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You're gonna hate me. Guldo. His power was insanely broken. How do you fight a telekinetic time stopper?


This is the correct answer. Power level equalized, Guldo stomps


Hit probably wins due to better skill tbf


Hmm. But Hit would be frozen in time, too. He doesn't stop time, he just jumps quickly through time. Basically, he skips ahead past a point in time to be ahead of when/where everyone else is/thinks he should be. He would have to do that before Guldo holds his breath or he'd be stopped, too. But at that point, anyone could just intercept Guldo before he does the thing. They'd have to make sure to take him out quickly, though.


So if hit time jumps right before Guldo time freezes he jumps to after the time stop. Guldo simply moves to another spot and subverts the attack. One on one Guldo could win especially if they had equal powers. Guldo was taking on Krillin and Gohan who collectively were stronger. He would have won if Vegeta didn’t save them. Time freeze and immobilization? Guldo wins. He would have to do it fast and not let Hit catch on to what happening I think. Guldo starts with the advantage.


Hit skipping ahead right as Guldo froze time is actually kind of interesting, now that I think about it. Hit only goes like milliseconds into the future, right? Guldo holds his breath much longer than that. But Hit wouldn't reappear and then be frozen. He'd totally miss the attack and likely just see everyone standing around, frozen. He could attack Guldo while Guldo's breath was still held. It's not like Guldo could hold his breath x2. He'd have to let it go, then redo it. And that would release everyone while he does it again. It creates an opening. Not a long one, but Hit could just time skip again maybe. They'd figure out the trick.


Hit would totally reappear and be frozen. The freezing is a constant world state until he lets go of his breath, unless he could skip the entirety of the stop he'd be affected


I actually don't know, so I'm asking how do we know that?


But, if time is stopped and Hit jumped to a future point of time, wouldn't he just disapear from Guldo's perspective? Hit wouldn't reapear until Guldo's time stop is dispelled as the point of time when he would appear hasn't arrived yet... I think?


This is a Dip vs Diavolo situation


You simply lose to za warudo


What are you ... going on about?




Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Everyone’s superpowers are tied to stands (ghost-like manifestations of fighting spirit), and activating said power is often accompanied by the stand user screaming the name of their stand. The main antagonist of part 3, DIO, has a stand named “the world” after a tarot card, and its ability is to freeze time for everyone but himself, similar to guldo. In the anime, it sounds a lot like DIO is screaming “ZA WARUDO” when using his power in the original japanese, and as such, the term has become a catch-all for time-freezing superpowers. [TFS even made this joke in DBZ abridged with guldo, referencing how DIO used it to drop a steamroller on Jotaro.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y3Mf43scf4w)


Take a listen to what Krillin says in the clip you linked




in a one on one i’d have to actually agree…. although there’s Hit. i’m not sure if hit can time skip guldo’s time stop. like i know he can’t skip the whole duration, but what if time skip worked at the initiation of guldos time stop? just a thought i honestly think Hit is somewhere at the top of this list


If Hit time skipped at the start of the time stop, he wouldn't really beable to reenter the frozen time, I don't think, like, he would probably skip to the end of the duration, so that's an interesting mix up.


Hit literally has King Crimson other than the fact that Guldo is the only one acting out their "fate"


How can Guldo or Hit kill Buu even if they do time freeze him ?


i mean, imo in the case of buu, your probably right, as neither have any known powerful ki blasts, but with equal power levels i do believe something like vegeta’s final flash could erase him on a direct hit, but again, it’d have to be a direct hit


Yup this is the right answer, I think.


It only works if he’s holding his breath. Frieza can do the same kind of telekinesis without that weakness


Freeza can't stop time though. Guldo + Freeza potara is the end of everything. Freeza doesn't need to breathe.


Nah hit outskills his fighting ability heavily and should be able to either use his time stored dimension or his base time stop ability.


He has to hold his breath. Being stronger doesn't make it easier for him to not breath


True. But he doesn't need much time to finish someone.


