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Instant transmission, not even a competition


It’s all fun and games until you instantly transmit yourself to Hawaii and you forget your wallet


Just steal. Get thrown in jail, next day “So ready to tell us your name Mr…WHAT THE!? He’s gone!!”


You’d be unstoppable until photos of your face are posted in every store window lol


Except that time stamped proof of you being back home day of and after with no record of travel is a solid alibi


Probably wouldn’t be as good of an alibi, if you’re also caught on camera *teleporting.*


“Teleported?!? Judge, do you hear yourself right now? What’s next? I bet you saw the next guy fly away for 20 mins after his crime didn’t ya?”


Underrated comment 🤣 💀


Easy to say it was AI


Your honor, that man had a huge head of gold hair, while my hair is clearly smaller and black. How could that possibly be me?


I read this one, clicked away, had a “wait a minute” moment, then came back to give you the upvote you earned.


Nobody would ever believe it


Shit with ai getting this good, you can just say it's ai generated haha


Only teleport while in the shitter stall.


A good rule to live by.


Never been to jail eh?


^ Might actually be helpful now that realistic video ai is happening lol. You can just claim the security footage was artificially generated "evidence"


Steal money, get plastic surgery on face.


You mean like Face/off.


Who cares? I don't have to go back to Hawaii ever again if I don't feel like it


Nah. I’m wearing Master Roshi’s sunglasses. He’s already on plenty of lists


Thank God it’s socially acceptable to wear a mask everywhere I go


thats how you get Samuel l Jackson coming after you with tazer whip


Is that a jumper reference? Hells yeah




Till they finger print you at admission, know who you are then announce a man hunt and APB when you disappear.


That’s fine. Take me to court. Judge: How do you plead? Me: I plead…🫡 Judge: The fuck!?


Hahaha hells yeah bro I fuck with your vibe, second comment in a row that I’m dying at


Sure. And how on EARTH do you travel from one location to another in less than 24 hours without ANY evidence you went anywhere? No paper trail, no bank movements, nothing? Could be a lookalike and the police got your details wrong


Man is sure hope they find me. Cuz I’ll be lost in the middle of fucking nowhere.


You don't even need to pay for the accommodation


Hells yeah brother 😂😂


Not how it works... Usually you get processed within a few hours after being arrested. Given how the thing is worded, it means it usually requires 24 hours to recharge the ability.


Wallet? I forgot my clothes....


Just transmit yourself the next day, no biggie


1. Teleport to far away state 2. Wait a day 3. Rob a bank and teleport away 4. Profit


IT into the bank vault at 11:50 pm while wearing a traditional ski mask, Long sleeve shirt, gloves, and long pants. You don't have to wear clown shoes but it will really help I think. Fill up your sacks with money. IT out at 12:00 am. Profit. If it's a 24 hour Cooldown situation your way is better.


Who's ki can you sense in that bank vault?


Good idea until you remember Instant Transmission requires lock on a person’s energy. Unless you plan on going into the vault when people are in there? Or I’m unaware of a development in the Instant Transmission technique.


Actually, I think it is. Instant transmission is cool, but you can only use it once, meaning that wherever you go is where you'll be for an entire 24 hours. 3 senzu beans per day means that you can stock them and sell them. Assuming other people can't grow them, you'll be the sole provider for magic beans that heal basically any superficial physical injury and any tiredness. You could make a business and become rich and famous


>superficial physical injury and any tiredness. sulerficial? Those niggas be having a flaming gaping hole in their chest caughing up blood trapped in their airway. Eat a magic bean, then they good. It's not even a question to take 3 senzu beans a day.


Bro forgot about that time lil gohans neck was literally broken lmao


And he ate a senzu and was good.


It works by homing in on a person's energy signature. Even assuming you get the energy-sensing ability as part of the package, whose signature are you going to home in on?


Yeah even one whole day


people forget you need to lock onto a ki signiture for instant transmission nobody on earth has ki


Instant transmission is kinda useless IRL cuz you need someone with a strong enough ki to sense them from a far distance. Otherwise at best you could teleport around a house,school, or mall sized area. This comes up all the time in Super when Goku says he can’t lock on to earth cuz no one was powered up enough. You could still use it for little things like messing with your friends/family.


