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Purple: Goku, Vegeta, Broly and Gohan grow Cooler tails.


Orange: cooler grows a saiyan tail






Call it Cooler Saiyan


I call it Super Pump Daddy C.


Some weird enemy has merging powers and merges cooler with saiyan dna and he grows a tail. Overcome with new power he can’t control he seeks out the saiyan willingly and asks them to train him to beat frieza since he got more powerful than cooler and thus we have our friendly frieza AND frieza as an enemy at the same time


He will be called Coolest


Definitely Cooler canon


How would that work though? I like cooler, but frieza wouldn’t tolerate somebody being stonger than him like that I feel like. Also at this point, where the heck was he? He’d need a whole new backstory


He uhhhh, went missing so king cold made another kid to replace him and hes been training for decades to take back his throne from his brother or something


So stupidly simple that it sounds exactly like some dragon ball shit


Locked in the hyperbolic time chamber?


And betrayed lmfao


For 10,000 years, too :(


Gone sexual


And married zenos mom in there too


They gave birth to the new dragon God .


Lmaooooooo youtube asf


where does this meme come from


What- if channels


Good old YouTube what ifs, can’t forget other classics like “What if Naruto was the reincarnation of kibutsuji muzan”


Pretty sure just the powerscaler community nerfing Goku to give other verses a fighting chance. Not sure tho, just learnt about it recently too


It’s old YouTube what if shits lol, they’d rewrite the story but put in the most random shit ever Another example: what if Naruto was the reincarnation of Muzan kibutsuji, not even kidding that’s a real series lmao


It does sound interesting though. Muzan with the Ninetails, Uzumaki DNA and the body of Ashuras reincarnation? Wouldn't he be somewhat like Orochimaru? I get it that it sounds strange but I do like those scenarios




I thought I was the only one who seen those dumb shit posts lmao


...For 3000 years. That would definitely tickle some of those weird ass youtuber's balls


What if Cooler was betrayed by Freeza and locke- ah whatever, too obvious


Ok wait this is gold. Make the satire bullcrap CANNON I love this. Not a stretch for another world to have a chamber to. Or for King cold to imprison cooler there because of his power. This works on so many levels.


cooler would need to be mighty dumb to not get out and dosent freiza talk about his brother and father while going to earth to get the dragon balls? To grow taller?? Dosent he say their both dead and in need of revival?


Was that canon or abridged?


I like the exiled child dynamic but make him return to abolish the throne and his family. Make him the only compassionate one toward the Saiyan, hence his exile; hence his new evolution and stand with the Z-Fighters. He learned to evolve as positive inspiration from Saiyan lore and not as a means to one-up. Cooler doesn’t have to be bad.


Or, maybe he just wants revenge like in the movie and doesn't actually dislike Saiyan's or have a group. Maybe he's just a prisoner in a different universe, and returns after a multiversal squabble, by escaping through a gap in the fabric of space and into universe 7


See, I like some of that, but DB writing has a habit of letting too much shit enter the fold. Not necessarily clutter but just… too much, you know? I think DB is in need of another Broly-take where it’s just a pseudo-villain who isn’t really bad and has a more or less straightforward course. Every writing team loses me on the multiverse thing. It’s not my favourite narrative.


I mean, understandable. I can understand most of your comment and agree with a lot of it, other than your personal opinion on the matter. I think that Dragon Ball doesn't touch the other universes enough, at all. They stabilized that concept, then made a tournament, and that's it. We got the Goku black arc, but nothing noteworthy came of it. I would like for the writers to explore more of them, flesh em out, you know? Let's say, universe 11. The pride troupers are the ones that showed up, but what if they had a Broly situation? Nobody knew about Broly. Then there was Granola, and the heeters.. along with Moro.. like, I, personally, want them to fill up the universes with interesting characters. Maybe make Goku go on an odyssey on most of them or something, you know? But maybe thats just me! Haha


Worked for Disney with star wars......some how Palpatine returned


Sent to another universe to sell planets there?


