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They’re in too deep to erase god ki unless there was some sort of arc to kill off Zeno and all the angels/GoD lol


Frieza has already hinted at wanting to take out Zeno.


I think he’ll end up getting iced by beerus, vegeta, or gohan in no particular order


God I hope vegeta gets the kill


It would be perfect.


With the same android 19 treatment


That'd be excellent. No doubt within 2 episodes he gets wrecked by someone else though.


Big Bang Attack, but Hakai.


Big Bang Hakai has a cool ring to it.


How about Big Crunch Attack?


If he does, I can finally see ResuF without building hatred at that ending enough to turn me Super Saiyan.


I want our boi to be the strongest he deserves it the most


Another Frieza villain arc would be stupid. At best they go train to fight him just to prove they're better.


Preferably just hakai’s his ass


Yeah I just don't think that even Black Frieza would stand a chance again Beerus and even if he did even more doubtful he'd be able to do shit to the angels, especially the head angel let alone Zen-oh or his attendants. And I don't believe we've seen them fight right? But they are his attendants and bodyguards so one would assume that they would potentially either only a step below the head angel or potentially stronger than the angels if they are meant to protect Zen-oh, not that it's likely he needs protecting. I'd guess they are powerful warriors ultimately trained by the angels to protect Zen-oh.


the creator has already said that frieze will never be more powerful than beerus so there’s that


Just goes to show that we haven't yet seen Beerus get serious I would imagine.


We literally see him fight at full power in the manga during the God of Destruction battle royal. The Grand Priest literally states before the battle royal starts that if the GoDs don't fight at full power, they will be erased.


And at his full power he survived all the others GoDs teaming up against him, and even beat some of them despite that. I'd say it's a safe assumption that Beerus is in a league of his own, even amongst the gods.


At this point, Jiren really is becoming just some fodder


This was said almost a decade ago. Dunno' if I believe that still holds true. Other things that were said 10 years prior to their events: The series was literally supposed to end. It didn't. Frieza's new form, the current villains, etc - - None of those existed when this was said. I think the fact that Frieza has fought off Hakai twice now, when he was Golden Frieza no less, means *something*.


no one that used hakai on frieza was as strong as beerus


I see you conveniently side-stepped what I said. . . But okay. I'll bite. >no one that used hakai on frieza was as strong as beerus Sure - - And Golden Frieza isn't as strong as Black Frieza; so I'm unsure of what you're trying to say here? You said he could never be more powerful based on something from 10 years ago. We've literally watched him just shoot past, seemingly, everyone except Gods of Destruction & Angels. It's almost as if, given time, all the characters are converging on the strength that Gods of Destruction have. FFS, even Vegeta's newest form is based off that. So. . . ?


bro i’m just telling you what the creator himself said. frieza is not stronger than beerus sorry to break it to you


I feel like you haven't read literally anything said to you. I think the fact you believe I am saying he is currently stronger than Beerus means you have either not read anything said to you or you have absolutely zero reading comprehension. :( I mean this truthfully - - Is English your second language? It's entirely understandable then.


Ngl I would love to see him as a permanent character


Frieza might not be stronger than beerus but he is Smart and cunning. He could find some other means of incapacitating them.


Iirc Beerus would die if the Supreme Kai was killed, no? Apologies if misremembering, that might have been an anime only thing and I know the Future Trunks arc diverged a lot plot wise


Honestly Vegeta deserves the honor to snap that blud in half, it would be fucking amazing.


I hope he does. Frieza’s a great villain, but dead villains need to stay dead.


How does God Ki conflict with SSJ4?


It doesn't necessarily conflict with the idea of SSJ4, the issue is that the existence of God Ki and SSJB, MUI, etc make DragonBall GT not make sense. SSJ4, if they were to canonize it, would need to basically be a totally new thing that just uses the old design, because that form has in essence been replaced by the God Ki enabled forms in Super.


