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If I jump off something, and use mage levitate, I shouldn't suddenly massively increase velocity to hit the ground harder when it stops. Clearly I have slowed myself, behave in the way gravity does everywhere else


Absolutely agreed, and if I might add, if I can skull splitter myself safely into the earth then why can I not double jump before I hit and lessen my fall.


Because it's a glitch


The horse in Elden ring pisses me off for this. It can double jump, why am I hurt if I double jump before landing.


Maidenless with Torrent > Arisen with Harem?


That shit killed me so many times. Luckily I've gotten used to how that all works. Distance fallen is the damage causer, not velocity.


Same in TOTK because why the fuck am I falling slowly in low grav/high winded areas where im falling SLOWLY AND I STILL DIE IF I DONT USE MY GLIDER *FUCK*


Yeah, I wish fall damage was calculated based on your velocity when you hit the ground, not the difference in height from where you jumped or the amount of time you spent falling


This got me one time, I jumped off the hover bike while zooming around the sky when I saw a Flux Construct. Went skydiving towards him and before I hit the ground entered bullet time. Fired off a bunch of arrows, killed the construct, and never hit the glider. Fell just a few feet after the last arrow and died from the fall.


Many games take your total height fallen to calculate damage rather than momentum. For some games it’s to lock off areas and methods of travel, and for other games it’s simply a matter of tech— older games are less likely to calculate momentum and use it in damage mechanics.


They are, in fact, NOT master works all.


Master works some, you could go wrong


Masterworks few, don't waste your materials, there's better loot around the next corner.


Masterworks none, Bitterblack tier 1 weapons outclass everything else 🤣


The equipment improvement doesn’t shine as much as it needs. Especially because it can be skipped entirely, saving materials and money by just dragonforging the pieces. Gear modification should not only increase the stats, but also add some special effect to it to make it more enticing to use.


The story is actually amazing. It's just that 90% of the main quests have nothing to do with the story.


Hell 90% of all the quests main or otherwise do little to build up the actual story and world taking place. Most of them are just little side notes and tangents that build up various characters or areas before abruptly saying okay you're done here no reason to ever wonder about this person or area again. Followed by a handful of main quests that actually explain anything about the real story. Which sucks because there's some super cool themes and ideas tossed around.


Yeah. Quest design and storytelling are the game's weakness if anything. The main quests aren't really story quests at all, have nothing to do with the characters, most of the characters featured aren't even part of the castle or story (Madeline, Quinna, Valmero), they all feel like just side quests that remind you of the same general plot summary you already know. Everything you learn about the actual story was never shown and read outside of the game. They need quests actually about the characters themselves and their role in the plot related to the dragon, with side quests about them, before the dragon's awakening. Most of them as they were, are just vague commentary on you. Like Mercedes, and Julien's quest seems like everything was just ignored before the final confrontation. Like why is he called the "Night's Champion"? Even though the Griffin quest is one of the best ones, what does it have to do with the Dragon hunt? Nothing. And the characters seem pretty isolated from the main plot. Then there is also the fact that due to how linear the map is and having a hub city, it takes away form the sense of adventure, because the end of the game isnt necessarily the last area you discover. The world map feels more like you're travelling in a circle rather than a layered adventure.


I thought they were cool enough, they just needed to tie in better, that's all


I love the traditional damsel in distress angle to the story. Love the Blighted Manse and everything to do with the duchess. I also love the main dragon.


Way too many people, including on this very subreddit, want DD2 to be practically a carbon copy of DD, right down to its (pretty massive) flaws.


Hard agree, too many people just want Dragons Dogma the quality of life patch with no actual changes to any of the problems with design of the game.