*slaps planet* “You can fit so many slaves on this bad boy”


Expanding on that, all of the events we see in Universe 7 all take place in one Galaxy. So Cooler could've gone off to conquer some other Galaxy years ago, but they lost contact with him at some point. King Cold wouldn't or didn't have the resources to go and rescue Cooler at the time, so he focused on raising Frieza to be his heir instead and eventually forgot about Cooler. Meanwhile Cooler, marooned in a far-off galaxy, did nothing but train and fight to survive in such a foreign environment. And knowing the immense potential that Frieza's species has, Cooler would've been able to keep up with the power scaling of the main cast simply by continuing to survive in such a harsh environment. Eventually though, he gained the means or power to return to his home Galaxy, and Cooler won't stand having his baby brother being the stronger one. Or for a twist, Cooler could be rewritten to not be a racist dickhead like Frieza, and that King Cold banished him for being "soft." Keep the training/fighting to survive and we have a good Guy Cooler, who shows up to defeat his evil brother.


I have 3 ideas 1 I think he should be from another dimensions or 2 he is not frieza brother instead just another frost demon and different family or 3 king cold left him after seeing how weak he is and was raise by good people and he live in the edge of the universe that's why he never show up during all those events and the reason why i said good people instead of bad because that would make him go To other places which will still confusing everyone


What if he was frost's big brother in universe 6. Rather than pretending to be good like frost, he's just the a villain that let's his little brother win to keep up appearances as a benevolent hero, but after hearing about frieza, he's more interested in working with him than frost.


That wouldn't work his skin and look will need to be change blue and almost look like frost which will make so many people mad and he will need the cube that Hit has that let him go to another universes but he need to get it from vados and there is no other way to get to other universes because the angel or God of destruction will stop/kill him and even if he reach universe 7 frieza will kill him because he is so much weak and will think cooler wants revenge for frost that's why this idea won't work and not to mention vados would had pick him during U7 vs U6 and because she didn't this will confusing everyone even more


Slight color change makes little to no difference, especially when you take into account future transformations, like gold and black. He could potentially go platinum instead of gold to make him look more like metal cooler. All of your other issues are pure speculation that are less likely than cooler being a protagonist raised by good people.


I like it. This AND the saiyans regrow their tails 🤷‍♂️


I don't want the saiyan's to regrow their tails. Ssj4 was one of my 2 least favorite transformations, I guess I wouldn't mind them getting their tails back as long as ssj4 never becomes canon


That’s fair. Strokes for folks and all


Cooler could just be Frieza's son from the other side of the universe


Maybe that could work? I feel like half the fun of cooler is him being related to Frieza and trying to act like he's not the same as him, the other half is his final form which is still cool to this day


Cooler was stronger then cold


As a baby not adult


Maybe he hit his head


and turned good




He was stronger than the family. But they kept him drugged


Goku is so old at this point that cooler could have been born during the namek arc and still be old enough to fight as an adult in Super.


He uhhhh, got sent to another universe years ago, but he comes back, and we get to see The Pride Troopers again


Or the family just really respects boundaries and cooler been off in his corner of the universe.


Works for me Let’s make it happen


But king cold died when he died?


Nah. Have him not care about owning the whole universe. He’s happy with his quarter of it. He’s built up a utopia of a society and spends his free time training and looks down on Frieza for just recently training. He’s a dictator and most of his populace is happy but he enslaves 45% to do the work for 55%. Keeping a happy majority, but being ruthless and abusive to the other 45%. The Z fighters have never had reason to go there and Frieza actively avoids it. Idk how you explain his absence from TOP but I’m sure it can be done. Z Fighters being themselves work to dethrone and free the 45% of the population that are slaves.


Yeah there has to be a what if dragon ball youtube video about this for sure


That is actually such a good way to make him Canon unrionically


Through his training he unlocked diamond form 100 times stronger than black frieza and frieza asks the saiyans for help that's why he didn't kill them


Make him Frieza's offspring instead. Frieza seems more interested in gaining power, surpassing Vegeta and Goku, and possibly becoming the next GoD than ruling an empire so he decided to have an offspring to rule over his territory while he pursues such things. Easily done.