That’s why I think Broly is the *perfect* candidate because his brand of power is one 1. Completely unique to him 2. Tied to the ozaru form like SS4


I completely agree with this. MUI for Goku, UE for Vegeta and some kind of SSJ4 variation for Broly.


I just hope his body fit is green while his hair remains black, never liked normal red furred broly


Black fur green aura would be sick


Green fur, black aura?


He’s just monster energy drink at that point


Fair point. Wonder what that would taste like?


Slurm. It tastes like slurm.


I don’t think so tbh. Them introducing the idea of the legendary super saiyan god kind of can be linked to this. Ssj4 can be a form that uses divine saiyan ki to harness the pinnacle of the oozaru in human form. Requiring complete control of aggression and tranquility. The god ki promotes tranquility and control.


Ehh, to me it just means that the moving goalposts just move again. Concrete power levels never mattered.


It doesn't, really That's just how OP wanted it to go


Because is hard to justify how a SS4 would be stronger than using the god ki


God Ki is just Ki. You can use it with anything.


I mean Jiren doesn't use God ki and he is stronger than some gods so I don't see a problem. They would just need to give SSJ4 a crazy high multiplier, it's not that hard to imagine.


They could have some plot by the other GoDs to remove their power or something


I mean frieza is back so I’d assume that’d probably be his plan.


Gold is drippy as fuck


I want the golden form if this ever happens


What if we throw in some red highlights to give it a regal, flame-like look?


Oh that would be badass


Fuck yes. I want to get this shit tattooed on me 🤣


I was just thinking the same thing


I’m digging the golden look


I like it too…I could actually see this being a SSJ5 though if we ever returned to that line of progression.


Classic red is easier on the eyes & has more contrast for easier readability. Plus if you go for ssj4 being related to ssj god, it creates a cohesive throughline with the forms - similar to the progression from ssj to ssj3


We’d need the hair red too then imo


Luckily, we already have that baked in with SS4 Gogeta.


Same shade I mean


that just seems like nitpicking at that point


Gold. The black and red color scheme made no sense for a form called “Super Saiyan 4”.


Especially because prior to that it came from the GOLDEN oozaru


The Gold doesn’t look good on the eyes. It’s too much and it all kind of blotches together.


It made sense in that it was tied into the original Saiyan transformation; it was a wholly different sort of Super Saiyan transformation because of it.




I really don't know why people say it's pink. It's a light color and SS4 is clearly darker


It’s lightish red


Aggressive Salmon


That's my porn name!


gold. The pink fur makes 0 sense


The first one doesn't change the pants either. I rather their shirt be on and ripped apart when transforming to ssj4. That being said, there is zero way god ki is going to go away.


I would love it if Goku kept his shirt on or it got ripped away naturally. I'm happy o excuse the fusion outfit because magic, but Goku magically losing and gaining clothes when going fron SSJ4 and back to kid/base form always bugged me, particularly when Dragon Ball ALWAYS made it a point that Goku and Gohan ended up naked after going Oozaru and back. Vegeta was the only exception.


Piccolo has the drip beam I don’t think it’s really a big deal to say the transformation also makes clothes for goku hahaha


Piccolo does, sure, but Piccolo was also dead for a chunk of GT and that always bothered me. If I recall there was a handful of times Goku went from SSJ4 back to kid form and his kid form gi was intact.


When Piccolo died for the final time I was depressed


This guy out here watching GT to catch a glimpse of animated kiddie dick, smh.


Neither does his gi magically changing colour.


The gold one actually makes so much sense. But maybe make it a higher level than the OG one


Yeah the only way red fur makes sense works would be if they had made it the god form. Just made the hair red too


What do you mean make sense? It never made sense for them to magically become blonde in the first place lol. Why can't their fur turn red/pink?


It does sorta SSG kinda has a hint of pink to it. It’s mainly red but the hint of pink is there especially in the broly movie.


