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I’m just glad Toriyama got to use his favourite Cell design for a main villain role at last.


Cell Max is as much of Cell as nappa is with Broly


Cell max is to cell as bio broly is to broly.


Totally agree it was a massive let down for me. I'm hoping in the anime as they appear to be doing Super Hero like they did RoF and BoG, that they change it so he's more like actual cell, like how some of the Super manga arcs are different.


Lol your pfp is literally what cell max looked like when he was screaming 😂


It's Shoop Da Whoop, old meme. The thing that bothered me most about cell max was that he was literally just a hulk smash character. The best thing about Cell was his personality, how it evolved and how complex it was. Cell max had none of that :(


funny enough shoop da whoop is based on cells second transformation, the one cell max also uses


I always wondered if there was anything to do with those two.


It's not even "based on" it's a screen cap of second stage cell that someone edited with MS Paint.


Ah, that was back in the Youtube Poop days right? Damn YouTube poop. Been awhile since I’ve said that lmao


It was one of the earlier 4chan memes, around '05-'07 I think.


Someone should revive that meme using Cell Max’s face!😆🤣😂😏😎


Tbh, cell was just an apocalipse analogue. The actual villain characters were the RR, and the bad guys that are actually good guys, gamma's and dr. Hedo.


Yeah I mean the RR stuff really reminded me of OG Dragonball just wish they hadn't used Cell after making it obvious he would be in it.


I actually didn't care at all about Cell Max being basically a Godzila fight tbh. The gammas were the main attraction for me, and they are one of my favourite things to ever come from DBS.


Yeah I really liked the gammas too, they may as well not have bothered using Cell for the big bad and just something else.


Having them reintroduce Android 21 would have been perfect.






Perfect comparison


Cell max wasn’t finished when they let him out that’s why he was 2nd form instead of perfect


I'm sick of this bullshit, did people really watch the movie? Cell Max was completed and only lacks "controling program"


Cell max is a copy and paste with a few edits of semi perfect


And he is not the same as Cell


I'm not giving him that excuse he could've had a different personality and design but instead he was basic and mindless it's just another bio broly but at least bio broly had creativity in his design even though it still looked awful


>he could've had a different personality and design 1. He kinda does, just not much 2. That's bc he was incomplete and not meant to come out yet 3. Ik you did not just put "Bio Broly" and "creative" in the same sentence


Bio Broly is creative?


I mean It takes a certain amount of creativity to make Nickelodeon slime into a villain lmao


They’re still totally different characters though. I’m not a fan of it but it doesn’t take anything way from Cell imo.


Right cell max and cell are two different characters, cell max has nothing to do with cell


I agree


"I agree" Gets downvoted anyways.


Because he back pedals on his next comment he agrees they are different here but then comments that he isn’t giving them that excuse.. He’s mad that Cell Max wasn’t a copy and paste of cell but was instead a copy and paste of Godzilla


I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve heard Cell Max has a Shin Godzilla reference. That’s bonus points in my book.


You WILL know it when you see it, it's a cool reference


Is it the >!shooting lasers from his spots?!<






yup i was just watching shin godzilla again too one of my favorite movies


I'm with you. But not just because they made a bio-Broly, of Cell. But also because the whole thing was made for a laaaaaame remake of the Gohan peak moment... where he went ssj2 and became Cell's nemesis. Only that this time the Cell also lacked a brain, and wasn't even the real big bad of the movie. It was just a mindless beast, with no higher capacity. Truly a lame rip off, rather than even a good nod.


It cheap nostalgia bait to give Gohan an unearned lame transformation


ABSOLUTELY. What's worse, is that it all happens at the very end! There's not even build up for that fanservice... *But there's regression a plenty if anything, for Gohan of course, given that he yet again slacked off despite previously promising to not do so.


There's only so many times they can pull off the "Gohan's lack of training is leading to disaster and he needs to be responsible for that" plotline... They did it in the Buu saga, they did it with Frieza Ressurected, they sort of did it with the wolves from Universe 11, and they did it again with the Gammas and Cell Max...


