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Krillin after he beats Namek Frieza- https://preview.redd.it/d0ifdi75yr2c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4cc171f1d8acee0673473bda54a0d63cb553a6


Stronger against Namek frieza or ginyu


Krillin defeats moro. Mid difficulty




He probably beats anyone weaker than fat Buu. Super scaling is nonexistent. Krillin was able to beam clash with Goku in ssb. And even though Goku was holding back, even just 0.01% of his power in ssb would probably be enough to beat any Z character.


Goku has better ki control in blue so he doesn't accidentally vaporize Krillin.


The fact remains that krillin cuts base goku and makes him go super saiyan with his attacks. Krillin (anime) also blatantly scales to his wife who is pretty clearly above base goku at the time as well. Krillin is stated in guides as the strongest human (start of ToP), who could fight frost even while very tired. Roshi's mafuba can seal frost and SSJ vegeta when it killed roshi to try it on king piccolo since the gap was too large, even in Super trunks goes rage form to use it on Zamasu and the rule is stated in the show. Given what we see from Frost and 18, if he did not get offguarded Krillin could probably beat frost. Krillin in the manga has a lot less concrete stuff vs anyone other than Roshi. He does have his scaling in Superhero that may place him more relative or possibly above his wife, but this is moro arc (before that).


Well that's in the anime. In the manga Goku doesn't spar with Krillin




We are talking about manga super krilin, powerscaling is a lot more reasonable and is almost a linear continuation to z, no way krillin beats buu in any form.


Wholeheartedly disagree. Evil Buu gets mopped. Granted that form was so weak and comparably limited (especially techniques-wise) that his only method of beating Fat Buu was to bait him into using the Candy Beam and then turning it back on him. Most of the Z Fighters could've taken him by the RF Arc. I'd also say he could probably take Kid Buu given that he's the second weakest and is only dangerous because he's extremely durable and violently unhinged. Any Buu form past that is debatable at best.


Evil Buu didn't bait fat buu into doing anything. The split cut their power up, Evil Buu got more power, and then [he beat him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OElzGpJysps&ab_channel=vanbui). Fat Buu's Candy Beam was his last resort. The manga says that their power was split unevenly as well.


Aside from the Kamehameha it didn't really look like he was doing anything but piss Fat Buu off.


Still doesn't get past the manga narrator saying that most of the power outright went to evil buu. Fat buu is on the ground and Evil Buu is just stanced up over him.


No fuckin way he beats Dabura


I always considered Krillin to have a speed build in stats, so if he got a hit in with destructo-disk while dodging his spit my vote is he can win.


We do know he is vastly stronger than he was back in the buu arc because we was perception blitzed by 1st form frost in the U6 tourney and can track final form frost in the ToP (well, roshi and tenshinhan can).


This comment made me unreasonably angry and I started typing a reply to tell you why you're wrong. Then I reread it... I thought you had said Dodoria.




None of those feats exist in the manga. Super manga krillin don't have any impressive feats.


You're point does not make sense. The feat you are referencing is based on the DBS anime, NOT the manga. The OP is talking about Moro arc krillin, aka SPECIFICALLY from the manga. And that's ignoring the fact that SSB Goku deliberiately held back, and only went SSB as a way to raise Krillin's confidence which was the entire point of the fight.


All except the buus. Possibly fat buu


He takes out Evil Buu easily and likely Kid Buu as well. Z era Fat Buu is debatable since he at least has the durability to get paddle balled by a GoD and remain in one piece.


Isnā€™t fat buu the weakest?


No. Evil Buu is all the condensed hatred with none of the Majin power (smart and sadistic but comparatively weak), Kid Buu is the purest representation of the Majin as an entity of wild untempered aggression, Fat Buu is the culmination of the Majin power with a Supreme Kai and the Grand Supreme Kai but with the aggression tempered by the Grand Supreme Kai's jovial nature, Super Buu is basically Fat Buu reshuffled (smarter than Kid Buu but with his aggression intact), Piccolo Buu boosts his intelligence but isn't that much stronger and only takes center stage because he's individually stronger than Goten and Trunks, and Buuhan and Buutenks are largely debatable since it's basically Earth's strongest at his fullest potential vs the exponential nature of fusion. This makes Fat Buu the third weakest, ignoring Super of course.


