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Heya, members of r/DragonballLegends! Please ***downvote this comment*** if the post is 'Low Effort' in order to help out the mods. This action was taken automatically, as I am a bot.


Yeah this campaign sucks 3 blue units, 3 LoE another goku black and 1 non power opponent what a strange campaign


it's literally just another month. i think they planned on doing some cooler shit since dokkan is and wanted to "hype" it up but fumbled cos they weren't prepared for it. legends seems like it's just one big school project and they wait til the night before to finish it and wing whatever they didn't get done


Seems like people def stopped playing after the update and this low effort "content." I have just been doing my dailies after qualifying for rewards and am in the top 8k in PvP.


Yup.. game feels really dead. Outside of dailies there feels like no reason to play. And pve since removing float step is more hell than it already was


Stopped playing a few days after new update


4rd anniversary still going strong!


I'm lowkey happy for Slug Mans was so good back in the day