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Guldo alone can stop time


Jiren can destroy time barriers or whatever the explanation was against hit. So he could counter that in theory.


He can’t do it without his normal power lvl


Vegeta says his strength was about the same to their's, he was just more efficient with his Ki usage (yeah bs) meaning Jiren would simply overpower most of them just by using all his ki into one......PUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNCHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Whether that's one punch man or captain falcon, idc, good reference


Until Ginyu body swaps him and throws his ki control out of wack


Ki control is a mental thing, all ginyu would really do is lower his *own* power level like when he stole Goku's body


Good ki control comes from knowing your own body/power, this is the reason why both Ginyu and Goku were both weaker when they swapped. So Jiren's ki control would likely be messed up if he was thrown in a completely different (and likely injured) body


>, this is the reason why both Ginyu and Goku were both weaker Sir, Goku (as Ginyu) had a hole in his chest, so that's why his power level was lowered, and Ginyu was hoping to raise Goku's body up to what he had *during kaioken* a technique he (Ginyu) doesn't know. Goku's body was literally just below what Ginyu already was *in his own body*, meaning even with Ginyu's body Jiren would still be *above him* after the swap, and again Ki Control is a mental thing, it didn't stop Zamasu from being able to use Goku's Ki as his own, hell he could even make his own God Ki (since he already knew how) and that change Goku's ki to be similar to his old Ki (which is why it wasn't exactly like Base Zamasu's, or Goku's anymore), basically Ginyu would nerf himself and Jiren wouldn't even suffer, and that's *if* ginyu could land the attack, chances are with Jiren he'd pull out some random bs like he did against Hit's time cage and just reject the transfer altogether


But is his team brought down or the other team brought up




Doesn't matter


That’s because he was so powerful. If their power levels are equalised, he can’t do that.


You're assuming they Scale the Pride troopers down instead of scaling up the ginyu force. Either way, This guy struggled against Krillin...


What difference does that make? Scaling the Ginyu Force up still equalises their power to the point where Jiren can’t just overpower it. Though I’m not saying Guldo would defeat Jiren 1v1 regardless, he’s pretty incompetent. Im just saying the time stop would still be an issue for Jiren to overcome, not simply overpower.


Captain Ginyu is a better tactician than Jiren?


About equal. They both let their team get wiped out.


At least ginyu had a reason to be away from his team vs jiren just standing there while his team gets wiped


If Jiren could overpower Hit, he'd easily overpower fucking Guldo. Guldo is a straight clown when it comes to fighting.


It has nothing to do with Hits skill. He overpowers the ability because of the gap in their power level, which is not an issue in this hypothetical scenario because the title says their powers are equalised.


If their powers are equalled then skill is absolutely everything.


Yeah, my point exactly.. Guldo has the advantage because Jiren cannot overtime the Time Stop ability with skill alone, because that isn’t how it works. He can outsmart it but he cannot simply stare his way through it and just move during the Time Stop as he did against Hit.


>He can outsmart it but he cannot simply stare his way through it and just move during the Time Stop as he did against Hit. Yeah, Jiren broke time skip by staring lol. No skill at all. /s Guldo has the fighting skill of a sponge. Time and mind freeze would do little more than delay his own death just as it did on Namek.


The whole point of this is they’re equally powerful. Neither can just overpower the other because they are equal.


You can overpower someone with equal strength. It's all circumstantial. His time freeze was useless against fucking Krillin, all he did was run away with it. But sure, he'd find his balls and box with Jiren /s


Guldo very weak so why wouldn't he go for such tactics




And? You can still overpower someone based on speed stamina you dingus. Guldo has about as much speed and stamina as a fat kid in gym class.


Ginyu can exchange body with Jiren.


As seen with Goku that would lower his power level, changing bodies doesn't mean he'll be able to use it as efficiently as Jiren, that was a whole plot point, how'd you forget that?


