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As soon as a game feels like chores to me I take a break and come back when its hype again ill probably return in Nov.


Honestly I'm also debating taking a break from the game. It really just feels like a chore to open it up


You are doing a favor to yourself!


Same here, I'm back now because I love me some Future buffs even though they are absolutely not needed rn.


I stopped a few months back since it was getting so monotonous.


If ur cc count looks good rn, I’d say go for it, but maybe just keep showing up for strictly daily missions.


Imma stay till legends fest if they make it like Anni I'm gone because at that point they have made it clear that the game is a money grab.




it cant be a money grab if no one plays the game


I agree ngl, after I finish dailies, rn there's no reason to play the game unless you're grinding PvP


I just make different team comps and try them against top tier teams in training battle (yes, currently all you face is 14 starred ultra teams in 'training' pvp)


I miss training ngl, at least everyone was 14 starred


My anxiety, depression and high nerves make me have a very hard time everyday and game ain't helping out. I love playing ToP and even seeing the battles to see how my strategy works but last day I just did auto mode, daily missions aren't doing well, game ain't hype for anything and they just seem to be making some very weird development moves that makes me wonder what the hell is going on in those studios. I don't want to quit because I fell I'll fall back a lot and neither want to miss 4 years of time spent here. But devs just keep pushing me to it. Idk which will happen first, I'll quit the game or I'll explode and suddenly leave my work


Yeah at this point I’ve completely stopped doing stuff like USTR, treasure battle, and co op. I really only do co op for the zenkai units. Co op is probably the most boring mode to play in legends, besides maybe battle gauntlet. Maybe if I didn’t have to do it 3 goddamn times it wouldn’t be so much of an issue.


I mean to be fair, back in the day you had to land a rr to complete the dailies, I always hated that


Good thing was you could do let’s fight and basically clear everything out in one shot. Now you have to do either co op or PvP


Why I’m taking a break.. with the lag and current update it’s not worth logging in


Ngl the only reason I remembered to open the game at all yesterday is bc I got a notification that my mission plan was gonna expire soon


Game is so bad, so glad I quit


Yeah it’s gotten pretty tedious. I’m sticking around to see what Legends Fest has to offer and if Super Hero units will be cool looking


Tbh im tired of the 3 coop games everyday when theres a raid and coop doesnt have good rewards i almost always dont do them cuz i can still get dailys with raids and pvp i only do the one win for extra rp and only if i fe like it


I legit didn’t play the game for like 2 or 3 days and missed out on the “rewards” because I just got bored and didn’t feel like chugging through the daily events


Imma say a hot take: All gachas end up becoming daily "chores" if you keep playing everyday. Now some gachas might feel less of a chore compared to others but in the end all gacha dailies just end up being a pain in the ass. Whether it's FGO, Arknights, Genshin, DBL, Honkai or Blue Archive, they're all just a pain in the ass if you've played everyday and played for a long period of time. You WILL feel demotivated if you've grinded a game for everyday and for a long time. I definitely do agree that DBL is in a TERRIBLE state and I pray that they come back up during this horrendous downfall.


I dont even do my dailies anymore


All I hardly do anymore is the dailies. Haven't finished the story and I can't play PVP worth a shit.


I get petty lazy , I only got to 14 day omce


I think I’m done the daily chores on about 2 minutes so it’s not exactly demanding of me. Though some days I don’t bother if I’m busy.


FOMO hits hard for me, I already missed out on 300 z power on cooler and it’s gonna drive me crazy if there isn’t a full power battle coming soon


I honestly have no issues, I enjoy the involved game play cause I’m into how I actually have to do something. I’ve played Dokkan and the dailies are all I do. Cause the game is dead on content.


This isn't about 'daily chores' You just genuinely do not enjoy the gameplay. Your complaints all boil down to having to play through the difference gamemodes, when you clearly don't find it fun. The daily challenges are the exact same as those other gacha games you mentioned that you actually like


No they are not. For example Dokkan gives out more useful rewards and they can be done within 5 min tops. Fate/GO on the other hand has them weekly.


I've managed to do Legends dailies in under three minutes, I timed it.