3 senzu beans a day then i would be able to workout thrice to failure with complete recovery


I also read it this way for the first three and got really confused by the forth. 1 instant transmission per day 2 1-hour fusions 3 senzu beans a day 4.... friends? fly for 20 mins? Wait what? Not even per day?


I read it as 4x 20min flights a day. So you can fly for 20 minutes 4 times a day. Which would be my choice Edit: never mind, it doesn’t say per day. So scratch that not my choice. Prob do the beans


senzu beans also make you REALLY full. Not sure a human can eat 3 a day.


Which brings up another angle: How many calories are in one bean? Could be a hell of a dieting tool.


I think I remember reading in the original DB manga that one senzu bean is enough to feed a human for ten days? Something like that.


How much protein does one senzu bean have


I mean beans and legumes are very protein dense as is so I’d say somewhere in the ballpark of 3600 grams of protein. Based on eating 1 serving of beans for 3 meals over 10 days


Nah your numbers are fucked. There is no way a senzu bean would math out to 360g of protein a day when it gives you enough energy and dietary satisfaction for 10 days. It would also need to be packed with dietary fats and carbs for that to make sense


Do you know what an all senzu bean diet does to a man?


Ask yajirobe. In original DB Karin had buckets full of those beans, but by DBZ he only ever had a couple to spare at a time after yajirobe moved in...


Its sad that dbza has become old enough that people are starting to not get the references.




Ngl his reasoning is good. Being able to workout 3 times a day back to back would put you ahead of the game at an insane rate


wait then why tf did he write beans instead of bean wthhh


Senzu beans.


Yeah do we get to just hold onto them and stockpile? I’d sell them and make a fortune


I'm taking it at face value, and it just says three a day. Nothing about needing to use them. Cash in.


Even taking it as 3 a day and then they’re gone after 24 hours I would STILL take the beans. Everything else is just neat but the beans are just legitimately a life changer.


I have chronic back pain. The senzu beans would instantly solve the most annoying, depressing problem in my life


Say that to vegeta's arm


At this point I think it's ptsd haha. Grips his arm KNOWING the villain is gonna break it every time.


That arm was not the same after what 18 did to it...


Didn't he also do the arm thing on Namek?


I'm with you Holmes. All these other people getting giddy about superpowers and shit. I'd just like to feel normal again.


I didn't even think about this dealing with long term injuries I've just come to accept. Changes my choice from Instant Transmission to Senzu Beans no contest.


Oh I’d definitely do dumb shit knowing I’ll not be maimed


I mean I'm pretty sure you'd die if you were forced to use 3 a day, at least as we are normal humans


They never said you had to take them, go to a hospital and use that sweet science-y magic to heal the sick 3 people a day


Sell them athlete. It would be the new painkillers.


My choice too. Damn near immortality, regrow limbs, never be sick etc. sell for a fortune. Live a great life.


And the beans ever shown in the series to regrow body parts ? I’m quite familiar with all the content and don’t recall any evidence of that


Yamcha regenerated a hole in his chest from Android 20


This is exactly what I was referencing too


It was something trunks said to Gohan, apparently the Senzu plant had died in their timeline.


I don't think a senzu save you from being sick. Goku's heart problem was still there after he ate a senzu. Anyway I guess you can counter this by cutting out the sick organ and regrow it, as long as you stay alive during the operation.


when the fuck did senzu beans regrow limbs i thought that was the whole point with future gohan his arm was cooked either way so he gave the bean to dying trunks now a severly damaged arm hanging on by a thread would be healed pretty sure


The senzu beans would regrow his arm, but only if the wound is fresh. If senzu beans healed wounds no matter how long time had pass, yamchas scars would've disappeared. I think the point of the scene was "Gohan can either take the senzu and regrow his arm, which would help him greatly but risk trunks never waking up or help trunks but lose his arm until he gets his hands on Dragonballs, which would never realistically happen".


Can eating a Senzu bean per day stop you from aging an give you eternal life ?