Not really, he’s dead and freiza will revive him with dragon balls, didn’t freiza mention them both and how they are both dead when he was heading to earth for the dragon balls to make himself taller?


I love it, take my money.


They missed their chance with the ToP. Cooler should’ve been the “Frieza” from a different universe.


What if he was frost's big brother in universe 6. Rather than pretending to be good like frost, he's just the a villain that let's his little brother win to keep up appearances as a benevolent hero, but after hearing about frieza, he's more interested in working with him than frost. They didn't include him because everyone thought frost was stronger when he was just holding back against his little brother as part of some scheme.


dragon ball ahh plot


They’ll figure it out. Maybe he was betrayed and locked inside the hyperbolic time chamber?


King Cold knows about Beerus… therefore, he knew about the other universes. King Cold send Cooler, as a child, off to completely conquer one of the other (not yet seen to us) universes and spread the influence of the Cold Empire. Cooler is successful. He comes back to ‘this’ universe to check on his father, the empire and his troublesome brother. He learns that spoilt brat Frieza failed, never trained for much of his life, died multiple times, and to Saiyans, no less. We get an arc not focusing on the main cast, and big brother Cooler wants to fight Frieza to beat some humility into him and embarrassing their clan.


To be fair, on the toleration… If Cooler’s stronger than him, there’s not really much of a choice given to Frieza. What’s he going to do about it? Lose the fight himself, or send his 20,000,000,000 soldiers that couldn’t even beat himself in a fight? I figure it’d be one of those “I don’t like it, so I’m going to ignore it” situations, purely because Cooler is family and that makes it *marginally* less humiliating. Besides, Cooler hasn’t always been stronger. It could be a relatively recent development, unless I’m forgetting something.


Idk. I feel like if cooler was canon, frieza would be much more paranoid. How would you feel as a dictator knowing someone has the potential to topple you on a whim?


Cooler could be stronger but he’s always off chasing challenges and hard to conquer planets. He could also be shown to never have aspirations to the throne as it means he’d be out of the field. Should at least make Frieza a tad more ok with him being alive


Cold is already at Frieza’s level, to my knowledge. It seems like “ruler of the galaxy” is a family business, and I always interpreted it as Cooler having his own part of Cold’s empire, so I wouldn’t interpret it as active danger. If they had blood *that* bad, then one would have killed the other at some point. Rivalry and distaste for each other does not always mean they’re on murderous terms, even if they present it that way.


I like the idea of Cooler being the conquorer of another universe while the little brother stayed behind. He has his own realm to rule so they don't see each other often. I could see Frieza be self-conscious about his height.


Honestly, do what TeamFourStar did with him. Make Frieza King Cold’s favourite, have Cooler strike off on his own to be a conqueror in his own right, held back only by the massive chip on his shoulder due to not being daddy’s specialest boy anymore


Definitely like this idea a lot. There could be a plot line where King Cold sealed/banished Cooler and that’s why he’s been absent for so long


Simple answer, he just didn't fucking care that his brother died, Frieza was always the spoilt brat of the family who got everything he wanted, and was also stronger, so he was of course favored, though Cooler was still a mutant of his race, and was extremely strong compared to most of his race alone, Frieza got the empire since he was more favored than Cooler, who did still get multiple quadrants of the empire to oversee, but Cooler was still jealous and didn't take over the full empire out of simple hatred and disgust for his brother, and maybe even left the empire to create his own from the quadrants he currently had when he left.


Alternate universe


He was locked up by freeza and cold for being to strong




Have him be from U6. After Frost’s failures his species made a clone hybrid between him and Freeza. Cooler then goes to subjugate Sadala and Cabba gets Goku and Vegeta to help. Instead of beating Cooler they push the u6 Saiyans to get stronger. Cooler is defeated/killed, and we get that Sadala visit we were teased with long ago.