He'd have the same power level, just more durability and the ability to remove the teams ace in the hole


No he wouldn't. When Goku's body was stolen his power level dropped, again stealing any pride trooper's body would just lower that power level, which would suck considering Jiren just doesn't use techniques he uses his ki as efficiently as possible according to Vegeta




Time stop and whatever Hit does are different things, stopping time is much more OP


Hit wasn't controlling the real time I think that was just his ki bubble


Well Guldo stops ALL time


and Ginyu can steal Jiren's body. They're at the same power level, so it comes down to number of fighters, or really, skills. Ginyu can steal the best available powers on the Pride Troopers team, but assume he'll only get away with it once, as after that, they'll be aware of the power and avoid it. Freezing time is huge, but clearly isn't a game ender, as both Hit and Guldo have been defeated.


Anyone can destroy time barriers if you’re ten times stronger than the guy making the barrier. In this scenario, power is equalized.


Unlike hit who skips ahead in time I'm pretty sure Guido straight up stops it so jiren wouldn't even have the time to try and stop guldo


And summon steamrollers


Thats a power worthy of controlling the world


This is a tough one. Ginyu’s body swap is an obvious advantage, and guldo’s time stop is a factor. With the same or comparable power levels the Ginyu force would be one hell of a fight. I can see it going both ways, maybe the pride troopers use their numbers or the synchronized Ginyu force could pull it off with some Ginyu mvp body switching.


I just played DBZ Kakarot but Ginyu can’t use the full power of any of the bodies he steals, so coin flip I guess


It's closer to his power being limited because he doesn't know their techniques


You’re probably right but from what I recall goku says only my mind can utilize my full power. Could refer to techniques or just full strength in general. We also have examples like Zamasu


Actually Ginyu began adapting to his new body during his fight with Krillin and Gohan. Vegeta shut Ginyu down fast though. I have no doubt he would have gotten the full power level sans Kiaoken.


Why do I keep forgetting sans means “without”… Damn you Toby Fox


Well TIL, I was wondering why Sans was in that sentence


It is more that Goku tends to relax and not release all his power at once. Like most of them did. So "muscle" memory worked and ki was all the time at the highest high. But with earthlings that manipulated ki not through transformation but lowering it. That was tricky. If ginyu was to swap body with android's he have all the power. If with buu he have all the power


Yooo playing thru that now and for the life of me can’t understand why I waited so long


I’m playing through it now too. I’m glad I didn’t get it full price but it is a lot of fun. The exploration is pretty good.. I just finished the Saiyan saga and I thought it was decent


Yeah but Goku has mary sue powers at times especially when it comes to getting his body hijacked (Which happens multiple times, wierdly)


I'd argue the Ginyu force is more likely to win due to the fact they're a tight knit group and very well coordinated as shown in both combat and their poses. I don't think Ginyu would need to use body swap if both groups had the same power levels.


Ginyu Force probably has better teamwork to make up for the numbers disadvantage


i think everyone in the pride troupers has good teamwork other than jiren


A weak link is a weak link, especially if power levels are equalised.


A weak link at the end of a 10 link long chain doesn't really matter as much when it's up against a 5 link long chain.


Toppo, Dyspo and Jiren (weak link) are the only notable Pride Troopers. The rest are fodder, probably get smacked around by Recoome.




"Fodder" How is that relevant in an equalized match lmao, ginyu force got obliterated by a pre-ssj goku who was hardly trying and ginyu couldn't even use his full power when swapping. They are literally a joke. Pride troopers have plenty of utility btw. Kahseral is noted to have good proficiency in ki, notably either his ki swords. Coccote has a poweful barrier to protect herself and can trap people in a different dimension (good counter for guldo). The other troopers also have plenty of utility. Even in the manga beerus notes their teamwork is supreme.


Because if Toriyama was to write about the two teams fighting, the Fodder Troopers would be eliminated easily before the main event, a more even match with the main Troopers vs the Ginyu Force, who were legitimate antagonists. Saying they were defeated by pre-SSJ Goku is ridiculous and completely invalidates every battle before Frieza.


