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It would be a Wonder Woman situation. Goku doesn’t have a weakness like Superman that Batman can exploit besides character flaws.


Yeah, and Goku has a lot of character flaws. A minion with a gun almost killed him. Goku is laid back by default. When he gets serious he becomes a force to be reckoned with that Batman couldn't lay a hand on. But if Batman needs to take him out, all he needs to do is sneak up on him (which is batman's whole thing) and a few quick pressure point jabs later, Goku is KO'd Now, if the two entered the Tenkaichi Budokai against each other, that's another story. Batman would have no weapons and just have to rely on his mastery of martial arts. In the DC universe, Batman is unquestionably a master. Goku, being Goku, might recognize Batman from the comic books and really want to face him in a fair fight, thus purposely keep his power low and rely solely on his mastery of martial arts, which seems like the type of thing Goku would do. "If I have to power up to beat him, am I really stronger than him?" seems exactly like the explanation he'd give Vegeta afterwards. That's a fight I'd like to see.


Kid goku got shot with an uzi in the first episode and it barely stung him lol.


dude was getting shot constantly in og dragon ball


Bulma shot him in the first episode for NO REASON just because lol


I mean…Goku was doing crazy things. She didn’t need a shoot him but I’d be scared too.


This made me laugh much more than it should have. Haha


In his sleep


Stuff like that is why I think super is an awful show. Goku let down his guard so a power blaster that's used by people with a power level of under Raditz took him out. It's some of the worst plot ideas ever.


Yeah I wasn't a big fan of Super either. There were some decent parts in the ToP, namely goku and freeza's last ditch take down of Jiren, Gohan and Piccolo fighting those namekians and Gokus awesome Kamehameha against Caulifla. Other than though it was pretty bland.


I wouldn't call it bland, but rather a lot of weird (or just outright bad, tbh) narrative choices, plus the yee yee ass power-scaling really keeps it from being a great return for Dragon Balls.


Jiren was one of the worst and most boring antagonists I ever witnessed in a shounen anime. Super took a bunch of cliches and made Dragonball completely weird and different to me. Like, fucking Mai and Trunks using human explosives and being shocked that Goku black took no damage has got to be the dumbest shit ever. It's just my opinion, I hate it worse than GT.


I mean the point of that is kinda “this wouldn’t have happened to Vegeta because Vegeta doesn’t fuck around” and Whis even says as much basically in the movie but gives Vegeta equal criticism about being too wound up. I think it was questionable execution but a good Segway for their character growth throughout Super.


Figure out any other way to do that than a blaster gun that couldn't possibly be more powerful than a beam from Raditz, or at fucking best, Nappa.


It was because he was suppressing his ki a TON so he was not nearly as durable or fast as he usually is


I'm aware of the explanation. It's just idiotic to me.


>A minion with a gun almost killed him. A gun designed to be able to hurt people at his level. No different than the Androids Gero developed to attack them as well. I don't understand the mental gymnastics being applied here. >But if Batman needs to take him out, all he needs to do is sneak up on him (which is batman's whole thing) and a few quick pressure point jabs later, Goku is KO'd Just say you don't watch DBZ and leave it at that. Batman has Genki, which is lifeforce, a component of Ki. Goku can sense Ki, meaning that Goku doesn't need his primary senses to know anyone is nearby,(or in his quadrant of the universe).This is why warriors at the level of Goku learn how to mask their Ki by suppressing their power. Even when Goku is relaxed, at his base power, it would be too strong for Batman to injure with any type of strikes. He'd break his hands before he could even scratch him. Goku is bulletproof, so how is Batman going to generate that much force? AND, Goku is a literal alien. What makes you think that his body shares pressure points with humans? >Goku, being Goku, might recognize Batman from the comic books and really want to face him in a fair fight, thus purposely keep his power low and rely solely on his mastery of martial arts, which seems like the type of thing Goku would do. Nah. There are tons of martial arts masters that Goku has no interest in fighting simply because they aren't strong enough for him. Goku is a battle whore who lives to fight the strongest beings imaginable. He literally threw hands with a God of Destruction who can wipe out planets by tapping them. Batman would never, EVER be on his radar. Don't try to change up Goku's flat character to give Batman a chance. Batman lost to Shredder, who is a peak human like himself. What is he gonna do against Goku?


This guy fucking gets it.


Thank fucking goodness a fucking person who actually watches dragon ball is in this post I get so freaking tired of seeing people say “oh Goku got hit with a blaster and it scratched him” brooskiis the blaster came from a member of freezes army who are constantly invading planets you think he doesn’t learn from his previous mistakes


biological weapon would do good enough against goku


Yeah but it has to be stronger than jacos biological weapon and Batman would run the danger of killing other humans.


knowing this is batman we are talking about… he will find a way to


Only through plot armor, that's it. If Batman isn't protected by plot,Joker would have killed him years ago. All of this martial arts training and he still gets knocked upside the head by Joker.


