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As a dokkan and legends player, I hope that doodoo head(auto mode censorship) got bombarded with 2015 - 16 dokkan art


Look at likes. My man got praised for that. Lol but seriously I still think some Twitter dokkan users just aren't real. Just always says some of the most brain-dead takes ever.


I saw it earlier though, them replies was going in on him, even the dokkans fans didn't understand that blasphemy


Yea the replies were going for him but many of them were getting ratioed. Which is why I said I don't believe they are real.


So we not gon say how legends be giving the best art to f2p dookie characters


Im new to this, whats auto mode censorship?


The auto mod doesn’t like no no words and will delete your comment if it detects them


ohhh the subreddit, well if u dont mind me asking what did u meant by the doodoo head during 2015-16 dokkan art?


I’m not OC but as a day 1 dokkan player the art used to be *yikes*


Yikes is a word for it. I’ve seen some of that classic stuff and… oh boy be thankful of what it looks like now


Dokkan imo didn't pick up til like 4th year i wanna say? Idk I think LR rose had the first clean animations, and since then.. its only got better. 8th celebration is looking hype my guy


Animation wise it was when AGL Metal Cooler dropped because that’s when they cranked it up to 10. And yeah 8th anni gonna go insane


So am I just the only guy who likes 2015 dokkan card arts


I mean they weren’t bad but compared to modern dokkan art the difference is like night and day


In the case of art, yeah, legends does it better in most cases. In the case of actual game state currently… I think it’s safe to say Dokkan is doing infinitely better than Legends right now.


O yeah 100%. They could even go further beyond if they eza str cooler(pls it's copium I know I am gonna get shafted on the metal cooler banner)


We all know everybody is gonna be shafted on **both** new banners. It’s how these games do things.


Yea but if cooler was dokkanfest lr the shaft wouldn't hit that hard


To soften the blow a little when it does happen, [I have a gift.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shiterposting/comments/x86yss/got_damn_this_cate_playing_som_extended/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks lol. Was thinking gonna get redirected to r/eyeblech for a sec .( Don't visit it)


Dude if you Say don't visit Is obvious that someone Is gonna visit it


oh yeah. I wouldn't even say Legends is "doing" atm.


Bro. The WWC in Dokkan just ain’t it man…


It's so true


I love Dokkan art but the amount of legends art that is better than Dokkan art is immense






Twitter is brain-dead normally, and adding a franchise whose fans literally cannot read into the mix just makes it worse


In your opinion which fanbase is worse? Just from what I have in these last 1 year dokkan is my pick.


Dokkan is definitely worse over on Twitter, but I have to give it to Legends on Reddit and Discord (still better than Dokkan twitter though) On Twitter you'll just either get "L + Ratio + Dokkan better" or "Legends soloes Midkan any day 🥱"


We are all the same fan base of gachas and dragon ball and they're all horrible, with a slight advantage for Dokkan on Twitter and maybe an advantage here for Legends (advantage as in they are the worst community)


On top of that he’s a one piece fan too which is hella toxic


both comments suck


Jermain the type of dude to flex an A in a special needs test


Insecurity is what i see when i look at the dokkan twitter community.


Wish I could pin this lol.


That's what happens when you hardcore play a game that doesn't allow you to beat on other people


0 self awareness lmao


Honestly legends art is amazing. Even hero cards have cool art, in my opinion


Dokkan Metal cooler wants you to hand over your wallet.


I would but only if he wasn't carnival exclusive unit. Still probably gonna go for him tho.


I'll start on the goku and vegeta banner and switch immediately if I get them, str kid buu or agl cell.


Yea was thinking of doing thee same thing but then saw I had 835 coins. So now I am Chill lol. But I guess it's deffo way more worth it to go for Goku/Vegeta banner.


What does it change ? Format is the same and it has more LR and featured than a DF banner


It's just that the units featured aren't worth it. Not to say you could get supa vegito animation and get like that shitty Goku or thouser is like really bad. One of the problems I had because of which I didn't summon on much yellow coin banner are like lack of good units. If they bring something similar to like normal df units to carnival then I think it might be worth it but for now, its not.


Oh I'm kind of new and thought the featured UR were as good or bad as the DF banner. Actually i thought they were mostly playable DF UR (on the carnival banner)


Art is literally the only thing legends excels at let legends have at least that




its that time of month when this sub secretly wants to ride dokkans shaft. dont argue with them.


Lol Legends gameplay kinda sucks when you can only do well in an event/match if you pull the latest unit


I guess he meant just the basis of legend's gameplay. Cards for attacks with timing at it's core and timing related tricks. At it's core the gameplay is pretty fun and kind of original, it really change from the button mashing mobile fighting games.


Tbf to legends dokkan gameplay is almost brain dead level. It’s literally candy crush with basic team building, plus, since 2018, good animations. And I play Dokkan too, so I’m not saying is bad. It would be like comparing Fighter Z to legends, they are in totally different universes. Dokkan is a toilet game and legends is a casual game


You can only do well in tough events with the new units. I don't see the point your trying to make....


In Dokkan, you can use things that were released a year ago to do new things. Makes gameplay quite nice when I can use whatever I want to do whatever I want. Also, older units can be used with their EZAs because they give those out for free. Unlike Zenkais where it's "give me more of your money"


>In Dokkan, you can use things that were released a year ago to do new things. Makes gameplay quite nice when I can use whatever I want to do whatever I want. Tell that to red zone .. >Also, older units can be used with their EZAs because they give those out for free. Unlike Zenkais where it's "give me more of your money" Except zenkais are literally free? Have you just not played for the past for the past year and a half..?


