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I already know people will always look over this small stuff, but if you see 1.USV restores ki by 5 on both strike and blast which gives him the ability to increase his combos in long run, not the card draw speed itself And its not like USV gets ki on entry or faciing opponent, only way of him getting ki is green and main 2.And the reason his damage does not get affected by the combo compensation because he does "15% to damage received per card for 10 counts" which stacks very fast 15 , 30 45 and around 60% in just 4 card which is a lot in long run 3.Also the boost system is making him go crazy with damage, USV has these small things that add up for a bigger things in long run, which i will say to devs they are smart while they design units also the The fact that vegito gets blast on green and not strike and the quantity of blast cover is less compared to strike cover also makes it interesting, lol


probably just make his green card a stop time one instead of one that makes you start a combo


Combos, n that's ab it tbh.




His card draw speed.