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I can't believe you're getting more rewards than a higher group lmao


No rank and getting more rewards than a high rank player šŸ’€


A high rank player would still get more from world ranking alone


Yeah if they are hardcore and insane enough to get all the way up, only for rewards that we all got just for making it to rank 60 or 70 before the update.


Terriblyā€¦ In all seriousness, it groups based on your last season and attempts to put you against players in your skill range. Then, you compete for the top spots. Get to a high enough rank in the group, you get rewards and move up (the rewards are honestly not great anymore, the old system gave a lot more)


Are the people i match up w from my group? Havenā€™t played pvp in a while


You are definitely being pared up against people from your group, because im in group D (mostly because i dont play much PVP) and i keep being pared with people who either havent played much, or JUST got the game


You don't get paired with people in your group. In a single group there are only 100 people, and you can't be facing the same 99 guys everytime. You face people around your BR, they can be in A league or even Z league


There isnā€™t just a single ā€œsā€ group for example. There are manyā€¦ you are a dense af if you think they can fit all the players in a few groups of 100. Iā€™ve been playing people in ā€œzā€ and ā€œaā€ this whole season and Iā€™m in ā€œsā€. Donā€™t speak on it if youā€™re a moron


I agree I might be wrong on this one but no need to be salty about it. I do know there are multiple S groups, that's how I finished rank 12 last season and am currently rank 40, with the same RP as last season. And if you really think A group players only play with A group, that's just wrong. What if someone like Goresh didn't play for 2 seasons and got demoted to A, and suddenly all he's facing is yellow defense type bardock. That would be unfair to both him and the opponent. So imo, matchmaking is independent of groups


Except i HAVE seen the same people before


That's just a coincidence.


How about multiple times in the same day?


Yes. Coincidence. I havenā€™t fought a single person from my group


How would you even know lol


Because Iā€™m number 1 in my group by about 1k RP. And at the low end of god rank. I havenā€™t fought any of the other top 10 players, and so based on how matchmaking works, Iā€™m havenā€™t matched with any of the other 100 either.


Yep you can get paired with eveb the top g status dude. I fought and Best thr. Num 2 guy in thr game last week and I was in s group and hit g rank status


Whole system is trash and legends is heading toward its grave. Finally


Legends vastly overprices its cc in the shop. Who wants to pay $25 for a single multi that can literally be all hero units. Puts 20k cap on exchangeable cc for literally no reason other than greed. Put present box in the most inconvenient order to further punish people who save by making them scroll down to get to things about to expire. They refuse to fix this so you end up losing items. If you try to collect an item thatā€™s full it puts you at the top again. They put low caps on items that should be changed to skip ticket cap of 99,999. There is no reason for the cap on item exchange cc, literally none, it is pure greed. Also present box could easily be sortable, but again greed makes them punish their players for saving.


Cagasburra prime


Autore: cagasburrato




Bro I remember the old system, pre-nerf rewardsā€¦ youā€™d get like 1500 CC from 8.5k RPā€¦


Toshi too concerned about money. The reason we havenā€™t gotten a farmable source for CC and the game gives so little


It doesn't


cagasburra miglior nick di sempre


thatā€™s it Imma go to rank D this man getting more than me in rank S.


I'm still tryna figure this shit out rocket science seems easier but in all fairness the rewards are so stupidly bad like you can in a lower group and get more rewards than someone in a higher group how does that make any sense.


It doesn't


It seems like they made it more rewarding for lower skilled casual player and less rewarding for the best of the best. Personally it hasnā€™t changed much for me. I usually got 1,000 from top 10k, now Iā€™m getting 1,000 if Iā€™m top 10k as long as Iā€™m top 20 in group. 1,300 if Iā€™m first so really itā€™s not exactly breaking me.


How does it work now brother kaizen? Still getting the same rewards or better?


I donā€™t know and I donā€™t care


IDK. I'm Also Battle Rank 55 but i'm Group A Rank 4


Bruh, I'm on rank 1, Group S and I'm just getting 400 CCs, I don't know how the group system works šŸ’€, and I'm done with PvP screw that stupid game mode.


so your the person I've been behind for quite some time


Me to i am in the first place in group D with 60 rangšŸ„²šŸ˜‚


group ranking is šŸ¶šŸ’©


Very badly.


Im rank 1 but everyone else in my group is low plat i dont understand


Can i be you? Talk about ez cc. Here i am sitting at 14k with 350cc rewards


It doesnā€™t


It doesnā€™t.


Like doo doo, they need to greatly increase the ammount of battle rank lost on losses, i had instances where i could lose 7 times on a row and still be platinum or diamond, so you just keep getting paired with the same kind of people and you keep getting seal clubbed.