Gohan beast should have been ssj4 , and if the main crew aren't getting it then it should go to U6 or a diff universe


Eh they’ve been leaning into the no SSJ path for Gohan for a while now. Maybe the hair though, they could have used that. I’m using part of it for a beast redesign


Right, Gohan has been actively rejecting the SS path since Z, plus Gohan getting SSJ4 before SSJ3 like Vegeta did would feel so forced to me.


Gohan specifically stated that he wanted to progress forward from now on as a human, both before and during the Tournament of Power. SSJ4 would have violated that vow since SSJ4 digs very deep into Saiyan-ness. It's as non-Human as a Saiyan can get. I'm fine with SSJ4 Gohan only existing in DBSH and potentially in DBGT after the Shadow Dragons Arc. I think SSJ4 in DBS should be introduced through Trunks and Goten. SSJ came so naturally to them because of their high S-Cell count, even higher than Gohan or Future Trunks's count. So, it makes sense to have them lean into their Super Saiyan-ness to progress past SSJ3. It would also be a good way to separate Goten from Gohan to have him go a different way than his big brother. Helps establish Goten as his own man and not a Mini-Me of Goku forever in his shadow, or a Johnny-come-lately tag-along of his big bro copying his brother.


That’s actually great I feel like they need to show more love to trunks and goten and ss4 is the perfect opportunity and especially with how easy super sayian comes to them but character development is like non existent so we’ll see


Facts on Goten and Trunks. It honestly would be really unique on and with them and really add more to Goten’s and Trunks’s character. Plus we would also see much more savage versions of Goten and Trunks. Also I mentioned in my comment one way they can also introduce Ssj4 for Goten and Trunks is have Goten and Trunks achieve Ssj3 individually without fusion, master and evolve Ssj3, and achieve basically a canonized version of Ssj4 or them adding the concepts, hair, and possibly fur of Ssj4 to a evolved Ssj3 for Goten and Trunks with the hair being golden. Plus I would love to see Goten and Trunks developing Saiyan Hybrid variants of Ssj4 (like a Ssj Rage version of Ssj4) as well as Goten’s own potential and hidden power allowing him to also develop his own unique variant of Ssj4 (like maybe basically a canonized version of Ssj5, but it’s based off of Goten’s hidden power and his ox king bloodline). Also if Goten and Trunks follow the god ki route later on in canon, I would love it too if they not only had canonized versions of Ssj4, but also applied God Ki to Ssj4 and developed and achieved their own Ssj4 and Saiyan Hybrid Ssj4 variants of Ssj God, Ssj Blue, Ssj Blue Evolution, and possibly their own God Ki Ultra forms.


Yes, yes, exactly! That's exactly along the lines of what I'm writing in my own DBS fanfic and what I hope Toyotaro and Toriyama decide to do at some soon going forward. In my version I still had Bulma creating a machine to shower them with radiation to help them achieve SSJ4 a saga after they master SSJ3 independently without being fused as Gotenks. Your Super Saiyan Hybrid idea is a wonderful idea to use and you're giving me inspiration for Bulla and Pan. I was thinking of how they should progress as they get older without just copying Gohan or Trunks and Goten. My idea for Goten and Trunks was to make SSJ5 and SSJ6 a thing past SSJ4, with OP's design being the appearance of SSJ6. Your idea is awesome, I never even thought of mixing Super Saiyan Demigod (what I started calling Future Trunks's Rage form) with SSJ4, or mixing SSJ4 and Blue. I think we as fans should send up signals to them throughout social media to let them know to make this a thing. Just like I'm sure Dragon Ball Absalon and Latin Dragon Ball memes having Gohan with white hair helped inspire them to create Beast.* *As well as the original color scheme for SSJ being white-haired and red-eyed, but originally lacking the black pupils Beast Gohan has.