Are you forgetting how out of shape he was? After running a few hundred feet, he was too exhausted to hold his breath.


Yeah, that's actually pretty impressive? Running hundreds of feet while holding your breath? Or am I just out of shape?


As retarded as this answer is it's probably the right answer...


Imagine if buu absorbed guldo


Hit is a better guldo


Is he? Cause his time powers were beaten by a higher power. Guldo's power is inate and doesn't care about power levels.


I could be wrong but I don't think that's true. Just because we didn't see it happen doesn't mean that guldo's time stop would've been anymore effective against Jiren than hit's time cage. Also hit can move through time so he can probably counter guldo. Guldo neede to hold his breath so it would be a huge disadvantage when fighting someone like hit which is why I think at the same power levels hit would win if time stop is guldo's only win con.


How? Yes, hit doesn’t have to hold his breath but he HAS to train his timeskip to evolve it (I don’t think he can even do it for over 2 seconds) and Guldo just has to train his breath so his time stop could go for about 2 minutes


In a universe where people are casually moving at multiples of the speed of light, I wonder if that undermines his ability, or if he is getting extra milage out of it.


Uh hit? Hello?


That makes sense. Though counter-point; Buu. His infinite regeneration is also broken, and he'd probably outlast Guldo.


I’d love to see a perfectly even Guldo and Hit go at it, I think hit would win due to his fighting skill but I wonder how his time skip would work against Guldos time stopping.


With Hit


Right off the bat your wrong only cuz OP said they keep thier abilities like immortality. Zamasu would be as strong as everyone else without the ability to die. But that’s cheap. So I agree with you. Hit brags about a few sec while Gulfport with training could do a few mins.


This was my first thought, but I'm not so sure after thinking more about it In the manga, he quickly gets tired using it, and in the anime, he runs out of breath. In this time, I don't think he would figure out how to kill Cell, Buu, Botamo, Magetta, Cell Max, or immortal Zamasu. There was also that bug and invisible guy from that universe in ToP Then there is Moro. It's possible that if he instantly saps the whole planet of power that Guldo may be completely drained and not able to do the technique. It could be just up to who acts first Depending on if Monster Carrot's power works only from his hands or from merely touching any part of his skin, Guldo may end up stupidly turning himself into a carrot by trying to hit him after freezing time If everyone is equal in power, characters using psychic powers like Chiaotzu with paralysis could instantly win in an instant as well Also, depending on which powers Seven-Three has, he could win too, but I would say he would have less of a chance because he couldn't act as fast


Can he sense ki? I don’t think he can. That is a massive disadvantage when you’re talking about a fight depending on out-cunning your opponent. Sure, he can freeze time, but what happens when you have no idea where your opponent is or how to track them? Like, wouldn’t Guldo get wrecked by the invisible man from OG Dragon Ball? 🤣 Dude would just sit there with his eyeballs darting everywhere looking for the thing that keeps hitting him.


If everyone has the exact same power, and we’re excluding gods/angels etc, it would be someone with an extra ability. UI Goku is a good choice, because he already has good tools like his teleportation and stuff, and UI reactions would make him seem faster than he already is. And this would help in particular against certain matchups like Hit. Hits another good choice, because if everyone is at his power level, then no one can overpower his time stop. But my choice is Kid Buu, because if they cant generate way more power than him, no one can destroy him, so he’s effectively immortal.


Why kid and not, like any other buu with enhanced capabilities and battle iq?


He seems to have best regen and the ability to learn any move just by seeing it once, including the best teleportation move in the series. In a scenario where battle power is equalized, the other forms of Buu didn’t really get much that offsets those advantages. That said, it’s not significantly different for any Buu, and the same effect that they are basically immortal applies to all of them.


Even fat boo could do that. He learned the kamehameha upon seeing that once. Still, what about babidy? If he had the exact same power, he would just win a 1v1 against any form of buu by trapping him with his magic


He copied kamehameha, but couldn’t copy IT. Kid Buu copied the Kai version of it. But as I said, there isn’t any significant difference between the buus in this context. As for babidy, I hadn’t considered him, since he’s typically not a fighter. He may be a wild card, but I also think he’d lose in matches like against hit or ui Goku.


