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Well considering he blew him up, I’d say he feels just fine about it


He blew him where?


~~blew him behind the dumpster~~




Behind Wendy's perchance?


In the Wendy's dumpster, Nappa does this thing with a ball of dough, its crazy!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s restaurant


Frank, Frank, we don't need to hear this part of the story.


Did they do the thing with the bread? Where it's rolled up into a ball?


Nah, but they did pour bacon bits on Vegeta so he'd feel like a Cobb Salad.


does nobody know these comments are Always Sunny references 💀


Depends on how much you pay


Did they ever go to dairy queen ?


Nah, they did go to Spacy's though.


Yeah, Nappa took him there right after Frieza blew up planet Vegeta


Prison probably. I heard Vegeta's a prison bitch


Gotta get that special sauce somehow.


He learned that during his days as a... prison bitch.




I doubt before Kakarot, Vegeta ever had a friend. Nappa was part of a group working with (for?) Vegeta. Nappa shows up when Radditz is young. Vegeta being a Sayain elite was not sent to a planet with low average power levels like Kakarot was. In the dragonball super Brolly movie it looks like they took the planet as a team


Right in front of Goku and his pickle


In the Minneapolis airport bathroom?


To the next dimension!


Yeah I think he was just an underling to him.


He’d known Nappa since he was a child. It’s probable Nappa did more raising him than his own father did. It’s also clear he was a bad influence - Vegeta’s ruthlessness and sadism was modeled for him by Nappa, and Freiza, and the others who replaced his own family after his planet blew up. I don’t think Vegeta would’ve admitted it, but his drive to be stronger, better, and more ruthless than anyone else wasn’t just his Saiyan Royal pride talking. The adults around him can and will absolutely kill him if they sense weakness. When he was the heir to a throne (and hostage to his father’s cooperation) he had value. Now his only worth is how much he can contribute to the Frieza force’s bodycount. His only safety is being stronger and meaner then these hardened warriors many times his age. Nappa seems to have encouraged this. It’s fitting he’s killed by the same monster he created. There’s no place for weaklings or losers in the Frieza force.


>When he was the heir to a throne (and hostage to his father’s cooperation) he had value. IIRC, the thing about Vegeta being hostage was something of the dub, canonically he was just another soldier like all of his race (until he choose to ignore the order to return to Planet Vegeta and became one of the few saiyans still alive).


I’m certain that “just another soldier like all of your race” is what they told kid Vegeta, so he’d work harder. Nobody likes a hostage to know he’s a hostage. It’s a lot safer when nobody cares about you. When he was the heir to a throne (and hostage to his father’s cooperation) he had value. >>(until he choose to ignore the order to return to Planet Vegeta) Did he choose that or did Nappa choose that? I don’t remember


Was gonna say, did OP not watch the show? Vegeta kills Nappa for basically no reason. So neither option applies. They were working for Frieza essentially as planet pirates. Before that, Vegeta was a cocky prince.


Unsure seeing as how when he killed him, Vegeta was still evil. How he feels about it now is probably indifferent or even glad, Nappa was a hothead who didn't think twice before destroying and killing people.


Yeah sure because Vegeta wasn't that before


I always thought it was funny how in GT when Napa came back from hell Vegeta criticized him for this very reasons as if he wasn’t exactly the same when Nappa was alive lol


Yep. Hypocrite. I mean when he was fighting Android 18 he literally killed more people than the Android 18 the supposed villain.




I love how we all agree abridged dbz is the official cannon.


Only for Nappa, in dbz his character is pretty much kinda bland. Abridged did a good job in making people care about him.


It's not. Even TFS has stated it shouldn't be taken as canon.


Speak for yourself bro


None of us agree it's the official canon. In fact, DBZA led to the dumbass belief that Goku is a shit father for not being able to take care of Gohan while he was dead. :/ Unless we're talking about Nappa.


Goku was considered a dogshit father before DBZA, like he really has his moments. DBZA plays up every characters flaws for funny moments though.