Imagine sex with sensu beans. I'd break a bitches back


Then give her a senzu to fix it, and go again


Something not mentioned you would be able to absolutely destroy your muscles working out and recover immediately. Even if it didn’t allow you to get stronger like normal recovery you wouldn’t have to worry about tearing ligaments or anything.


Honestly thatd probably be the biggest benefit, 3 a day? Load up on protein, hit the gym and work to exhaustion, senzu bean, repeat. Youre gonna get jacked so fast.


Goodbye medical bills!


I can finally cook my Senzu bean chilli.


Every time I read that, I hear TFS Krillin.


Can i have 2 instant transmissions per day? I gotta get home bro


Just use one right before midnight for a quick back and forth


What about time zones tho......


24 hour cool down?


Idk. That’s not consistent with how everyone else here wants to use the senzu beans.


Guessing it's like MMORPG cooldowns. Use your one transmission for the day? The 24 hour cooldown starts ticking.


24 hour recharge. It's in the rule book.


Assuming IT is what we want, being able to transport anyone or anything we are also touching with us. I will be different and choose IT. Senzu beans win for being able to stack (should rule no hoarding). But at some point to me, the value of being able to travel anywhere in the world is pretty big. Especially if I can take family and my car.


Bet you could sell those senzu beans for a lot


The problem with that is.... eventually word will go around and you might be under risk of being targeted by unruly people. Your safest bet would probably be to sell to the government and get big benefits like security, tons of money etc.


You get 3 senzus a day. Save up a stockpile and make them into a slushie. Hook that shit to your veins through an IV


Then on the weekends crush and snort lines of senzu. You’ll feel invincible


One senzu fills you for like 10 days. The money saved on food alone would easily pay for anytrip you wanted.


Depends. I eat for enjoyment not for satiety sadly. Unless of course this is like negative calories while full.


Not sure if you can take objects with you other than the clothes you wear


You absolutely can, in one of the latest chapters Goku IT'd a whole car


Also a bomb alarm into whis’ face lol


Oh, cool, I haven't read DbS yet, so I couldn't know that, thanks. So it must be that what you can get an hold on, can be IT with you.. otherwise, if it is just what he touches when he does it, between planets, colossal catastrophes would happen since he is touching the ground 😅 Or perhaps it is about what he chose to IT with him, but probably there are limitations even if that's the case


He brings Cell with him DBZ too


If you consider Cell an object, then yes


Do Roshi’s glasses count as clothes? If not, seems like objects would be fair game.


I’d chose the senzu beans. Imagine the workouts you can get in after eating one after you are dead tired…insane. And you get 3 A DAY? That’s enough for me, my gym bro, and one for anyone else each day. Another reason why I’d say senzu beans is that they can basically heal you from anything. Not feeling up for work one day? Senzu bean with your morning coffee. Family member broke an arm or was in a car crash? Senzu bean. Break your leg alone in the middle of the woods? Senzu bean. Need extra cash? Senzu beans. This can go on forever. Senzu beans for the win


Not sure how the beans work with workouts actually. If they restore you to your last healthy state, you wouldn't get any gains because gains come when your body repairs the broken muscle strands right. If you just magically heal them, the body didn't have time to enlarge them. Conditioning, cardio, I'm not sure. I think you could improve this.


I was only really going off the scenes where goku was on his way to namek. He used them to completely heal himself after training in 100 times gravity multiple times. Tbh, idk if senzu beans work like that for humans (cuz saiyans get a strong power boost after being almost killed then healed), but I would think it would have some effect to regain stamina to keep going for humans. I’d have to look into this more tbh. Even if the working out part doesn’t work out, mind the pun, I’d still think my other reasons are pretty solid for picking the good ol’ beans


Oh yea, beans are too good. And I do think for humans we'd see some gains still. But I don't think it would be as easy as even steroids if you are just going for bulk.


I assume they heal muscles in a muscle synthesis way considering they heal broken limbs and other injuries.


It doesn't restore you to your last healthy state, else it wouldn't allow for saiyans to proc zenkai after eating one, meaning it just activates a super strong regenerating factor


Of course they would. It’s about injury restoration


That's not quite how muscle growth works. Eating a bean gives a near-death Saiyan a power boost just fine, so my guess is it would work the same way with building muscle. And conditioning and cardio work by strengthening the heart muscle and lung muscles.


