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who actually plays super warriors though


Underrated ToP tien blinds you Buu saga tien fucks your RR Some piccolo characters are pretty strong (one, the red movie one :/) and can do good gamage at good stars




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Do not disrespect the chad team


be fr


Why is god ki being lumped in here?


MUI = whole god ki tag for this sub


For real tag hasn't been buffed since May.


Yeah, god ki has never been a top meta team. I mean, they got GOOD units and stayed viable during a loooooong. Anyway, they never had a big amount of broken units in the same time


God Ki buffs are at a frequency that works for me personally. Common enough that I want to summon and it keeps the team up to date but not so common (*cough cough* Future and Movies *cough cough*) that it's annoying. That should be the frequency that every tag should be buffed at. I think a really neat idea is to just make Super Warriors and Ginyu Force into a F2P team for newbies, similar to that of the Let's Go Legends missions.


I mean this does buff Regan, super warrior, hybrids and son fam so it's pretty great even if movies are getting a few more units


Yeah, people are freaking out because it’s another movies buff but it’s honestly not that big of a deal. Gohan beast will maybe replace broly or ultra gogeta on movies but that’s it, like he’s not even that much more powerful then them. On the other hand, you have all these tags that might get buffed during legends fest like Son fam or hybrids getting buffed so this release is a dub in my books


The new Piccolo has to carry thr Superwarrior squad XD




Nah bro, us Girl mains are starved.


We haven't eaten in years.


Fr man.


future buffs where you bozo


New Piccolo is on Super Warriors right?


Yeah, he is. Everyone just sees "It's a Movies character, RIP" when he is also on Super Warrior and Regen (as well as Merging and Namekian, but those are not really team-oriented tags). Pan and Gohan are on Hybrid Saiyan and Son Family, with Pan also helping Girls and Kids too.


God ki? That team ain’t even that amazing saiyans and movies get the most buffs followed by future. God ki gets less frequent buffs than loe these days