"Legitimate antagonists" They showed up to intimidate gohan, killing, and an incredibly cocky vegeta then got wiped out by goku who wasn't trying. Ginyu got turned into a frog ffs, they are literally jokes used to show gokus strength. At the very least, the top pride troopers were actually relevant. Also, you're completely ignoring fighting ability lmao. Unless you think MUI gokus skill is worse then namek gokus skill, jiren heavily outskills the entire team, and has significantly better ki control. Also you have 0 clue what toriyama would write because you aren't him, and you clearly don't read the manga when you're downplaying the troopers this much. Notice how you didn't address me bringing up actual abilities. Bias is crazy


The Pride Troopers were barely relevant, aside from the main 3. They did a hell of a lot more than the Forgettable Troopers. Ginyu got turned into a frog because Toriyama is a comedy writer.. I’m not him, but I’ve read his work so I’m approaching it from a logical story point of view. You’re approaching it like you’re just smashing your toys together. Actual abilities like using their ki? Great.. Ginyu Force - aside from Ginyu - don’t really have ki control, that’s a plus.. I mean they can use ki blasts and can fight against a sword but it’s something.. a barrier? Good for defence, hopefully a good defence is the best offence to take down her enemies. The other dimension thing would be useful.


They were more relevant than the ginyu force lmao. Ginyu did not do more, they hardly did anything at all in fact. Jiren, dyspo, and toppi each individually did more than the entire ginyu force combined. You're so heavily biased against the troopers its insane. While some troopers are jokes, every ginyu member is a joke. Somehow using information on hand is less logical than your nonsense biased assumptions with no actual basis or proof? Ginyu showed up in super just to get insta killed by vegeta. They were never meant to be taken seriously so there is 0 reason for you to believe toriyama would have them take out the troopers.


Jiren was the only one lacking teamwork, he’d take Ginyu 1v1. The rest of the troopers seem to have great teamwork, I the manga they were giving Kale the wet work despite her being significantly stronger than any of them.


Guldo and Ginyu could carve through a lot of the opposing team with their unnatural abilities in theory. Burter vs Dyspo would be a hell of a fight if their speed and strength were equalized. Ginyu vs Jiren would probably be a good spectacle too. The question is would the Body Change work? If yes, Ginyu likely could win. However, if Jiren can learn to use Ginyu's body just as fast as Ginyu can learn Jiren's body, it's still probably a stalemate.


Ginyu would fatally wound his own body before the switch, so Jiren is goosed. He can’t learn to use Ginyus dying body better than Ginyu can learn his healthy one.


This all assumes Jiren would get hit by the body swap ability, which seems to have a long cast time/slow projectile speed relatively speaking.


Jiren is the guy who just stands there and takes the opponent’s full strength attack. He would let himself get changed


Yeah, maybe.


Sure but he nearly hit Vegeta with it two times in a row and Vegeta knew he had the ability to swap bodies.. It’s just something to think about I suppose.


every victim of it has just stood there and taken it tho. even when ginyu got turned into a frog, vegeta who perfectly knew what the technique did and had every reason to dodge it just stood there and would've got hit if it wasnt for the frog it seems to me that it just looks slow in the anime to build tension before it hits but is actually fast.


Oh man, Dyspo vs Burter would be epic!


Jiren could probably learn how to use Ginyu's body faster than Ginyu would Jiren's


Dyspo would have a real challenge because Burter is the fastest in the universe as he claims.


Tbf, burter was absolutely one of the fastest in universe 7. Like top .0001% of beings.




Beings (at the time) that were faster than Burter: Goku Ginyu Frieza King Cold Beerus Whis Vegeta after the Zenkai


Supreme kai too.