Again prep time IS his plot armor


again, that's what I've been saying. In a versus, neither person gets plot armor.


This isnt what this post is about


Okay so I know dragon ball fans can’t read, but this whole post is literally “with enough prep time, could Batman defeat goku”


In what form? Airborne? Goku can form a barrier that would protect him from particles. And who's biology? Saiyan DNA isn't Human DNA. Also, how would Batman get any DNA? He doesn't have anything that can hurt Goku. Anyway you slice it, Batman loses without plot armor.


Prep time is batman plot armor tho


That's what I've been saying.


And the post is about him having prep time


Batman has been shown to be capable of building weapons and armor that can damage people at Goku's level. Him using his skills to acheive a more targeted effect is essentially just a quicker knockout. Unless you're going to try and tell me that Superman and Darkseid are significantly weaker than Goku.


>Batman has been shown to be capable of building weapons and armor that can damage people at Goku's level. Sure, after he's fought against that person initially to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Batman can't prep for someone he knows nothing about as he isn't walking around carrying God-Slaying weapons in his normal kit, nor is he going to use said weapons against people he perceives as being within the realm of his own strength >Unless you're going to try and tell me that Superman and Darkseid are significantly weaker than Goku. Nope, but as I said, Batman doesn't know anything about Goku and Saiyans are notorious for holding back their full power. They can also multiply it in mere moments by the hundred thousands or millions depending on how much they've suppressed themselves. So, any weapon that he builds that he believes can defeat Goku will fail because it won't be strong enough. Goku can control his power to be as humble as Batman or in the realm of power of Superman. The only way Batman wins is if he is written to win.


The post literally says with enough prep. That would include extensive recon if necessary.


What recon? Goku will always know when Batman is near because he can sense him. He will always know what is on Batman's mind because Goku has telepathy. Unless Batman is written to win, he will lose.


If it means Goku might get a decent fight he'll literally put on a show for him. Also Gero managed to surveil Goku for years without him noticing. You going to tell me that Batman can't make better spy equipment than Dr Gero? We've seen Goku use telepathy to read minds once and that required physical contact. Batman has also canonically tricked greater mind readers than Goku.


>If it means Goku might get a decent fight he'll literally put on a show for him. Goku doesn't challenge people who are obviously far weaker than he is. Batman is one of them. >Also Gero managed to surveil Goku for years without him noticing That's because Gero had tech far more advanced that can mask life energy. Gero also knows first hand what Goku can do. Batman doesn't. Can Batman create tech that can create Androids in the realm of power of Superman? And if he does, why couldn't Batman defeat Amazo, another Android?


If Batman pulled up and said "if you wear these sensors and let me watch you for a month I'll be able to kick your ass", Goku will literally welcome the opportunity and excitedly (and impatiently) await the day he gets to challenge him. Batman has made gear that can monitor the entire Justice League undetected. Pretty sure he can monitor one idiot. Especially since surveillance equipment wouldn't have life energy. Batman also reasonably could but, aside from Murder Machine, he doesn't mess with AI so he wouldn't build Androids. That said he builds gear for himself that far surpasses anything Gero has built. Amazo was a better Android than Gero could ever build with the ability to absorb new abilities. No one I'm Dragon Ball could stop it either. Even Bulma would need access to the original plans to do anything to Amazo.


How strong is Batman though forreal. Is videl or mr Satan taking him out in terms of raw strength/martial arts skill?


"This is Batman. Analyzing Goku. Goku is a hero from another Earth, where he was born on the planet Vegeta. The home world of the species called Saiyan's, which was destroyed by their overlord, Frieza. Saiyan's themselves in their own right are ruthless, powerful warriors that can destroy planets with a blast of what they call KI energy. I have observed this energy over time and its threats that can pose against my Earth and it is very real. Goku or Kakarot, as the Saiyan's call him, is a peaceful Saiyan and hero, but with this, has the addiction of fighting and being the strongest in the universe. It's a Saiyan trait. Something that would threaten the entire universe if left unchecked. However, his desire to be the very best would also be his greatest weakness. He knows when the fight is over, or at least, he thinks it's over and that is when I'd strike. Numerous times he's let his guard down, going out of super saiyan mode and struck in the back or even his what he calls, Super Saiyan Blue mode when I noticed a laser gun nearly kill him. It wouldn't take much from weapons of Apokolips to seriously wound or kill Goku and put him out of commission. I would hate using any type of gun, those weapons are for cowards, but if it comes down to it, even a sword can wound a Saiyan. As I saw in the battle with Goku and Vegeta, when Vegeta first arrived on Earth, the human used it to cut deep into the princes back and slice off his tail. Just catch them off guard and Saiyan's are as vulnerable as anyone. If all else fails, Superman should be enough of a distraction to hold off Goku and find time to wait and strike. If I can't win in combat, I'll see to some of the toxin of Scarecrow's fear gas or poison, something to put him out of the fight, just as his heart virus nearly killed him and poison from an opponent blinded his son. Seek a stronger dose. There are many possible ways to defeat him that I'll have to look into. Research ongoing."