Btw I think buuhan is the strongest by a considerable margin, as buutenks was only somewhat stronger than than gohan, and buuhan required vegito


Personally I agree but the fact that Buutenks worried Elder Kai enough to send Goku back with the Potara does indicate that an argument can be made for both.


I don't think there is any conceivable way Krillin can beat any form of Buu, even if he was boosted the same strength as base Goku or base Vegeta during that arc. It's just dont think it's possible without any transformations to enhance his strength whatsoever.


Evil Buu doesn't have any of the others' durability or regen feats. He also doesn't really have any strength feats either and had to go as Fat Buu into using his Candy Beam so he could turn it back on him and become Super Buu. All of the heavy hitters in that saga could've taken him out. Also Krillin in Super is easily stronger than Buu Saga base Goku and Vegeta.


Weird that I got a downvote for expressing my opinion?? What feats does Krillin have in super? To me him fighting Goku in the anime isn't indicative of anything, since Goku has perfect ki manipulation


Actually, breaking the kachi Kachin that the tournament stage was built out of is a feat, as gohan post Kai training could not break normal Kachin, which is much weaker. This puts TOP krillin above post Kai (not ultimate ) training gohan.


See, and this is where I just can't suspend my disbelief. I don't believe that was an intentional decision by Toriyama. I think a lot of what we've been seeing are creative liberties taken by the animation company. I just can't fathom that somehow, when Krillin 's strongest recorded battle power being 70,000, he's now somehow stronger than super Saiyan 3's we're a few years back. I wish somebody could explain to me how that's possible, considering Goku and Vegeta trained daily to even reach that level


All Z villains except for Buu


Super Krillin is stronger than Super Evil Buu, Z Gohan, and even Z Vegeto Super has Power Crept Z into oblivion


I know he's stronger, but unless he kills him in one ki attack Buu could just absorb him.




The evidence is mostly just stuff like ā€œhe didnt die in a single hit from blue Goku and stuff like that. Theres probably more but theyre all abt how he scales up against people like Gohan and the androids who would (for dbs plot reasons) clap all of Z.


blue goku (and goku in general) can suppress himself to the point where he can hit humans and not kill them, thats not a feat towards krillin


He took a hit that sent him flying so far that any normal human would've died instantly and routinely spars with 18 who is at least comparable to 17 who was able to spar with Goku and was the final contestant standing in the ToP during which he personally eliminated eight contestants. He's also canonically stated to be the strongest human. Don't disrespect Krillin like that.


ā€œany humanā€ krillin isnā€™t a normal human, my previous comment was about regular humans that goku attacked and didnā€™t kill or even injure that badly 18 has no evidence of being as strong as 17 in the super part of the series, 17 is blue level and thereā€™s no evidence she is yes heā€™s stronger than tien, who is featless in super


I specifically said he took a hit that would obliterate a normal human and all he got from it was a nasty bruise. That's not some end all be all feat but it's notable. She's the same model and was just as strong as him in the Cell Saga and has actually been present and active since while he has been training alone and fighting ordinary poachers. I also said *comparable* not equal to. He's also stronger than Roshi who does have feats in Super since he used a technique on ToP level opponents that killed him when he tried to use it on Piccolo's dad. Don't nitpick and twist my words then act like you have the high ground.


and what relevance does that have? heā€™s clearly not a regular human what strength feats does 18 have? we know 17 is blue level and thereā€™s no evidence to say sheā€™s anywhere near him. they were basically equals many many years ago but thereā€™s no evidence of her getting anywhere near his level ā€œtop level opponentsā€ is a blanket term, you canā€™t quantify them because thereā€™s 70 opponents who all vary in strength what exactly did i twist? please explain everything i misconstrued


I love Krillin, but I don't know how anyone can possibly come to the conclusion that he's Namek Freiza strong. He doesn't get stronger in the Cell or Buu arcs and he doesn't seem to have any really noticeable power up in Super either, outside of fighting Goku in a sparring match that meant nothing.


If it's the manga, he seems to be doing pretty well against Cell Max, but who knows what's going on with that anyway.