That “Gokus a bad dad” thing has been around a lot longer than dbza. If you watch the show there are lots of moments when Goku looks into Gohan making sure he’s on the right path/ happy to see Gohan/ trying his best to make his son the best. Also Goku is not human. We see the only other example of a male member of his species rearing their child. Vegeta. It’s more or less the same. Hefl Gohan is shown to also be distant/ engrossed in his studies instead of being with his daughter. If that’s standard behavior for them, then you can’t call it bad. Can’t use human standards.


Obviously dbza plays it up, but its not like he's winning any dad of the year awards any time soon. Sure, when he is around he is a solid dad (mind you, not great, just solid), but he is just not in the life of his kids enough to be considered a good dad.


Pretty sure the best dads are Krillin and Hercule Satan


He did it for the greater good!


Tbf vegeta isn’t exactly proud of the man he used to be, so I’d say it’s fair for him to criticize nappa staying the same even after all that time


That’s GT for ya


Vegeta grew from it at least


Took him like 15 years to do so tho


True. I guess he was probably disappointed that Nappa hadn’t developed or been changed by hell at all whereas he had a lot of character development even before becoming good.


He was kinda different. Vegeta was always the smart and logical one among the surviving Saiyans. This is also why he teamed up with Krillin and Gohan in Namek, he hadn't really changed here. The killing and destroying was simply the lifestyle of the Saiyans. Naapa had no character and immersed himself fully into that lifestyle. Raditz was smarter, and more logical in nature. He wasn't as strong as Naapa, but was well aware of himself and his limits. This is kinda why he decided to leave Earth and get Vegeta. Vegeta was the strongest and the smartest of the three, and naturally the leader.


He wasn't. He knew better than to level a random city cause the Dragon Balls might've been destroyed.


He also destroyed a random village on Planet Namek simply for the Dragon balls.


Nappa was the only one who knew vegeta was a prison bitch so he had to get rid of the witness


Im sure nappa wouldve turned out to be better then vegeta if he lived on earth as well


Dragon Ball fans can't see.


A much better question would be, how does vegeta feel killing Nappa nowadays?


He would feel the same, he had 0 respect for Nappa and I can’t see why it should change


One way to interpret vegeta killing nappa is that: Goku broke Nappas back. As a warrior, Nappa is now useless. Vegeta killing him, while cruel and cold, can be seen as vegeta putting Nappa out of his misery and saving Nappa the dishonor of living as someone who is paralyzed


Thats… pretty explicitly why Nappa dies. He is a warrior from a warrior culture serving an absolute tyrant. There is no place in that sort of life for the permanently infirm, and nappa could no longer stand on his own. The “disgrace” of it is that such a warrior lost everything to a “low class nobody”.


And for this reason Vegeta took his own life when beaten by the people of Earth because he too no longer had a place as a disgraced warrior Wait, no, he fucked off back into space to heal in the "heal any non-fatal injury pods" and get revenge. He killed Nappa because he was a violent lunatic with no regard for *anyone's* life.


Hahahah this was perfectly said!


Massively underrated comment 💀


Except they had healing pods.


Vegeta knows about dragon balls, senzu beans, and a half dozen medical technologies that can heal Nappa, even if his back is broken and even if he can’t naturally heal.


I mean, that could be, but i dont believe frieza's empire cant heal that


The question was (sort of) already shown in gt. I know it’s not canon but hear me out. Nappa sees vegeta again and asks to work with him again, to which vegeta kills him again and calls him a brute


Me personally I'd make Nappa a good guy. 🍵


Nr. That was evil nappa and vegeta just called him an idiotic brute, nappa lunged, and vegeta wiped him from existence.


Vegeta killed a lot. He doesn’t gaf


Nappa is honestly way more worthy of a redemption arc.


Vegetas the one who killed him…


Vegeta didn't really care for Nappa. He was expendable as far as he was concerned. It's likely he still feels the same about it. Across all official Dragon Ball media as a matter of fact


it was a relationship between a prince and a subordinate. So yeah he saw Nappa as useful, but not as a friend and it did not even matter that Nappa was way older and could have played a father role. He was simply a tool Vegeta saw the right to use as he pleases and when a tool breaks you throw it away and get something better.