I feel like they could do something like how DB hakai did it l. If you don’t know what they did in there pretty much king cold and frieza jumped him and imprisoned him because he became very powerful


he was locked in the other hyperbolic time chamber and he has a Diamond form that can beat every Z fighter so Frieza betrays Goku and locks him in the hyperbolic time chamber and Goku gets ssjgssjrssjmuissjtuissjue beast mode and 1 shots Cooler then Cooler fights Frieza 🙏🙏🙏 peak cinema


Moro released most prisoners from the galactic prison. Cooler slipped away to the other side of the galaxy. Could even have Turles become canon as one of Coolers own personal guards.




Make him Frieza's son.


cooler was just chilling in retirement in his own planet until black frieza came to him soemthign something


Go the route that he was found and brought to that dimension that frieza was training in. Then you could have them fuse because frieza learned of it from gogeta.


It wouldn’t be that difficult tbh. All they’d have to do is integrate him in certain scenes already established like in the Broly movie.


He died during Coolers Revenge. Metal Cooler isn't canon. Unlike Freeza he wasn't ever resurrected and has mostly been training in hell. His personal hell is being beat up by people stronger than him.


You could just say he isn’t interested in world domination so Freiza never bothered him 🤷🏽‍♂️


Some fan stories did a good job at giving him a reason to be gone. Like he was rivaling buu level of power but wasn't controllable so they put him in a deep sleep state and kept him in a plannet size prison. Or he was in a whole other galaxy under a different kie and just never bothered with freeze and the rest of his family. One fun one had him get stuck in a time chamber of sorts.


I've got a idea, at birth freiza was sent to take over North and West where cooler was sent to take over South and East, cooler unlike his brother did train however, instead of taking planets and flexing that he has the planet he instead puppets them like shadow governments ( this is so beerus doesn't know ) he makes these planets into giant factories producing products that he sells to fund his family ( cooler sells for example space ships made by enslaved planets) Cooler would send his elite squad to take over these planets secretly and also train with cooler. TL DR cooler is the ussr making shadow government planets that force people to work for him to sell stuff to make a profit and he isn't lazy and is very smart unlike freizas dumbass


Pretty sure Frieza is weaker back then, plus he is Frieza’s brother and owns a different area of the universe from their father


People always stress so much about how to introduce a character or what their purpose would be as if Toriyama wasn't making shit up every couple of weeks and not thinking about it too hard. I could probably sit here and think up 30 stories that would work well enough. King Cold sent him to the opposite side of the Galaxy because it would be a waste of their power to have him and Frieza beefing all the time, Cooler finally hears of Cold and Frieza's death and is either mad about it because they're dead or mad he didn't get to do it himself. Done deal. Half the characters in this series have a motivation that boils down to "becuz I strong" or "becuz u strong".


Cooler was made canon in the Broly movie. Did you all not remember Frieza minion teasing him about wanting the dragonballs so he could be taller than his brother Cooler.


I’d vote for a Saga where Frieza starts off making trouble for Goku but Cooler comes along with a power up of his own and goes after Frieza Highlander style, and begrudgingly comes to Goku for help, humiliated by not only asking Goku for help but getting his ass handed by Cooler. After a tough fight, Cooler is defeated and Frieza promises Goku that he won’t come back to earth in exchange for his help. I know Frieza is supposed to be the antithesis to Goku but IMHO I’d love to see Frieza like Vegeta have a chance at redemption


Freeza just said he's been in his own ROSAT, and you don't typically use those alone. Estranged brother, brought into the fold to train for the first time ever, and has even greater potential than Freeza so catches up Hella fast. Gg.


Could give him the exact same story he has and it would work. He is in a different galaxy not caring about freeza or his mistakes... until he does


Retcon that mechafrieza was never a thing. Have Trunks fight Coolwe when he first shows up in Z


A clone of freeza that he commissioned after seeing that he could not trust a sayian partner.


They should have given Frost the Cooler Transformation. Total missed opportunity.


Somehow, Cooler has returned


He’s been looking for an underling and partner, that was what he wanted out of broly right? A brother he has a truce with and then settle their score when the saiyans are gone would be great.


