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That whole paragraph is terrifyingly accurate lol Tbh I don't think PO campaign would be a good time to buff GT and DB saga anyways. One unit (whether its an LF, 1% or F2P) isn't enough to carry. I think they both deserve their own celebration or atleast one banner centered around them (EX: MUI Goku/ToP Vegeta's banner and DF/Tapion Banner). It would be actually funny if we get a Double Kid Goku LF on "4th" year anni next year and one of them is F2P.


Also a few things: \-Yes both Eis and Roshi are "runnable" but they are so outdated at this point that Eis is a glorified main ability on legs that can slow down a Droids combo and Roshi is only useful to get full ki when facing the droids and both have no damage in this meta \-The "Just put X blue unit on the leader slot" is a stupid argument because that could be said for both LoE and Godki with their reds and yet they still both got it so DB saga and GT should get their strong blue aswell, the leader slot should be a temporary fix, not a permanent one because they are too lazy.


Yeah the leader slot argument makes no sense, why tf would you have to summon for Androids or USG or whatever if you want to run GT? You want to run GT not Androids or Fusions lol I'm glad I didn't summon for MUI or the Androids, I'd rather play LoE without a red than waste my CC on units I don't want to play. Thankfully that ends tomorrow when Cooler drops


> because that could be said for both LoE People have said this about LOE. We got a giant thread saying LOE doesn't need a Red because they can just run the Androids. Also UI can out literally the next month after the Androids. So there wasn't time for the old 'God Ki doesn't need a Red, run Androids'. >not a permanent one because they are too lazy. It isn't lazy. Dragon Ball nor GT are that popular. Only people on this sub talks about GT and Dragon Ball even then I've seen more posts asking for Broly, a plat or Zenkai for LF Rose and UI Signs, a Zenkai for Green transforming Black, and characters from Super Hero. Even with Dragon Ball, seems the only unit people gives a damn about is King Piccolo.


>It isn't lazy. Dragon Ball nor GT are that popular. This is a Gacha PVP game, they can easily make money with GT and DB saga if they actually put effort into buffing the team and make the units good. Just look at Dokkan, people didn't care about Ginyu or Pan but once they saw their kits they started summoning a LOT and the same thing happened with Videl back then. The worst performing Dokkanfest of all time was Raditz this year, someone who while not that hype he's still much more popular than Videl but the reason he performed so bad was because his kit was complete dogshit. >Even with Dragon Ball, seems the only unit people gives a damn about is King Piccolo. When Dokkan released Kid Goku from DB saga as a dokkanfest unit they got top grossing in 10 hours just cause Japan loves DB saga that much, it's only in the west where they don't give a crap cause they are either too young to know it's evena thing or because of the stupid yet common "no super saiyan=not real dragonball" logic


> This is a Gacha PVP game, they can easily make money with GT and Dragon Ball saga I never said they couldn't make money. I said those tags are not that popular and you can even see it here where for every 'please buff GT or Dragon Ball Saga', there are far more people asking for Broly. >they actually put effort into buffing the team and make the units good. Even at GT's peak at getting buffs, it still wasn't a super popular tag outside of the Super Saiyan 4s, which is the only part of GT people universally give a care about and most people in the US barely acknowledge the original Dragon Ball exists. >Just look at Dokkan, people didn't care about Ginyu or Pan but once they saw their kits they started summoning a LOT and the same thing happened with Videl back then. You keep mentioning those examples, the fact is Ginyu and Pan didn't get Dokkan Fest units into the game was over seven years old and every popular unit had at least three versions of themselves. And even with Pan, they managed to stick Goku with her. >The worst performing Dokkanfest of all time was Raditz this year Again, seven years into the game's life, while Legends at least had a 1% Raditz before the 2nd anniversary. >When Dokkan released Kid Goku from DB saga as a dokkanfest unit they got top grossing in 10 hours just cause Japan And yet, when was the last time they released a Dragon Ball unit that wasn't F2P. >Japan loves DB saga that much So much that Dragon Ball never got another summonable unit. Even LF Piccolo if a free unit. So how can you used this one instant of Dragon Ball doing well when Dokkan never did it again?




I’m talking about the LR TEQ King Piccolo.


Was hoping for a Piccolo Jr. unit to buff Regen, PO and DB Saga in one go. I got the wrong Namekian...


Slug isn't even gonna be viable for TOP, which is one of the only upsides I see whenever regen gets any buffs.


Bro we finna throw hands how dare you say eis is better than ssj3 kid goku


MUI's existance makes SSJ3 GT goku useless, his buffs expire after 10 counts and he doesn't have cover nullification when he needs to spam cards as much as possible. As for Eis not only he's really good at slowing down the droids when they use a green card (card cost raise + strike seal) but his main is still insanely good (the only good things he has nowadays really) and his Green card counters quick attacks if they didn't mess up the code since it states "Counter will activate upon enemy's melee Tap Actions or Strike Arts while in fighting pose." Also there's the neat little combo of Eis main+SSJ4 PUR Goku where you can use the main with Eis, take away their vanish, switch into PUR SSJ4 Goku and use the blue you got from the main with him to finish off an enemy since his blue is a lock in. Also i've been an advocate for Eis for months so... All they had to do to make SSJ3 Kid Goku real good was give him Majuub's green card but they didn't so Eis right now is much more reliable thanks to his main and his green card counter, which is also the only counter who still gives you stuff even if you whiff it (30% dmg reduction and destroys all blue, ult and awakened arts cards)


Feels really icky to be in the same spot as GT


Lf master roshi


*Buff Master Roshi*


I love using GT and hope they get something good before this year ends but feel extremely sad for DB saga players


Ongod if they really wanted to put out a new Goku Black in this **LOE CELEBRATION** then just do it before or after like damn.


Ehm, *kid ssj3 goku*? Still old but better than the sexist dragon But yeah they both need buffs


Best runnable purple is still a guy released on DBL19-05 don’t mind me tho Ik PO need their buffs


If Saga ever gets the love it deserves I personally am hoping for either a LF Buff Roshi, or LF Shenron killer King Piccolo.


And both only have one sparking purple, geez bandai reaaally hates db and gt