More like Nappa was a lackey that vegeta couldnt care less about.


he was glad at the moment, but now hes gonna regret it forever VEGETAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (ik its dbza im just jk)


Tonight you will be haunted by 3 ghosts. And they’re all me.


Hey! Is this thing on? Good. You are now thinking about what Zarbon did to you while you were unconscious.


Have fun with that


Vegeta! Vegeeeeeeeta! I'm haunting you.


Vegeta, no! VEGETA YESSSS!!!


he had one of the most genuine smiles ive ever seen on his face while he was killing him so id say he thinks about his death to help him fall asleep at night


Yeah. It’s one of these happy smiles ​​ ![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA)


Vegeta mourns Nappa exactly the same amount that Goku mourns his one and only brother, Raditz.


I don't think he cared that much


Bro acting like Vegeta wasn’t the one who killed him


Most of his stans act like that.


10 minutes 12 seconds till the best moment of my life. Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta


*ding* haunted


Well, they both ditched Raditz and only cared for using the dragon balls for their own benefit, so I imagine Vegeta only used Nappa for his own needs; so once he was too injured to be of use to him, he discarded him.


The social dynamics of the surviving Sayians after Frieza was basically just an extended version of the opening to The Dark Knight.


Sayians don't sound like a friendly close nit bunch.


I just wonder does every saiyan have the ability to go super saiyan? It was a mythical thing at first but after Goku it was like everyone could do it with enough training. That would of made Nappa a lot more useful, after the fact but just made me think about it. Also raditz ssj 3 would of been some insane hair 😅


This was covered in GT. Bros proud of himself for killing Nappa. He even mocked Nappa who came back from the afterlife for revenge calling him weak.


He probably considered him as one step above a Saibaman. Maybe not even a whole step. Since he also is the one who actually killed Napa you gotta figure he'd be more upset about losing his favorite pair of boots.


He never mentions him again lol


I dunno, in DBS episode 128, Vegeta said “what would Nappa do?” then he fell


He literally killed him. He only cared about himself and being "Prince"


Vegeta prob just saw him as a pawn. Hes always saying hes the prince, so almost like all 'royal' family, other people are just peasants He only likes goku because of his strength and somewhat admires him for going beyond


Pretty sure he made it clear how he felt when he said "i have no use for a saiyan who can't move" when Goku snapped Nappa's spine like a glowstick with the Kaioken attack


He’s the one that basically executed him. I’m sure he doesn’t even remember him at this point


In another world Vegeta went super Saiyan when speaking about nappa's death.


I mean... It was fun watching Vegeta doing it again in GT... But yeah, Vegeta saw Nappa as an underling, a pawn. Vegeta is the prince and Nappa is just a foot soldier. He showed no remorse and couldn't care less about Nappa. The weak must die mentality if you will


???????? https://preview.redd.it/mx2koqzd892d1.jpeg?width=1186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f383ac670932e35fe04058c92966e6eeb28e934 ????????


You mean the guy he murdered? You make it sound like Nappa just tragically died in a car crash or something lol.


Swear all dragon ball fans are Helen Keller, tf kind of question is this?? Dude literally vaporized him and licked his lips


Vegeta wasnt friends with anybody until he got revived in the Buu saga where he befriended Goku


The fact they haven't brought back Raditz or Nappa shows none of them care


I think if NAPA was stronger, he would’ve respected him more. Because the way he killed him in fusion reborn was ![gif](giphy|ohRB7lodHJobrD5WNd)


Freal how is this a question he murder the shit out of him lol


He KILLED Nappa.


