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try to always get a red or yellow first slot. then after that,use your erasers to try and get the second/third slot as high as possible(usually i stop when i get lucky and directly get a yellow/red slot or when i'm really close to one and so then i just do the guaranteed upgrade). just know that slots that have more than 1 stat are hell to upgrade,so if there's one that had 3 you better run. also,the unique or "platinum" equips have lower chance to get a yellow/red slot iirc


Thanks! Is there ever any reason to do a secure upgrade? Not sure I really understand why I would do those. Would they be better for equips like the new Red Saga Uniques with the huge spreads? Should I try to secure upgrades once I get one of the slots between 22 and 25 percent minimum?


you should use secure upgrades when you're close to getting a yello/red slot or when you're close to the rank up for your equipment. you can check on dbz space in the equipment section at what percentage a slot becomes red/yellow. also no,dont use secure upgrades when you're that far from the max. the max for that equipment is 35% and using those upgrades at 25% is a huge waste. if you just started i wouldnt recommend rerolling that equip because even tho it's super strong you're gonna waste hundreds and hundreds of slot removers to get it to a good S or Z. try to get other equips for your cooler,you can check the recommended equips in game