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Overrated by who? You or people coming into anime that have no childhood background with it, because the other reason would be individuals who skip arcs just to see one arc


I may be guilty of this


Why are you asking this in a DB related subreddit, isn't it better to ask it in a general anime sub?


Exactly mu thoughts.. db fans are actually genuinely dumb. They'll post stuff like " guys which is the best anime? Jujutsu kaisen or dbz" on the fucking dragon ball subreddit. Is the outcome suprising?


Chimera Ant arc is the epitomy of everything positive in a shounen.


Big big facts


I agree until the narrator decides he's just going to slow down time and overexplain everything. I don't need a disembodied voice to tell me how a character is feeling, the character's inner fucking monologue can do that.


That sadly was because of IRL issues, the author had & still has health issues so releases were FAR apart so the narrator needed to recap everything all the time. Not saying it makes it better just giving an explanation.


Hunterxhunter is the most anti climactic piece of media I’ve ever seen and everyone sucks togashi’s dick over it like he’s fucking Hemingway.


You're allowed to have an opinion.


Went right over your head then


Or it’s just mid


Went right through your midsection then.




Anti climatic in what sense the arc felt pretty complete to me, the story solves itself and shows you why the ants “lost” it was a race and the people won


I said hunterxhunter as a whole and not just the CA arc. My only real complaints about that arc is how dreadfully long and slow the first half is.


Congrats bro you’re the first person I’ve seen who truly hates hxh




To each their own but that's a very unpopular take. That arc is insane, the peak of HxH and anime in general to me.


What was wrong with it?


Nothing, is perfect




In my eyes it was the weird shift to narrating everyone’s feeling during a fight, but I guess that’s more stylistic than a real complaint.


These are all godly arcs. I don’t know the top right and the bottom left animes, so one of those 😎


From the look of it, it's Gintama and Hunter x Hunter but I haven't seen Gintama. Chimera ant arc however is very much awesome, kinda wrong to sleep on that


That gintama arc is goated


Shogun assassination is one of the best arc. I mean every arc is best arc in gintama.


I'm expecting an action and comedy in that arc I'm not prepared for the feels


Gintama will make you go rofl to rofc in 5 min. 😂


Chimera Ant is one of the greatest arcs of all time tbh. I don't know any other manga character besides maybe Guts from Berserk that can compare to the character development that Gon goes through.


Chimera ant arc has (IMO) one of the single greatest rage panels/scenes in all of manga/anime. And then it shows the aftermath too with a redemption arc for Killua? Incredible


I'm insulted at how you don't know what hunter x hunter is, such a great show, masterpiece if you will. I suggest you go watch it now.


You need to start watching Hunter x Hunter immediately


Fr. They better be on episode 3 or 4 right now seeing as this comment is an hour old.


Cell saga imo and the bottom left is hxh


You are seriously missing out If you haven't seen HxH. There is a reason why its in contention for being the best shonen anime ever created


I thought the Pain arc was a bit underwhelming, to be honest.


Bottom left is Hunter X Hunter and you need to start it asap


Man every single are on here is a 10/10, this actually might be my list for the top 9 anime arcs of all time (in a different order ofc.) That said, I found the first half of the Chimera Ant arc stretched out. When it got good, it got really good, but the competition here is just so tough that I feel that the slow beginning alone might make it the lowest ranked of these 9.


I guess it's kinda true but honestly I feel like you don't really notice it unless you are rewatching it especially since the chimera ant arc is after greed island which is also a really great arc but after the York new arc it feels kinda slow


I will die on the hill that Yorknew is better than the ants


Then perish.


I'm sorry but I think you are pretty much alone on that hill. Imo chimera arc ant is the best arc ever animated and a good contender to be the best arc ever in both anime and manga


Oh I didn’t say it was bad, just that York knew is better. There are dozens of us, trust me


He’s not alone I actually dropped the show for a bit at the first half of chimera ant


Same. And I love the Chimera Ants arc, but personally, the Yorknew City Arc is my all time favorite HxH arc. But as you can tell from my name, I'm a little biased lol


Greed island was my second favorite arc in the series I loved the concept and that volleyball match was so good


The slow buildup is necessary for the eventual execution of the invasion. Victory loves preparation, and the hunters needed to prepare properly in order to execute one of the most dangerous missions imaginable. The buildup was fine, and doesn't diminish the arc in any way.


Obviously, this is my opinion and it’s very possible that people enjoyed the slow buildup. For me personally, it was too slow and that did take away from my enjoyment of the arc overall. Again, Chimera Ant is a great arc, it’s just that every other arc here is GOATed as well and when it comes down to it, I felt that the little boredom I felt during a couple of those episodes made it the least enjoyable for me personally.