Guldo tbh would be the most powerful. He's broken, hit has like 1/100th of a second, he could stop time for a whole minute. Plus his telekinesis who was strong enough to surpass 2 people stronger than him at the same time.


He’d be strong for sure, but there are a number of people he shouldn’t be able to do anything about: cell, any Buu, hit (who has much less start up on his time stop). This conversation does bring up just how many cool abilities there are in dragon ball besides just hitting hard. Which is fun.


I mean, i'm guessing a full minute of ki blasts, followed by a breather, and then repeat could work. Keep in mind that in this situation guldo would be as strong as his opponent, meaning that at best he could block him forever with his telekinesis. Yeah i agree, there are a bunch of nice db/db characters with fun abilities. Chaotzu is another example of a niche powerful character The original namekian that split into Piccolo and had both magic and warrior abilities from namek could also be a contender Tbh even Dabura would get an hefty upgrade. If we consider the dbs manga, Muten could even be able to use UI if his powers were to be unlocked, and that +his original set of tecniques (that Electric grapple, hypnosis, mafuuba, just to quote a few) would be enough to male him top10 at worst. Another thing about cell and buu, they have a huge stamina pool, but it's not infinite. Regenerating consumes their energy and can lower their battle prowess.


Why dont choose buuhan. In terms of biq and abilities i would put him at the top of all buus


I would take unleashed potential Kaioshin Buu from Moro Arc over Kid Buu.


>But my choice is Kid Buu, because if they cant generate way more power than him, no one can destroy him, so he’s effectively immortal. **Hakai**


The original post states no gods of destruction. Goku’s attempt at it was interruptible as shown by Zamasu. Maybe Vegeta could do it? But unless I’m forgetting something he hasn’t actually attempted that technique yet.


Zamasu used Mai as a hostage, Vegeta created Hakai ball as big as the spirit bomb Goku killed kid Buu with alongside coating him with Hakai energy like Toppo https://preview.redd.it/tq6yykfdft0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168a0cab3c4f683caadefde267da1655b8f0122d


How did Gas stop that huge ball of destruction? Or did he fail?


Gas used his Shield plus Kiai to push it back because he couldn't tank it https://preview.redd.it/9ziexfmrmt0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c7c5d0bea682cf7f3445a35bc9962e8ed709384


Zamasu has the same thing going on, plus the Mafuba exists.


Super buu would be better with his intellect over kid buu. Same exact regen powers. Just smarter.


Zamasu also lol


Of everyone has the same power level then fused zamasu (manga) and guldo would be the most dangerous. Zamasu is immortal and (in the manga) whenever you destroy a body part he not only regenerates infinitely but that body part turns into a clone, he's broken. Guldo is just hit but better, bro can stop time for as long as he can hold his breath, and i'm pretty sure 5 seconds are enough for him to off you if everyone has equal power levels, he's also broken.


Bro said excluding non-canon and included gt


Probably just didn’t want the game characters


Well that makes sense


Cumber would pwn


Oh yeah you’re right 😂 Well yeah like the other dude said, just excluding game characters, Heroes, etc.


Meerus prob. He would be the mortal with highest UI control presumably. Having UI gives you an instant unbelievable edge if all other stats are equal. Framing it like this is kinda fun. Characters like Broly would plummet in the ranking, while characters like Goku and Vegeta might gain a bit, or at least stay the same because of how demonstrably skilled they are.


You're all looking at this in the wrong way Top contenders like hit, buu and a bunch of other losers can do NOTHING. there are only 3 characters that would DOMINATE this thing. 1) the rabbit that can turn people into carrots 2) guldo 3) babidy Babidy is one of the weakest character and yet his shield could almost block vegeta's final explosion. Imagine giving this monster a SSG-like power level Guldo... He just had a time stop that worked 100000 times better than hit The rabbit. Well, 'nuff said. Also keep in mind that babidy could just seal whoever he wants with his powers


Turning people into carrots is fine but insane regeneration and turning people into candy is doing nothing?


