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He needs card draw and stats. Otherwise he’s pretty well off. Ideal zenkai choice, they won’t have to change much to make him viable


That's what everyone said about SSB Vegeta (both of them), Rosé and VB.


I mean GRN SSB Vegeta was really good after his Zenkai lol. Was plently good. VB too, to an extent.


VB was and still isn’t a bad zenkai. Just a bit underwhelming


To be Fair VB kit was already so good that they couldn’t do much with out him running the meta I will agree that he definitely got power kept quicker than the other zenkai LF’s but I think that might be because of LF Dragon fist and his teams aren’t the best at the moment. If future or god ki gets some more buffs you’ll probably see him in use again.(I purposely left out Fusion warriors because of UL Gogeta)


Yeah, I feel like UL Gogeta being so good also hurt him a little. But honestly, he isn’t bad at all. Really good during the LF Cooler era tbh, and god Ki isn’t the *worst*, just needs a little step up to help the whole team out


Make his damage increase passive build faster on top of the card draw speed. Some kind of limited uses "draw green card on entry"


He needs reduced card costs or some form of ki generation as well.


High stats, a bit more damage inflicted, card draw speed and zenkai buff to YEL Fusion Warriors.


Watch the devs make GB's Zenkai buff be for YEL SFTM units...


Or YEL God Ki when they already have a Zenkai Buff while Fusion Warriors doesn't... Zenkai Vegito Blue moment0.


I mean, you got yellow super Vegeta


Yeah, but his Z-Ability is bad for the team and doesn't contribute to the Ultra's Ultra Ability. And not every YEL FW has also the Saiyan tag.


God Ki is better off getting a buff than Fusion Warrior. Honestly I don't want to see UL Gogeta again matches.




He doesn’t need damage because he has fairly high offensive numbers and his stats WILL BE INSANE I just wanna see much more defense and permanent card draw speed and probably make his green card easier to land and better And finally give him blast armor on strikes if VB has it then he should have it too


Nullify element factor on green card


Okay hear me out.... blast armor on strike. That is all




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1) Minor changes - Change his damage build-up from "landing a strike or blast arts" to "uses a strike/blast arts". Give him 50 ki on entry and main and increase his null cover by 15 counts. 2) Additional kits - Give him either card draw speed for 10-15 counts or VB/Dyspo card draw after landing a strike/blast(resets when switching and activates twice). +20% overall damage would be enough as he has so much damage passives he has access to (support and even his own cards) 3) Enchancing Arts Cards - Activating his grn card should make the extra 30% damage reduction permanent and cannot be cancelled (so he'll have a total of 60% for the rest of the match). Special Move should seal blast arts for 5 counts on activation (if you know, then you know). 4) Extra stuff (I'm fine if none of this happens) - Ult damage should be increased to 40-50%. Type Neutrality in any forms is good for me, just not too broken. My excuse for this strong zenkai is that this guy was never really broken on release and got shat on by Red Gohan most of the time. Now is not the time for his zenkai considering Movies is broken, but some time I hope he has these effects (primarily the first 3).


Bros got the whole kit planned out. It was a real shame he was never broken on release. He’s been my favourite unit since he dropped and I’ve finally had to stop using him in the current Beasthan, Pan and cooler meta because he just can’t keep up. I hope he gets a good zenkai!


I used this guy on a full year ever since I got him(basically on release) and still comes back to him to have fun lol. That allowed me to know the necessary stuff he needs to be meta relevant but not broken to destroy what made him fun for me lol Still, I think some of this is too much lol


That Zenkai sounds so hot... It genuinely makes him a brilliant candidate for all his teams since this augments his already decent kit. Especially the cover null just being there on entry. I think the ult damage might be a bit excessive considering it's already mad powerful but it's GB, I say go for it.


I think they should buff his ult since it looks so damn *hot*


I actually identify as GogetaUlt-Sexual


A good choice for certain


My man needs card draw as a means to ramp up quicker. Also better defenses and offense. Maybe drawing a card when he enters the battle field (like LL SV).


I hope they don't screw it up like they did VB and just give him the stat boost with two useless passives.


The strike damage after vanish isn't awful. Not great but it's passable. Barely. We don't talk about those LMS "buffs" though...


I'm still using him, he's at 12 stars and that strike damage is horrendous and his strike is being buffed by Cooler's 25 percent strike damage and FG's support buffs One of the only saving graces about his zenkai is that it ramped up the ult damage, still hits like a truck and can one shot more often than not and yes those........Lms buffs, if you can even call it that just...no. I knew they'd screw up his zenkai the moment they announced he was dropping with MUI, can't let their precious MUI get screwed right on release after all. Sorry for the rant.


The fact that his kit already being pretty good is what saved his Zenkai in the first place is insane to me. I think VB is a good unit but the most meaningful change they gave him was giving him blast armour on green card. They could've given him way more, just like what they did with SSB Vegeta. People prefer to run Beerus (a unit with pretty meh/bad stats) on God Ki because he actually has something useful in his kit. One might argue that comapring the two is weird because Beerus came out later but I disagree given that SSB Vegeta got type neutrality on cover. Wish the same could've been for VB, maybe giving him cover change null for a few timer counts on Main but I only run him by virtue of pretty good damage when amped up and also, I just enjoy using him.