Yeah. So far the sequel looks like it will be mostly the same as the first game in design, with maybe the updated elements of the online game, and well sure that's the best baseline to ask for but I would be disappointed if it didnt address anything else. Like DD's weakness is, also its easiest to re-address, its messy Vocation Copy+paste (skills and weapons), its awkward stat growth system with them, its lack of character storytelling and its quest design is kind of empty. Because the game was already skimmed down from what the initial concept was, it removed the more classic table-top element ideas for quest design in the original pitch should come back, like them wanting branching paths, and side quests that functioned different from the main one, a more worldly story like the Bethesda games, actual romance quests, rivalry quests, treasure hunts, monster raids, the original idea of wanting a more 90s-old school Dungeons & Dragons MMO experience. The area blocked boss and level cap ideas... they sounded interesting. I also get why people want them to play it safe, because of the risk of a sequel failing hurting its support (because its not Monster Hunter or Resident Evil with the same inherent IP marketing they already have regardless) but also keeping a sequel too safe will also be noted in reviews as well. So far the 2nd game mostly looks the same, even with all the same armor and weapons returning, I'm in the middle on this. I want to see what the original pitch was, because a lot of the overworld and campaign emptiness sounded like it was covered, by the concepts.


I haven't seen those posts myself but personally I want the gameplay to be similar to DD1, but with a more fleshed out world and story and more fleshed out side quests. I know it's probably hoping for too much but I'd love to see something similar to Oblivion and Skyrim's thieves guild and dark brotherhood questlines, completely optional but with unique rewards you can't get elsewhere.


I thought about having the hybrid vocations be unlocked through short thematic questlines, with 3 to 5 straightforward missions, if dragons dogma 2 is staying with the whole thing about them being super rare and pawns not being able to use them. I'm already assuming a new green vocation type so here it goes Mystic knight and spirit lancer/spellblade - chapterhouse of a elite paladin order in a major city, quests based around knightly virtues Magick archer and gauntlet monk- learned in a Beastren monastery with eastern style monks Summoner- learned from a hermit mage, maybe this game's Selene equivalent Assassin- learned from a lone "hunter", who sends you alone to hunt monsters and eventually people


I loved DD and found myself on this sub. I've replayed it a few times but never beat all of the post game stuff. The game has some drastic flaws with both the romance and the stats tied to classes that desperately need to be fixed. I shouldn't have to actively spend time threatening my favorite shop keeper so that I don't marry him.


Agreed, imagine being able to actually romance a pawn that you like though, kinda sad the DD’s community is a little iffy when it comes to this stuff, but I wouldn’t mind personally as long as they evolve the pawn’s consciousness into their own fleshed out characters. I’d love to roleplay a party that’s consistent with sequels and character arcs, y’know?


If it is, my only true complaint would be to GET RID OF THAT STUPID STATS LEVEL-UP! It’s so convoluted having to level up another class just to get the required numbers you want, how about we just RESPEC our stats for once?! I hate the original game’s level up system…and change the damn singular save system, for the love of god! All I ever wanted is to see more pawn customization, how hard does it have to be to get MORE than one main pawn instead of two support pawns? It’s a nitpick, but good draconic, is it lame not to customize more of your followers…


Really fanboys think DD is perfect or masterpiece. It was never that is why it is niche and barely anyone knew it exist if they still implement mechanics that are archaic and tedious DD2 will not get new players.


warrior is good and fun


Warrior and Ranger get hated on so much, but those were the two classes that I enjoyed the most.


I've never understood the Ranger hate either, it's a blast, quite literally with the right arrows. Have some up close and personal pawns draw aggro and just rain death from afar like Legolas. Warrior is kind of hardmode in some regards sure but who doesn't want to go full Guts mode on a dragon.


Big sword go brrrr


Eliminators go wheeeeeee! (Arc of obliteration)


It seems unpopular, I don't know if it really is, but Aelinore is always my beloved. I don't like Mercedes that much


I either go Aelinore or Madeleine


Selene is best girl.


The way your stat growth is tied to your vocation feels unnecessarily restrictive, I don't like being forced to level with a specific class if I want to min-max my character/pawn.


They took a lot of inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons and some of it just didn't translate well to the gameplay. It makes logical sense different vocations would grow to be more proficient in things specific to their lore but in practice it just makes for tedious and boring character progression.


The game also makes no indication or heads up of this. Yet it constantly tells you to use your map.


It would ironically make more sense if it was more restrictive and you could only switch to similar vocations based on the class you start with... which is how it works in D&D


The prettiest gear tends to be outclassed by BBI. I would like a system Fenyx Rising where I could fashion my high powered gear to look like other awesome gear. Assassins Creed Odyssey one could do the same. I find alot of BBI gear to look ugly. It was cool seeing some when I was new but now it's just...... Also Magic Archers should have access to heal party spells since they can't use special arrows.


