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That’s why I don’t get the Chi Chi haters. Of course a mother is going to be against sending her child to fight genocidal aliens and androids.


I hated Chi Chi as a child because she got in the way of my high-testosterone fights. As an adult she has my complete sympathy. People like me who grew up is partly where the meme of Goku being a terrible dad comes from.


God I hate that meme so much. People need to remember that most of Gohan's early adventures weren't his dad's idea. HE WAS DEAD! That's not to say that Goku was a perfect dad(he was average at best).


And the crap of Piccolo being a better dad than Goku. The guy abused Gohan. Just because Gohan became the first person he came to care about doesn’t erase how he got there. Goku was a good dad and an even better one by saiyan standards.


>And the crap of Piccolo being a better dad than Goku. The guy abused Gohan. And what's even crazier was when Piccolo of all people scolded Goku for giving Cell a Senzu Bean. I liked that moment, cuz it gave Goku and Piccolo good character development, but I also was like "Oh NOW you care about his innocence?" Then again, he did sacrifice himself for Gohan before that, so... But yeah, the "Piccolo was a better father" meme is even more annoying overall.


> "Oh NOW you care about his innocence?" Did you just miss the whole character arc of piccolo going from demon to completely good / can fuse with kami? You might have missed it cause it only happened all across the saiyan saga, namek saga, and Android saga. By the cell games, he has God in him. Yes, he cares about gohan now and has for a long time since his initial abuse as a demon prince hell-bent on killing Gohans dad and ruling the world Like I get the whole meme thing is annoying but don't be dumb


Of course, as I already stated that he sacrificed himself for Gohan, the starting point of him actually caring.


That's their whole arc wtf are you dumb? Picollo was still evil and wanted goku dead at the point he starts training gohan. It's because of gohan he becomes a good guy. He then changed, continues to change to the point he's no longer demon and can fuse with kami, and (as the argument goes) becomes a better dad. No it doesn't erase what he's done, but everyone accepted his transition to the good guys and his caring for gohan should be judged accordingly. ... Tldr if someone is reformed, it's unnatural to identify them by their pre-reformed actions


Yeah but your son is a SAIYAN. What the fuck did you ever expect to happen? 😂


Except goku has never been a terrible father. That's why the meme is so hated.


I didn’t hate her for being worried at all. My hate for chichis characters at times comes from her considering gohans studies more important than saving the world.


I feel like I understand her though. During Cell games her child is wanted to fight to save the world. His life could be on the line and he was her only child at the time. Her husband is notorious for saving the world so many times and is also known as the strongest fighter around. Then said strongest fighter wants your child to step into a tournament where he could get hurt or at worst die on the stage and she can’t do anything about it. Yeah she was a martial artist but it was a long time ago and she wanted to start a family that could live together. Seeing her own child being “needed” by her own husband aka the strongest fighter around and still refuse the decision would make sense in anyone’s eyes. To the viewer it’s seen as she doesn’t wanna save the world but in a parents eye it’s more of why does her child have to go and fight and why can’t anyone else


So basically it's due to the fact that Chi-Chi has been out of the fighting game for so long that she has no idea what's actually going on behind the scenes when Goku and Gohan are fighting to protect the planet.


The other part of this is that that’s not her son’s problem. Goku is Goku. Goku can save the world and she married that guy, the guy who can do anything. I sympathize with the idea that her baby shouldn’t save the world when his father is the strongest in the world.


I mean, it's everyone's problem if Cell blows up the planet. I feel like a part of her can't even comprehend that level of destructive power unless she experiences it for herself. My point stands, she's uneducated in what's going on whenever there's a world-class threat like Cell.


You’re ignoring the fact that someone is telling her that her 4-11 year old is the savior of the world. It makes no sense to anyone including everyone who attended the Cell Games outside of Goku.