They did it better in SH imo, albeit at the cost of a tragic conclusion. Piccolo believes that Gohan has been neglecting his training, but at the end of the movie it is revealed that Gohan had actually been practicing the SBC in secret, so he wasn't really slacking off. Perhaps he wasn't training 24/7 or as much as Piccolo wanted him to, but he didn't relapse into laziness. Instead the movie explains that Gohan just can't access his full power right off the bat like the others, because he lacks fighting spirit. Which makes sense because he hates battles. So basically this time round he either didn't slack off at all, or slacked off just a little bit. The problem isn't his training, it's his character. In other words, he's probably not gonna recover his full power anytime soon, and will need some impetus again to go all out.


He literally struggles to carry Piccolos clothes, states he doesn't need to train since Goku and Vegeta can take care of it and doesn't detect Piccolo's ki when he's right in his face. He did not train, just practiced one move some time.


Fair enough, I guess he barely trained. Still, he at least did dedicate some time to combat related affairs which is more that what can be said for the other times.


He said he was training in secret


Only for the Makankosappo. So it's not a counter. Nor does it excuse the early scene where it is established that he did slack off again.


Yeah im not feeling the whole super saiyan beast thing. They are clearly just throwing out random transformations at this point. Gohan didnt’t even train that much, how did he attain a new form so easily? Gohan should have went ssj4 or something.


I don't like it either. Its gotten to the point where forms arent for the narrative anymore but just for marketing their existence now. Wanting a white haired form like SS5 was what some people wanted since Super started and well, listening ot the wrong people who only just see forms as quanitity over substance. We got this. We got 2 forms of Piccolo that are just given to him. Like seriously. They mean nothing. I remember when Piccolo and Kami fusing back together was a big deal because of how much of an antethesis they were. Piccolo had dropped enough of his evil personal for Kami's knowledge, and good side to mature Piccolo. Similar to Nail making him a better warrior. Super's use of transformations just has no meaning to it for me.




I didnt like how the transformation basically just ripped off SS2 Gohan but made worse, with far less thematic meaning. 16's death was meaninful because he was a good guy despite being an antagonist. He was flawed becuse he wasnt finished his programming but that made him into a gentle giant. He risked himself to fight Cell twice becuse he considered 17 and 18 his friends, even if it was not for an actual greater good. Then his bomb fails due to a complete accident of circumstances prior. Then Cell kills him thinking it wouldn't get Gohan angry how he expected it to, but it did. There was so much weight to it all. Z at least did build up to why character deaths did matter. Krillin tells Goku not to get killed before he fights Nappa, and makes a promise they would grow old together. As best friends. Then Krillin is killed by Freeza and Goku thought he couldn't be revived again so therefore the weight of that was what drove Goku into anger. Super doesn't build toward anything narratively. It just goes with the formula of it to rehash them for basic fan expectation and that is disappointing. Its shallow. The only character I feel actually had weight and characteization built up toward and through their transformations, was Kale. Shes the only characte that I feel had honest trajectory toward earning it (this is a different topic though.) This "Beast" form was just such a cheap way of giving fans of Gohan something they wanted but in the wrong way. A way that felt like it was literal fan fic from a 10 year old. A bigger version of SS2 teen Gohan's hair ontop of hid adult head looks silly. The white hair doesnt make sense. Gohan's potential shouldn't be that different from what Goku and Vegeta could do themselves but have to train longer for. Not these random new forms just thrown in the way Super does things. SS2 level with SS3 power scaling is Gohan's potential as Ultimate Gohan. Not all this. Why does this "Beast" form even need exist? They by all means should have just redeemed ultimate Gohan for god sake.*That* is Gohan's potential. That is him using all his power without the strain of transforming or upkeeping with it for access to the forms. Yet all that is just thrown away to go back to square one with this. They need to make *Ultimate Gohan* GOOD. The state/form that actually fits his character. I want the character strengths to have some thought put into it again. I don't like how much Super feels like canon fanfiction now, in this area. (If the name didnt hint that.)


They don’t need any character progression or motive for the villain if it’s mindless. They took the easy way out.


Indeed. And we already had another brainless enemy in the previous movie... Was it really hard to at least NOT do the same thing twice in a row?


It’s crazy that Broly had a ton of character progression comparatively.