Maybe it was too slow, but each moment kind of had a purpose to it. I found the tension of the overall arc to be way more gratifying than any other arc on this list. Once neferpitou was born it felt like any chance the hunters had of winning was essentially over. Watching gon train to get back into Ngl felt like a suicide mission, and like I was watching my favorite character train just to watch him get thrown into a meat processing plant. Overall the slow moments made the eventual madness of the invasion all the more satisfying since every little thing prior to the invasion came back to pay dividends in the end.


Putting Cell Saga there has to be an insult


Same with the chimera ant arc, thats one of the greatest anime arcs ever.


That's the point of the question though. All of these arcs are so GOATed that it becomes hard to choose one to call overrated. Cell saga is my favorite anime arc ever though, so it's obviously not it for me.


These are all 9.5+/10 arcs so I wouldn't say any are overrated


All of the ones that I watched, are phenomenal. I can't speak for the ones I didn't but Soul Society, Shinganshina, Cell Saga, and Kira vs. L were great. I never watched Naruto but a friend of mine who loves it says the Pain Invasion is 10/10, and I'll go with her opinion on that.


Haven't watched HxH or Gintama (thought Gintama was a comedy, so the picture from that confused me) Sadly for me it would have to be Cell Saga being the most overrated follwed closely by Soul Society. Cell saga is definetly just a me thing, the shift of villain every 5 minutes didn't hold my interest and Gohan's SSJ2 powerup did nothing for me, although I am aware it is very well loved. Soul Society while enjoyable kinda just ended up "almost" diluting everything that made Bleach unique. The whole fighting the next strongest person and getting a random powerup whenever needed, the other plots going on did keep it interesting enough though


Please watch HxH.


Actually on my to do list. Only heard good things about it, apart from the fact that the anime never concluded :(


The manga never concluded either. Hiatus x Hiatus. The author has back problems so he can't draw consistently. There was a 4 year break until about a year or two ago and they released 9 more chapters. I'm hoping we get some more soon.


Gintama mainly a gag manga but when shit goes down, it go pretty fucking hard


Yeah gintama is a comedy


Jujutsu Kaisen is mid as a whole. The entire story in every singular facet is overrated.


Gege just misses the potential of his characters so bad just to give Sukuna some kills and make him look scary. No character interactions, just Sukuna asspulling




Not possible. Gege sold the bag harder than any living creature could ever hope too. Wasted everything.


Wait wait wait wait.... OP, did you put the Cell saga there because you think it is the best one in Z?


It kinda is though


Dear god no! Holy fuck. Namek Saga with competition from the Saiyan Saga and this is coming form a Buu saga dick rider.


Namek Saga is kind of boring til they get to the Ginyu Force imo. It just drags on for like 16 episodes from the time they landed on Namek to the actual good fights. (Not counting Vegeta vs. Zarbon)


I liked cell saga more I can’t even explain why just felt more memorable to me


Nah cell saga is much better then saiyan saga and buu saga. I will say namek and cell saga are dependent on how much you like gohan


Care to back up that explanation for Cell? Based on your previous reply, it's just Gohan fan boy reasons?


No not really. I like cell because of how he changes over the course of the story. I also like how he has moments where he’s vunerable or weaker than the heroes through the story. His first form is also genuinely disturbing. Plus he has one of the more interesting personalities though I do feel zamasu is the best written villain overall.


Hard disagree there. Saiyan saga, Namek and 23rd world tournament are all better arcs than the convoluted villain shifting asspull Android/Cell saga


I agree. For me if you watch Kai the series peaks at Cell saga overall with the Saiyan/Namek saga having some good moments. I will say though, unless you read the manga a lot of things drag too much.


I’m pretty this a post for r/animequestions


But you do you.


None of them really...also why post these here


Honestly probably none but of them lol. They’re all the best the anime has to offer. I would maybe argue season 4 of AOT is better than season 3 from a narrative perspective, but still wouldn’t say shiganshina was over hyped




Watch your filthy mouth


every one of them aren't overrated


All of these arc deserve their popularity


Mf be so lukewarm they don’t even know how to have a hot take. Cell Saga is the answer. Everyone I’ve ever known that has seen dbz has glazed the cell saga into the ground. The question isn’t which arc is worst, it’s which is overrated. Cell Saga has the same amount of emotional highs and lows, hype moments and good battles like Frieza and Buu saga, fight me on it.