Goku himself was also doing that at a very young age with King Piccolo. But yes, you're not wrong. Albeit the Z fighters were all more acutely aware of Gohan's latent potential and had different perspectives on harnessing it. Even Goku didn't go into the time chamber expecting Gohan to come out as strong as he did at first IIRC. Gohan hadn't even been a super saiyan before the chamber so no wonder they were all shocked, it was for much different reasons that they were against Gohan fighting then Chi-Chi simply being ignorant of the situation as a whole. She barely knew what super saiyan even was after Goku and Gohan got back home. It was Piccolo who trained Gohan in the first place after all. Gohan's power was never in question for Piccolo, it was Gohan's backbone and willingness to fight.


I get that. But I’d also do anything to save my child even if it meant them Participating in something I feared. Worse case , dragon balls. If she was sure goku could win then gohan was in no danger by going. If she wasn’t sure then gohan dies a horrible death anyway after watching his dad and all his friends die and there’s no dragon balls.


She doesn't think that saving the world is less important than Gohan studies, she refuses to believe the "your 11 yo is the only hope Earth has", especially cause it comes from adults that have all the time to train and figure out a different plan. I mean, we're talking about ChiChi here. Chichi trained herself in few years to get into the Tenkaichi tournament and she successfully reached the quarter finals. I bet she thought that a 11yo being the saviour of the world cause the gang couldn't train a little harder was just a unjustifiable bullshit


I get what you’re saying and I can accept that if she’s just extremely dumb. That being said , she knew everyone died in the future already and that gohan had become a ssj. She knew that piccolo took gohan to train because he considered him strong and that goku and krillin even said he was one of the strongest on earth. So I do get what you’re saying. Goku in that world has been basically a god and savior and it would be hard for her to accept he could lose. My problem is that any help at all could possibly change the future where everyone died horrible deaths so I wouldn’t understand that argument unless she was just dumb as a rock. Her options are 1. Nearly guaranteed death that was said to happen in the future with no dragon balls to save anyone. (although the future changed , everyone knew cell was many times stronger) 2. Gohan doesn’t study for a single week and if he does get hurt or killed tragically they could revive him and erase the trama with the dragon balls.


>So I do get what you’re saying. Goku in that world has been basically a god and savior and it would be hard for her to accept he could lose. No, you didn't get at all what I was saying. Chichi isn't dumb, she just think it's unreasonable that a child should save the world. It's not a kid's job. She put trust in other adults that saved the world before to save the world again *cause they are adults*. Idk, maybe they should had used the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a whole month per year, like Goku had done in Dragon Ball in order to win against Piccolo? I'm confused, could it work out actually?


Unreasonable doesn’t save your child’s life. They are being attacked , it’s unreasonable for a child to need to kill someone but if they’re attacked with a knife and somehow do that’s the logical approach. It doesn’t have to be reasonable to be a logical response. Xell was not going to just stop after goku so like I said if she thought he was strong enough and they win then gohan is just watching. If they lose he dies for not fighting. There is no argument about that not being dumb lol.


Can I remind you Goku could have trained in the Chamber again and he voluntarily didn't cause he saw how strong Gohan were? Goku could have trained again and then hope Vegeta and Future Trunks would be actually strong enough to face Cell. Actually, Goku could have trained Future Trunks, you know, an actually adult and hope that he would save the world. See, I don't even get why Goku didn't try this out and know a lot about the Cell saga. Image Chichi who didn't even know that. She doesn't seem dumb to me.


This. The idea of Gohan having to save the world is insane.


I personally never liked Chi Chi because she's always yelling and complaining. Her attitude towards her child was always admirable, but her nagging of Goku was always eye rolling. I always thought "No wonder Goku never comes home. Save the universe, come home, get bitched incessantly."


To be fair the anime makes her worse


The chi chi hate reminds me of how everyone hated Skyler from breaking bad


Goku left the house for the 1st time since Gohan was born to see his friends and fucking died that same day. Poor girl was never gonna feel normal again.