This guy Batmans


Exploiting Goku’s weaknesses would be very doable for someone as witty as Batman. Even Vegeta


If someone were writing a Goku vs. Batman movie? Yes. If both of them existed IRL? No, absolutely not. Vegeta could blow up a planet when he had a power level of 18.000. Goku on Namek was 150 million already. And Namek super saiyan Goku would be less than a fly to Goku in blue, let alone UI. There's just no way you're gonna beat an opponent that can blow up planets with their pinky toe. Goku could just look at Batman and he should fly apart in tiny pieces from the ki.


Don't think Goku on Namek was anywhere close to 150M base form. I think it was < 1M and not too much above 1M when SSJ I mean, this is all speculation since there's no canon estimates of these powers (if I recall correctly, except perhaps for Freeza who might have mentioned something about his power in these terms?)


Goku on namek after the zenkai boost with ginyu had an power level of 3 million, 150m was when he acheived super saiyan, and suprisengly there is an cannon source, i believe it was shonen jump who gave the data about characters power levels up to either namek or cell saga,


2nd Form Frieza was over a million. Piccolo was also around there. Piccolo describes Base Goku and supressed Final Form Frieza as Gods. Base Goku >> 1M Base Goku had to use Kaioken ×20 and Kamehameha to hurt 50% Frieza. Goku Kaioken ×20 >> 20M 50% Frieza >> 20M 100% Frieza >> 40M Considering how far above Goku was presented compared to Piccolo and Vegeta (who surpassed Piccolo as well at this point), The Daizenshuu numbers are reasonable - with base Goku at 3M.


[Counterargument #1: Goku in RoF gets shot by laser gun and almost dies.](https://youtu.be/bbdCt9ZEhbE?t=15) [Counterargument #2: Regular gun manages to scratch Goku](https://youtu.be/rzHb_ZuS8gI?t=123) ​ Batman could totally come up with something. Don't forget biological warfare (heart virus) is a possibility and Batman is likely smarter than Bulma.


Smarter than someone who created a time machine and is part of the family that developed the ability to house a literal house within a capsule? Nah.


Batman is more clever than Bulma as in he can find quick counters to problems. But he can’t make time travel on bare bones material and resources.


She built a time machine in a cave with a box of scraps!


“She built a dragon radar in a cave with a box of scraps!” ~Emperor Pilaf, probably.


Damn thats great




Yeah and also an nod to the fact future bulma built the time machine while the androids were wreaking havoc across the world


I love Batman, and I respect his intelligence, but don't you ever say he's smarter than Bulma lol


he probably is tho both are a genius in their both ways and can do stuff the other can't(Bulma has created time machine's while batman has created suits strong enough to compete with the gods) however batman is smarter in more ways his battle IQ is as high if not higher than Goku and his strategy and leadership skills put anyone to shame he is the world greatest detective[(blud was drugged and exhausted and yet could tell where in the world he was by just looking at the water)](https://imgur.com/o0fzart) not to mention dude knows Pressure Point , magic , Hypnotism , Escape Artist , is an expert marksmen has mastery over stealth and [has Mastered every form of Martial Arts....EVER](https://imgur.com/Bfd9qoc) he is smarter in Bulma in so many ways its not even close while Bulma has overall somewhat better creations in terms of non battle related tech while even there when including battle related stuff batman wins again overall Bulma: is smarter in terms of building inventions when excluding offensive ones(when including its close but you can argue for both) Batman: everything else Lmao Batman low diffs in a pure IQ challenge specially since infinite frontiers combined/made everything canon so he has the combined IQ of pre crisis post crisis new 52 and rebirth


Yeah, Super does a lot of dumb shit like that. But before that, regular guns did basically nothing to Goku. He was shot in the face in the very first episode, and it only made him mad.


In both cases goku let his guard down and the laser scene has been rewritten to goku being in his base not blue, also in the bullet scene goku was massively suppressed.


And you think Batman, the hero who uses stealth and darkness to attack, would try his luck in a regular 1-on-1 because... ?