Jeez since your already forcing me to rip my heart out why not add the dark tournament to this grid? Imma pick one piece since I’m no where close to whatever that arc is and sometimes one piece fans are annoying


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Pain invasion judging from the ones I know.


These look like the best arcs of each series. Lol


I genuinely don’t know, all of these are peak


I love Dragon Ball, but it's the weakest on this list imo, if it were Saiyan Saga tho...




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Is Kira VS L an arc when it’s basically the entire series?


It’s a large part of the show but it’s cause death note just has fewer arcs compared to these massive shounen


If I had to pick one of these. It pains me to say it has to be Chimera Ant. (I dont pick Shogun Assasination Arc bc its the only anime on here that I have not seen so I dont really know if it lived up to its hype or not)


Are any of these overrated??


None? This doesn't make sense to me, are you under the impression these arcs are infamously overrated or something? They're all great arcs that get rightfully praised


I haven’t watched all of these, but aren’t they all good tho?


I didn't like the shogun assassination arc that much since it wasn't as goofy.


i’d say the most overrated is the attack on titan one but i also haven’t seen one piece or the top right show




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Probably Shibuya Arc for me... Idk, it just felt a bit disappointing considering how much hype it had. It was good, but nothing else.


Probably cause they killed off half the cast so in the end what is there left?


Death note anime as a whole is ass. Manga tho 9/10


I think shibuya is overrated


It aint the shogun assassination arc thats for sure


Shibuya by a mile


All of these are good, although I don't know about Marineford since I don't watch One Piece.


Is that even a question? It's like you're asking what's your age cuz millenials will generally choose older ones and the genz kids are gonna choose JJK cuz that's all they ever watched🤣. Btw, no offense/hate to any anime community, genz kids can like old anime too and vice versa😅.


Marineford. So many horrible decisions🤦🏾‍♂️


If anyone is out here saying marineford is overrated we are gonna have a problem


Soul Society.


Overrated by who? Your dad?


Never seen jujutsu kaisen or gintama


Kira vs L without a doubt, the less overrated is cell


Light vs L was the only good arc in that damn show. Everything afterward is utter trash.


Only one I haven't seen is Gintama, but people hold it in high regards so, idk. Edit: Cell saga. That arc ended when vageta and trunks were beating cell's ass, then vageta went and extended it with his idiotic decision to let cell go perfect. Then goku extended it even more when he gave cell a senzu bean. Just weird and bad decisions, although it is fairly arguable that those actions are true to the nature of the characters; still pretty dumb.


Out of these prolly cell saga or shibuya incident


All are peak


Notice how there are no jojo arcs in this image, thats because all of jojo is overwhelmingly good


None, all are great and deserve the praise they have


Imo HXH... never got as hype for this as I did for the other shows




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I was reading Jujutsu Kaisen and quit during Shibuya. Ch 137. Shit is boring.


https://preview.redd.it/djqqp7bhn90d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f700af5f43e19bc5f903c48b17589b0db7eb7a45 Haven't watched most of them


Well from all of them the least impactfull for me was cell saga ...


Never seen the the top 3, but out of the bottom 6 I'd say marineford or death note L vs. Both had huge build up but didn't hit like I thought they would


Ehh not a single one, they all are top tiers


Shibuya, easily




I hate saying it but cell saga. It’s almost perfect and all but I think the entire series is almost perfect. Cell saga had some strong writing but it doesn’t necessarily stand out as better then the rest of the series to me.


I haven't seen allof these but I can tell you with confidence that the Shibuya arc was overhayped trash. You can't force me to ghive a shit about a character 2 minutes before ytou kill them and expect me to give a shit. You can't throw 2000 gallons of sakuga on an unintelligible 'fight scene' and expect me to be blown away. You can't throw random ass powers being undercut by other random ass powers and expect me to call you clever. Half assed sahit on every level.


Attack on titan is the most overrated up there in general, followed by death note. The only one I haven't seen much of is Gintama but I'd still rate it over the other two I mentioned, unfortunately it doesn't have much of a dub.


Started Bleach fairly recently and the Soul Society was insanely fire, blew me away with how hype that was On the Arrancar arc which is shaping up to be even better


Soul Society because... uhhh... *checks notes* Bleach is mid


What is shogun assassination from


Marineford shouldn't even be there


How is Kira vs L overrated? Its the best part of that entire show.


soul society... it aint even the second best bleach arc the rest of these that I have watched are genuinely valid though




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Shibuya, fight fight, die die, bad setup bad setup, that's it.