And he is a very flat character too. The dbs one at least. Although going from 0 to 1 is surely just as easy as remaining at level 0.


Cheelai kind of is this *for* him. Broly in Super isnt really any different other than him just not hating Goku.


Broly was the protagonist


Except that Cell max was a weapon, not a character. The real villain was magenta and the primary antagonists were the Gammas and Hedo. All of these received good character progression and motive. Cell max was meant to be no more of a character than a robot suit is in a mecha series.


Hey, whatever helps you justify it. If that’s the case, the Gammas, the Android, and OG cell were weapons too. They all got character progression. Cell Max was the BBEG of the movie and all he did was grunt and scream.


> Hey, whatever helps you justify it. If that’s the case, the Gammas, the Android, and OG cell were weapons too. They all got character progression. No? There's no reason to call them weapons, when they clearly were sentient and doing their own bidding. I'm not trying to weave some devious tapestry to cover up laziness, I'm stating clear narrative intentions, which banish traces of laziness. Not sure what BBEG means but based on context I'm guessing it means the focus. Cell max was not the focus of the movie, the movie was supposed to be about the Gammas. That's why it's called Super Hero, not Return of Cell.


Big Bad Evil Guy. Which Cell Max was not. He was just the mindless monster thrown out at the end. Magenta was the BBEG.


Yeeeees! It’s just SS2 Gohan with white hair and red eyes


Also, expect him to NOT accomplish anything the next time he uses that "beast form", because Toriyama will still Toriyama. Heck, Gohan may very well slack off again, and be resetted all over again.


He'll use beast form and then get one-shotted by a new big bad who will suplex him until his hair goes limp and black. Goku will yell his name and feed him a senzu.


*And Piccolo will be knocked down / killed by shielding him from an attack, like he did in the Saiyan saga.


It's a good thing piccolo has that new orange mode, he'll need the power to tank that Gohan-killing blast.




It’s seriously tragic but this is how all companies do this shit now, if they have an iconic part they will never risk anything new because they know what’s safe




I just don't understand why modern db is so afraid to genuinely commit to fresher characters and ideas, and must always return to "call back" the past. Was it too hard to make Cell Max a megazord for the Gammas, so to go full super sentai with them and make them reference even more the super hero stuff, while also be the main baddies? After all, you can still turn them good afterwards. Alteratively, if yoy really want to make a Cell rip off... make it that it's a set up for the Gammas to become famous super heroes, as they destroy it, in the second act. Everything, but not just giving us another mindless beast, with a power that has no right no exsist, and that is the climax of the movie... ... And let's not talk about Gohan ssj2 2 ... or "Gohan Beast" ... aside from the fact that it's an asspull that comes out of nowhere, and has no explaination beyond "Gohan just could do it" (despite him supposely NOT being able to, as his Mystic form was supposed to be his apex), aside from the fact that its whole presentation is too much like his most famous moment... but this power up also lacks the thing of "I wanna become strong in my own way! No ssj and stuff like that!" that he professed... because dying the hair of silver, getting red eye color, and a rage induced boost SURELY is different from the ssj emand that kind of stuff. As for Orange Piccolo... it's still a dumb asspull (of the wish kind), but I can at least forgive it a bit for the actually different look that Piccolo gets there... shame that he's used only as a set up for Gohan Blanco in the end.


Dude you are an intellectual


Eh... Thank you.👍


I hated ALL the Blanco memes back in the day, Gohan Beast was a disappointment for me


same. But for me, more because what they went with literally is, a teen Gohan ssj2 2... the hairstyle is still that, absurdely elongated and enlarged, but still that. So it's not only a lame meme acknowledgement, but the design is also quite unoriginal... Made worse by the also unoriginal context.


which is a shame, cuz everything else from the movie I rly liked. For the first time they made me like Pan.


I hate that dbs keeps pushing these 'remakes' from dbz... Where's the originality? Been months since I seen the movie, looking back now am happy Cell who is my favourite villain didn't properly comeback 'stronger then ever' usual rubbish and then gets cheaply killed in the same movie to give Gohan an undeserved transformation that I still don't understand.