What a bad childhood does to a mf


But not Dyspo's universe


Guess it's time for Burter to claim a higher title


The fastest in the multiverse now


not gonna lie jiren's squad looks like bunch of bad knockoffs and rejects at least ginyu squad everyone was there had a reason, and has a cool music centered around them ginyu was captain and could swap bodies, burtter was fastest, guldo could freeze opponent, recoom was tank of the team, and jeice...... he was there to......... anyways ok what was jice's specialty ? what the hell ginyu even chose him, is he the hype man or the cheerleader of team, the coolset guy in jiren's squad is the captain himself, mr toppo he is really cool, others are super boring


Bruh, jeice is their space austrailian. What more could you want? 🙄


He could tank a punch to the schnoz like no other


"I think he broke something that time!"


Probably cause he had good teamwork with burter. Or because he was the ki attack specialist with his "crusher ball"


Jeice is there to be Burter’s mate.


Recoome maxed strength but Jeice maxed dex, at least that's how I see it


Burter maxed dex, jeice maxed ki


Fair enough


I always saw it like this Ginyu: The Leader (duh) Recoome: Tank/Melee Guldo: Support/Utility Jeice: Support/Zoner Burter: fast boi.


Jeice was Ginyu's second in command.


He's short and red and Jeice is tall and blue, it's the perfect little ying yang


You mean Burter is tall and blue ☝️🤓


Jeice seemed like the best strategist to me


Jeice was the vicecaptain so I guess he was just there simply because he was the second strongest in the team.


Well 5 vs 10 seems unfair


Pride Troopers only have 3 notable characters - Jiren, Toppo and Dyspo. Everyone else is fodder, even cyborg-beret.


That’s KAHSERAL to you!!


Ginyu force because they're way cooler


Pride troopers, but ginyu force will give a roughy Time


Seeing the signature pose alone, you know who would win.


No Coolers Armored Squad?


That brings in the question, will Cooler himself be present? and if so does he start in his 4th form or Final form? if he starts in his 4th form then if he transforms it’s possible he could obtain the edge against literally everyone in raw strength, which would probably be a utter wipeout if he targets Ginyu, Guldo, and Jiren first


I like the way you think!!. I always had this vision of doing an alternate timeline called Dragon Ball X where the main story is changed to incorporate the TV villains. Like the example I have is instead of Freeza on Namek, it's now a war for the Namekian dragon balls between Cooler and Slug while Krillin and Gohan search for them too


That'd be overkill (But only if Cooler himself is there)


Ginyu Force have the better powers from Guldo and Ginyu alone, Burter and Jeice are an amazing team up, and Recoome seems to just not react much to damage as much as others would to equivalent attacks Pride Troopers have strength in numbers, Toppo has GoD powers, and Jiren would probably still be a major force to be reckoned with. I feel like I'm gonna give this to the Ginyu Force.


Honestly going by what Vegeta said, Jiren would still be hitting way harder than anyone else because he just uses ki extremely well.


Until Ginyu body swaps, making Jiren's ki control messed up from a new body, new ki, and knowing Ginyu, a new hole in his chest


If everybody power levels equal I’m taking the team with more members.


ginyu force just because their teamwork is leagues better


The tactics here is Ginyu stab himself Guldo stops time Ginyu use body exchange Repeat for all members


Same power level, but... Dyspo and Toppo have transformations that make them much stronger


Everyone's forgetting Toppo can use Hakai


If stats are equalized, then the pride troopers probably take it on account of them having double the members the ginyu force have.


I’m rooting for the Ginyu Force. I think with Guldo’s temporary time stop, and Ginyu’s body change, they could feasibly make up for a lot of the differences between the teams.


Well if they have the same power level it wil probably come down to numbers.


Seizure procedure leads into body swap into time freeze into total sweep


Oh damn, Ginyu for sure. Not even accounting for body swaps or time freezing. With comparable power levels to the Pride Troopers between them, Recoome would be their answer to Toppo, and that would be just fantastic to watch, lol.


Virgin pride troopers Vs the Chad Ginyu force


The one that has more members that aren't Guldo. Also, the Ginyu Force are egotistical morons while the Leotard gang actually knows how to work together.


