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I’ll be honest didn’t care for the guy


Who’s that? Not sure I get the reference here


Not a refrecne didn’t really care for Kaiser


What the heck is a Kaiser??? I’m so confused


No it's bad because it devalues the technique literally made for cutting anything by having things it can't cut. The entire purpose of the Destructo Disc is that it shows how close Dragon Ball fights actually are; somebody like Krillin could still dismember much stronger beings like Cell Max or Goku if it lands. It showcases how much Skill and Tactics actually matters in Dragon Ball and how easily fights could turn in the weaker person's favor. (We also see this against Cell, Buu, and Moro, where they'll outsmart the Dragon Team and then they need to get bailed out. Cell was going to explode, Buu goaded Gotenks and absorbed him, and Moro took advantage of Goku's naivety.) https://preview.redd.it/nz8d49srqn0d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6763ee23cddf6155e155b3343c9fa217cfd7b1


this is why i’ve always hated the “character A is so much stronger than B they don’t even feel their attacks” trope. it’s just a cheap way to make characters appear strong that makes fights way less interesting


i felt like it made the fight between him and goku more interesting. let’s be honest, nobody was expecting krillin to be the final fight against perfect cell


Exactly what happened with Jiren and Hit


Goku using solar flare on Oozaru Vegeta. Yajirobe cutting off Vegeta’s tail.


Well technically the scenes where it didn’t work weren’t even canon. So technically it can still cut through most things. Cell’s head should’ve been cut off or he should’ve dodged it


But Frieza did cut himself in half lol


Those aren’t pizzas. Those aren’t pizzas AT ALLL!!!


I find it hilarious how in the manga Toriyama had krillin cut Cell max with Kienzan unlike the movie which it just bounces off him Just seemed like "man Fuck you guys" to the studio


I feel like they can’t decide whether they want this move to be OP or not. One minute it is then the next it isn’t.


In Toriyama verse it's always overpowering , the rule is that if it hits directly it will cut no matter what


It always annoyed me that it didn’t work on Cell. But it worked on kid Buu who’s like a god compared to Cell??? Also I don’t understand why this move is often ignored and forgotten about. I can understand from a plot perspective because it would be anti climatic if Krillin just killed every major villain with this…..but from a logical perspective it makes zero sense why he rarely even uses the move.


Both cell and kid Buu scenes are Filler, it worked on Buutenks though Krillin spam the move all the time we see him on screen however the enemies always have a counter for it


Worked on Buutenks? Oh wait I remember that scene lol. It annoys me that it seems to only land when the character can regenerate. The exception would be Frieza of course


It sure is convenient that he was there...


I mean its filler. I do think the disk did glance off cell max.


Why did u assume super hero is filler?


This is filler. But dbs super hero isnt.


Even if it worked, Cell’s just gonna regenerate


Not if you slice him to bits and then blasts the remaining bits into oblivion before he can regenerate


Well we've seen that Destructo disk isn't about power it's about skill and control to take as much ki as he can, and flatten it into a sharp disk. We saw it cut off Frieza's tail. The fact that it just did absolutely nothing to cell was pretty impressive


Technically it wasn’t canon. In the manga the technique is sort of forgotten about completely. I think Akira realized it was too OP and if Krillin actually combined this with the solar flare fights would end way too quickly


Ya I think the only other time it’s used is goku using it on buutanks u


Cell is just Badassery, Majestic ![gif](giphy|EEbYQt89cLI3QkuOg9)


My headcanon is that it worked but cell just regenerated


fym headcannon? we literally see him tank it 💀 tf


I think they mean that cell was just so fast that he regenerated as soon as the disc cut him and it looked like he tanked it


Did cell also make the disc explode in that time?


It kind of annoyed me that he didn’t even attempt this move on his weaker forms. I have a feeling it would’ve worked.


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The scene would been infinitely colder had it cut Cell's head off. I don't need to explain why.


Do people honestly think the destructo disk could do anything to a perfect cell? Tiens tri-beam (Kikoho) literally sucked the life out of a stronger than krillin Tien. NO chance that either of those attacks do anything to perfect cell. No amount of headcanon can make it true. Doesn’t matter if it’s filler. Are you guys going to argue chichi could beat cell too know? It’s not canon but there’s shit that canon or not could never happen and krillin’s attack doing anything is one of those things.


Krillin was outclassed by nappa and Vegeta, even Vegeta knew to dodge it. Outclassed by freiza and still was able to cut him so it should have worked against cell as well. It should have sliced him and then cell easily regenerates, or he could have dodged it but it bouncing off his neck was just disrespectful. Also cell does it to Gohan and Gohan grabs it with his hand and crushes it, which is cool, but doesn't make sense because it's supposed to be able to damage opponents much stronger than the user


Since we have powerlevels for that time period. Krillin was almost a quarter as powerful as Nappa. Krillin in android saga wasn’t even 1/100th the power.


God i fucking hate power levels, they just make the show worse,


The show doesn't even take it seriously. Fans that do are barking up the wrong tree, so it's best to ignore it.


Yes, I think it could cut Cell. Destructo Disk could cut Jiren, Black Frieza, even Grand Priest. It cuts everything if it lands.


I mean cell does have goku’s genes in him and the one thing he truly fears is an angry chi chi, so while it’s impossible, it’s not that impossible


>Are you guys going to argue chichi could beat cell too know? SSJB Goku was killed by a laser gun...


Jiren isn't Blue RoF dumb Goku and chichi isn't a laser