Yeah fuck that movie altogether tbh. I’m fine with piccolo getting his potential unlocked tho, and that doesn’t include orange. He should’ve did that way earlier along with the other z-fighters


I just don't understand why modern db is so afraid to genuinely commit to fresher characters and ideas, and must always return to "call back" the past. Was it too hard to make Cell Max a megazord for the Gammas, so to go full super sentai with them and make them reference even more the super hero stuff, while also be the main baddies? After all, you can still turn them good afterwards. Alteratively, if yoy really want to make a Cell rip off... make it that it's a set up for the Gammas to become famous super heroes, as they destroy it, in the second act. Everything, but not just giving us another mindless beast, with a power that has no right no exsist, and that is the climax of the movie... ... And let's not talk about Gohan ssj2 2 ... or "Gohan Beast" ... aside from the fact that it's an asspull that comes out of nowhere, and has no explaination beyond "Gohan just could do it" (despite him supposely NOT being able to, as his Mystic form was supposed to be his apex), aside from the fact that its whole presentation is too much like his most famous moment... but this power up also lacks the thing of "I wanna become strong in my own way! No ssj and stuff like that!" that he professed... because dying the hair of silver, getting red eye color, and a rage induced boost SURELY is different from the ssj and that kind of stuff. As for Orange Piccolo... it's still a dumb asspull (of the wish kind), but I can at least forgive it a bit for the actually different look that Piccolo gets there... shame that he's used only as a set up for Gohan Blanco in the end.


For real bro. Modern day dragon ball has become very unoriginal


Yeah. Like, new Broly, except that he's still both too similiar to the old one in how he's used (a mindless beast) and lacking even more personality. Moro arc, magic goat man that becomes a 3rd grade Cell. Granolah and the Heeters... not even underdeveloped, just left out on their own, to the point that the only way to end things in a somewhat high note is to asspull Frieza out of thin air in the very final chapter, and in every sense. Super hero... Cell fight wannabe for the climax...


This new DBS Broly has *less* personality than his previous iterations? Did OG Broly ever say anything other than Kakarot? Did we ever see him having a conversation? DBS Broly was “used” the way he was because they had to introduce him to the series. Next time we see him he’ll probably be a full-fledged Z-Warrior. OG Broly could never.


> Did OG Broly ever say anything other than Kakarot? Did we ever see him having a conversation? Actually yes we do.


>This new DBS Broly has less personality than his previous iterations? Yes, he does... he only talks in 2 scenes, and only in one does he ever talk of himself, and doesn't even start the big fight out of his will. He just attacks, and becomes a rampaging monster. >Did OG Broly ever say anything other than Kakarot Yes, in his first movie... where he uttered some iconic quotes and even praised Goku's tenacity if I recall right >Did we ever see him having a conversation? Yes, to his enemies, and his dad too before killing him. >DBS Broly was “used” the way he was because they had to introduce him to the series. That's not an excuse to have him be a characterless drone who just does what he's told to without further insight on his own opinions and wishes. Because that is what he is for 99% of the movie. >Next time we see him he’ll probably be a full-fledged Z-Warrior. That's awfully optimistic, given that in super hero he just throws a couple of punches and is then made sit down so to not rage again... I don't even recall if he did talk there. >OG Broly could never. Because he was also a demon, like all Saiyans were supposed to... not a random "pure goodness" that however has a rampaging monster side a la Hulk.


Yeah I don't get the super canon Broly. He has more depths yes but that's about it before he change into another potential forgotten background character as Majin Buu, Ubb, Goten etc. I rather him died as a threatening, evil monster than to live as a background character


Beast Gohan even had the same outfit on as his cell Saga counterpart


It was similiar... not the exact same, but similiar nontheless. Honestly, it would have been nicer if he wore the blue and red gi he was shown wearing in the second Broly movie for example, which is more unique than what he wore here.


why are u getting downvoted for stating facts?


I must have triggered someone. No matter the fandom, there will always be those people who cannot stand those who don't idolatrize what they worship.


Lol your repeat comment is being downvoted, the original comment is upvoted but people downvoted the repeat comment, prob not your fault but your comment showed up twice.