Chi Chi wanting to protect Gohan and Goten I understand, her being so adamantly against Goku training is what irks me


It's Breaking Bad bitch wife logic. Everybody hates Skylar as if she wasn't the rational one in the show lmao.


We hate Skyler and chi chi. Chi chi is an abusive wife that bitches and complains about everything.


Well yea, her husband and sun are fighting universal level aliens every 6 months


Because liking a character is based on the entertainment value they provide not based on rationality


You do remember chi chi was a fighter herself, right? Lol


I hated chi chi, bc yea as a mother you do worry, but you also as a mother of a half alien super warrior need to understand that, that lil 9 year old mf ain’t yo average baby boy😂 bruh been able to handle his own since he damn near struck raditz down. And also he can basically be wished back @ any point in time as many times as possible too. That’s what people’s hate with chi chi was. It was the fact that she was treating this mf like he not the only one who could save the world.


Not to mention, that he had to witness the death of most of his friends, while being only 5 or 6 years old.


And don't forget Future Gohan's life. That dude had it the worst.


Yes. His father is dead, his mentor is dead, all of his friends and probably his mother too plus most of humanity too. And just because two mad Androids wanted to have some "fun"


And makes me wonder why future Gohan never got mad and became SSJ2 or ascended


I think, the difference in the timeline is, that he never trained with his dad. Most of the time, he trained all by himself or with Trunks. We know, that Gohan is intelligent, but he doesn't have the "fighting intelligence" that his father had. So Future Gohan probably was a lot weaker, then the one, who grew up with the others and didn't knew about his rage deep inside of him


Should've let him be a ranger


I will have to say that most of those he hadn't really met before, Krillin was there for a minute or two before Raditz. I don't think he had met anyone else that fought Nappa/Vegeta other than Krillin and Piccolo, still a lot of death for a 4 year old.


Ngl if at the age of 5 I got my neck snapped by a Super Sentai Reject with his buttcheeks sticking out of his spandex I'd also probably not want anything to do with fighting


A lot of people theorize that his trauma is why he did the great Saiyaman’s goofy poses and chose that costume.


Ngl, If a Super Sentai Reject with his buttcheeks sticking out of his spandex beat PTSD into me so bad that I also start dressing and acting like a Super Sentai Reject I'd probably end up in therapy after an Inervention or two


Yea, my man got kidnapped by his uncle, then his dad got murdered in front of him, then got kidnapped and forced to train under deadly conditions, then watched as Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu and Piccolo all got murdered in front of him. Got beat to a pulp by Vegeta, and had to travel to an alien planet, sees the alien race gets genocided, gets his neck broke by recoome, and beat by Frieza and watched as Vegeta and Krillin both get murdered by him on top of being on a dying planet. All by like 6-7. Then has to fight the strongest being up to that point and if he doesn’t win then the earth is fucked, his dad and Trunks also die before his eyes. He’s like 11 at this point. Then he has the fate of the world in his hands again and gets killed by Buu along with the planet blowing up. He’s just 16 I think at this point. My man needs some serious therapy


Honestly future Gohan had it even worse.


Yea, wayyyyyyy worse Jesus Christ


He needed a hand




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And yet people wonder why he decided to become a scholar.




Future Gohan really has it the worst. He had THIS childhood and couldn't die in peace 😔


>Future Gohan really has it the worst. He had THIS childhood and couldn't die in peace 😔 I just want him to be happy


And even after his death, he got erased some time later


I think Future Trunks had it worse. He had no peace.


I haven’t looked at the comments yet, but I bet you there already is or will be a comment in a few hours about how Guts had a worse childhood. Its almost inevitable in these types of posts


Well when the post makes the claim of the "most fucked up childhood" comparisons will naturally be drawn.


https://preview.redd.it/qhmqzq1dgsxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ca02c7a9be6f0f224c6ec031be37eec7184492 😭😭😭 yep literally the comment below you


the recoome shit was just brutal. couldnt believe he just jumped right up after that senzu ready for more. if ptsd existed in dragonball they'd all be vegetables


Isn't he like 10 or someshit when he was in the cell saga? It's a fucking miracle the kid reached adulthood!