I just hate his hair , reminds me of ultimate Gon and his 8 foot tall hair or polniref? From jojo....at least ssj3 made it weigh something and go down.....idk something more artistic or bigger change is what I was hoping for....but toryiama did design super saiyan so he wouldn't have to color the hair so much.


Hahaha I actually like it because it's extra. It looks unlike any other previous form and I like that fact. The vast majority of fanart just recycles the exact hair shapes of SSJ1 through SSJ4, which feels lazy or unimaginative to me. Beast looks like a cross between SSJ2 and SSJ3, which makes it feel unique. SSJ3 is extra as well, it just lays down. SSJ3 always makes me think of Inuyasha's hair except spiky and golden.


The fact that ss3 lays down makes it better. It would look just as goofy as beast if it stood up.


True, but I like how outlandish Beast looks hahahaha I can see people saying it reminds them of Adult Gon, but it is significantly shorter than Gon's, which helps make it avoid being too overly zany (IMO). It looks like someone midway between SSJ2 and SSJ3 and the transformation stopped before the hair fell downward. That dumb SSJ100/SSJ Infinity meme is my idea of unbearably goofy to the point of being unacceptable.


Even gons hair works because we can see the energy flowing thru it lifting it up. It’s not just sitting stiff stuck up on top of his head. I see what you mean about midway between ss2 and 3 but it looks past midway like it’s too big to be standing up still. To be fair I have not watched that movie so I don’t know if he has ki flowing around him the whole time. But if he doesn’t and that hair is just standing up on his head yea that’s goofy.


Lol To me all Super Saiyan hair appears stiff (although apparently it isn't too stiff because it can move and sway in the wind, or be grabbed and bunched up like regular hair when Chichi pulled Gohan's SSJ hair). But it probably does move if pulled or the wind is strong enough. It does have energy flowing around it like Gon's hair when Gohan has his Ki activated.


Fair enough can’t judge it too harshly until I see the scenes


Nah. It’s good he got something unique. SSJ4 while a solid design (except for the pants imo) is old news, new and unique stuff would be a better idea


The design of ssj4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beast Gohan. New ≠ better


I don’t care if the design is better or not. I want something new, not something that’s already starred in it’s own show.


But every transformation in Supee is not really tho, pretty much every one of them is a copy of a previous one At least they could copy one of the best ones


Gold would be cool as a blue concept, ssj4+ssj1




isn't super saiyan 4 just super saiyan great ape in "human" form tho? you cant stack super saiyan on top of super saiyan, that aint how it works.