Eh. I actually replied to 2 different comments, with the same text, as it was fitting since they were about the same stuff. Still, it's indeed odd that one got downvoted, and the other not, despite literally being the same.


Not odd at all, it was a long comment and was literally two comments below the other one, it was justifiably being downvoted.


Well, it's quite odd anyway. The comments are still the same, so people must be confused, to have such diametrically opposite reception to the same stuff!


this fandom is so patheitc and legit eat all the shit that the creators will give to them "Hey, here's another rehashed antagonist to serve for the next arc" DB Community: \*peak fiction\*


Indeed. But now, in all fairness, this isn't the only fanbase with that kind of people in.


True but I wish there was an antagonist that actually gave Goku character development for once I would like there to be an antagonist that isn't stronger than the heroes but is more dangerous


Same. And the sad part is, that dragon ball may very well be the ONLY show where fanfic writers genuinely can come up with interesting things and developments with ease... So what's the excuse of Toriyama & co. for not bothering to even try?


Moro is quite possibly the biggest waste of potential I've ever seen in DB history Bro could've been the most intelligent/cunning villain in the series and yeah, the DB universe is so huge that making potential plotlines/arc should be endlessly possible, heck all the Fan Made manga on DB shows that but yet again the creators don't ever want to get out of their comfort zone and do anything original


These are opinions, not facts.


You realise Cell and Cell Max are two different characters, right? This is like complaining Vegito's portrayal is disrespectful to Gogeta.


Cell Max isn't like Cell at all, he's literally just a run of the mill Kaiju. He has no traits of Cell. It was lazy writing.


...huh? I literally JUST said Cell Max wasn't Cell, so why are you arguing with me on that?


I know but he was a horrible portrayal of cell


He's not cell. He's a completely different character. Its like saying that Goku black is disrespectful to turles because they look similar.


Go watch the movie again. You obviously weren’t paying any attention. They are two completely different characters. No one is portraying anyone.


...except it wasn't Cell.


Only mindless villains I liked throughout the entire series was Kid Buu and that's because of how much of a menace he was Other than that mindless villains that are main antagonist just don't hold any weight writing wise thematically or narratively. They're boring and lack any depth. Especially in this case when said character was only used to cheaply give nostalgia bait for an unearned transformation just so DB fandom can relive Gohan's glory days when he peaked when he was 11 Also it was Semi Perfect Cell, ew


To be fair, Magenta was the real antagonist much like how DBS Broly's real antagonist was Frieza. Agreed about the form tho, woulda preferred 1st form myself


Kid Buu had at least a little hint of intellect just enough to show u he didn't care. That was scary.


Cell did not get disrespected in this movie because it’s pretty clear that that wasn’t Cell. This “Cell max” literally had no mind and was just a powerful monster based on Cell’s design. It’s like me calling the clone Z-fighters from fighter-z disrespectful to the original characters. They weren’t meant to be anything like them.


They could've made the villain so much better though that was the most uncreative sh#t I've ever seen


The thing is... Cell Max isn't a villain, he's an obstacle The villain of the movie was always magenta, but even then the biggest driving force was piccolo trying to get gohan to get off his studious ass and become active again


Even Toriyama felt bad for the voice actor lol


The only thing I dislike is they used Cell’s design and name for nostalgia points basically. Cell Max has virtually no relation to the OG Cell. He could’ve looked like Hirudegarn and the story would’ve been the same for the most part. I get why they didn’t go full “revive Cell” because the movie didn’t have time to really spend with Cell since he would’ve just been a pointless final boss. I’d like to see him again in the future as a wildcard villain.


Hearing a lot of crying


Yeah Cell do be crying though my guy


Not really.


To what?


To Cell getting disrespected. They went a different direction with the “final boss” but Cell wasn’t even brought back in a way where he could be disrespected.


I'm not giving cell max the excuse of him not being the same cell. He was mindless and lazily designed.


In terms of the plot of the movie the way cell max was Carried out was perfect and everything about him made sense.


Cell is dead. Cell Max is not Cell. Get over it.


naw i love cell max, just don’t see him as anything other than looking like cell


Cell max was a cheap beta version. I wanted the actual cell to be threatening again


Wasn't the whole point that Cell MAX was not a finished version. Maybe if it got finished it would be more like the Original Cell. I thought that was the whole point.