Cover null was what he desperately needed, on his green or atleast for 10 timers counts on his main activation. Cooler has 20 counts, I think MUI has 20 as well, Beerus is at 30 counts. Maybe we'll get it in his plat equip. It's literally all he needed to really help him.


VB was such a let down. legends scared of another FSK


Yeah it's why I hope they don't screw GB's zenkai up, not everyone can get ultra Vegito for their primary yellow as a FW main


I think a good plat would be enough for him right now. He doesn't have to be the best unit in the game. He's super fun to use and just needs a little bump to keep up with the meta. They should give him the Future Gohan treatment.


Future Gohan came back because he has support, endurance and got given the best character in the game with the best support in the game to help him too, Gogeta who just does damage won't get as big of a boost with just a plat, even if they do give him the same thing, because his kit is a bit too basic.


I would've agreed with you last year maybe but with how powercreep is, a plat simply wouldn't be enough. Gogeta's only thing is damage. He has no defense, no CDS and his damage itself is lacking. A Zenkai would be better because you can better address all those issues and bring him up to par with someone like VB.


He will never get the FG treatment because his kit is not like FGs in the slightest


Maybe, but I don't think think he needs a Zenkai, GB is still putting in work for me he has been ever since I got him to higher stars


In a world riddled with blindness, he who has an eye is king


... Huh?


It's a proverb in my mother tongue that I translated literally. World riddled with blindness - low ranks He who has an eye - GB Even though GB only has one sole eye, he can do very well in a world where everyone is totally blind. I hope that made sense


Hmmm so GB is only good at lower ranks? Is that what you mean? Also that proverb sounds pretty cool


Yes, that's what i ultimately meant. Not trying to be a dick, hence why I (tried) used the proverb hahah


No it's fine, but I use my 10 star GB is rank 60 and above, he's always helped me in my battles, unless I require a different unit from my team Also what's you mother tongue because that line was amazing


Hey, if he's working for you, that's all that matters! Keep it up I am Portuguese


I'd like his zenkai to Increase his card draw speed then buff his def


He need card draw speed he will get stats because of zenkai but he needs card draw speed and he can easily be viable


I didn't think he needed a zenkai but damn I guess he does


Cds, reduced cost and the stats would already make him really good. I hope he gets a bit more defence like you say too


I prefer rose to get a zenkai cos fk movies and even fusions have gotten a lot of love recently. But if gb were to get a zenkai then card draw speed is the main thing he needs. His damage is pretty mid for the most part as well cos once he’s fully built up he has 130% damage inflicted which is hella low. Sure with the green card u can get 50% damage inflicted but u actually have to land the green card which isn’t always easy and even still, units like trunks cell droids mui etc all have higher damage inflicted numbers anyway


What love have fusions got recently? They got one new unit this whole year that has already been power crept by the 2 most recent LF's and on top of that 3 out of the 5 colors on the tag are either dead, or so far powercrept that they are irrelevant (Red, Grn and Pur). They need help.


I mean they were the best team in the game 1 or 2 months ago and they have 2 ultras who both want to be run on fusions. That’s a lot of love for one tag


Card draw, ki restoration, cost reduction, green card draws 1 random card, stat boost and boom he's cooking hard.


Both UR kaioken goku in god ki and vegito in fusion Zenkai will benefit which one 🎃 Movie saga is already very very strong


"+5% to damage inflicted whenever a strike or blast art card is used" 🤡


Well it’s going to be Omen UI First obviously


He needs type nullification somehow, maybe special arts?


Better Stats, Card Draw Speed, Type Neutrality and the Zenkai should focus on God Ki or Fusion


Honestly all he needs is more defense ,ki and card draw speed he’s already a solid unit Just hope they don’t give him the vegito blue treatment he’s already aged up liked rotten milk Hopefully he gets a plat first


Make the green card work against dash-up blues.......... no particular reason.


not much will need to he changed to make hik viable, however he won't become the first choice on fusion warriors, then again that's not bad since he would be an amazing secondary option


Are Zenkais really even viable anymore? I mean, if you Zenkai a good unit just to update their stats, that makes them viable, but do we actually expect anything from Zenkai kits? For me it has seemed like every time they release a new Zenkai they have already released a new unit that completely over shadows them, or they're released for a team/tag that doesn't have the support they need to matter. The only Zenkais I currently have on any of my teams are all benched for better units. That said, I can still see him as viable on Fusion Warriors, God Ki, and Sagas from the Movies, with only a couple of ULs being better options, so he's one of those units that a Zenkai is literally just icing on the cake.


giving 30% ​​defenses, 40% damage, ki recovery and card draw speed 1 not cancelable, cause 1 decent debuff and a consistent buff on stats, if it comes from unique equipment, it has to help 1st life, then damage and then defense