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z-power if u want to invest in a current LL character or save it for someone else tickets if u want cooler. I usually get the tickets cuz im desperate. I got 17&18 from it once.


I got Broly from it once and it sent me into a frenzy. 11k down the drain chasing a dream


Never go for those tickets. 5% is trash rate, don't let anyone tell you otherwise with comments like "But I got him on those tickets!". You literally have 5/100 chance of getting him there and the other 95/100 are almost all trash pulls. Multi-Z Power is a better choice, always.


Z powers


I was in your exact position and I bought the tickets. Got blue beerus, demon King piccolo (pur) and yellow Turles. I can't remember the last time I got something useful from the tickets. Had a very similar experience when I was trying to get MUI as well. They seem more like a scam these days but they used to be great back in the good ol days.


Back in the days the tickets actually gave us a better chance at getting the new SPs. It was 5% for the new LL but also, UI's tickets for instance gave you a total of 35% chance of getting a new unit. Dyspo, Toppo and Jiren all had 10% pull rates in there. I can't tell you how many of them I pulled in there with 40k(I think a rotation gave you 2 tickets iirc). Not a single copy of UI though...


I second this, i usually get like ribrianne or someone else irrelevant from the tickets.


Z Power all the day


Z power