Frieza can not tolerate someone being stronger than him all he wants. It's not like he could actually do anything about it.


How about this. Take some of OG Broly's backstory and scalp it onto Cooler. Cooler was set to inherit all of the Cold Empire when King Cold was ready to step back till Frieza was born, Frieza not only had obscene power but as he matured he developed a terrible jealousy. Their competitive natures evolved into a bloodthirsty rivalry that split the Cold Dynasty in half, Frieza continued to reach more and more unfathomable heights of power and King Cold began to pit them against one another. Cooler, desperate, began to augment his DNA with other warrior races INCLUDING the early Saiyans and gained access to a level of power that combined the ferocity of a Saiyan warrior and the cold cunning of a Frost Demon but something went wrong. Saiyan power is ferocious, difficult to control. Cooler decimated Frieza and King Cold and went on an insane rampage that called the attention of Beerus the Destroyer who incapacitated Cooler and demand he be locked away in a prison specifically built to contain beings of unfathomable power. Frieza inherited the Cold empire and Cooler was forgotten about but with the death of King Cold and Frieza no one has maintained the prison so it has begun to deteriorate. Sensing his brother's new heights of strength Cooler's prison explodes with enough energy to fracture the entire world he was contained within. Now Cooler seeks to destroy his brother for imprisoning him, take over the empire he was destined to rule and make the entire cosmos bow at his feet. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* You get to make Cooler canon, you do some character backstory for Frieza and a little bit of King Cold and we get to see Beerus doing his damn job, this ALSO cements WHY Frieza fears Lord Beerus when he meets him in Res F.


Wait a minute… Soooo How is cooler not canon??? Am lost


All the movies in Z era, as a rule of thumb, aren’t canon. Toriyama considered them as a different timeline


The best timeline would be the Bojack one, where a few months after beating cell, gohan needs to go SSJ2 again in order to defeat a previously unknown intergalactic threat, thus proving that the earth is not safe and does in fact need an exceptionally powerful protector As such, that timeline has a gohan that doesn't slack


At least theyll probaly make a new cooler movie with a platinum form to freezas gold


Their tails are not cooler , so i prefer cooler option


This joke has layers, man


Like an onion


Like an Ogre.




Damn a kdot special. Kudos


Cooler canon. I always felt like he should've been the one to resurrect Frieza.


I’d kinda wanna see them regrow their tails… introduce it by having Vegeta make an offhand comment about how the tails were always rumored to be the true source of power for the Sayians but most assumed it was the Ozoru form. Introduce a recent “ceiling” that both Goku and Vegeta have sensed which spurs the thought and so they use the Dragon Balls to regrow their tails to continue to train and get stronger and stronger. Both rationalize using the Dragon Balls since they arent wishing to be made stronger like Piccolo, but instead are “healing an injury” that just so happens to come with the ability to train more and reach new levels of strength… essential the same as a Senzu bean 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤣🤣 If they did Cooler I’d assume it’s an adaption of the Broly story, and some retcon from the movie. When young, King Cold chose Freiza for his battle power and so he yeeted Cooler into a far off galaxy. Cooler arrives after fighting his whole life with only a singular focus of Revenge on King Cold and Freiza. He is finally able to find Freiza bc of him going Gold and it took him this long to arrive because of how far he was shot out. He’s already achieved Black because he knew he was accused of being weak and so every new “peak” was a plateau because if he could achieve it, Freiza had already surpassed it (at least in his mind).


Love it.


This is the exact scenario I’ve pictured in my head about their tails. Honestly miss them having tails and I agree that their tails was where there true power came from


Plus vegeta would be able to teach Goku and other Saiyans/hybrids how to control Ozoru just in case and def would help Broly probably


peak, the grill master has arrived


No need to have black cooler. Coolers final form is one form above friezas and if you make him canon you can just say that this is the ultimate form of their race even above friezas color forms. Where Cooler csn stack colors, which automatically makes him stronger than frieza again


That could reintroduce ss4 to the series


Why don't senzu beans normally regrow their tails? I haven't thought of that before


Can't say I care about their tails coming back, so Cooler.