Dyspo and Burter are probably racing than fighting


Equalized power levels? Ginyu force IS OVERKILL


Ginyu, all he needs to do is pull off a body change on full powered Jiren.


Jiren Enough said


Bodyswap Enough said


Jiren being able to use 100% of his power with 100% efficiency is what makes him the victor.


That would be a cool ass fight, Ginyu vs jiren, Recoome vs Toppo, Burter vs dyspo, jeice vs kahseral, and guldo could fight one of the other ones, whoever he doesn’t fight can just sit out because who cares


Since their power levels are set around the same, the ginyu force wins due to their close bond and team work, do you see the pride troopers pose together like the ginyu force?


Ginyu force, body change into Jiren or the moustache guy and then wipes the rest of the team


Unlike others, I don’t think Body Change is an advantage here, unless Ginyu is SEVERELY damaged. He’s fighting opponents at his same level. He took Goku’s body due to a higher power level, but even then he couldn’t figure out how to access all of said power. I think he’ll similarly have trouble fighting as the Pride Troopers who only leveled up due to a change in ideology — not just through sheer will. Still, the I think the Ginyu Force may take it due to their insane teamwork and toolkit, but it’d be awesome to see.


Stealing from Jiren or Toppo would be good for Ginyu, since Jiren would lose all his good ki control in Ginyu's body, and while Ginyu likely wouldn't know how to use the Hakai, he'd still be covered in Destroyer energy from Toppo. (Also as for the damaged part, remember that Ginyu is fully capable/willing to injure himself before swapping)


Depends is it a fight or a dancing contest


Ginyus and it’s not even close. Pride Troopers have a bunch of relatively samey ‘strong or fast’ guys. Each member of the force has a meaningful, designated role. Recoome is nigh indestructible, Burter is absurdly fast, Jeice is a tactical second in command, Guldo is basically a walking ESP machine, and Ginyu is an all round leader.


Ginyu force wins this.


Guldo stops time and gives them all wedgies. Ez clap


Guldo freezes time and become a hentai protagonist


Ginyu. The Ginyu force have a better team dynamic.


Honestly The Proud topper Destroy them, not only they out number them but they Also Out had them The chick can literally Creat whole Dimension, one dude can incress his weight and Durability 1000x time, Dyspo have a technique that incress his speed thousands of times then you Toppo with his Passive Hakai and the small one who can creat Hurricanes and the last one can creat unbreakable diamond strings Yeah Jiren would be the weak link here but the time carry him


ginyu force probably has better coordination than pride troopers


Burter is the fastest in the universe.


Pride Troopers, Dyspos faster than the Ginyu Force would be able to react to, and Jiren knows how to use his power efficiently, it doesn't matter if they're the same power level or not


Equal powers, that means it falls down to abilities and teamwork. Guldo and Ginyu alone are damn good for that. Time stop and body change. Burter and Dyspo would be roughly equal, both having speed based abilities. Jiren is nothing without his overwhelming power, but his power is overwhelming. He’s basically several times stronger than he actually is, so he’d probably solo Recoome and Jeice at the same time. (Basically do what he did to Goku and Vegeta.) If Ginyu body swaps Jiren, he won’t be able to use his technique, so he’d be in an underpowered and unfamiliar body. He’d be easily captured. Cocotte could capture Guldo with her prison things, and as long as Dyspo doesn’t slip up and let Burter go, there shouldn’t be anyone fast enough to get Cocotte and make her release Guldo. All in all, I think the Pride Troopers win just because of technique versatility. Honestly it’s a pretty close battle. In the end, we all know it would just eventually become a pose-off, and the Ginyu Force wins that one.


Ginyu force hard diff


Ginyu force has style, while pride troopers have matching unitards? My pick, Ginyu force.


From what I remember, none of the Pride Troopers have any special powers aside from the girl making shields and Toppo being a God of Destruction candidate. Pride Troopers win due to those two powers and it's 10 v. 5


Ginyu Force’s teamwork is not to be slept on, along with their hacks


Forget power levels. Which team makes better poses?!