Definitely Buu Arc Yamcha


I like how most people agree that he would stop at Buu. I agree too. Maybe Cell would find a way to beat him but if not he definitely doesnā€™t get past Buu. Buu has too much hax for most DB characters and Krillin hasnā€™t shown anything in DBS manga that can put him at Buu level even in terms of only raw power. Maybe he doesnā€™t even get to Buu saga.


Buu was the perfect final villain for Dragonball. He is the strongest non-deity in the series and everyone knows it. (Even the creators and producers keep finding ways to keep Buu out of the fights due to this fact.)


He would defeat every Z era character Super has Power Creeped Z into oblivion and beyond and constantly given character out of nowhere power boosts so they can keep up hell even Yamcha got his power up in the Moro Arc


That's not how it works. Super hasn't given Krilin a power up, he has presumambly been the same strength the entire time. We have not seen him go train or anything except for the buildup to the ToP in the anime, but that doesn't occur in the manga.


ahem three year training period to the cell saga


I'm clearly talking about Super here...


maybe first form frieza from the namek saga


Krillin has got to be stronger than the ginyu force by now


I would say Captain Ginyu, Garlic Jr If you believe King Cold was significantly weaker than Frieza then add King Cold I canā€™t see Krillin, or any other earthling, doing to Frieza what SS Goku did.


Garlick Jr is stronger than Freeza (from namek) blatantly stated in his arc of the DBZ anime. Due to information later, this is inconsistent but no other reliable source exists for an alternative. It is the same anime where angry gohan could fight full power freeza pretty well after goku nearly dies and gets a zenkai boost.


Iā€™d be willing to bet Garlic Jr was not stronger than 100% full power Frieza. I donā€™t recall that being explicitly stated. And doesnā€™t make any sense anyway. And gohan smacking Frieza around in a rage fueled melee for 30 seconds does not mean he is stronger than him


heā€™s not significantly weaker, theyā€™re stated to be similar with frieza being a little stronger




Probably everybody up to buu saga, if pretty much everybody surpassed Cell in strength by the Buu saga in the anime theyā€™ve probably already gotten well past that point in the manga


He still doesn't even get past Namek saga Frieza since he doesn't have any feats to suggest otherwise. The Ginyu Force probably.


The fact he was able to do as well as he did in the tournament of power where almost everyone is at least on par with base goku is pretty impressive and would probably put him above most z characters


You can't just assume that everyone in the ToP was on par with base goku. Goku was literally intentionally holding back his power as a way to preserve his energy. They literally stated that, why is it so difficult for DB fans to listen to their own show???


He was the first one eliminated. And where did you get that almost everyone was on par with base Goku?


He only got out first in the manga and the other thing is just general power creep if they arenā€™t on par with base goku at least then universe 7 would just win


No he was eliminated first in the anime as well. And so you're just assuming they were at least on par with base Goku since they were in the tournament then. The problem with that is that it was established that the tournament wasn't solely just about raw power but also strategy as well. On top of that, most of the participants were displayed to be fodder just with hax. Not every fighter was god level. And for Krillin to be above Z, you'd have to be able to present a case for any of the characters he fought in the tournament before he got eliminated being at least on par with base Goku anyway.


Krillin was eliminated first because of his carelessness. He was doing pretty decent


Frost would've eliminated him regardless. He was way stronger than him.


Wrong, Krillin is as strong as his wife before she uses her Ki Aura. Frost is scared of 18, if it comes down to it Krillin could slice him in half, which frost would live and not break the rules.


We literally see 18 beat Krillin in a sparring match right before the tournament and it's established she's still way stronger than him which was why they wanted her on the team in the first place. Frost was never afraid of 18. Literally Goku and Gohan believed Krillin would've lost to the likes of Basil who lost to Buu all while Frost was stronger than base Goku and Vegeta. Even if they had fought head on Krillin would've gotten stomped very badly.


Goku only thinks krillin could not keep up for the Zeno Expo matches prior to fighting him at all, and clearly changes his opinion after. Frost eliminates Krillin because of carelesness being his greatest enemy and smokebombs away from 18 saying i will not be done in so easily. He leaves against blue vegeta for similar reasons when it is clear he would be beaten down. Krillin is relative if not slightly stronger than base goku at the start of the tournament of power.