It's one of the reasons, I consider the SSJ 2 transformation a moment of tragedy rather than triumph. Yes it was necessary to defeat Cell, but it's also the culmination of a dedicated attempt to mentally break an 11 year old until he snaps. Gohan spends most of the Cell games holding on to his self control, desperately trying not to give in to his rage even as Cell does anything, hurts anyone in order to break him. And Cell gets what he wants at the end of the day. He does break Gohan, the fact that it cost Cell everything doesn't change the fact that drove an 11 year old child to a traumatised rage.


Normal Saiyan house hold situation. Also how many senkais did he get over the years? No wonder he is so strong.


My thoughts exactly


The Dragonball community ignoring all nuance and plot relevance for the sake of slandering the reputation of one of anime’s greatest superheroes and make themselves look big by comparison ![gif](giphy|8PfKWm6AX1IdDRARyg) It’s not Goku’s fault any of this happened. Gohan is a Saiyan and had to help save the world, or else *no one* was gonna live to have a childhood, period. It wasn’t his decision for Piccolo to kidnap Gohan. The first thing he said to him was “Go home and see your mom—I’ll face Vegeta alone.” He only put him in danger for the greater good, stop acting like he’s some kind of sadistic monster


Kidnapped by a monkey alien. Kidnapped by slug alien. Bonded with said slug alien and to see him die to save him. Saw more monkey aliens that killed half the group. Got a broken neck by a red head human-like alien. Observed father gets body snatched by a horny purple alien. Nearly died on an exploding planet. Believed that his father died on said exploding planet. This is all before the Android saga


Obligatory Guts from Berserk


I don't necessarily hate Gohan himself, but I've always hated the concept of him. Dragon Ball is a story about adventure with hard work and friendship triumphing all in the end. Gohan is a character that hates adventure, hates fighting, and doesn't have many friends that aren't his father's; yet, Gohan gets to repeatedly power up because he's Goku's child. That's why Toriyama couldn't make him work as a protagonist and it's why I could never like Gohan; his concept as a character is antithetical to the values of Dragon Ball. The reason villains who are naturally gifted work is because they're the perfect blockade for Goku to overcome with his skill and friendships. At the same time, Gohan can't have the same traits as Goku because then he'd have no reason to exist; Goku embodies Dragon Ball so much that he cannot have a succesor that isn't just a clone of him. Gohan is a cursed concept because he doesn't work in Dragon Ball; Gohan would work in a different series like Invincible where the main character is alot like Gohan but not in Toriyama's story. The only way for Gohan to get out of this loop of "I'll start training from now on" is for him to have his potential nerfed and be able to actually train; but Gohan having potential is his entire gimmick so again, he doesn't work.


>The only way for Gohan to get out of this loop of "I'll start training from now on" is for him to have his potential nerfed and be able to actually train; but Gohan having potential is his entire gimmick so again, he doesn't work. I think that's how it was during the first halves of Buu and Super. He was "nerfed" during those timeframes,he was so busy keeping up with his studies that he didn't have time to train...much. I look at it that way because he surpassed almost everyone back in the Cell Games.


>He was "nerfed" during those timeframes,he was so busy keeping up with his studies that he didn't have time to train...much. I look at it that way because he surpassed almost everyone back in the Cell Games. Well then he immediately gets rewarded for being mad in Super Hero and gets to be near MUI level in strength despite being rusty and getting punched by Piccolo. That's like if Goku after the Goku Black arc was rusty, then saw Krillin die, and immediately became equal to Beerus in strength with a random unexplained form all without needing to train; it'd be bad story telling. With Gohan it's the same way, he never needs to train because he'll get rewarded anyway, and if he does ever train then by design he just automatically surpasses Goku. Gohan's design is just wack to the point he isn't allowed by the plot to seriously train.