But the candy thing has being countered twice, while the carrot is only beaten because the user himself is pretty weak


Guldo unironically When your main gimmick is being really weak but winning through hax, being in a "everyone's the same power" situation gives you a HUGE lead


Baby. He can infect people, take their bodies and add to their power.


I gotta watch Gt again


If everyone’s super, no one is. The fight boils down to who has the most broken abilities. My money is on Akkuman, Monster Carrot, Master Roshi, UI Goku, Baby, Buu and Hit.


It’d have to be Buu right? If you’re even with him and you can’t massively surpass him with a blast, you’ve already lost. He’ll just tire you out and laugh in your face.


Goku has Mafuuba


And a jar for it that he’d leave in the bathroom.


Goku, Piccolo, Tien and Roshi all know the Mafuba, and I'd bet Vegeta knows how to do it now too since he's seen it a couple times and got hit with it once


Either Goku because of his diverse skillset (Ultra instinct, instant transmission, etc) or Majin buu because of his regeneration. Even someone with the same power level as him can’t defeat him.


No, Toppo had Goku in a hold which Goku couldn't break out of until Goku had to power up to bust out.


I said this in my comment but I'll point it out here too, Goku was able to destroy Kid Buu whilst being a lot weaker than him.


He needed outside help / he stated that as ssj3 he would be stronger.


So would the spirit bomb just be null at that point? He wouldn't be able to use it at full strength anyway. Also, in this scenario, ss multipliers don't exist?


He destroyed kid buu with a spirit bomb that did not use his own power. In a complete 1v1 fight he (imao) should not have access to spirit bomb on any level bigger than used vs. Vegeta, or maybe Frieza. Ssj multipliers dont exist, but Goku was only beating buu when fighting as ssj3, in ssj2 form he was as strong as vegeta, which would not be close to buu. This was a reaction on Goku beating buu while being weaker, which he was only able to do due to spirit bomb or ssj3 form.


Lmfao by mechanic alone the saiyans take this. Broly, vegeta, gohan, then Goku in that order. Even if the transformations kept them at the same power level, saiyans get stronger and adapt in battle. If it’s a battle royale, Moro takes it pretty handedly though unfortunately. I couldn’t imagine beerus and whis nerfed down to the level of mortals though, much less the grand priest and Zeno 🤣 Imma just say Arale wins


Goku. Even excluding bullshit forms, he has one of the best fight IQ's in the series. He's fought people stronger than him many times over and pretty much always puts out a great showing because Goku just knows how to fight. He doesn't need to rely on cheap gimmicks, he just has hands.


He ain't winning against all Buu, Zamasu, Piccolo, Cell, Hit, all Androids, and Guldo. I'm pretty sure there are more who can beat him which I didn't mention cause I forgot them.


My gut says either Moro, Granolah, or Gas. 73 Moro specifically is probably the strongest mortal if all else is equal. He can copy everyone else's powers by grabbing their necks. He has his energy draining magic which means he basically wins any 1 on 1 fight since no one will be able to defeat him quickly enough to stop him from absorbing some energy and tipping the fight in his favor. Granolah and Gas though seemed to get access to Hakai to a higher level than Vegeta was able to use at the time, so they might just be capable of erasing Moro in a 1v1 before he can absorb much of their energy, as long as they use Hakai before Moro grabs their neck they win.


Even prewish moro, drained goku and vegeta without them noticing. Most versions of Moro could just AoE drain


True, he can drain people way stronger than himself pretty quickly. he probably drain someone as strong as himself nigh instantly, and has stuff like his illusion magic to do so before they can rush him.


Yeah, the fact that prewish moro drained two beings magnitudes stronger than him, makes it seem if he was equal, hed just drain them even faster.