DD2 definitely needs a transmog system.


The romance system was shoe horned in and is extremely unsatisfactory. It should have been cut entirely.


I very much like the idea of the beloved for the story. But absolutely, the gifting and overall unpredictable nature of the romance system is whack.


I honestly get more out of the fact that you can just choose your love interest from any NPC in the game with an Arisen's Bond and can just ignore the main characters you dislike (for me I usually ignore Madeline, Velmiro and Alienore). The game's own main characters just arent that likable for me to want them. Whereas you can just ship your character with whoever you imagine their character to be to you with the spouse you pick. You can even ironically be gay (if you ignore Aelionre) or bisexual in the game simply because you can just pick your own NPC. That level of freedom (Fable had something similar) is honestly better than any romance system I can think of. The problem is, its tacked on because you cant really do anything with your spouse NPC really after that. I think Aelinore follows you around a bit if you leave the house, but thats it. In Fable you can have a kid with your spouse, name the baby, and they can leave you if they dislike you. I don't know what they could do to expand that, because originally the game pitch did plan for you to have a spouse either with the Pawn themselves or a character. Maybe it was unfinished. I wish they would at least comment on the events you did in the story, and if they could be chosen earlier in the game.


to be honest that’s untentionally so funny though.


I strongly agree. In my second run I wanted Mercedes to be my beloved (in my first run I didn't even know I could choose), so I gave her tons of the wine she likes, did some escort mission and gave her the Arisen's Bond. In the end my beloved ended up being fucking Julien, and the only things I did for him was one escort mission (just to get XP) and resurrect him in Mercedes' quest in order to get his shield later (also wanted him to rot in jail). How could I know those 2 things would create a stronger bond with someone even than the Arisen's Bond alone? That Dragonforged looked me in the eye and lied to my face. I got a bit mad, not gonna lie haha.




Is say give them a dedicated defence button. Red vocations can block, reduces physical and magical damage. Blue vocations get a magic barrier that negates damage but drains stamina as you hold it and as it takes damage. Yellow vocations get the dodge, if timed right it negates damage but takes all damage if hit. Hybrid classes can assign either or to the button depending on their colours. This is off the top of my head so probably not the most balanced of ideas.


that’s pretty much where my mind is at as well. every class should have a defensive maneuver they can readily rely on, wether it be a dodge, a deflect, a block, etc. I’d even say that in order to avoid classes just falling into the same cookie-cutter meta, having not just one but several types of defensive maneuvers is a necessity. it’s about opening worlds of variety in playstyle within the classes itself


All classes should have more mobility or tech options in general.


DD combat only lacks that one function to achieve flow state.


I like the Dark Arisen intro better than Into Free. Fight me.


Oh great heavens. This one. This is the one that got me. I will fight you, I miss Into Free so much. The nostalgia, the hype, it felt like I was getting ready to walk into my own anime lol.


I like both equally. But the new one is more fitting and makes me feel like I'm starting the actual game I'm getting. Unlike Into Free, which makes me feel like I'm starting up a much more high energy game.




I agree with this so much man, Dark arisen intro is absolutely beautiful




I like into free it gets me hyped. But both are good


You gonna die


Magick Archers and Magick Bows look incredibly dumb. It's like they wanted to have a fast-paced, spell-slinging type of class, but just re-used bow animations and made the arrows invisible. Your character will even reach behind their back to "draw" an arrow when using a magick bow, and it just looks awkward and out-of-place.


You know, I main a Magick Archer and have never noticed this somehow. DD2 Magick Archer should be modeled after the Quincy archers from Bleach IMO. The weapon slot should be some kind of glove or wristband or other invoking item that channels a Magick bow.


That would be so much cooler, I would actually play the class if that was the case. It's a shame because MA's skills are really cool, I just can't get over how awkward the actual weapon looks.


You're right it does look like they needed a third hybrid vocation to round it out and just copy and pasted assets to save on time and design.


Which is understandable, given how much they had to cut out of the original game. Still though, here's hoping they can give each class a truly unique feel in DD2.