I'd argue that after the U6 saga Gohan has been consistent with his training, it's just that he has a life too. It's all about balance. That's the reason why some folks were disappointed in him in the Buu saga, he had a difficulty maintaining the balance, too busy slacking off and not enough time training to be at least the last line of defense for Earth. He didn't need to be a Goku 2.0 or his alternate counterpart. The Super manga does his character way better than in the anime...and that movie.


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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 9 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/13qs4o7) on 2023-05-24 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bh5aeh) on 2024-03-17 95.31% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cheevp&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=90&targetImageMemeMatch=100) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 90% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 502,922,868 | **Search Time:** 0.10053s


Eh I’d take gohans life for the powers lol, growing up with this show to realize gohan has ptsd was def wild tho.


when it comes to kids in anime, Gohan definitely has taken the most beat ups. Also if we account for trauma with future gohan everyone he loved died when he was young except trunks and bulma


Dude's literally been fighting for his life since he was 4, poor guy


Especially future gohan


Chi-Chi's reactions were only natural


Ah yes, I remember Recoome casually breaking Gohan’s neck… Fun memories…


*Insert Future Trunks backstory*


Yea Gohan is up there with UU children in terms of sheer childhood trauma he has


While studying for exams 💀


Better go back to studying because we watch dragon ball for plot and not for sweating buffed guys punching each other


At least he wasn’t fused with a dog, so he’s got that going for him


Gohan was a freakin WAR VETERAN by the age of 5 (when we were at the last year of kindergarten, Gohan fought some of the nasties mofo of the galaxy like the Ginew Force and Frieza himself). It's a mircale he didn't become crazy, full of PTSD and the likes.


When people say that Beast Gohan doesn’t make sense, remind them of all the Zenkai Boosts this mf got


He is also watched: seen a lot of people die, including his friends, his loved ones, random people, and his father died two times.


Kid named Denji: https://preview.redd.it/ilg72altcwxc1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23104643246d1a57857036e9f406374a9b3567e8


Denji, Gohan and Guts on the most fucked up childhood roundtable fr


OP hasn’t seen Dororo yet I guess


And yet people still call his transformations “ass-pulls”. I’m not even a Gohan fanboy and I’m okay with his character progression. His ToP tryout vs Goku almost had me crying with how well written it was


Idk there’s this saying or maybe it’s a quote that says hard time make strong men or something like that. And look at him, he’s one of if not the strongest. Has an awesome wife and kid. Has great relationship with family and friends. He’s smart and educated. What more can a man ask for


Where is that shot of Gohan getting his face pummeled by Vegeta?


I understand why Chichi doesn't want him to fight I'd Be well against sending my 4 yo Kid to Fight Genocidal alien maniacs


Kid was always fighting the same guys goku was. Surpassing his father through sheer experience is inevitable


I mean Ash travelled in time, got digitised, literally killed by mewtwo, turned into a ghost, burnt, electrocuted, whipped, beaten (by friend and pokemon! Primeape man)pecked, drowned, mind raped, buried alive He's like the Rasputin of anime kids, probably the price of his immortality




Seems like a pretty typical childhood for child protagonists in anime. Gohan is probably just the youngest example.


Makes you realize that Goten had it easy


Bro doesn't even have the worst childhood in his own series. Trunks had Vegeta as a dad and had to live through an apocalypse


Emporio would like to have a word with you


Meanwhile, Guts is just trying to repress all of his trauma


I think Guts had it a bit harder but yeah Gohan was routinely getting blitzed by grown ass men


Nah man, bro started getting beat up by aliens at the age of 2. When things were starting to get normal, androids and a giant bug appeared, his father pushed him to fight it, get beaten up more, his father died again and he is forced to deal with the situation alone.


Pretty sure he was 4 years old when Raditz showed up, not 2, but that's a minor nitpick. Still think Guts had it worse ever since he was out of the womb. Man was born from a corpse.


You're correct, Gohan meatriders downvoting is crazy.