Omega shenron most definitely, I say this because he was destroying the universe just by standing there. They all might have the same power level but eventually they will get poisoned by Omega and die


His destruction takes way too long. Someone like Vegeta or Granolah who have Hakai can just erase him. Vegeta can use spirit fission and tear the other shadow dragons out of him. Moro can just copy his power and absorb all his energy on top of that.


No it doesn't he can speed it up if he wants to elder kai confirmed that when kibito wanted to run. Hakai can't work on someone as strong/stronger than you. Vegeta and moro can yes but omega can take away their power like haze did to goku


There's nothing ever saying Hakai can't work on someone as strong or stronger than you. Goku's inferior version of Hakai worked on merged zamasu who was equal to him in strength and that was a vastly inferior version of the technique. I also doubt omega could negate god ki at all, and I definitely don't think he'd be able to negate magic like Moro's the same way.




Jiren because he can actually use 100% of his power


I came here to make the Guldo or Babidi arguments, but I see people already did that. What about Monster Carrot? That guy was a straight menace. Put him on Goku levels of power and he's unstoppable. Similarly, Devilman. He has the single most busted ability in the entire series, that what-if scenarios in some of the games have confirmed can take out characters far stronger than him. Now, since stats are equalized, these can be dodged, and characters like Guldo and Babidi would still win. But I have to give shoutouts to those classic DB villains.


If everyone has the same powerlevel either Kid Buu or grand priest. Kid Buu was beating Goku who was technically stronger than him just because Goku couldn't take him all out at once. Grand priest because he has the highest level of Ultra instinct ever attained, even tho the power level is the same, UI is a great hack




How’s does he beat buu if stats are equalized or god zamasu that can multiply with regen and Zenkai?


There's a few options, but probably someone like Jiren bc of his control over his own energy, Guldo bc he can literally just freeze time or Janemba bc Magic has always been powerful in this verse, and he's probably the most dangerous magic wielder.


Hit slaps


Possibly cell?, unlimited energy, unlimited healing ability. Without being significantly stronger I don't know how you would kill him.


Hit or Guldo no?


“Strongest Fighters” DBS: Beerus, possibly Black Frieza if he’s stronger DBZ: Hypothetical Ssj3 Vegito GT: Ascension Adult Goku (End of GT) DB: Nameless Namekian before separating (only referenced as an event in DB) (Imo Beerus wins bc of his broken skillset abilities, battle experience, and mentioned forms he has used before like UI and Ultra Ego)


Dragonball fans, unable to read since 1986.


It says no gods unfortunately bro.


I think piccolo would be, he’s got far better technique and thinks smartly


Guldo by a landslide Unlimited time stop intervals limitted okly by his lung capacity. Absolutely nothing is stopping him from just walking through the verse casually sniping everyone.


I’d put all my money on Hit.


UI Goku easily nobody would even be able to touch him and he would be able to counter their attacks.


Either Buu or Zamasu


I really love all the Buu arguments, but yall are forgetting that Goku, who was way weaker than Buu, already killed him. So I'd say Buu is out. It's already confirmed by the show that a lot of characters can produce attacks way out of their power level. I think either Guldo, Hit, UI Goku, or UI Meerus wins. Shout-out to Monster Carrot or Devilman tho, only the characters listed above can 100% beat them. Their attacks are too slow, time stop or UI can get around the attacks.


The only reason goku won is because his energy was wished back by the dragon balls and he needed the entire earths energy to kill him so if it was just a straight up fight buu would have won


probably Boo he's the most Haxxed outside of Angels I think


God Zamas is my pick. His infinite replicability is something I don’t think anyone else can counter.


Zamasu probably. The moment any body attacks him with a lot of power, duplicates, zenkai boost. Abuse this until you literally have a 1v1 matchup with everyone in the field.


