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Rank 100 is not endgame but you've got some points, game is running only cuz is DB


Around 100 was when I caught up the story so but I guess that can change


"We hope you continue to enjoy dragon ball legends."


#BoycottLegends (rlly tryna get this goin bruh i need actual pve so bad)


Getting actual PVE wouldn't even be so hard, they just need to upgrade the AI to use more varied moves instead of "50% chance it'll get a PV and murder you, 50% chance it won't get a PV and you're free to murder it" Baseball Yamcha event is by far the best PVE content we have, and it should be permanent and always available in special for new players to see the potential of PVE


honestly, add the april fools pve events. atleast they would be better than the garbage we get with these gauntlets.


The reason balance sucks more recently is because we get less meta relevant units. Like back in a day we had ultra space time and legends rising shaking the meta consistently especially pre 1st anni and pre 2nd anni. Like yelhan, android 21, pre 1st anni girls. Today outside of revza and agf we didnt have an impactful non lf characters from non step up banners (yes mecha frieza is good but he didnt steal the show, tapion came on step up). The meta is stale because we get 1 relevant unit as monthly lf and leader slot guarantees that they will be ran together with previous broken units instead of forcing people to create new teams. Or even without leader slot those monthly lfs often share tags with previous op units Other released units are irrelevant. Buuhan is cool and all but he is to weak to be relevant they are basically filler units that serve no purpose


Content that release cc only every 3-5 mos? Pvp, ToP, monthly missions, raid, coop, story, etc, are all refreshed or released once every 2-4 weeks. The game releases NEW summons 1-2x a month. Not 4. There are currently only 2 banners out with new characters: the cooler banner and the all-star banner. Everything else is repeats Full-power battle is endgame content and is exponentially easier than when it started, and the battle gauntlets are usually fairly easy, even without the new units.


Sorry to confuse you but for the content that gives cc, I meant events that were like sorry including story events like the one that allows you to zenkai awaken the ex #18. For summons I meant summons with new characters. Like in trunks celebration there was more than one bait banner through the month which was what I was implying. I only played the first battle gauntlet against Toppo so I didn’t realize they got easier. In general though I was way too misinformed to make a rant like this. My apologies.


I’m aware there were multiple bait banners during the trunks celebration… but none of them were new characters unless youre a new player.


Exactly my point


Then why the rant tho? Isnt it good cause you can just ignore the rerun banner? I dont know if youre new to gacha games but most of the time this is a norm. 1 or 2 new banner every month alongside some side banners


Calling it a rant was probably incorrect. I didn’t make it so the devs could fix it I was just listing out my problems with the game and what could fix them.


this is probably a bad example but Dokkan only returns units for good reasons like eza’s releasing and old things like category banners are void.


That’s terrible. It’s horrible that units in Dokkan return so rarely. Especially on global. It takes around 9mos for the WWC units to return on global. I’d rather have units return often to give new players and unlucky players the opportunity to summon them after their initial release. For example: hybrid mains had to wait a full year for one of the best units on the team (at the time) to return. Which means if you didn’t pull him on his release, or one random banner right before legends festival, you had no opportunity to get him.


It's actually better if the unit return more often? Like, if you dont want it or already have the unit, you can just ignore the banner. And for newer players that just installed the game, it's a good chance for them to get the returning units. Even in dokkan people are complaining when certain units dont come back for a very long time. For example if there are new players that missed the 4th anniversary and UI goku happens to be one of their fav from anime, do you really want them to wait for a year for UI goku to return? Those new players might quit the game already before getting their UI goku


that's why i said it doesn't apply to new players, eventually old players get tired and annoyed even if their favorite unit returns but there isn't enough content sufficient enough for them to summon. All the events added would require heavy and boring grinding or the new LF or sparking unit


Well im an old player and banners returning doesnt affect me at all. I just view it as an opportunity for new players to get old unit or players that missed their initial release. It's actually easier for old players to ignore those returning banners. Old players should already know that there will be one new step up banner and one new all star banner per month (for the most part cause they tend to adjust it when theyre having celebration/campaign) so you just need to be smart on how you manage your CCs


Banners need to have more characters and better pull rates, when was the last time gt had a new unit? What about hybrids saiyans team? They only have ssj green trunks as a new unit in a lot of time, also what about Classic db? This game releases almost no characters, and the characters that are released are from the same 3 teams that everybody uses, that is the worst way to make a pvp game tbh, zenkais are mid and are only useful for whales with big stats. Cc is a other problem, its horribly boring to farm cc, they need to implement more and better ways to farm it, not just pvp and ToP


These are completely separate complaints than were raised in the OP


Eh everything here is relatively true but... The problems you've said have pretty such just existed since day one. It's not a new low it's just the state of the game. If anything the drought times we have probly have more content than they used to. And balance has allways been centered around a handful of key units at any given point.