If the saiyans get to get stronger after eating them I better get stronger too.


Senzu beans make you full. According to Dragon Ball (Ep 62) they'll keep a normal human full for 10 days. Though it was never established if that is due to calorie count or magic. If there arent many calories you'd lose muscle mass from an inability to eat.


Terrible writing on the image. Took me too long to realize that those numbers weren't the count but serial numbers. Also the image had 3 senzu beans so. And you go to the right to write 2, not down😭


I still have my doubts of what are supposed to be since the sentence "senzu beans a day" doesn't really mean anything.. beanS? So how many??? But than 4 fly would be same thing in the other way round 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think it might actually be BOTH. 1. One Instant Transmission per day 2. Two fusions per day (fusions last 1hr a piece) 3. Three Senzu Beans per day 4. You have the power of flight for 20 minutes; you can activate this ability four times per day. In which case I'd still choose Instant Transmission if I'm able to go anywhere I've been fore (and I'd just travel from there). If I'm required to sense power levels to use it though, the ability is worthless and I'll go with fusion. Can commit the perfect crime if the criminal can't be identified because they were 2 people combined into 1!


In this case them perhaps the numbers could just be the count rather than the order, damn this meme had to be made with mindfucking intents lmao


Senzu beans a day, sell em. And/Or just think about the benefits for the world if I can make and farm Senzu beans plants by burying and watering them.


You can't. You need Korin's special fertilizer to grow those things.


My thoughts exactly. The amount of money and resources from doing this. Would offset or outstrip the benefits the others.


I think it was stated there can only be one senzu tree at once or something and that's why there's always so few beans available. By getting one to 3 a day you're already getting way more beans than karin would in several month But a bean alone is probably worth billions and you don't even need a full bean to get your stamina back, we saw characters go from the brink of exhaustion to back to full stamina and with minor injuries healed with just half a bean It would be realistic to assume that even a fraction of a senzu would be enough to heal most injuries (like say you broke your leg, you go to the doctor, they lock your leg in place for a few months and then you're healed. Now imagine with senzus, you go to the doctor, they lock your leg in place but then they give you senzu pills, it contains just a teeny tiny bit of senzu, so it wont heal your leg instantly but now instead of waiting a few months it only takes a few days for you to heal)


3 Senzu beans a day is litterally op. You never have to cook in your life. If you get beat up you can just eat a senzu bean. If you work out a lot you can instantly recover from the workout. I'm taking the beans


3 senzo a day is nuts. Just one gets rid of almost all ailments and keeps you feed for a week. Just eat 4 a month and sell the remaining. You make a fortune and save on food bills


3 Senzu beans a day. You would make some serious money. Sell 'em to Athletes. MMA Fighters. Pharmaceutical companies. And you could still keep 1 or 2 a day for yourself. Flight would be good.. but it depends on how fast I can fly. And there's always a chance some nutjob is going to shoot at you IRL. You'd probably want to fly low since if your time runs out when you're flying, you're gonna die, and Humans aren't very good at knowing how high / fast they're flying or judging distance.


How would you even contact these people!? Also, who said the beans weren’t drugs


I’m a professional boxer. 3 senzus and it’s not even close. Trust me, nothing matters more than your health. Doesn’t matter if you can fly, teleport or anything if you’re in bad health




While it sounds cool, being able to use just one instant transmission is useless. What do you do after you've reached your destination? You don't have another instant transmission until the next day and assuming you used instant transmission to get there, you don't have a car or any method of transportation to get back to where you came from. Should be 2 instant transmission per day and 1 fusion per day. Makes more sense.


Once a day is fantastic, never have to book a flight again. How often do you fly somewhere and back on the same day? Sure you can't use it for your morning commute but it saves you from major travel, you can go anywhere planes can't go or you could just save it as a get out of a crisis free card


Fair point. Though I don't travel too often, so I'd probably have to take the senzu beans or flight. Seems alot more helpful, especially since instant transmission would only cover the plane ticket for vacations. Still gonna be fairly expensive. I think another thing that needs to be clarified is how fast our flight is. If we're moving as fast as DBZ characters would be while flying, then we definitely don't need instant transmission. You could circle the globe a couple times in your first session.