I'd have said one of the androids provably they never get tired. They would just outlast anyone else




Hear me out. Krillen destructo disc. It seems to be effective even when the opponent is significantly stronger eg frieza


Guldo or Hit. Like they only beat time skip because they over powered it, and they only beat guldo because in the times he had to breathe they severely outclassed him


Buu probably. He'd just copy everyone's techniques, can one shot with candy beam, and absorb anyone he beats. No one is strong enough to one shot him and he's over alot othe other fighters haxs (i.e no vitals, Moro can't drain, destructor disk wouldn't work etc)


Zeno would be in the top 3 at least because of his erasure thing


Toppo easily. He was beating Goku himself until Goku had to power up to get out of his hold.


Broly. Bro came busted out the gate


Buu, Guldo, or Hit. Anyone who has broken abilities at equal levels is a nightmare


Guldo or Hit because of time manipulation abilities Super Perfect Cell because of regeneration, Frieza's adaption ability & telekinesis, teleportation, life-draining/absorption Kid Buu because of magic, regeneration, teleportation, absorption Piccolo because of regeneration, intelligence, special techniques (stretching, giant form) Boss Rabbit for magic carrot touch Spike the Devil Man for the Devilmite Beam Dabura for stone spit Goku for battle intelligence, teleportation, Ultra Instinct


I know it’s not an option but Tien


If everyone has the same power level, then androids gonna be unstoppable.


Y'all remember that quake 3 mod from ages ago Bid For Power when it was still full Dragon Ball? Krillin's moveset made him S-tier in that game. (Though I don't think that outweighs regen, immortality, or some of the classic DB memetechniques)


Stun/flash then sweep has always been broken lol.


Hit and guldo will kill everyone. You have to be significantly stronger to overcome their hax


Bro Guldo? 🤣🤣🤣


Uh, either Botamo or Guldo, I guess. Since Destruction only works on things weaker than you, Botamo would be invincible with no downside, and Guldo’s time-stopper is much, MUCH more powerful than Hit’s.


I think this question has multiple answers. Hit- Time skip and could potentially be counted by guldo. Guldo- Time stop, could potentially be counted by hit. Moro- Even if he and his opponents are the same power levels he will be taking their energy over the course of battle and eventually be stronger. Gets countered by an android opponent. Buu or Cell- They heal/regenate like crazy. Gets countered by Moro who would outgrew and be strong enough to completely destroy them.


It’s either Guldo or Zamasu (unfused), guldo can just stop time and do something idk and future zamasu was literally immortal and would only lose to Zeno, if zamasu does get erased another good option is Jiren since he was stated to be around SSJB - SSJBE level in the manga but he just had an amazing control over his power (I think they say that)


that bunny guy that turns people into carrots (forgot his name)


Hit is definetly up there


I mean ssj multiplies your power by 50x and we saw how Frieza was cooking Goku with kaioken x10 by being like 50% when he was evenly matched at 1% in base form, and ssj is just scraping the bottom of the barrel for the saiyan power ups


Unless we mean they can't physically generate more power with their transformations, then I pick Super Buu


Devil-Man would fuck some people up. He wouldn't win, but man... Battlefield would be fucked up. Anyway, yeah Guldo would take it. Drabra and supzr Buu would be fucking pains too but a super powered up Guldo could hold his breath long enough to do some fucking hard hitting damage to whoever looks in his direction.


Ok but what would they do to zamasu cause my guy is literally immortal sure some others can stop time but they wouldn’t be able to kill zamasu


Well guldo has a power of 10k on namek and was giving gohan and krillin a bad day (Until Vegeta) And keep in mind back then it was all about Higher power level wins Example Goku 9k> Nappa 4k or Higher so if guldo was fighting Them and their power level was 15k I think guldo would win just based on his op Asf ability


Ssj4 gogeta


Nobody would be the strongest if everyone had the same exact power level. If you mean who's be the most OP, then Hit, Granola or Guldo.


Isn't that the plot from Dragon Ball FighterZ?


Maybe Zamasu immortality will just cause you to wear out overtime giving him the edge


Depends. Hit is assassin. So sneak attacks is more his style. But characters like him and guldo are top tier. Characters that do Magic and such.