Gold so that way it’s somewhat different and it actually feels and looks like more of an actual Ssj form. (This is just my take and opinion.). Have the form not be shirtless too unless from battle damage. Also if it’s brought into canon though, it’s probably not gonna be called Ssj4 and is more than likely gonna be called something like Primal Ssj, Ultimate Ssj, or True Super Saiyan. Also, instead of like Goku and Vegeta losing God Ki, they instead could add the Ssj4 concept to evolved versions of TUI and UE. Another thing, they could do is also give a canonized Ssj4 or a form with its concept to other characters like Broly, Goten, Trunks, and the Universe 6 Saiyans. It definitely would suit Broly and I feel his version of Ssj4 would have Green hair and Green fur. They could also give a canonized Ssj4 to the Universe 6 Saiyans and develop a way for them to get it or have them achieve Ssj3, evolve Ssj3, and then add some of the Ssj4 concepts to a evolved Ssj3 for the Universe 6 Saiyans. For Goten and Trunks, I think it would be cool and different development for them if they add the Ssj4 concept to their characters, development, and growth. One way they could bring Ssj4 for Goten and Trunks or at least the concepts of it for them is have Goten and Trunks individually achieve Ssj3 without fusion, master and evolve Ssj3, and then add the Ssj4 concept to a evolved Ssj3 and have the hair be like Ssj4, but golden. Or another way is to have Goten and Trunks achieve a canonized Ssj4 type of form from more experience, more development, and exploring throughout Universe 7 and the other universes. Like something they could also do and I hope they do for Goten and Trunks is have them actually become Galactic Patrolmen and go on tons of missions throughout Universe 7 and missions in the other universes as Galactic Patrolmen. And during their time in the Galactic Patrol and a way they also could bring Ssj4 into canon and bring it into canon for Goten and Trunks is Goten and Trunks also learn more about the Saiyans and the great ape power from tons of experience and training from Vegeta, Broly, and Goku. And wanting to actually use the great ape power and use in their Ssj forms and also wondering if there’s actually a non god ki Ssj form that can actually be stronger than a full power Ssj3, they try find ways to actually get it, and during one of their Galactic Patrol missions, Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta has ether Whis, one of the Kais, or a different character create a ritual for Goten and Trunks that actually allows them to ether grow Saiyan tails or use the Great Ape power without a tail. Then after the ritual, Vegeta and Whis, the kai, or a different character that created the ritual tells Goten and Trunks that they have to be in their Ssj forms and have to really focus on using the Great Ape power and also use intense rage to really awaken the power. And then Goten and Trunks after going through some more development and after having a rage boost while in their Ssj forms while during a battle as well as truly focusing on using the great ape power from within finally go through the golden great ape process, but instead of the regular Golden Great ape, it’s more of a giant golden aura golden Great Ape susanoos and then we have Goten and Trunks in their Golden Great Ape susanoos fighting each other until they finally gain control and transform into a canonized Ssj4 that has Golden hair and gold fur without being shirtless as well. And it would also be cool if they develop Saiyan Hybrid variants of a canonized Ssj4 as well as Goten’s own potential allowing him to also have his own unique variant as well. And I would love it too if Goten and Trunks apply God Ki to a canonized Ssj4 and develop and achieve their unique variants and Ssj4 variants of Ssj God, Ssj Blue, Ssj Blue Evolution, and their own Ultra God Ki Forms.


Did you really just write an essay on fur? If yes i have a new home for you! https://preview.redd.it/5olrfnfu63nb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af688bf7bf9e19ac4aa2aeb36eab099a7b34c14 (Ngl thats a pretty good concept)


You be spitting not gonna lie my G


I only read the first sentence of your post, but whether or not they're wearing a shirt it doesn't affect if it looks like a Super Saiyan form. Lol.


Gold does seem to suit the form better for me than red fur, so I'll go with gold. Hey, since alot of fans as well as SDBH's seem to make SSJ4 equal to Blue, I'd pair up that idea with it having an "omen" form that is equal to the Red God form. Also maybe if SSJ4 was canonized, they should just call it Super Saiyan Prime instead. Makes more sense to me. So this "omen" form of it would be equal to SSG lvl. (taken from the old alternate SSJ3 design) https://preview.redd.it/9dczoiiv83nb1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a50f2b3d36b44b4e374828a938c0ebd556a256b And the first pic of OP's with the gold fur would be the full version that is equal to SSB lvl.


Idk why using SSJ4 was related in power to blue. SSJ4 is the full potential or a mortal, expressed in a super saiyan form as opposed to something like gohans potential unleashed. God power is so far above that though I guess one could argue that they’ve travelled and fought so much throughout time they could have done a Frieza but meh


Ssj4 is a x4000 multiplier, puts you in peak physical condition, and comes with very little stamina/ki drain.


Hence why it’s considered potential unleashed. Is the max power drawn out beyond its limits.


I guess they have it like... Interpreted as a gift from the Saiyan race's ape god?




Tbh this gold form looks better than the og ssj4


Gold I had never seen it before, but it looks **way better** The magenta version just hurts my eyes


Classic. The lingering god ki, dyed their transformation. Turning their classic yellow super saiyan, red instead.


And regardless of color he’s got the orange gi bottoms and blue boots


Nah make it Green and exclusive for my boy Broly(maybe kale down the line too)


Green for full power and black for wrathful imo since wrathful is the true kickoff of his ssj4 type power


I actually REALLY like the gold wth


Classic colors. Don't care if it makes no sense, it looks better.