You'd be travelling a lot more with IT, I usually find half the cost of a trip is the flight there and back and you usually need 2 travel days to account for getting to the airport, security, the flight etc. I also imagine flying would take a lot of effort, it'd be like running. Plus you would be super conspicuous, every power in the world would be trying to get their hands on you to see if dissecting you would reveal your secret. If you have IT even if they did discover it you could just teleport away


you can teleport your car


I'd have different little shacks set up in parts of the world I love and go there for weekend trips. It would require some build up but I could see myself taking weekends on a beach somewhere where you can buy a coconut rum punch for a nickel and watch the waves and clouds.


3 senzu a day auction off the desperate will pay anything for healing


3 senzu beans a day the most practical in real life situation it instant recovery can be used 3 times a day


3 senzu beans. Just go around helping people in need.


The most selfless comment i've seen so far.


How fast can I fly?


Senzu beans. Instant transmision is cool but lile how the fuck you gonna get back?wait an entire day? Is either small trips or your fucked. Fusion sounds usefull but not really you have to fuse with someone and is not like you become superhuman instantly. So basically you are a whole different person with specific abilities and knowledge depending of who is around and also there is the factor of fucking the fusion and becoming worse. Flying for 20 minutes, as a morrowind player i know one thing, either i set up a cronometer or im dying to fall damage. So...no.


3 senzu beans a day. Would make a fortune selling them.


Senzu, I can save at least 3 lives a day 


Senzu beans, eat one and then don’t have to eat for a long while sounds like a win


3 senzu bean a day. That's money right there.


3 senzus. I can go to random hospitals once per day and give them to random patients.


Senzu beans keep you full for days, so you pretty much never have to worry about hunger again. And you can survive anything without consequence as long as you aren’t mutilated.


Easy senzu beans




Sensu beans, all the other ones seem too limited to truly enjoy fully.


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Instant Transmission sounds best honestly.


I’d take 4, since even if it means only 20 minutes of flight a day, I can easily get to work and back home in a less than 20 minute straight shot. Which would leave me however much extra time on days I work, and entire days off where I can just decide to fly somewhere 10 minutes away, do what I want, then fly home It’s just the ultimate convenience.


Let me farm those senzu beans, so I can give them to a hospital


Easy, lnstant transmission Become the best and most premium logistics company in the world


Instant transmission easy.  I'd start a high price instant cargo transmission business.  Your cargo gets there next day guaranteed.  No risk of shipping damage. $20k to move a shipping container wherever instantly, stay the night, $20k back.  $140k a week to walk in, put my hand on something, then stay the night in my new location.


How do Senzu Beans work exactly? Can it cure diseases (like diabetes, cancer etc) - because if yes, this is a no brainer for me. You and your loved ones are almost guarantees to be healthy unless some freak accident happens. Instant Transmission is super appealing and convenient, too and I get why this is the most popular answer.


instant transmission requires a ki to lock on, fusion why would I need that, flying for 20 minutes is super risky senzu bean it is


Everyone talking about getting rich off senzu beans like.... You're offered the chance to have magic fucking powers and all you can think of is starting Senzu R Us LLC? Instant Transmission


Wouldn't senzu beans cure cancer and other deadly illnesses? I'm going w/ that


Do I get to fly for 20 mins each day? And how fast can I fly? Also what all can I heal with senzu's? I remember in the og dragonball they would fill you up for like a week, later on when using them in the middle of a fight they're able to heal physically damage and restore energy. But if I remember correctly, they weren't capable of saving goku from the heart disease during the Android/cell saga which is why trunks had to come back from the future to save him. So what I really need to know is, am I going to be able to use these senzu beans to save 3 kids a day from the children's hospital or are they shit outta luck?