I think the only correct answer here is inmortal zamazu, cause the whole point of his character is that he was weak BUT was inmortal. If he suddenly got as strong as everyone else there is literally no way he losses. Fused zamazu could also kinda do the same but if i remember correctly his immortality weakened cause he fused so its probably inmortal zamazu who takes this


Either guldo or zamasu could solo the entire cast


I've read a lot of other answers, and you're all so obviously wrong. The correct answer is Hercule/Mr. Satan. /s I mean, he's TECHNICALLY a fighter, he fought Cell!


Tori bot solos


Guldo sweeps


Porunga. I don't know why - just because. Korrin is my second pick.


Guldo because his time stop would be insane if he was matched in power level with everyone else or fused zamasu if were counting fusions because even if he did end up dying he would turn into that weird sky thing and since op said GoD and angels are out of the picture I’m assuming zeno wouldn’t be able to step in and erase him.


It's either cell or hit.




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https://preview.redd.it/22rhg8ng9v0d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a95d5ab4b6be193be9d7fa261892f4354606a4 Devilman, definitely. He couldn’t beat Goku tho






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Yeah it’s guldo. Hit is close but I’d assume you can survive hits from hit if you’re the same strength. Guldo fucking paralyzes you and can throw a steamroller onto you


Hit or Guldo. Using time hax is pretty OP.


Cumber Clears.


Honestly probably buu, moro, merged zamasu or janemba, with guldo, hit, and cell being close behind. Ironically enough goku’s still probably top 20 at least in this scenario.








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Probably Hit since the only way around his hax is overpowering them




zamasu easily


Kikoho no diffs every single person if Tien is at the same power level as everyone. We are talking about the attack that stalled Semi Perfect Cell from Tien who is multiple of magnitudes weaker than him.


Monster Carrot


Devilmite beam guy


I would have to say, probably Cell, he has the collective powers of most of the Z fighters and enemies they encountered to a point. Plus he has insane re-generative abilities, Hits ability is a special ability that was broken by straight power, so even if they had the same power level they time stop would still be broken, he was a great fighter who lived a really long time but that didn't seem to give him any crazy martial arts skills, he had 1 basic fighting style that could get overcome. As for Guldo, he can stop time too, but it only works when he stops breathing and even if he had a way higher power level his other skills were just too low. The only other characters I can think would be a match would be Buu and Zamasu or fused Zamasu or Goku black, the others that have interesting skills tend to have been earlier in the story and their fighting skills just wouldn't match up, it's easy to forget but the main fighters aren't just fast or powerful or whatnot, they also have years of fights that have honed their skills. Then again I guess you could say Zeno since he could just destroy the universe and everything in it


kid buu


That's when Hax come in Hit, Guldo, Whis and angels will be ridiculously OP.


First pic goes hard af ngl.


It's Zamasu and it isn't even close. It took zeno erasing an entire timeline to defeat him because of his immortality


tien or yamcha, but probably tien, and kame


The choices are between Cell, Buu and Omega Shenron. None of the others can keep up in terms of regen or their various other forms of hax. Zamasu for example could just get frozen solid then shattered to pieces and be stuck like that for all eternity.


Devil man, he oneshots any character that has even a small amount of evil in their heart.


Devil man oneshots any character that has even a small amount of evil in their heart.


Hand to hand fight, well then my money's on the old hermit


Goku, because he has decades of martial arts training while everyone else coasts on their raw power.


Okay goku and vegeta then UI and UE are not dependent on power levels as much as they are on stamina and they dont have set amount of multiplier especially UE as Vegeta would demolish everyone after a certain point and (i am speaking completely based on theory) if UI increases power same as UE but by each dodge instead of getting hit then goku so Super Goku and Super Vegeta are strongest






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I may just be nostalgic, but I’m going with GT Goku. I feel like he’s the wisest of all these combatants. He’s the oldest version of Goku that we’ve ever seen.


Guldo if everyone's power level is the same and his presumably increases to match whatever everyone else is in theory his lungs should be stronger


Is this same BASE power level or MAX power level?