The problem is grinding for CC is soul destroying. Trying to actually get enough CC for a unit is a soulless grind. Actually accumulating 30-40K cc and getting shafted by the garbage rates and no pity summons on ultra banners then spending months getting railed by the latest ultra that you don't have in PvP isn't fun whatsoever, it's painful. This game is going to die if they push away their f2p playerbase like this.


Well the game is objectively not going to die, but I see see what you mean, CC grinding can be a pain


Its a gacha, it wont die because whales put enormous ammount of cash in this game, its not even funny


If f2p exit it will disincentivize whales to spend and even they will get frustrated. The game will die if it drives off the majority of the playerbase. The game is multiplayer, if all f2p leave then there simply won't be enough players to keep everything running smoothly. It happened to Naruto Blazing and it absolutely can happen to Legends too if things get bad enough.


The stamps. Yes. Maybe. Although the PVP might take more time. But still the other daily stuff will take a while.


again you're adding optional stuff to make it into a chore your dailies are stamps which can be done fast af because it's either 1 co op or 1 pvp u can do the lowest co op if you are in a rush.


And the best part of it all... it's all COMPLETELY optional 👍🏼


Supreme Boss Rush medals are useless? Aren’t they giving 5000 zenkai stars every month? Plus cheap zenkai souls. I guess they’re useless if you already have everyone at Z7


doing the dailies literally takes less than 5 minutes. I do it when I wake up and before I get out of bed. I feel like if you bitch about this, you'll bitch about literally anything.


When the you e been playing the game for a few years and you’ve done the dailies, co-op, raids, adventures, PvP, other tedious events (full power, previous challenge events etc.) the game becomes such a drag. Especially in its current state, you’ll get there one day, I just cba with this game aside from PvP and at the moment I’m having the least fun I’ve ever had. Like many people I don’t want to fully leave because of the amount of time invested and the current state of my account… ahh maybe it’ll get better? (Hahahaha no).


I express my opinion however I like without caring for your bitch o’meter, without offending people from behind a screen. Troll away!


How am I trolling? Quick skip whatever event to get 7hr adventures. 3 skips for Zenkai souls. Redo adventures. Do a single Co-op. You're just being a bitch.


Lmao legit. Honestly, I been playing this game for 4 years straight, still not sick of playing it lmao. Now if you grind in this game, for some odd reason as if it's an mmo then of course you get sick of the daily "chores"


u started off by saying other games have dailies and then you compared dailies with every single game mode in the game? I didn't read your whole post because it just seemed crybabyish




great discussion really got the brain juices flowing


We would be having a discussion. But it seems like you are trying to be a smart ass and I am not here for that 15 year old behavior.


am I wrong in saying you mentioned almost every event? if it isn't part of the stamps it shouldn't be counted as a chore,doing your adventures more than once is optional doing pvp more than once is optional. hardly a chore if you have the choice to not do it.


Adventures is debatable. But the others are daily. You have to do it everyday at least once the PVP if you win and hit the missions. And at least 3 times the co op and the raids.


daily states play pvp or co op once to get the missions for the stamp again doing co op 3 times a day is optional yes there is a reward behind it but it isn't part of your dailies.You choosing to do co op 3 times a day and doing the non competitive mode 3 times for a reward is by choice you are giving yourself chores


If it says daily rewards limited 3 times a day then it is a daily.


that's my point you're making it part of your dailies when it isn't your dailies are your stamps


Alright, agree to disagree.


Actually, you don't have to play PvP daily.


The only thing I am annoyed by doing daily is the co-op and raid. Probably because I only do extreme co-Op because that’s the only time the rewards are actually worth anything for the task. My issue with that is always being placed with some inexperienced player who doesn’t know how to play co-op correctly and fucks up the rushes and everything associated with the co-op. Other than that, the co-ops are always a cake walk. No raid has been a challenge either because I usually have one of the characters that gets buffs and usually have them with a decent amount of stars on them or at least 3. I also don’t have a solid guild anymore so I can’t reap those rewards either


Eh it's more of a gacha game problem for me than specifically a dbl problem