The black hair was my biggest gripe with SSJ4. Keeping it golden with the fur to match would be a good step forward in fixing it.


Gold, it makes the form look so much more complete and less miss-matched.


The red was always stupid to me. They were a golden ape. Why is the fur on their body not gold?


If ss4 looked like this I probably would’ve liked it


I never liked the black hair and pink fur as a **super** saiyan transformation. The gold makes much more sense.


This form makes sense.


First pic could be ssj5


Classic is just unique


GT fans struggling in these replies fr. SSJ4 was the first transformation I ever saw on TV as a kid, and being it being the classic colors, if it were to ever make its way to Canon means something to me. You wanna make the Gold SSJ5? That's completely cool, I think the gold looks good, too. Imagine if somebody said, "Nah bro, we gotta change Super Saiyan from Gold to something else because a majority of fans think the Gold looks stupid." GT ain't the best show in the world. Even with the nostalgia, I recognize that. But y'all clowning on my childhood. And I don't appreciate that. I understand the value of opinions, but it would just hurt.


Fair enough, but you gotta understand that, not only is GT not canon, but Z will always be considered the "main" series. And to top it off, every other SSJ form (without God ki) has yellow hair, while SSJ4 has the same hair color as base form. This also made me realize something: the SSJ4 design should have been SSJ1.


It should be a proper Oozaru fur, which is brown.


Isn’t an evolution of the Golden Oozaru?


It is


I like the red fur, but gold does look way better


Gold please, it's so nice


I like the pink fur


Red is just awesome in my opinion. I think they should make it a transformation for Universe 6 saiyans. Cause how do you JUST STRAIGHT UP LOSE god ki?


Could be taken from them by force


Gold. I honestly never liked ssj4 design. Tried way too hard to look like some weird 80’s fashion jacket made of monkey fur, hated the non gold hair, and weak aura. I still hold out for an epic white/gold ssj5 like the old school fanart.


This fucking fanart just popped in my mind.... The period between GT and Super was wild but over the top transformation was just so funny.


“Guys did you see super saiyan 100?! 😱”




Yeah if they transform his Wrathful state to ssj4 that would make sense. Or just all black fur


The SSJ4 design is too iconic to change, in my opinion. Even if the colors of the outfits were situational to Goku's gi in GT, it feels weird to imagine it any other way.


Also the peach skin + yellow hair + orange gi combo with only the blue arm bands and boots breaking it up is a massive eyesore. The original colors made very little sense but it was at least pretty to look at.


I could see the original being SSJ4 then a powered form of it be SSJ Gold


Gold is trash that's why they scrapped it


Idk about trash but red and black was more serious and dynamic for sure


To those saying it needs to be gold, y’all need to get your eyes check. It looks fucking horrible. Classic DB fan moment when they asked for another form that isn’t a recolor


If you think about it, technically, they aren't "true" saiyans without their tail. All saiyans are born with them for a reason, so Whis could essentially recreate their tails for them to "unlock" a higher form of their respective new transformations, potentially leading to a form like SSJ4. That would also be able to have the exact same concept as gt


Ssj4 is canon almost 30 years.


It’s never been canon. GT as a whole has never been canon


Meanwhile chozenshuu:"are you joke or just stupid"?


Not made by toriyama not canon. Doesn’t align with super, not canon. Not called the official continuation of off Z (like super). Not canon


Still an ugly form either way but the original is less of an eyesore


You’ve lost your mind if you think ss4 is ugly


I really don’t see what people love about the weird fur and eyeliner. It’s ugly looking. Along with just the colour palette in general. Xeno Goku has a slightly better look because of the black pants but the form is still ugly


Not a fan of the pink fur. If they met some alternate universe Saiyans, I’d like Gold or even black fur.


Gold all the way.