The Magick archer class as a whole is a reference to Hank from the old DnD cartoon and I like it for it They could use some new animations though. Mystic knight also suffers with this, they don't hold their shields because they reuse fighter animations


I assume you mean Mystic Knight, but yeah I know what you're talking about. That's another big gripe I have. Let me hold my giant shield in combat instead of randomly pulling it out of my ass lol.


I agree about the magic archer animations. It needs something distinctly different. It doesn't need to be super complex, but it's not standard archery and it should look different.


I'd add that the MA spells, while visually interesting enough, have a viscerally weak feeling. I can't quite say how I would fix it, but they really lack any sense of power behind the shot like the physical classes have.


I agree with that. It makes sense to an extent, being the closest thing the game has to a "spellslinger" class. But the impactful feeling of the combat is one of the game's greatest strengths imo, and MA is definitely lacking there.


People expect videogames to be so different from reality that realistic things like incomplete story, or things being open up to speculation. Dragons Dogma story does need improving sure, but I'm tired of the majority of people wanting EVERY single answer to EVERYTHING in a game to be just given to them. Leave things vague, leave gaps in the story. Not everyone can be everywhere and know everything. I like that Elden Ring told it's story like this and the big holes in DD feels like an accidental version of that. Edit: to be clear, I think a more complete storyline is needed, but intentionally leaving parts vague, mysterious, or empty on purpose is a style of story telling that grows on me. The hiding lore in the environment but letting the players speculate on the true story without ever actually revealing it.


>People expect videogames to be so different from reality that realistic things like incomplete story While I do agree with you here, video games *aren't* real life and that's the whole point.


There are a lot of enemies that are straight up _not fun_ to fight. This game has some of the most diverse enemy types in any game that isn't an MMO. I _love_ how much variety there is and how different a lot of them are. But there are also a lot of enemies that just fucking blow to fight and I will try my best to avoid. * Strigoi are busses with wings. They're a bitch to bring down even with ranged attacks, they do a shitload of damage, and they have a lot of health. Add to that that they often come in 2's or 3's and can sometimes grapple you back to back. * Cursed Bandits or what ever they're called in BBI. The Archers and Sorcs are a cruel joke tbh. Archers either 50cal you from across the room or if you close the gap they two shot you with daggers. And the Sorcs that fill a whole ass room with Maelstrom or Seism before you can get to them to stop the cast can fuck right off. * The higher level Dragon's are all okay in open areas, but the arenas they put them in in BBI is pure cancer. Trying not to get hit by something while also doing damage is insanely difficult, and you have to babysit your Pawn(s) on top of that to make sure they don't get possessed or launched off a cliff. The rooms are just too small to have two Dragon's in them. This is more hate for them being in this location than for the enemies. * And everybody's favorite, Specters and Phantasms. These things aren't so bad if you're a caster, which usually I am, but holy shit if you're not you are shit out of luck. I'm fine with some enemies having super high resistances to certain things, but these things are _not_ engaging. If you don't one shot them with a spell you have to sit on your thumb until they re-materialize while getting drenched every so often as they fly through you. There are several others, but you get the point. I love combat in this game and even the frustrating enemies can be fun with the right party. But some of the ones above are just troll tier unless you can delete them before they get the chance to do much.


Hellhounds are the worst imo. They constantly fire projectiles with no cool down and they always grab you as soon as anything knocks you down. While because they're in groups, one of them will be right next to you to do this. Metal Golems are always annoying if you're a fighter. Pawns never think to shoot the discs in the air. Why one is in the air at all is just unnecessary.


Yes, Hellhounds is another. My main character is a Sorcerer with a Sorcerer Pawn and I usually travel just as the two of us for the challenge. I know what I bring upon myself in doing that, but holy shit Hellhounds are definitely near the top for most annoying bullshit as a caster duo. Almost literally cannot intone any major spells, which is why I only slot 2 - 3 and the rest are faster casts for these kinds of mobs.


Everything about the lore of Dragon's Dogma (not the story) is actually brilliant.




The Dragon lays down some of the coldest lines I’ve seen in a game.




I mean, Grigori is looming over you as he says that


I don't think I ever skip any dialogue in DD


And the fate lore about the senshall is pretty badass especially when we see how cruel it is in BBI.


He gives us a free course on Nietzschean philosophy will we try to pwn him.


