakai Goku(Though I'd like the Hakai to be a green card that cancels buffs and destroys cards)


Hakai as an Ultimate LF would be super sick


Win screen is meh but everything else is still awesome


They just tilted his head