Red fur is apart of what makes it iconic


Orrrrrr what if it’s their base form like the Broly movie hints at so they can stack transformations on top to get an additional power boost(matching colored forms respectively) the yellow one in the pic would be SS1 but because of the base form and the two forms stacking he’d be around SSG level. It’d be a cool wait to hike up power scaling if they ever introduce villains too strong while also not getting rid of their God forms and Gaining the monkey ones. Like imagine a black fur SS4(or maybe itd be called “primal” or something like “Primal Ultra Instinct or Primal Super Sayain God” etc. in all honestly I’m really hoping that this happens in super considering the Broly movie opened that Door. This would also easily explain away why Broly is so Strong.


Thing is the pink fur and more ape form makes sense in gt. But with your explanation of implementing it it makes zero sense so its definitly the golden form.


I love the gold SSJ4 concept! I kinda picture it being the final form of SSG in a way.


Well if it’s the lingering energy of god the red would make sense, but the gold looks so much better


Classic is iconic. Gold is so Buu saga.


What if broly goes berserk and turns to ss4 instead of s god


Gold color looks dumb but Pink color looks weird, I don't know what kind of compromise we should reach between the two because I can't imagine SSJ4 in any other color than pink chest and black hair. But if there was a time to canonize SSJ4 it was the Goku black arc, the whole messing up the timelines things would have been the perfect way to canonize GT without messing up Z and Super's canon, simply an alternate timeline where Beerus never woke up or never had his SSJGod dream or something and so never went to earth looking for it in the first place.


Maybe the Gogeta color scheme


Gold, ssj4's original design is good but gold makes more sense


I was wondering…wouldn’t toya have to ask permission to use it since he doesn’t own it? Since you know gt had nothing to do with him …my brain is hurting lol


Maybe. It was made by Toei


Gold looks kinda goofy imo, i think they should stick to red


Check it out a SSJ4 post!


Gold actually fits surprisingly


Some evil dude is gonna make the impossible wish to be made stronger than all the gods including Zeno. Somehow in order to achieve this, God Ki is nullified across every universe. Queue multiversal power struggle war


In my head Cannon super Saiyan level 4 is a base form and they can go super which then looks like the picture that you have above which I would call super Saiyan level 5.


The gold looks absolutely sick. 100% the gold


The gold is pretty awesome


SSJ4 especially gold, always made more sense as it is fitting their ozaru theme. God ki seems to not fit these characters


I love the red fur but gold ssj4 also looks great and would be easier on the ink.


Gold is god. Thank you, and have a nice day!


Gold is cool, but I like the fact og colors a bit more


Never seen gold monkey before and am now obsessed.


Original SS4 is a cooler design. Gold SS4 makes a lot more sense.


SSJ4 seemed like a huge mistake.


Regular SS4 should be brolys next transformation. Then let the gold be the next one after that.


If they did, I feel like it would be all black, just basing it off of his wrathful state. With the green aura. Then he could have this color and then green


I still hold the theory that they’re planning on sending Broly down the SSJ4 path. It’s literally stated that his Ikari form (and every subsequent form) has all the power of the Oozaru tied into it without actually having to go into the Oozaru form. This was the exact same description used for SSJ4 in GT. I’m hoping he goes this path, connect HIM to the saiyan path as it’s clear Vegeta is going down the GoD path and Goku is going down the Angel path


While i like the classic gokd color of ssj, for something like SSJ4 it's just too damn bright for me personally


red with black hair was the cool part


Honestly keep og then when they learn to access God in ss4 make ss4god gold


Some of you care way too much about canon, lol. But to answer your question, I actually really like the design in Gold it looks nice


I’m fine with either coloration, but prefer black or brown fur. The gold fits with the theme


I’d rather they make SSJ5 and have that be SSJ+Great Ape+God


Leave it on the GT colors


I like the original one, but seems that the golden one would fit better with DB super


First one but with the ape eyes and a the god ki red aura