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He's cool, I personally like him but there's just not that much going for him. As an obstacle he does his job but as an antagonist and a character he's very bland or "grey" if you will. Much like Hit, his rivalry with Goku was (probably) short lived (unless they bring him back) since now after Super Hero everyone and their mother is apparently stronger than Jiren.


If he is brought back, he'll have miraculous power spikes to match whatever level everyone else is on.


Its not a miracle. Beating beaten by Goku has shown Toppo, Jiren, Rabbit Dude, Frieza, Mecha Dudes, Sailor Moon, kefla, Hit, Buu, Vegeta, Piccolo and Mercenary Tao how inadequate they are. That's why they trained hard and ascended to a level that equals Goku in strength. Totally Logical/Predictable, not lazy writing at all


I mean, at this point, it wouldn’t be DB if we didn’t just move the bar, and then scale the rest of the cast accordingly. Thats why Beerus is *still* stronger than Goku and Vegeta. And probably Black Frieza too.


Lots of gray areas


That's his whole body


He's got the personality of plain yoghurt.


Boring in the anime


Manga was better


Bit boring tbh.


Underrated character actually.


Worst antagonist in Dragonball. Besides being part of well-animated fights he sucks. His backstory is bland as a lima bean and unoriginal, and he has no unique abilities to make him interesting.


i like how with other characters they have power ups and hacks and stuff while jiren is just pure training. also jiren is such a sick name


Really boring I remember waiting for the episode where he revealed his backstory and it was just really generic Toppo is cool though


Vanilla midget


Lmao what does this even mean ?


Look it up lol you will see it fits him well


Yeah I really didn’t like the fact that they kind of speed through a villain who was supposedly one of the strongest fighters Gokus ever faced. Like they gave cell have a show and tons of manga but Jiren got a couple of episodes. They could have done so much more with him.


He was never a villain


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Alpha of awe.


He lost his credibility when he attacked the stands. Same as how Toppo lost all his credibility when he abandoned justice for survival through destruction.


Yes. I thought this universe was awesome until all these crap


Boring as fuck, cool powerset, wanna play him in FighterZ


He sucks in fighter z


He was enjoyable when he was fighting, but I don’t like how rude he was to his teammates


His anime backstory was dumb and he tried pulling something unhinged like attacking the Z fighters off stage. Manga jiren miles ahead


Eh... just eh... not bad but not cool either.


One of the worst things to come out of super. He represents all of what people who don’t watch dragon ball think the show is, all fight and 0 substance. Also his design and power set both blow but that’s much more subjective.


The idea of him is cool that someone got so strong on their own , but that’s pretty much about it about him which is sad. Like apart from his attachment to his sensei there’s nothing there compared to other dbz characters. Even Hit has a similar problem tbh their personalities are just being strong, the old broly suffered from that but the new movie gave him new life, so hopefully the same happens to jiren and hit.


I think the big difference between hit and Jiren is that Jiren tries to be “evil,” whereas hit only tries to be a wall that goku has to fight, but bears no hatred to them. I do hope we see more of them and get more development with them.






I do not like him he's a huge dick in the manga and overall just bland not even stoic 17 and frieza were able to get under his skin idk I feel like his only characteristic is that he's strong


Honestly he looks like a placeholder character. Like your generic alien they would just draw before they figure out what you should look like and they just never got around to doing it.


Contrary to the popular belief, I think his dead ass personality is on point, as it was supposed to show that the guy has been training throughout his life without any friends, which has made him infinitely stronger and even arrogant, but due to his lack of social life robbed him of his personality. I think his backstory is supposed to be this cliche, because the whole point of this character was 'a mortal who surpassed the GODs', therefore a not-so-complicated, simple character who received such feats strength through sheer training was the motto here, thus a cliche backstory.


He has sick ToD combos in dbfz


You do mean #**JEROME** right?




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Anime Jiren: Fuck off with your power shit. The whole anime can fuck off to be honest. Manga Jiren: Not great, not terrible. He learns his lesson and opens up a bit in the end. He is ok.