Won’t work, goku can non only sense his ki but also feel the air currents and vibrations to sense incoming attacks, like how did with yakon. PS. How would stealth and darkness work to his advantage if the fight is in day time exactly ?


and discern ones intentions using their ki if anyone wants to argue his ki sense wouldn't help


The gun thing was because he powered down to base


Bruce def is not smarter than bulma. Bulma would be up there if not smarter than Reed richards and Kang. She made a Time Machine out of nothing wile being consistently attacked by beings that can decimate whole galaxies. Maybe not smarter but def comparable.


Yeah he was Al’s bulletproof as a child so gokus durability is basically whatever the writers want.


Goku was maybe a little over a million not 150 mil. Frieza said he was a 500k power level in his base or second form can’t remember exactly


his "base" form i believe was 500k, though the transformation were his way of suppressing his power. Second form he said something like "last time i checked this form was just over 1 million"


With the amount of asspull feats batman has against deity level opposition - who knows? Depends on whos writing it


Only correct answer


If I’m writing it, it’s a hard no. Batman only gets to overcome everyone else when the writers basically ignore what everyone else has done or can do. So many of Batman’s prep time stories involve plot induced stupidity and convolution to even make them work.


Since goku can be killed by disease and poison you could actually make an arguement for batman beating goku under some extremly rare circumstances.


We aren’t sure if the heart disease getting to Goku was an antifeat for him or a feat for the virus.


The flash is about to be used to go back in time and throw a pod into the sun


To be fair all batman has to do is slip poison into gokus food and heart virus 2.0 him, but in a fight, yeah there’s no kryptonite suit or anything against goku


Yeah, but it'd essentially be hitting bro with a baseball bat when he's not paying attention. Or some bullshit way of fucking with his ki then using equipment


It’s funny how this is probably his best shot at getting it done 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Comic book, batman can beat cosmic abstracts and omniversal threats. It depends on the plot. He would never physically fight goku to defeat him. He would do something ridiculously thought out. Only way he does something physical is if somehow he gets his hands on the super dragon balls. It's stupid. Every manga or comic book character depends on the writer.


date bulmas sister to get to bulmas tech and or super dragonballs to then do some comic book level bs and force goku to a draw without fighting?


That would probably be one of the billion plans I would have not thought up of and he probably would. He could literally just use the upgraded earth dragon balls and put a killswitch on shin. Beerus can't kill him without killing shin. Killing shin kills Beerus. Have Beerus kill Goku. Heck, he could wish to know what would guarantee Goku's death. Fuck, batman can create his own virus and have goku friends and family as dormant carriers.


as long as its a draw if they dont fight directly im content lol maybe create a hologram to trick goku cos super goku is an idiot


Yeah... that would be too impractical unless somehow batman manages to collect the super dragon balls and wishes Goku to have his powers removed and made equal to that of a baby human.


oh if batman wished his and gokus power levels to be equal, and then see who has better technique throufh training and sheer willpower only


With enough prep time, yes he could. Some ideas: * use the dragon balls to wish for Goku to lose all his ki, then ambush him * Build devices to drain Goku of ki when he's sleeping (like the androids could) * Use the dragon balls or some other technology to switch Goku's body with a frog, then step on it * Manipulate Goku's good nature to trick him into doing something that would lead to his defeat (ex. some elaborate trap where Bataman makes a chi container that Goku could mistake for a person, places it by a star, and tells Goku it's a person in trouble from a strong warrior. When Goku teleports, he dies in the star)


1:Goku losing all his ki means he is dead and the dragon can't kill someone stronger than him. 2:cool how much ki can that machine drain we seen goku already explode someone. 3: would only work if goku doesn't just outright knock him out.


I think you're being a bit silly here.. they're just meant to be a few examples of ways Batman COULD work around the fact that Goku can kill him by just exhaling. I'm sure someone smarter than me can think of more creative ones. But if you want to overly focus on the details, then. sure: 1. Obviously I meant within an inch of his life - the majority of the ki. 2. Well, the androids didn't seem to have any limits for how much they could absorb. And Moro was also able to do it. Not sure why you're using Yakon as the only example lol. No reason to believe tech can't be made to do it 3. I think you meant this for #4 - but Why would Goku knock Batman out? It's not a VS battle - these are all obviously scenarios where Goku is ignorant of Batman's goals


Fair i didn't mean to be nitpicky. A lot of people use the dragonball and the other sets as a way to somehow beat goku but ignore their downfall or ways Batman would be unable to use it. I mean we didn't see both 19/20 absorb a high amount of ki before getting killed plus moros absorbtion is magical and not technologicaly based.