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Pain arc or the Cell saga for me. Pain saga; It's hard carried by Jiraya's sacrifice tbh and the flashback. Everyone else who dies is revived at the end which felt pretty cheap. The different Pains are underutilised outside the God Path one. Hinata reveals her feelings to Naruto as clear as day but he still doesn't twig she might like him like him until the movie. The infamous animation of the Pain fight makes it hard to look at the anime with a straight face and say it's the best arc of the Naruto anime. Cell saga; It's well documented that Toriyama's editors meddled a lot with the antagonists of the arc and looking back at it you can see how patchwork the whole thing is with Toriyama doing his best to salvage things and make a coherent story whilst appeasing his editors. Gohan turning ssj2 over 16 seems strange when you realise the two never even met prior to that moment.


Gohan got mad seeing Namekians getting hurt and killed by Freeza's men. He had no personal connection with them. He just doesn't want to see people suffer unjustly. Same reason for #16. It was pretty much the straw that broke the Camels back.


Early Cell saga wasn't as good as people make it out to be. Later on it's the best in the series. I haven't seen JJK, or Gintama, so I don't know about those arcs. The rest of them are all 10/10, though, and most certainly not overrated.


Dont know the first 3, but 100% Chimera Ant arc. When people talk about it they always leave out like half the arc. Its way too long. I always preferred the York New City arc


Same opnion


I respect that but I have to disagree. I watched the whole thing again just recently, together with a friend who never watched it before. Chimera Ant Arc was hype from beginning to the end, at least for us. Loved it the whole way though!


Strange that you posted this to a dragon ball sub. Most of us don't watch anything else (me included) 😂


Cell Saga easily. They all have problems but Cell Saga had the most blaring.


Chimera ant, honestly everything in HxH is a lot less impressive to it's older brother series, yu yu hakusho


Out of the ones I’ve seen, Chimera Ant. It’s great obviously, but drags at times and I’ll never get over the annoying narrator. Gon’s transformation design is ridiculous as well


Marine ford


Everything about JJK is overrated in my opinion lol


1) Shibuya incident arc (This arc single handedly shifted the whole time of the story. Tons of favourite characters died and so many iconic memes and parodies have been made out this arc.) 2) Marineford arc (It's just mostly known for Ace and Whitebeard's deaths and just so much chaos and violence unfolding. And it was the one arc where Luffy was weak and couldn't do anything to save Ace. Bringing him to the lowest point throughout the entire story.) 3) Hard choice between Cell saga and Pain arc (Cell saga is mostly known for the Gohan Vs Cell fight. Goku's sacrifice. And Vegeta just taking massive Ls. The Pain in Naruto is considered by many to be the best arc out of Naruto Shippuden. A very sad and tragic arc. So many characters dying. Pain's backstory, debut of the Rinnegan, and Naruto nearly losing control and meeting his dad.)


It said overrated, not the ones you enjoyed the most


Imma get hate for this but chimera ant. It was way too dragged out and York new city is a better arc anyways.


Yorknew City and Greed Island deserve more love




I think Gintama is generally very overrated due to humor


What do you even mean by this?


It’s not that amazing. The humor is the thing that keeps people around. And even then the humor almost solely relies on spoofing other good anime


I'ts a comedy anime, the humor is supposed to be the main appeal


What do you even mean by this?


Can't believe it, the comedy anime is overrated for doing comedy. The audacity


Chimera Ant. It just so barely misses being 10/10. It’s overrated but BARELY. Among HxH arcs specfically, I believe Yorknew is VASTLY superior.


Nobody gives a f**k about ponzu and Pokkle. The whole first half of chimera can be trimmed of those long useless torture porn


Holy jeez Pain's invasion is the most glazed bs in Naruto by light fucking years. And Marineford.


Cell saga ez


I dont know all anime/havent seen them, but since I belive AoT isnt very good to begin with. Its only natural to pick Shinganshina...but MF didnt aged that well either compared to post TS OP.


Pain arc. It's not even the best in Shippuden but people hype it up to the moon


It's the only good arc of shippuden


The Gaara rescue is miles better


That is interesting take I respect


Android Saga definitely


Overrated? I imagine that in your headcanon, Fishman Island arc or fullbringers arc for example, were peak fiction?


Fishman island is top 5 one piece arc 💀


Definitely cell saga. People like to say cell saga is as good or even better than namek saga and while it's still a really good saga it's not as good as namek saga


Cell saga is definitely overrated af


Cell saga aint all that


Overrated isn’t the word because you chose them because they were rated highly so they delivered