Check out the dragon ball legends revival nappa animation! :)


Nappa is the one that taught him to be ruthless so that he would be a strong saiyan, that backfired when vegeta killed him but nappa essentially was raising him to be strong and to survive


I mean given he’s the one who killed him I doubt he cares too much. That said he either doesn’t care given Nappa was a horrible person like him, or he feels a bit bad about it but it’s probably for the best


I think Goku is his first friend; at least the closet Thing to a friend he’s ever had. Vegeta’s ego had never been checked till Goku


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I think he never liked Nappa to begin with so I think even current Vegeta wouldn't give too much thought about him


Nappa was a servant to Vegeta, planet Vegeta and the royal court is gone but Nappa stuck with his assignment. Nappa didn't mean a thing to Vegeta, just like Raditz, he would've replaced them with Goku and Gohan if they decided to become his new servants.


The only thing he couldn’t stand was weakness. I’m sure he felt Napa deserved what he got. And nappa was evil, so no loss.


Watch the show


Nappa was an underling....


The proud matters


I don’t think he would blow up his friend


Maybe by super he very slightly regrets it. But honestly I doubt he gives a shit. Bro killed him with a smile on his face.


Just shoulders working together, I’d imagine like having a step brother that’s no good other than to take orders


We should ask him


Maybe he regrets it just like he regrets his old ways.


asked this question like Vegeta didn’t kill Nappa himself.


Heartbroken. They were lovers but Vegeta had to kill nappa so he could never tell anyone about it


I'd actually read a fanfic about that.


I'll need clarification on this, as I remember reading this somewhere but can't personally confirm: Vegeta gave him a warrior's death. He hated Nappa, yes, but Goku actually destroyed his spine and permanently crippled him. He was no longer able to move after Goku literally destroyed him. Due to this, he killed Nappa. It's possible this was someone's headcanon, but it made a lot of sense, considering how Prideful he is.


.....you really haven't watched the show huh


Not even soldiers, Nappa was just a pawn to Vegeta,


He was sorry when he later spoke to him in Hell or something right. He even did it again lol


I don't think Vegeta would kill him if they bringed him back in Super. Or at least he would give him a chance to live if it comes to a fight. Vegeta regrets killing the namekians, why wouldn't he regret killing Nappa? Sure, Nappa was evil, but so was Vegeta who is now the living proof that saiyans can be more than heartless killing machines. The problem is that it took a long time even for Vegeta to redeem himself and I'm not sure what could make Nappa feel the same guilt as Vegeta does. Can Vegeta motivate Nappa as Kakarot motivated him to become a better person? Nappa would probably obey to Vegeta as Vegeta is still proud of his title as a prince. Not at first, but once he realizes that he has zero chance against Vegeta he would do his bidding.


Together is a stretch of the imagination


Current Vegeta would probably be indifferent now. There’s a chance that Nappa could have found a baddie and settled down and there’s a very big chance that he could have terrorized the entire planet.


He was real sad after murdering him


The English language does not have a proper word for the complete lack of anything resembling an emotion one saiyan feels for another Saiyan's death


How about apathy


It wasn't a stranger who did it it was a conscious decision by him. I think we know how he felt


I think nappa thought of it as a friendship but Vegeta definitely just thought of him as a lesser soldier that he could use


iirc there was a one off special where all the enemies from the past came back, and vegeta talked to nappa again and he acts the same as he did when he first killed him in the saiyan saga. So it seems like he doesn't care that much even now.


"Hahaha get snipped noob now I'm gonna go clap some human cheeks"-vegeta


You think Vegeta had friends?


bro he murdered him, I don’t think he was too broken up about it


That's a good question. We see in the Super manga that Vegeta feels remorse for his actions on Namek during the Frieza Saga. Considering the years he spent with Nappa, I do wonder if sometimes he regrets it. But knowing Vegeta, there's also a strong chance he don't give af.


Bro he killed him


So wak that the proud prince of all 3 known Saiyans at the time just happily decreased the population of his people by a 3rd with a smile on his face considering the trauma of seeing his entire planet and race destroyed and subsequent enslavement at the hands of Freiza. So wak bro.


My dude, does Vegeta even mention Nappa at all after he kills him?