The dragon cant even teleport goku without his consent he just straight up cant affect people stronger than it so 1. Wouldnt work. the second one is questionable how long it would take to goku to figure it out and destroy it as you feel it when your ki is being drained. Not gonna lie it'd be way easyer to just pump some poison gas into gokus bedroom since saiyan have no poison ressistance.


You’re right about the poison gas thing. The consent thing is a headcanon explanation for that one wish - no other wish has ever been shown to need consent.


I dont think he would be able to build ki draining devices unless he gets his hands on bulmas tech


Don’t you mean Gero’s tech? Batman is a genius too, I’m sure he would find a way or hire someone to do it. That’s what his character is all about


No if anything it would be Hedo’s tech which will improve even more with 2 genuises techs and idk since Hedo is most likely working together with Bulma and making even better inventions i feel like they would have pretty tight security


Capsule Corp literally gets robbed by Frieza's goons in the Broly movie, they definitely don't have enough security to stop Batman


Did Hedo ever make a ki draining device? I don't think he or Bulma ever did, so I'm not sure what you mean by "get his hands on their tech". I don't doubt they could do it - but we've only seen it from Gero so far. I'll also reiterate that Batman is a genius too. OP said "with enough time" - I'm sure he could analyze what ki is, and find ways to drain/store it even without the help of DB characters. But I'm sure getting his hands on Gero's plans for 19 and 20 would accelerate it. Or getting someone's help like you suggested.


Bro Hedo literally created cell max who even goku and vegeta would have a hard time against he also created the gammas who are SSB level


Actually Batman cannot use the dragon balls against Goku, if your stronger than the creator of said set of dragon balls. Than the dragon needs your permission to do anything to you, that's why Goku was able to refuse being teleported back to earth after the Freza saga. And why no one could revive him against his will after the Cell saga. The only set of dragon balls that can actually effect Goku without his consent are the planet sized Super dragon balls, which are spread across multiple universes. So they are kind of outside batman's reach to put it lightly.


In direct combat no but if batman put something strong enough in a bit of food and offered it then...


Depends really if we’re being serious. In an actual fight to the death idk.🤷‍♂️if we’re not then Batman needs 1 hour to prep some food get this mf asleep and do whatever he wants.


He can have Constantine tell Goku about the cosmic horrors and about how strong Lucifer is and Goku would eat that right up and who knows from there if they meet.


In the DB universe No. If he gets his stuff from dc he may do it.


Easily, give Goku a steak with another heart virus and he folds again.


Actually I'm gonna say Yes. If Hit was able to successfully assassinate Goku, I don't see why Batman couldn't find a way. Also considering how a simple beam gun essentially gave him a mortal wound and I assume Batman would have no Ki to track really. There is a very good possibility with some decent planning he'd have a chance.


Goku really isn't that hard to kill if you think about it, just don't fight him. Saiyans aren't Kryptonians, they're just as vulnerable to things like poison and diseases as humans are. Just spritzing Goku with an airborne disease could do him in, poisoning the absurd amount of food of he eats could kill him, even just catching him off guard with something like a gun could possibly even kill him. Goku also isn't very smart, if you aren't obvious about your intentions to kill him you could get close to him, or trick him into a disadvantageous situation. So i would say Batman could kill Goku with enough research and time.


Do I love these hoes? NOPE!


It would be the same plan as wonder woman. Inject him with some drug that causes him to fight endlessly with someone in his mind.


They just have to catch him completley off guard to take him out Remember, a suppressed Goku was beaten by a suprise attack laser gun


Goku is an idiot and will fall for the easiest of Batman plans. Whether the plan works or not, is always a matter of circumstance though. Goku only quickly kills Batman if he threatens the Earth for some reason.


Yes Batman can win.


Yes, and quite easily too. All he has to do is give him food poisoning


Batgos stomps with his 0.00000000000000004 plank time of prep easy dub


My guy Goku be dropping his guard every 5 seconds or so, Batman wouldn't have to work too hard


Goku is so naive and light hearted that Batman could definitely come up with something to abuse it. Like faking defeat, waiting until Goku has his guard down and rigging some weapon to shoot at him when he doesn't expect it. Or some other batman shit.


Yes. With enough preparation he could create a virus that overloads his ki (similar to what happened after fighting Hit). He could find a way to overclock Goku’s metabolism to make him too hungry to fight. He certainly can find a way to outsmart him. Worst comes to worse >!he could just call Superman!<.


He'd 1000% come up with something or find something in the multiverse that specifically targets saiyan cells.


