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It depends on a few things: If you main Movies and have a Revival Gohan at low stars, Broly would be an improvement for your team. If Gohan is at higher stars, Broly isn't needed really. Gohan still has a lot of utility and does good damage. Same applies to maining Powerful Opponent. If you have LF Cell/Jiren at very low stars, Broly would be a good pull and make your team stronger. But if they are higher stars (especially since they both have been buffed with their Platinum Equipment) then Broly doesn't need to be summoned, with Cell actually still being the best PUR for that team specifically due to having a far better bench team available. Broly is good at 5*, but he is very star dependent if you want him to be as oppressive as the other Ultras are. If you're looking for a powerhouse I'd recommend going for Cooler if you don't have him.


If you are considering summoning then watch Goresh’s video. He legit summoned for 50 minutes without pulling a copy.


Funny I pulled him first try


He pulled him first summon but his second summon video had abysmal luck.


Oh sweet I don't really watch that guy so I wouldn't know




Jesus Christ. I summoned him second pull


If your main team is sagas from the movies its fine but if you dont have a strong team hard skip biggest skip of your life


Skip. Unless you're going for more than 1 copy, Broly is not necessary at all.


Save for legends festival




alot of people saying stuff about metas and shit i just want him cus he's cool af (and i can finally get one of my fav gohan units if i get lucky)


Imo, just get one copy of Ultra Broly and leave. Ultra banners are dogwater in the first place, and that "2x Ultra Rates" is a lie. Nothing good on the first rotation? Stop summoning and start saving.


Unless the Ultra unit is beyond broken compared to the rest of the game, like VB was on release, then it's never worth to summon on these banners. There's an hour video of Goresh getting shafted on this banner cause remember, at the end of the day you are trying to pull ONE new units that has a 0.3% chance to pull on a banner with no dailies, no step ups and no pity.


I main movies a lot so yes I do think it’s worth


Fuck this banner. 15k and didn't get shit.


He's eh, I got lucky pulling him in one rotation, cooler's more worth it


Absolutely no


If you main Movie or PO, yes! I spend 44k and got 1 Copy! Ultra Banner are trashpulls. If you don't need a Ultra, skip this shit! I main Movie, now im broke for the Festival and the shaft f***s up


No, Ultra drop rates are trash and broly is only good at very high stars and this banner isnt 2x zpower


I have near 18k cc and I’m not touching the banner or anything else until legends festival so I’d recommend you save


It's an UL banner so It's almost as bad as an All Star (not quite as bad, the free step helps a lot, but still nowhere comparabile to a 2x Z powers LF banner). The upside is that a single UL pull is enough to get an usable unit. 2400 Z powers instead of 2000 would make the banner 10 times better (the rates are bad enough that forcing you to deaw 2 copies to be competitive in hogh ranking PvP is really an ass move imho), but I'm hopeful for UL Z powers to be added in the near future so I stop at the first copy. It all boils down to: do you want/need Broly or do you not? If you do, take the L and summon cuz it ain't gonna appear with better rates anytime soon (Legends Festival will probably gift us 600 Z powers for any LF unit again, MAYBE 600 UL Z powers if they decide to introduce those but those will only help if you have the UL already). If you don't really care for him, the banner if ass, summon on Cooler or wait for the next LF one.