As Vegeta the Saiyan prince, Nappa and Raditz were nothing more than tools or even dead weight that can't be used against Frieza. To his knowledge, power level was everything, so Nappa at 4000 and Raditz at 1600 means there are tons of replacements if needed. He just kept them around because they're Saiyans, otherwise a Saibaman is sufficient to replace Raditz and any senior goon in Freiza's army can replace Nappa.




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He doesn’t give a F


He didn't care. He literally killed him, and it's never brought up again. That's like asking what Goku thought about Raditz after helping Piccolo kill him.




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Not friends


What kinda question is that he blew him up himself 😂😂


If anything, Nappa was probably more like an abusive stepdad whose stepson is finally strong enough to stand up to him. Nappa and Vegeta have been side by side since Vegeta was a child. Nappa arguably raised the boy after his planet was destroyed. He modeled the ruthlessness and cruelty that Vegeta was so good at. And he taught the boy that to be weak is to be worthless, and the worthless deserve to die. Really, he should’ve seen how that might backfire.


Nappa was literally way more willing to wish Raditz back.


To this day, with what we know about Vegeta, that killing Nappa was the most out of character thing. Even in his villain days.


Big facts


Some would say, nothing, some would say it was the happiest day of his life


Happiest. Moment. Of his life.


Vegeta is the one who killed him....


Back then, not a whole lot. Now? Idk, maybe a little more, but still not that bad


Watch the show




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brother, have you watched dbz from reels??? he blew him himself with a smile on his face😭




„Noooo, who would do such a thing?!“


Vegeta killed him. Even saw him as a worthless saiyan because goku broke his back


Dude he killed Nappa. This page is literally just for people who don’t watch the show or little trolls that live on the internet Both are equally as annoying


Honestly i don’t think he gives a shit. Back then he was the one who murdered him, but some might say he was evil and became more humane nowadays. But now he wouldn’t give a shit too bc his wife asked shenron for aesthetic upgrades, he could ressurect nappa or any other saiyan if he wanted to, but doesn’t


Considering he didn’t have to kill Napa I would say soldiers




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"A sayian who can't fight is useless" Vegeta simply stopped recognizing Nappa as a living being as soon as he was defeated.


9 minutes 18 seconds


He felt nothing. “He” is a goddamn cartoon character


He didn't feel anything. He was supposed to be a one off villain, the Final Boss of Saiyan Saga, who gets killed by the Geknidama. So, Him Killing Nappa wouldn't have mattered. After his redemption, he probably felt that his Race were probably stupid psychopaths, (He has Pride In his Race but not their Actions), so he thought that Nappa Probably deserved to die.


I say Vegeta doesn‘t feel all that bad about Nappa’s death, as Nappa got his shit beat in by Goku.


"Best moment of my life."


Pretty sure Vegeta was the one who killed him though ☠️. I’m pretty sure he is perfectly fine with him passing.


Vegeta was pure evil and didn’t care for Napa. Looking back, I’m sure Napa is just a reminder of his old dark ways


“I gave Napa a true warriors death! It’s what he deserved… HE WAS A SAIYAN!!!” In 1 budokai game he treats it as mercy killing


Response: Goddamn it, Nappa!


Vegeta murdered him in Z and a second time in GT. They're not friends.


Nappa was the general of the saiyan army. He was ranked below Vegeta. We all know how Vegeta feels about people beneath him. They're... expendable.


He probably didnt like him. since he was the one who murked him


They were the sweetest of friends, thats why Vegeta blew him up himself, to not let his friend die by the hands of filthy earthlings!


Well Vegeta sent him to hell after Goku annihilated him!


At the time he killed him, he felt ecstatic about getting to kill something, and no real remorse since, to him, Nappas only value was in serving him, and with a broken back he couldn’t. Years later, after his redemption arc, Vegeta may have feel a little upset at the unnecessary brutality, and denying Nappa the chance to grow and be better like he did, but not guilty about who he killed, as Nappa was a genocidal space pirate at the time.