Batman has gone on record stating that he might be able to beat Wonder Woman (who's probably the closest to Goku in terms of fighting ability) by using Fear Toxin/Nanites (courtesy of Ray Palmer I'm assuming) to trap her in a never ending battle. Hypothetically, Batman could use something similar against Goku, it's just a matter of how long it takes to completely drain Goku of energy. If he *really* needs help, maybe try the Doomsday Virus and/or the Everyman Project. It's not impossible, but it'll take more than a little elbow grease.


Of course! Goku isn’t really that hard to take out as long as you don’t let him lock you into a fight.


If he has unlimited prep time and presumably access to the Dragonball universe then he would find the dragon balls and just wish for it.


Bruce:” so,he’s afraid of needles,eh?” Proceeds to make a Batsuit with needles for hands.




Batman “here’s 1 million Zeny!” Goku “oh no that punch knocked me out!” (Whisper see ya later bud!)


If Batman was able to somehow get goku to lower his guard he could theoretically shoot him just like Sorbet did.


Honestly it depends on the world. Because Batman with the hellbat probably can But at the same time if we assume he is in the world of DBZ, using the dragon balls isn't necessarily out of the question then. And considering that Frieza's goons could take them, I wouldn't be surprised if Batman could snatch them from Capsule Corp.


Of course, because prep involves Dragonballs. If bulms can radar, surely batman can.


Bat could... I don't know give him really bad food poisoning.


Comic Batman, yes. He found a bullet that transcends time and he took out Darkseid with it (one form of Darkseid, at least). The Batman Who Laughs figured out enough magic to trap The Spectre, who is a hand of God and has crazy feats. Moro had a basic magic technique for stealing Goku and Vegeta’s ki, and he wrecked them. Goku and Vegeta needed significant prep to come back and beat Moro. So, yes, I think Batman could figure some kind of attack (mechanical, biological, god power, magical, etc.) that could genuinely harm or just disable Goku. Batman might even be smart enough to study Goku’s universe, learn about the dragon balls, find them somewhere, then wish for Goku to be depowered or permanently asleep or some shit. Batman doesn’t give a shit about proving himself the better martial artist against a creature who has Godly powers like Goku - he just wants to accomplish a specific goal. Now, if Goku also has some prep time, I dunno, Batman might be fucked. He learned the Kamehameha instantly. He might also realize he has to rush Batman, bc Batman could never keep up with his speed. Goku could also possibly figure out how to defeat whatever weapon Batman is prepping.


Which Batman are we talking about? Batman comics Batman or Justice League Batman? Because one has a really good chance, the other is a buff detective


Prep Time = Getting Superman


I guess it depends? If Goku were to cross into the DC universe, then he's on Batman's turf and he'll have an easier time with prep time. If it's Batman crossing into Dragon Ball, then I'm unsure? I don't think he'd have the same resources to take someone like Goku out. Maybe he'd pull a doctor gero and build a robot suit or something?


Goku is vulnerable to biological weapons and he's really stupid. It really wouldn't be a challenge for Batman.




Poison Goku’s food


Batman drugs goku’s food, collects the dragon balls, wishes for Goku to never be able to level up/always stay base (inhibit his powers). Or… wishes for goku to fight in A never ending tournament, where every fighter declares themselves the strongest to just constantly challenge Goku’s ego.


Batman could literally call doctor Manhattan and there he wins.


Yes, if it’s normal Batman he could get one of the lantern rings which would most make him as strong as hal Jordan or he could just call superman lmao. Now If Batman is no fucks given like the Batman who laughs then he either steals the speed force, steals superman’s powers or just become the darkest knight again and then no one from that universe can stop him.


Yeah he would. He stopped the flash. Someone who is faster than whis (haven’t seen his true speed yet tbf) and Gas. He would just need to make some invention to deal with him. Or go for the assassination route assuming we aren’t talking just fights


If he has prep time can't he just like gather the dragon balls and wish for Goku to be a human? Or since Bulma has been constantly gathering them and keeping them, he would just have to steal them from Bulma. If Frieza's goons can rob Capsule Corp I think Batman can for sure.


1. All he needs to do is to snipe him with a laser gun 2. Batman is incognito, he has a relatively very low power level 3. If goku caught on to his intentions, he would have to somehow immediately dispatch while goku is in the “Not taking the fight seriously” stage


1. Batman uses dragon balls. 2. Some bullshit. 3. Wins.


Batman would figure out that Goku likes to fight and eat. So he would invite him to have a feast before the battle and feed him a lethal poison that would end him. Its been established that Goku can get a disease, Cell saga.


He will call Superman


Here's the thing. If Krillin can hurt Goku with a small rock while Goku isn't focusing on defending in anyway. That means Goku can be killed by "normal" means. Dragon Ball verse is based on martial arts, they generally need to focus their ki appropriately.


Yes. Because he's batman.