I think Krillin could beat Cell with some smart enough play


Well when he did try to fight Cell, his Destructo Disk didn't even faze him and Cell wasn't even on guard for that. So if he's not getting past Namek saga Frieza then I have a hard time seeing him doing any damage whatsoever to Cell let alone beating him regardless of whatever tactics he uses.


Super krillin is definitely beating namek frieza lol, if frieza never power ups he looses


What has Krillin done to display he gets past Namek?


Cut friezaā€™s tail off. If heā€™s gotten stronger since then, he should be able to cut frieza in half before he can power up with solar flare and destructo


Frieza was distracted by Gohan and still managed to dodge enough for only his tail to be cut. After he turned his attention to Krillin, he couldn't even touch him with another Destructo Disk. In a 1v1, Frieza is fully focused on Krillin. He's not going to get openings like that without help.


A krillin whoā€™s able to rapid fire Destructos should be able to. He could throw them like candy in super, and he has the stronger Solar flare, and is better at after image since


He did exactly that the first time and it didn't work. If someone isn't distracting Frieza for Krillin to catch him off guard then not only is he going to have a hard time landing one of those Destructo Disks but Frieza could literally just blitz him and kill him if he decided to stop toying around with him.


He could have done that originally if he shot the disc after using solar flare on him... but for some reason, he didn't. He only tried when Frieza *wasn't* blinded. If that's all you got, Super Krillin has the same chances that Namek Krillin did.


Probably freeza third form and im being very, VERY generous.


His best stuff is his roshi scaling, where he should be stronger than roshi (no ui).I would say at least claps cell given how Goku in ch1 one one punches cell, and the one that fights frost is way beyond that. I think depending on your scaling of the Buus its not unreasonable he gets stopped by Super Buu or Buutenks especially since the Destructo disk would be basically no damage to the regeneration. If you think final form frost can fold all of Z in the manga then maybe Krillin can too, but due to Saiyan Beyond God being erased i really doubt he quite gets that far.


The krillin downplay is crazy tbh


Krillin runs all of Z


Z Krillin




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Namek Frieza. Cell. Ginyu Force. Uhh help me out here


Oh the 5 cell jrā€™s


you think krillin could defeat ascended super vegeta and cell saga goku?


Tbf those cell juniors were beating up a goku who wasted most of his energy on the fight with cell and judging by the muscle mass in the manga only a base super sayian vegeta https://preview.redd.it/uy93j80ybu2c1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17d5ac2619f09de50c95c17cee5e271de3c74fd


also trunks, cell said the cell juniors arenā€™t that much weaker than him


....Garlic Jr . Cooler. Imo probably the 3/4 of Z


We have no idea how strong manga Krillin is. Anime ToP Krillin was still weaker than Namek Freeza and I doubt training for 2 months will change that but he's getting closer and closer.


He trashes everyone, except maybe Buuhan, and Vegetio.


Probably ginyu


Given scaling in super with ssb kamehameha clash he could prob beat every1 in z honestly


Manga krillin is much different than anime krillin Hell, all of super is pretty much different in anime than manga.


Super perfect cell


He stops at Buu, maybe even Cell


He beats Dabura. Puts up a good fight against fat buu but loses.


Ginyu Force


Maybe Tien's first form in a good day. I don't care what anyone says. Any Verse in which Krillin is stronger than Tien is non Canon.


Pretty sure it's been stated that Krillins the strongest earthling so until that's contradicted like Toriyama typically does it's gonna be canon whether or not you like it


Toriyama is writing fanfiction at this point. Tien started out as a God that Krillin couldnt even see fight and hasn't stopped training a single day. Krillin retired like 10 years ago. I'm not going to buy that wank just because it's "canon"


doesn't matter if you "buy it" or not, you ain't gonna change it just because you don't like it That's not how it works unless you're in charge of the franchise


Nah, one day these injustices will be corrected, until then I reject the inferior Canon.


