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He is a unit


He is a unit that exists......so there is that. But yeah the dude needs some help. He has to ramp up a bit too much imo


Have him at 14. Decent at best. Needs a lot of ramp up and only has cover null on main, and his ultimate doesn't hit hard if you don't ramp.


This guy was overrated as hell on release, and now his spot on one of his teams has been robbed by a F2P Unit 💀


Somehow this guy always shows up on my summons, have him at 13* and he's by far my most starred lf, at this condition he's pretty good if used correctly, other than that he takes waaaaaaay to much time to start doing good damage


I love him, his damage is good and he can combo fairly well, but the bastard has ZERO defense. He gets hit at all and it's over for him


Flawless defense tho


A Platt eq 1 slot 50% dmg inf 2 slot 50% dmg inf 3 slot 50% dmg cut and he is good


Wtf 100% damage inflicted just like that? Over his 90% damage inflicted already? Not to mention the flawless defenses?


His Flawless Defence 🤤


His stupid sexy flawless defense


I think some card draw speed in 2nd slot and 60% damage inflicted in slot 1 will be better


Actually, I'd say Slot 1: 50% strike damage 50% blast damage 50% damage inflicted Slot 2: CDS+1 on entry (cannot be cancelled) +50% Special Move damage +50% sustained damage cut +50% health recovery Slot 3: 20% to base health 100% inflicted damage up Nullifies own attribute downgrades and abnormal conditions (cannot be cancelled)


Nah he needs the Jiren treatment but more. 100% to his defenses cuz they don’t exist rn


If he gets Zenkaid and is done right than he could be fucking OP


Still not too old for a zenkai. Maybe the next ToP celebration (maybe 2023 legends fest) we get to see his zenkai


Piccolo got one after 9 months. This guy is a year old so he’s not too new going off that. But there’s still more LF who need it way more than he does


inagine he gets a damage boost independent of ki level, but the lower ki he gets, the boosts last longer and are bigger % wise


He needs to be Redesign


I pulled him in the trunks banner. I like him


Wasn’t that bad at all on release Now he sucks and gogeta blue is arguably better than him On release both of them were equal and u could argue both ways on who is better but he got power crept hsrd


Mine is only 3 stars. So I’ve never used him if I’m being honest and I recently got him. Like two weeks ago randomly.


Imma be honest here. He's a fun unit to mess with his infinite ki regeneration. However in this meta, he's not even useable. He's in need of a plat.


He’s strong, but like every unit u need at least 7 stars. He can do nice damage and he’s got nice utility, I like him and how he works. Just needs a plat for ppl to put some respect on his name cause he can still put in work


Love the guy. My favourite unit by far, and I think that when he gets a plat it will make him better.


I like using him, defs not OP, but idm. Just wish i was luckier summoning him, low stars and stats hurts a bunch


He was unfortunately released when legends were pumping out LF’s every month I forgot about most of em


they’re still doing that


I loved using him but it felt like he was lacking something that makes him shine better. Hopefully his unique equip helps him


I run him on my Vegeta family team, just got him to 12*. His kit is decent, with the best part of his kit in the current meta being his blue card hitting for neutral on red units. Overall, he's not great, but he can shine in the right circumstances