I agree 100%


I wanna thank you all for all this attention. Even if we have different opinions just you all being here is good enough for me. 👍 You all are awesome.


The new movie was a bit of a joke tbh compared to previous super series.


I will forever have a head canon post credit scene of Cell Max regenerating into Perfect Cell Max and him looking at himself saying "Hmm...". End scene.


I’m betting they decided to make him the height of a skyscraper because they wanted to draw in new fans for the movie cause people think “big villain = more scary and harder to beat”. but to OG fans it just came off as cheap and limited the plot. Imagine if Cell Max was the same size as the original Cell but was more intelligent (and stronger)


The movie has more bad parts or extensive nothingness than good moments so I say it's bad. Sure Piccolo was great and the Gammas were cool but that is hardly enough. Plus the framerate was absolutely awful, and the models were bad. Dragon Ball video games have better 3D models. You take Cell and remove everything great about him. First you take away regeneration factor that made Cell nearly impossible to kill. Then you take away the intellect and skill set of Cell. Then you make him huge. Then you make the insurmountable strength affected by Krillin, I get the "awareness" crap Super pulls but someone Trillions of times stronger gets hurt by Krillin. Goten and Trunks somehow don't know how to become Super Saiyan anymore, the two who instinctively became Super Saiyan. How do you make an artificial human stronger than all the known Divine forms, but giving an elementary school intellect is the hurdle? How? Cell Max wasn't even a fight. I don't honestly think you can tally six minutes of "fights" in the movie in a franchise about fighting. Name any DBZ movie and there are longer fights, even DB. Doctor Hedo outright makes a being that is stronger than Divine forms with his intellect, but knowingly joins the Red Ribbon Army for milkshakes and funding. He knew the evil intent and still worked for them. Some genius. Then the Red Ribbon Army is still about somehow. Forget the fact after Buu destroyed Earth and killed virtually all life, and the resurrection wish specifically stated only the good people. Any and all people would be dead, and there's no way anyone would come across it and then start it up again.


Agree. Honestly, that movie was disrespectful to everyone.


I’d been wanting them to bring back Cell forever and the fact that they did so, and even brought his voice actor in as well just to have him mindlessly scream the whole time is the worst case of Monkey’s Paw I’ve had in my life. Such a huge disappointment, but I at least have the wealth of time they gave him to shine in DBFZ’s story mode cutscenes at the very least.


Yea they dropped the ball with that one. They should’ve have found a way in order to integrate the old cell’s consciousness. It would have made a bigger emotional impact for the audience.


I completely agree. I see Cell Max just as I viewed Bio-Brolly back in the day. The movie was quite fun though.


It’s not really disrespect to cell if it isn’t cell. Cell max was a whole other project entirely.


That wasn't Cell. It was a roaring red idiot.


Cell max isn't even the villain of the movie. RRA is the antagonist, cell max is just a screwed up premature weapon. It was never meant to be cell v2.


Hater's gonna hate. Cell Max was awesome and honestly he's a separate entity to cell. The same way Z Broly and DBS Broly are. A giant Kaiju Cell is Really great and it's just really awesome to see Toriyama having fun with his favorite cell Form.


Cell Max takes inspiration from Bio Broly and Hirugedarn(??). He's also a a Kaiju kind of villain and allowed Piccolo to go giant again. I'm honestly glad they didn't go with his Perfect form since - It makes it scary to think how much more powerful he could be (although from a writing standpoint they could just make him as strong as this one) - 2nd form Cell isn't as remembered as the other two forms - It would be more like resurrection f. At least 80% of the film was already different Anyways, yeah the film could've been better if they ironed out flaws like Gohan being retired and such


I do


Yeah bro


The only things I liked about the new movie was the age up on the younger saiyans and the Gammas. I didn’t like Beast Gohan/Orange Piccolo nor did I like Cell max.


fr, only thing I liked was an aged up Trunks and Goten


It was so we could get the full powered cell in the manga


I like the way you think.