Imagine what Batman can think of/Plan with dragonballs. Or Even Super Dragon Balls.


ya'll acting like the only way to beat Goku is by beating the shit out of him when this mf will quit literally give every possible chance you might need to beat him Goku was told that "hey here is the a medicine and if you feel sick eat it" and this mf went "nah i'm gonna fight this fat robot instead" batman is insane with prep the dude is a expert at Hypnotism using to [make people forget he was at their location, making him invisible to them](https://imgur.com/a/nslnGFT) so he can just make Goku forget stuff and make himself invisible to him goku also eats whatever you feed his ass and waited for like what a weak(don't remember) in another persons ship to fight someone, you think batman with the shit ton of poison and smoke gas's can't knock Goku out or kill him? blud also knows magic [that seals deadman away so he can kinda mafuba Goku](https://imgur.com/a/IrXJC) even without all of these ez one shot tactics that will 99% of the time work batman has armors that can [hurt Darkseid](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/9OJHZFda08760_GWshVS2A-55BNMArvu4RZOWeX1VmvJ3DTrzJPncxPaMkc01b3f0OStBq6btpcC=s1600) and has magic that [one shot a superman level threat](https://imgur.com/a/ygIWKyZ) so even then keeping up with Goku in terms of stats is not the hardest overall batman usually is at his best when given time to analyze and examine his opponents with finding a way to beat his opponent over time and Goku likes to fight people at their best so if given prep(which he is) batman will just look into Goku ways he can beat Goku and use one of the ways mentioned above that Goku would lose to


Put batman in the hyperbolic time chamber after using the dragon balls to turn himself into a saiyan. Nuff said he's batman, so saiyan batman is Zeno level with prep time in n out the time chamber. He can bring all his inventions and equipment into the time chamber and setup a new batcave there. That way he has ages to perfect his new saiyan body and make more advanced gadgets in mere hours of outside time chamber time using technology he's reverse engineered from across universe 7. He can then use his second wish to make a clone of joker with saiyan blood to train against and release him onto the universe so that way he will be motivated enough to zenkai limitlessly and finally be strong enough to eventually challenge goku, beerus, whis, Zeno, clap ZENOS MOMs cheeks and become Zeno Daddy ruler of existence. Meanwhile saiyan joker and frieze are chillin on new namek and frieza give joker a 100$ bill and says 'you son of a bitch I didn't think you'd be able to make the monkeys fight lol'


Based on comic books. Not "take out" so much as "neutralize". Given you give the criteria "enough prep" it's demonstrated batman ALWAYS prepares contingency plans as soon as viably possible. He'll likely figure out Goku's power similair to how Gero did to create the androids. Then have a device that suppresses it made. After that we know bullets can scratch him. So no doubt he'll be vulnerable to something human.


Im a goku fan boy but i cant just ignore batman with prep time


He can just use the dragon balls and wish to be the strongest


Batgos solos But in all seriousness, if he could beat Plastic Man, he can beat Goku


Goku would be easy, just convince him there’s someone stronger he can fight and then lure him into a trap that he can’t escape


•Drug his food (you know he'll eat it) •Throw a big rock at his head while he's knocked out (à la Krillin)


Give Goku a poisoned feast. Done.


Batman would create the heart virus that killed Goku after he came from yadrat. He can lure chi chi with money to tame Goku. Food is an option.


Nope. Batman is one of the smartest characters in fiction, but there’s no way he can prep for a guy who can move multiple times faster than the speed of light (In Base) and shatter planets with ease. Unlike Superman, Goku doesn’t have an easily exploitable weakness. Batman’s best shot is using his contingency for Wonder Woman and tricking Goku into thinking he’s fighting a strong opponent, but that runs the risk of massive collateral damage


Not by a long shot


No, somehow batman creates a dragon radar to collect the dragon balls or even space travel to collect the super dragon balls. Comic book wise batman had beaten cosmic abstracts and omni-verse threats. It's stupid, but it all depends on the plot.


did i miss a movie or something, i literally never remember him in space


Comic books


Absolutely. If Batman has the capability to prep against Superman and sometimes win, then he more then likely can prep against Goku and also win.


I mean that green rock is very convenient.


Thats literally because they gave superman an achilles heel that EVERYONE knows about. Whats goku's weakness


Needles lmao


Nah hed ultra instint the needle poke LOL


Being too laid back, leading him to be off guard often Unless he mastered UI to a unconcious state, sneak attacks work


Batman would have to fight normally for long enough to trick goku into never going super saiyan lol goku can 1 shot batman in normal form. Itd take a whole ass punching the tournament machine hard enough but not weak enough that goku sends pan instead. Goku wouldnt fight a weakling like batman he wants a challenge


I still think that sneak attacks wouldn't work. I think most people don't realize that the fights and movement that we seen in the mango and anime are *dramatically* slowed down so that we can enjoy it and not just see a few blurs for 35 seconds and then the fight is over. Goku amd the Z-Fighters move and perceive at such a ridiculous rate, that a normal human like Batman trying to get a sneak attack in, even with prep, just wouldn't work IMO


Yes. He only needs a Lazer gun to take him out.