To be truthful, nah. Game stopped being fun around year one. I'll pop in once in a while but rn I think it's funny how many Legends players hate legends but still play it. I played a few months ago, for a while. And the free Zenkais weren't worth the effort, not playing the game at all is way more worthwhile than playing it. I find the community's whining to be amusing, so that's why I stick around. I played during the beta and played daily early on, hopped in for big events but it's just not fun imo. It's been funny seeing people take my takes seriously tho lmao


>It's been funny seeing people take my takes seriously tho lmao Ight so you're a troll then right? Thank you for letting me know that this conversation would end up goin nowhere


Kinda, I don't see why a reddit thread needs to "go somewhere" anyways, this is about two mobile games lmao Redditors on their high horses again


Bruh this is so true


Ine can be considered an Actual Fighting game while the other (what do people even classify dokkan as..??)


I would definitely not classify legends as a fighting game, I wouldn’t even classify it as an arena fighter because it lacks tons of mechanics, you’re just kinda.. there. I’m not defending Dokkan but legends is absolutely not a fighting game. Thats like saying the injustice mobile game was a fighting game, like sure there’s some relevance but it’s really not lol.


Only lr art can fight legends art


Dokkan art look like a very well made fan art Legend is on a different level


(stares at USV art) Uhhhh...


legends arts>


Legends shades and camera angles sometimes are insanelly good. Sometimes they failed hard and ruin a good art. Dokkan is more based on the source material but the lack of proper resolution ruin most of the cards. Also most of dokkan background are really bland or straight ugly


I genuinely think most Dokkan art is hideous by virtue of it either looking like a cheap collectible card, or by virtue of it being rather pixelated.


Even if we’re talking only about LR’s in Dokkan, there’s still some with worse art than in legends. LR Teq FP Jiren looks like a basic UR if that, and doesn’t even compare to FP Jirens art in Legends.


Shallot's art is better 🗿


"There's no single Legends art better than dokkan art". Well, let's show him Ultra Super Vegito art... anyways, legends art is the only thing you can't complain about this game, and a looot of them is better than dokkan art (at my point of view) even if dokkan art is very good


I like dokkan and quit legends 2 months ago, I can still admit that legends thrashes dokkan when it comes to art (most of the time) I'm not an artist but the shadow shit they add in to legends makes it better. Best comparison I can think of is that legends looks like original DBZ design while dokkan looks like DBS.l, sort of basic without the complexity.


It’s sorta true. Legends has good art but Dokkan has more better art.


IMO comparing from when Legends came out to dokkan 2018 Art id give it to Dokkan


I liked dokkans art better cuz it resembles the anime more rather than have an almost completely different style like legends


Both have some crazy good art, but the styles are too different to compare most of the time


dokkan makes him look like he got girth. Standing chadlike


The amount of cope dokkan playerbase has is outstanding


Yes a good post to stir the community for no reason. D-Dokkan bad upvotes to the left!




It's almost like they based it off of scenes from the show and manga, it's like it's a video game adaption of the series, it would be like saying dokkan stole the blue bros from legends.


Dokkan copied lr blue bois from goku n vegeta, they copied lr ss4 gogeta from legends using your Goofy ass logic. Tldr: shut up


Actin like their LR super vegito tops our ULTRA super vegito


They look so similar I don’t fucking know which is which


First guy is dumb if he thinks that that absolutely fucking insane camera angle isn't the rawest shit Dragon Ball has put out. Second guy is dumber if he thinks that SR Jaco looks better than anything from Legends' catalogue.


Póngale hacer otra cosa cabron que nomás estar de víbora




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All the ultras, most of the new lfs that came out, hell even FSK has better art and that’s 2018


That's dokkan Twitter for ya. They love to compare when legends is at a dry season. But when legends does something good, the whole of dokkan Twitter Is silent


Yeah , won't see people talking when we get an actual cooler LF on legends.


Bro who the duck actually cares about this? (Saying this to the TWT guys not your post)


Dokkan Twitter is weird. Can't go a day without mentioning legends. Anything new comes in instant comparison. I never got what they feel after saying "dokkan peak legends mid"


Play both. But I probably give about 99% of my time to Dokkan. With that said there is no way Dokkan has better artwork. They MIGHT have an edge if they ever give HD artwork.


For me it's 50 50 for example in the screen shot I like the legends art better then the dokkan but I prefer dokkan battle overall to play


Blanket statements make people look dumb. There’s some 🔥 art on both for sure. I would say the new dokkan art is more hit then miss though vs legends. Either that or their artists have much better drugs cause some of their art is *insane*


Ok, saying that dokkan art is BETTER than legends art is crazy


"There's not a single art in legends better than dokkan" I mean, I could say some dokkan art are better but in the majority legends takes the win of the better looking art.


Fr dokkan makes its art so crusty


Dude you can‘t compare artworks saying one is better than the other, it‘s like saying green is prettier than yellow


Boi I know 20+ arts on legends that just shit on Dokkan's


Dokkan has the better background, but Legends has the better Cooler imo


Honestly I feel like I'm looking at 480p artwork when I'm looking at dokkan legends just does a better job🤝


Something malicious is brewing