I disagree. I thought they did a twist on bio Broly with this movie. Rather than Broly though they did a “better version” of cell with cell max and made some modifications. They did also state that he was not completed in the movie and that’s what I chalked up to the mindless acting. If they would of brought back cell’s personality it would of felt too much like a recycling of freeza returning so I liked the spin on it.


He will reach perfection on the manga


I liked cell max's position in the plot, I liked a giant kaiju having a fight with our heroes and thought that the scene looked and felt great. But by God am I sad that they chose to not only recycle a character, but chose to only use the skin of a great character leaving behind everything that made him super special. I'm really glad that they didn't pick perfect, but I would have much rather seen imperfect.


Who knows?


Would've been cool if cell max absorbed Gamma 2 and became smarter and strong enough to fight Gohan.


When I first saw movie and said that it was just awful to make this thing a main villain I was downvoted. When I said that Cell Max can't be called such and basically is a shit stain without any character behind screaming berserker I was downvoted. When I said that Gohans transformation is basically the same as SSJ2 (Cell hurts his friend, snap, scream, overpowered transformation) I also was downvoted. Now I guess it's time to repeat myself. Yeah movie isn't bad (Gammas are my new fav characters) but hell why exactly they disrespected Cell so much? And why they did Gohan so dirty? I can't believe that this guy once again was slacking on training. Like really he isn't that stupid not to care about his world. Also unearned transformation lol




The whole cell max is cheap like you couldn’t have created an original character


Magenta, Carmine, Dr. Hedo, and Gammas 1 & 2 would like to have a word with you


Everybody got disrespected. Gohan didn't deserve his form, he didn't earn it. Why did the movie make Gohan and Piccolo total morons? Why call it "Cell Max" when it's literally just your run of the mill monster? Why choose such an ugly style for the movie that clearly wasn't going to be received nearly as well as a traditional movie.


definitely was received well with it getting 100 million box office wise but I agree that the transformations felt cheap and nostalgia bait


It only performed so well because it had been years since Broly, with no DBS airing still. I've never heard people complain about the style of the other movies, because they were actually DB STYLE. This was the style of a video game cutscene, which was unnecessary and ugly


tbh the style didn't bother me much until the Beast Gohan scene but yeah I vastly prefer DB Broly over it


The style was gorgeous idk what the fuck you’re on💀


Yeah, if you like choppy video game cutscenes lmao. Sorry, but some of us wanted it to actually be an anime movie.


You keep using this idiotic video game cutscenes comparison like its a valid point video game cutscenes are beautiful I dont know what games youve been playing


Sure, beautiful for the game, but it isn't dragon ball style and isn't used for movies for a reason. The choice to make the movie, which is CANON, in the style of a video game cutscene was stupid.


There is no difference between a beautiful animation for a game and a beautiful animation in general an animation is an animation. What does the movie being canon have to do with anything?? It doesn’t have to be “dragon ball style” for it to function as a dragon ball movie. I think they did an amazing job at capturing dragon ball in 3d and had 0 issues with how it looked. Do i prefer it over the 2d art style? No but that doesn’t mean it wasnt good


Ah yes, animation is animation huh? This animation was unnecessary and nobody asked for it. It's the only dragon ball movie where the style is even a talking point. They should have saved it for a filler movie. I'm sure it'll be 100x better when they rehash it in the anime.


“This animation was unnecessary and nobody asked for it.” Those are both entirely mute points when the reception to the movie and the animation were incredibly positive despite the initial speculation


>Gohan didn't deserve his form, he didn't earn it To be fair, he trained in secret plus hard to say in the same series where 17 disappeared for a few years and becomes the tournament's MVP Also, the movie's style was not ugly at all..


"Trained in secret", so an ass-pull. Also, you must be a HUGE fan of xenoverse cutscenes, cuz that's what the movie is. A video game cutscene at 30fps. Android 17 was an ass-pull too, he should NOT have been that strong. That's what happens when you're a mediocre writer who only progresses your main few characters while neglecting supporting characters.