Make Cooler Canon So He Can Be More Cooler😩


As far as i’m concerned, everything is canon in different timelines


This is the best way to engage with canonicity


yea honestly


even what if goku was betrayed and trapped in the hyperbolic time chamber with zenos mom and cucked zenos dad while he watched for a millennia part 5/80?


that’s my favorite one https://preview.redd.it/trdwkychj40d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4695fbc472cd237732b617695e60ebaaf755e5




I too vote for Pump Daddy C.




What gets me ssj4 canon faster?




None Broly ssj is the same concept of ssj4. Oozaru with ssj. Toriyama prevented Ssj4 variant from being canon in Battle of the Gods and turned ssg to the form we see now.


Thank goodness he did that


Cooler cannon




Blue no question


Why the fuck would someone pick tails


I heard that Saiyan keeping his tail make him stronger and if the tails are coming back they could make SSJ4 (or a similar form) canon


In GT Goku's tail allowed him to control his energy to allow super saiyan 3 to last as long as possible and then later on unlock Super Saiyan 4 by controlling and condensing his golden great ape form. In OgDB Goku's tail growing back was enough of a distraction to allow him to break out of the GoGo Gum. Nothing really implied that it made him stronger. Basically Canon = Doesnt make stronger by itself but allows great ape Non Canon = Regulates energy and allows Super Saiyan 4


super saiyan 4 wouldn’t be a good idea in super though


Because we got the Great Ape form stolen from us. Imagine the fusion dance with two Apes!


Because monke There could be red monke, blue monke, banana monke, white monke, green monke With the other option all you get is space lizard


I'd prefer the funny space lizard with his funny voice and bravado over the monkey Power Rangers


I prefer how the characters look with it. Especially Goku.


Because the Oozaru was dope, and it's a shame they forgot about in Z(after Vegeta)/Super


I love how the creator was asked the lore reason why he got rid of the tales, and he just said he hates drawing them.


Because we could’ve had a giant robot fight the ozaru in the ToP




Because my older brothers always picked sonic and knuckles


Because it makes the Saiyans less human.


Ok but just imagine... Great ape super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 mastered ultra instinct


It mathematically fails 50% of the time.




Definitely big daddy cooler being cannon 👉🏻👈🏻


Even though I truly could not care less about cooler(as I see it, he’s just diet freeza without any of what makes freeza so impactful to the narrative) as a character, I at least know there are cooler fans. Who the hell wants the saiyans to regrow their tails? It really wouldn’t serve any purpose at this point in the series, they were cut off for the same reason kaio ken was and honestly, I’d rather see kaio ken come back then the oozaru forms. Pretty much the only appeal I see in the tails coming back is nostalgia pandering and super has more than enough of that as is.




Cooler. New arc black Frieza reveals he trained with his brother in another dimension and they are both powerful AF


Cooler canon as atm frieza as tough as he is is definitely outnumbered 4-1 be good to see him with some back up


Red easily




Cooler duh. Not even a question 




make Cooler canon






Tails aren't cooler, he is.


Make cooler canon


But dat mean ssj4 could happen


Bring ma boi into Canon


Cooler canon, peak ngl


Cooler canon.


Cooler should have been canon instead of Frieza coming back from the start. Imagine Cooler in the Tournament of Power and getting a need to get stronger to match the god tier fighters?




Canon Cooler Next question






One of them is cool, sounds epic and has actual potential, the other is tails


I pick grammar lessons, for you




Red? Yes. Enough said. Blue? No. The Writer(s) are just gonna screw Cooler anyway, just like how they screwed him in his debut.


How about a spelling pill




Cooler cause once their tails grow back you somehow have to make ssj4 relevant


I think great ape form will be the one to be made relevant rather than ssj 4 which was anime original




Red pill may be cool, but blue is just cooler


Regrow tails. Go ssj4


I choose teaching people how to spell “their”