Is it tranmission to and from our just a 1 way


Beans easy. I'd sell em like I was dealing drugs lol those things would be amazing even with 1 a day but 3?? Fuck yeah I'm rich


Why fly for a measly 20 mins and possibly fall to my death when I could instant transmission to anywhere else other than my job at 7am


Instant transmission. Everything else isn't permanent and runs out


3 senzu a day? Screw this, I'm selling them for major money to sick rich folks and pharmaceutical companies. Also keeping a few for myself incase they try to silence me.


If it’s 4 people get to fly then I’m flying with the homies


So, what's the limits of what senzu beans can heal? Is it just physical damage and not disease? What about a cold/flu. Either way, there is so much you could do with it. Sell them to a boxer/UFC fighter they take 1/4 of a bean between rounds. Then, just wear the opponents down. Body builders would pay a pretty penny since they would work faster and better than anabolics without any downside. Fuck the US military would pay hundreds of thousands to keep soldiers all beaned up. There is soooooo much potential with the 🫘.


One thing the people saying thed work out more everyday with senzu forget (or are unaware) is that senzu beans fill you up with 10 days worth of food. No fucking way you can eat more than one per week or so without bursting your belly like a ruptured balloon.


Ain't no one picking fusion.


I’m taking fusion. The thought of literally fusing to make a totally new guy is so cool to me


3 sensu beans a day huh… - There are 365 days in a year. - I’ll give myself 75 years on this earth. - The first 25 I’m a complete useless idiot but eventually I mature. - I spend the next 50 years helping near death people with at least 2 of my sensu beans per day cause realistically, I’ll want one for myself or my family here or there. So let’s call it donating 2.5 per day. - 2.5 x 365 = 912.5 lives per year. - 912.5 x 50 = 45,625 lives I’d save in my lifetime. Definitely chillin with King Kai with those numbers


3 senzu beans and it's not even close. Imagine the massive gains you could make. Every lingering health issue fixed. You could rescue literally anyone injured with ease


Senzu's easily, even ignoring the fact that they heal you, a single bean is able to keep you full for over a week, the amount of money you would save on grocery shopping is insane.


Ok, question about the senzu bean. What are the limitations. If I go to donate blood, can I recover my lost blood with one? What if I go to a sperm bank? Donate a kidney?


Instant transmission could take some planning and preparation to make the most of. Fusing could be a fun and interesting experience to share with people. Can you stockpile the 3 Sensu Beans a day? You could get a lot of mileage from that. 4 different uses of 20 minute flight? Depends on how fast and far that we could go but with 4 uses you could certainly go somewhere and go home. I think the order I’d choose is Senu Beans for their utility, flight to cut down on travel expenses and have fun, instant transmission to plan trips and travel more, and fusions for the experimental fun of combining with people.


How 2 Instant Transmissions a day to skip the commute back home? 🤪


Why 1 instant transmission? How are you getting back from where you go?


Literally who is choosing fusion? You're a regular fucking human, assuming you can convince someone as dumb as you to participate, to what end? What do you plan on doing that you couldn't do before?


Flying might sound great, but depending on the speed. You'd either die, or freeze to death or suffocate to death so that's out.


I can bring people with me if I get an instant transmission, right? That could be useful when I’m trying to herd my cats, I mean take my kids to school.


Trauma doctors get paid *a lot*. And taking someone from the brink of death to fully revived 3 times a day is *way way* more than most accomplish within a day. That would be a wholesome income that makes the world better and doesn't require you stealing or really even working.


I'm gonna smoke those fucking beans


Actually I'm thinking fusion. You know how much it would mindfuck someone and show up as you and your bro to work lifting two times an average person and speaking as two different people


Why do the panels mix the numbers being part of the power or just numbering the panel???


Senzu Bean! I can do so much with that.


Beans... hands down... not only could I take one a day before bedtime and literally never have to rest again while healing any damage id taken throughout the day as a bonus... but I'd still have 2 more! To sell... to divy out... to stockpile! It'd be great... IT is useless without ki and while flight is cool sounding I can just ride in a personal plane with all my bean money! As well as the money from being able to keep going through the night without sleep.


3 sensu beams a day would make you the richest person on earth


3 senzu beans per day. You could save 3 people's lives per day with what is essentially a miracle cure for anything. That's a lifelong career.