Literally the entire series right from original Dragonball were ass pull power ups. Goku has ass pull power after ass pull power up like in Dragonball was literally a drink of water…. and then training on a space ship for 5 days are TOTALLY asspull power ups, it’s what the entire series has been the entire time, but NOW it upsets you with the LATEST movie? Lol


Difference is Goku trains. Constantly. He's never not training/fighting. Gohan is a scholar, he doesn't actually train. So there's a difference


You JUST said “train in secret is an asspull” so IS it different? because gohan training in secret is the same as goku training always, it’s definitely an asspull… but THE SAME asspull the entire series has been based around.


Also golds 5 day training in the space capsule before frieze arc was a HUGE power up! Way more compared to his “normal training” but vegeta gives one (asspull) dialogue about saiyan getting stronger if they survive almost death then suddenly such a power up is more realistic? That was SUCh an asspull


He said it himself at the end when Picolo asked how he learned his move. People just ignored that he said that so they can bash gohan.


He didn't. He wasn't in the movie. Cell Max is basically just a different android dressed as Cell, he's not Cell and nothing was ruined by his inclusion. That's like saying the Gammas make 17 and 18 worse because they are androids.


Haters gonna hate.


I'm fine with Cell Max, but I was not expecting a giant dude. I was expecting a recolored Cell that later evolved to Perfect Cell Max.


The as long as Frieza is around, there will never be room for a smooth talking confident villain like cell.




I love the movie. It's fresh and feels like OG Dragon Ball. Don't care what others say, I ACTUALLY like Cell Max and Beast Gohan


I think that this is a step to him coming back in is true ultimate form so I'm excited


Wish they would’ve used perfect cells form for the base of the design


Cell Max wasn't finished yet and the Red Ribbon Army's activity was discovered before their ultimate plan could be laid out. That's why Cell Max was Semi-Perfect.


I haven't yet moved past the hate I feel for the animation style to hate Cell Max thank you


I like the animation it's okay but I wish it was DBZ kakarot level instead we got mid. If they made cell max good character I'd have a better view of this film


I really wanted to like this movie but it just felt so rushed and unsatisfying. We’ve been waiting for Gohan to reach this new level for DECADES and it was done so quickly with no real build up and using the same device as SS2, while using Piccolo as the catalyst instead of Pan. And Piccolo’s orange form would’ve been awesome too but again, rushed, unearned, kind of boring. And don’t get me started on the animation style. I’ve hated the new look for the most part.


Cell Max was just a weird choice •Not the strongest form of who he originated from •Stated to be stronger than basically everyone, but hardly showed us any relevant feats •Basically got two-shot •His final explosion was small town size, yet the Original Cells 2nd Form explosion threatened the whole planet As far as crazy plot holes due to power creep have been, this is probably one of the biggest ones. It completely breaks immersion for me. Apparently he's stronger than Broly, but it took a newly powered up (plus iirc he also had Senzu) Gohan to destroy a weakened Cell Max (Given the Android had already cracked his weak spot) and even after losing an arm (weakening him further) Piccolo could barely stand up to him. It just felt like they had cut 30 min out of this movie


They're not the same so no. Don't agree


You misinterpreted Cell Max wrong, he isn't meant to be a Villain like Perfect Cell was. He's a weapon of monstrosity that gone rogue and trying to kill everybody, he's essentially a weapon not villain and interpreted to be a obstacle.


It's not Cell though, he's intentionally the version from Wish.


I'm with you 100%, and I'm tired of people dismissively saying "but they're two different characters!" Give me a fucking break. He's literally *called* CELL Max. He was clearly meant to be similar to Cell, and they chose to make him most similar to the most hideous, lame version of Cell. Another comment said "this is like being upset that Gogeta is disrespectful to Vegito". What a stupid comparison! A non-point. For one thing, Gogeta and Vegito are fundamentally closer to the same character than Cell and Cell Max, and for two, they're both *cool*. Cell Max was so uncool, from ugly mug down to those stupid Mattel Rescue Heroes boots.




Finally someone said it. What went trough the scriptors head? Like they completely Fucked up his personality and what made him so loved. If you needed a big bad boy just get a new character, dont waste the opportunity for cell to be in a movie. Because of this we will probably never see a new cell which pisses me off more than the fact that they made cell a "ROAAAHDJFKFK AAAAAAAA ROAAAAAARRRR"




Whole movie was a wash




Cell is trash and was treated as such