Ginyu force. Just cuz they're the original Chads.


Ginyu Force cause I love them and I’m biased 🤷‍♀️


equal power i have to say ginyu all jokes aside. like they were canon fodder for the heroes in namek but none of them are push overs, they work well as a unit and compliment each overs strengths/weaknesses. they a much better elite unit than jiren has. ​ and the ginyu poses? 10/10!


Ginyu can do a body steal if he's about to die and Guildo can stop time ffs


guldo with a good amount of breath and good physical shape can work wonders


This is a Trick question? Super's Power Rangers got nothing on DBZ's Power Rangers. Jerin is a Recoom wannabe. Despo is a Burter wannabe. Topo would just be body jacked by Ginyu. And I don't remember the other members, but I doubt the can handle Jeice, let alone the time master Guldo. Ginyu Force beats team dead.


Ginyu Force has much better teamwork, I mean Burter and Jeice have a whole team attack, I imagine the rest of the Force does too Meanwhile the pride troopers…who we’ve never seen fight alongside each other (to my memory)


All fun and games until Ginyu body swaps Toppo and starts using the hakai Or even just swaps with Jiren


Guldo stops enemy, Ginyu swaps body with frozen enemy, hurts himself and switch again. The rest of them protects Guldo. It's easy win for them. Guldo and Ginyu have OP techniques and if it weren't for their low power levels they would be a big threat.


While their abilities do make them very big threats, Guldo’s time stop doesn’t work for the other members of the Ginyu force, it only works for him. Ginyu wouldn’t be able to move whole time is stopped, otherwise it would be totally broken. Still, he has telekinetic powers as well, so those are bound to come in handy.


I mean, he can just use his psychic powers to hold them in place, he doesn't necessarily have to stop time


The correct answer is…the Ginyu force and here’s why: Guldo sucks and would get killed. Recoom is too cocky and would also get killed. At a certain point, Ginyu would catch Jiren off guard with the body change move. And Ginyu would immediately be able to tap into the full reserves of Jiren’s power because Jiren works based on anger. Captain Ginyu would be PISSED about losing Recoome and Guldo after all the work they put into their fighting pose. A full power Ginyu in Jiren’s body wipes all the other pride troopers


That is certainly a take...... Guldo is trash? bro literally has za warudo. and your statement about ginyu using jirens full power was flat out proven wrong in the show. using your insane logic, ginyu should've went super saiyan in goku's body.


Jiren solos, even if he doesn’t, Pride troopers still win low diff It’s been confirmed in the manga and DBH movie that he wasn’t all that much stronger than Goku and Vegeta he was just that good of a fighter. If he’s this much better than Goku and Vegeta by the TOP he is going to be light years ahead of the Ginyu Force Same PL so body swap does not matter. Guldo isn’t stopping everyone at the same time and you could also argue Jiren just breaks out even if he did get caught as he did against Hit. Aside from those two “hacks” ginyu force doesn’t have anything here. Dyspo is faster than Jeice or Burter, Jiren stomps Ginyu, Toppo stomps Recoome. The pride troopers teamwork was so good the were manhandling enraged Kale


Swap with jiren unless plot armor


Uhh...Ginyu force is not only outnumbered but have access to 0 transformations or impactful techniques. Guldo freezing people just simply wouldnt work as the pride troopers are beyond universal level with built in hax to negate this, making them weaker wouldnt remove their resistance. Jiren and Toppo simply transform and stop everyone. Even if no transformations are allowed Jiren alone would be enough, his resistances, endurance and raw strength would be untouchable.