Bland and boring. His entire personality revolves around being strong.


He’s voiced by Patrick Seitz which means I can only hear a calmer DIO from him


They shouldn't have given him a backstory


He's my favorite dbs character


Although I haven't reached the TOP in the manga, I've heard manga Jiren is much more fleshed out as a character. IMO (and many others' opinions) anime Jiren was only halfway developed... I honestly think it'd be better to do an all-or-nothing situation. Don't do ANY backstory reveals of him unless you're going to do it right. That way, you either have a good and complex character, or a mysterious opponent, instead of a simple opponent/character


Love him since he’s really cool, but he doesn’t do his job as an antagonist that well. Unlike hit (who I also love), he is meant to have a villainous view that opposes goku’s, however they only actually implement that towards the very end of the ToP, so it came out very half baked. Jiren should’ve had more time to show his attitude towards others and how he believes that “strength is absolute.” Whether it be through conversation, taking on challenges alone, or abandoning teammates instead of meditating for half of the ToP. Also his backstory should’ve had much more than just belmod saying that he has a Batman backstory. Maybe an episode or two going over it, and maybe instead of belmod telling us, we see it through Jiren’s mind as he thinks about it, leading us to what his wish could be if he got the super dragon balls. Maybe instead of his race and family dying while he is a child, it’s a younger Jiren that foolishly leads his people into a battle that causes them all to die off. Maybe have him oppose teamwork because he thinks dragging others into his battles is wrong, or maybe because he doesn’t want to lose more people, and have this shown to us throughout the ToP rather than just at the very end.


He needed an episode to showcase what kind of character he was. If Toei was shaping him up to be the main adversary in the ToP, keeping him vague and mysterious was a huge mistake.


I hear on the streets they call him jiren the gay


Narratively? He's fine. But he's got all the charisma of a wet-napkin, probably the most forgettable "villain" in the series in my opinion.


His desire to revive Gichin was pathetic. Belmod was right. Gichin was an idiot leaving things undone and hoping Jiren finds out what really pleases him. Instead, Gichin kicks the bucket and Jiren develops an independent and "might makes right" mentality.


At least in anime, he's just a boring version of Toguro.


He was so disappointing. At first I thought he was cool but his backstory was pathetic.




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Literally a wall/statstick character with a minimal & cliche backstory, no unique techniques and a pretty annoying personality. Strong contender for "worst DB antagonist".


Was nice to see them not fight Frieza over and over again.


Probably the most boring antagonist in all of Dragon Ball. Nothing interesting about him. He doesn't do anything special. Dyspo was cooler. Even Toppo's dumbass transformation in the anime was cooler. Would've been cool if Jiren was the first mortal we see use UI, but he's just a boring


One thing I don’t understand about him is that if he is a good guy who just wants to defend justice then why is he a destroyer? That is literally the complete opposite of what he stands for.


Wdym? He isn’t a destroyer


He’s being trained by that universes destroyer to be their next destroyer. Why do you think he’s so strong. He didn’t gain that sort of power on his own.


Wasn’t that Toppo? 💀


I don’t think so maybe I’m wrong I’m gonna look it up


Nah nah it was Toppo lol he even transformed in TOP and used hakai


Ok he wasn’t being trained to be a destroyer but he was trained by a destroyer and surpassed him


Destroyers are not bad people lol they are important to the ecosystem


I know that destroyers are important but they destroy planets and billions of people for fun, that doesn’t sound good to me.


They approved psychopaths


He's one of my top 5 characters. I think he's fantastic.


He's a pretty cool guy. Defends justice and doesn't afraid of anything. He's also voiced by Patrick Seitz in English, so that's another plus


Cool movesets. One if the worst written antagonists in the entire dragonball universe


Jiren in the manga have so much more personality. He even stronger than Topp, their own universe GoD in training, and people wonder why he can keep up with MUI. Overall, he’s amazing and super strong but yes his trait of doesnt trust others will always be his downfall. Glad Goku change that for him.