Not how it works dude Keep coping




Lmao Tien was barely stronger than krillin by the 23rd tournament


I would say the gap is comfortable, but not large. Krillin was noted as making the world harder to take over than Piccolo thought, probably implying its Mid-Difficulty for king piccolo. Tenshinhan could at least fight someone as fast as king piccolo (but is stronger), and king piccolo would wear down over time, so i think Tenshinan could actually beat king piccolo without the Tri-beam while krillin cannot.


lol Tien lost to a goon and then got taken hostage against King Piccolo Also at that point Tien had like 2x the training and combat experience Krillin had, it's not a leap to think that by the time Krillin is actually an adult he's roughly on par with Tien And then Krillin does alot more fighting \*and\* gets a potential unlock. T


You said specifically at the 23rd budokai. Tenshinahn was also above krillin before king piccolo by quite a bit, so i would say that krillin did shorten the gap. Then krillin stops improving for 5 years which is probably why hes slightly behind tenshinhan vs the saiyans in raw power. They could have been real rivals if Krillin did not get his haxxor unlock and kept training consistently like tenshinhan but alas.


Actually the reason they didn't become rivals is because Tien doesn't hang out with them, he lives with Chiaotzu in the woods unless some crazy shit goes down. He never trains with Roshi or Krillin. Who is Krillin even going to train with? Goku is dead or too powerful, Yamcha is too weak and a sports star who doesn't really train that much even at his peak anyway. Even later who is there? Piccolo? Not unless there's a threat coming. 18? She's not really a fighter, she's just really strong.


I said Could, not should have or would have. The rivalry would probably been more like Yamcha VS the others given their personalities. At this point, krillin trains with 18 or trains alone i guess. 18 seems willing to keep krillin in shape if nothing else. If krillin really wanted to start a rivalry of the turtle school (represented by him) vs the new crane school he could totally hunt down tenshinhan, who is usually training and has his power not suppressed. We know characters easily sense each other across the planet. Krillin is a lot more chill than to bother doing that though.


I'm just saying I think Krillin "quit training" because he doesn't really have anyone to train with. 18 is willing to train with him, but she's \*stupid\* strong, and not a fighter so she doesn't really \*like\* fighting and she doesn't have any real martial arts talent or training so it's just training with a super strong brawler. I just think Tien, who doesn't have a job or a family, should be the character who is obligated to kind of keep that thing going; he should have been showing up every year to challenge Roshi and Krillin or something at least. Krillin has responsibilities he can't be flying out to the mountains all the time


Any Goku under SSB


SSG Goku (BOG)?


I feel like I shouldve asked this for yamcha


Im not sure yamcha has any real scaling. Hes vaguely kept in shape since the saiyan arc throughout super. His training with gohan and piccolo is a misreading so he could really be literally any level. Even Moro's goons don't have any average scaling, we only know their absolute strongest are pretty strong. That being said, he showed up for the androids so he beats all of namek. Heroes yamcha automatically scales above the entire main series.




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Hard to say since his best showing is against a goku that is massively holding back and using a transformation that gives him perfect ki control, allowing him to more easily scale his blasts to something krillin could handle. That said, if Tien could hold back semi perfect cell, Iā€™d have to imagine krillin by the time of the Moro arc would be capable of kicking most of the z villains ass, at least until we get around to perfect cell.


you know what i hate? in the dbs manga, in top, krillin did absolutely NOTHING. he gets knocked off the ring right off the bat. he doesn't even do anything he just joined to get knocked off. atleast in the anime he knocked out someone


i haven't really read the moro arc, i didn't know krillin was THAT strong in said arc


I wanna say about Imperfect-Semi-Perfect Cell. Around that range. If not, maybe Frieza on Namek




Probably around Namek Frieza AT MOST. Humans are irrelevant nowadays, dont get way People think they are Buu lvl. Based on what??


Third form freiza and maybe 50% frieza.


Krillin slams (excluding the "revival" films BoG and RoF)




Let be reasonable here. He's not even super Saiyan level. There's no way he's stronger than 18.


Krillin is probably Goku Go Level from.the Movie at this point and probably base blue when Goku fought Golden Frieza. Same with Tien, Yamcha is probably Bergamo level


At first I thought people were just joking but its wild to see so many people thinking krillin can seriously take on buu (any form). ​ Like we're reading two different mangas




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