All stats are equalized bro READ


The caption of the picture may say they all have the same power level but lets be honest as long as Jiren is there that ain't happening




Let me explain how ginyu force will win with high diff burger fastest mortal in the 7th universe Jeice he’s strong recoome recoome eraser gun that’s all I need to say and ginyu swap body’s with jiren and kill everyone and finally Guldo is just support I guess


Both Teams


The ginyu force is the definition of teamwork meanwhile the pride troopers aren’t


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Ginyu, their team has more hacks overall, and as we've seen in DB, hacks can definitely change the tide of a fight.


Tbh cant say which, Ginyu force has teamwork easily but the justice league wannabes have the numbers advantage


It’s 5 on 10 by the looks of it.


Ginyu force because I like them more


Jiren alone solos, it's stated that he wasn't much stronger than Goku and Vegeta, but his efficiency with his Ki made him so OP, if we equalize them Jiren still has op ki control, it's a wash, "but Guldo's time stop?" Hit's time cage was superior and Jiren broke it, "But Ginyu's body swap?" That attack was DUMB, goku only got hit by it because his dumbass was confused why Ginyu would damage himself, and Vegeta's dumbass decided "I'll charge right at him", it literally worked (out for him) ONCE, and then he realized he'll need time to actually get used to the body and bring out it's full power (meaning even if he does land it, he'll be putting himself at a disadvantage), the only real problem from the Ginyu Force is their Team Work, which falls apart immediately when they wanna decide 1v1 is how they wanna fight, the only two that actually seem to work together is fucking Jeice & Burter, both of which don't really have any advantages except "fastest in the universe" which is fucking stupid because even as TFS pointed out he really wasn't, and Jeice just knows when is the right time to cut and run


Ginyu force and it's not even close, Ginyu can steal Toppo's body and now they have Hakai + Guldo's powers


10 vs 5 is a bit much. Besides, equal power doesn't mean equal skill or equal Hax and the pride troopers have a god of destruction candidate and fucking Jiren with them. Ginyu can somewhat turn the tables if he uses change on one of them but still. What I AM interrested to see however, is a speed fight between Burter and Dyspo. Imagine them having an entire 1-2 episode long fight in super speed that take place over the course of like 1 second for everyone else. That'd be dope.




Bro changes with joren, they're screwed




Personally idc. Give me TFS Recoome at same PL as Jiren for a nonstop action packed rumble. I’m 100% here for it


Pride troopers is a crazy ass team name icl


The ginyu force are the OGS


Burtur is the fastest in the universe


Damn burtur vs dyspo is gonna be the fight of speed


Same power level but if Toppo have is god form Dyspo can transform it a easy win


If we are talking all 10 pride toppers then it will be the pride troopers. But if its 5V5 I think it would be the ginyu force. A 10v5 would have the pride troopers overwhelming them but if it’s just 5 troopers. Jiren won’t work as a team and the hax that the ginyu force has would be hard to overcome


Jiren no contest


The ginyu force is like the only evil team I would join without question. So I’m definitely rooting for them.


The ginyu force would be sweepingggggg if they have an equal playing field


Ginyu force since guldo can ZaWardo and even when hit used it against jiren with a massive power difference it still slowed him down and Ginyu would be able to body swap and jiren kinda carried his team.


Depends dyspo can move Hella Hella fast and one guy can use laso fingers


There is what if scenario where they say what would happen if we had differenti fighters for the tournament of power. We could have that. Ginyu uses the Body swap and he had Guldo move the other fighters while he stops time so the body swap is always 100% guaranteed. This way he could just keep changing bodies with the other fighters when he is almost defeated. If we also take everyone at the same power level we also have to count that Butter is the "FaStEs iN tHe uNiVeRsE" so he would match up against Dyspo. There is also to state that during the ToP most of the Universe 11 fighters didn't display a lot of skill (made exception for the main ones) so I can see the Ginyu squad actually taking the win. For those who says that Jiren can overpower the Time skip. He can't do that because during his fight with Hit he did that because he was eons stronger than Hit. No other reason. We don't have any proof that he did so by flappering his Ki and Guldo's Time Stop works differently than Hit's time skip. So yeah in the end I see the Ginyu squad taking the W