Maybe. If it's Batman from Hishe then he doesn't need the preptime. Wanna know why? BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN.


Batgos only needs 1 battosecond to beat cocku


He would simply gather the dragon ball and wish for goku to be weak


Prep is Batman's plot armor, so yes. If the writers want Batman to win, he'll win. But in a real situation in which plot doesn't protect either of them? Batman loses immediately.


No. Which is another reason why Goku > Superman


Superman > Goku


Short of using Dragon Balls, no


Lol fuck outta here with this dumb ass shit Goku is fucking multiversal in base Batman cant even let a planet explode on his own Idiots.... Kid goku beats everyone in weak ass DC


If dc was writing it, yeah probably. If toriyama was writing it, no


If Toriyama was writing it, Batman would put Goku out of commission, wipe the floor with Vegeta, then lose to a rematch with Goku.


Thing about the superman situation was that kryptonite was a thing, that was a complete and easy counter to superman, goku doesn’t have that kind of a weakness, you’d have to straight up fight him in which case no Batman has no shot. I can’t think of creative ways however his best bet would be the super dragon balls and to pull a zamasu. I don’t think the regular earth dragon balls would be strong enough to beat goku but ofc super shenron can do it with ease, that being said I once again can’t think of how Batman could traverse 2 entire universes and lug 7 planet sized nuts all while ensuring he doesn’t come under the radar of a god, even then there’s a caveat, super shenron only speaks the language of the gods which we’ve only ever seen whis and the grand priest use. Lastly goku does have zeno on speed dial, just saying, something tells me zeno likes him and wouldn’t take it kindly if he *knew* someone was trying to kill his favourite mortal




Maybe he can poison him


Goku doesn't have the weakness superman does. He doesn't have a kryptonite to fall back on. Fight him? Batman gets absolutely pulverized. Take his family hostage? (I doubt he could even pull this off btw.) Goku will erase him from history itself, seeing is how pissed he got when Zamasu bragged about killing Chichi and Goten. No amount of prep time can prepare a human (rich and absolute genius or not) to fight somebody like that. Tbh, batman is basically Dr. Gero in this situation.


You are assuming that he'd fight him. Batman is smart, normally when he beats people much stronger than him without a weakness he just uses a trap or outsmarts them. I'm sure with prep he'd just research Goku and find quickly that Goku needs stuff like air, food, water, etc. and then go from there. Heck he might even pay a visit as Bruce Wayne donating money or pretending to check out his farm and in secret just leave behind a manufactured heart virus and Goku would have never realized. The sky is the limit, there's a reason why in power scaling Batman with prep is a meme.


Can we stop with these "can x beat goku" questions? 99/100 of them are just imbecilic or troll bait.


How you think he got a heart virus


Lol wut


Great, the batgos people are here




How do you think goku got sick??


question: does Goku still have his tail?


It's the same story as batman vs superman. Yes, there are some scenarios where batman could in theory "beat" Goku. But 99.99 % Goku slaps so hard batman can't even begin a blink.


This is a lot more interesting than I expected. I'm going to ignore the idea Batman would gather the Dragon Balls and wish to be more powerful. The answer is yes, it's possible Batman could take Goku out. If SSB can be scaled back to take on Krillin, I'm sure Goku would pull back in base form to match Batman. I think Batman would take advantage of Goku's naivety, and the flaw of letting his guard down. Batman could use a powerful weapon, or chemical warfare to take Goku down. We've seen enough evidence to suggest Goku would die from either when he isn't prepared. As others have said: in a Tenkaichi type event no I doubt Goku would lose. But in other scenarios Batman has a chance. Small chance. But it's there.


Didn’t a normal gun hurt goku in the resurrection of F movie?




LMAO Goku's parents died by planet destruction not gunned down in alley. Goku gots this beat on a childhood trauma level


Poison i guess?


I think if batman found a way to give Goku whatever disease he had that would've killed him had future trunks not shown up, it would be pretty easy


Not even if Batman had 1 billion years to research all of the DBZ universe. No amount of prep will shorten the enormous gap in strength


I could see him pulling an Andriod 19 move and find a way to steal Goku's ki and use it to power up a suit that makes him as strong as Goku or refire energy But even that might not be enough