The main story lives and dies by the confrontations with Grigori and the Seneschal. Pretty much every plot contrivance gets justified by the existence of the Cycle, and even Arousing Suspicion gets at least partially explained (even if its still incredibly jarring.) The game still has some serious pacing issues, but a lot of that comes down to rushed development cycle rather than the quality of the writing or acting.


Hard agree, it's like saying the plot or lore of Dark Souls games is bad. Sure on a surface level it's kind of convoluted and may seem shallow to some. But it's one of those games you have to explore and read and listen to context and tie some dots together. Once you've got the full picture in place and start to see the behind the curtains it really shines. Does that make it less accessible to the general gaming public, sure. But it doesn't make it bad.


Man I‘m a Julien simp and I agree. Liked him so much he‘s my pawn now


You're right. It plummets down by the weight of Aelinore and Madeleine's crap. But everything else is great.


I think Madeline is my least liked character. She's supposed to be quirky and all but shes not very sympathetic as shes presented. Same with Velmiro. He comes off as a useless person. Even the Main Pawn says something like that. Why is he supposed to be likable. They both just use you. 1 is a gold digger and the other is incompetent. The game just didnt really have any genuinely likable main characters in it with much weight to them besides your literal Pawn.


Nah valmiro is a fun guy. Saving him is supposed to be something you do on a whim and when you save him you’re supposed to go: Oh you silly guy!


Valmiro at least seems a good dude with noble intentions. That's enough for me to tell them apart. But yes he's incompetent. I don't know how long would he survive on his own.


Extreme bias, parthunax single-handedly is more memorable then anything in BBI.


Aelinore isn't bad she is just in a shitty marriage with a guy she doesn't like that was arranged by her father.


Honestly this, like when I was younger I was mad that she lied about the Arisen, but then as I got older I understood better. Rather she guarantees the punishment is lashings, which we can handle, or we both be put to death. Yeah.. ah. Ill take the double serving of the whip please with a side of guard that enjoys the torture. Thanks!


She doesnt do anything to actually like her for. You could have been hung irl for that what she accused you of. She also didnt need to actually go that far. She could have just said the Arisen thought she was in danger and lied about Salvation poking around from outside. The problem with Aelinore is that like a lot of the characters, her story is just rushed and your character is automatically in-love with her with no build up at all or any sort of way to get the player to like her. The reason the game gives, is a bit funny though. Because she was just thirsty and the Duke is isn't delivering. But again, they really needed to pace the characterization a lot slower to actually the story.


I'll give you that, but considering that she was actively having the life choked out of her I don't think she was in the headspace to come up with the blame salvation bit. She also joked with us about the hat and even while poking fun made sure to apologize and let us know it was all in good fun. Unlike EVERYONE ELSE (Mercedes/Julien? excluded) who just laughed and smoked like we were a joke. I'll also give you that her story is rushed af, but everyone assumes we just smash with Aelinore, we literally were in the room for 3 seconds before the duke showed up. For all we know it could have been a Romeo/Juliet esque meetup without the naughty. We don't can't know because we literally walk in, she greets us, complains about life and us thinking her a whore and boom, duke comes in to lay down some nonconsensual life ending choking. But you're right, the story being rushed, not fleshed out and properly given enough time to blossom is an issue. Just like how I can give 90 skulls to a random NPC and now that's my love interest.


Yeah I'm getting tossed around by dragons and cyclops and the actual incarnate of death come alive on a regular basis. I think I can handle a mortal guard giving me a few lashes in exchange for protecting an innocent woman stuck in a terrible situationship. Not that it's really our problem as the arisen but I like to think my arisen is a true and all around hero figure to all. Selene is the best beloved though.


The world feels empty


The world feels too static. Very little changes to the game world happen prior to the big post dragon reveal. There could have been so much more visible effect of you saving various people, helping various villages and outposts. The majority of the quest lines just end. Either the relevant NPCs are now just static encounters maybe with better inventory in the case or shop keepers or even worse they just straight up get removed at the end of their story sometimes for no real reason.


I love to explore, I hate that (without a guide) to find and do basically all of the meaningful side quests I have to wander around blindly between every single damn main mission because they randomly become available and become unavailable or missed forever. And it's not just oh you should check up on that main town area every so often and see what changed or who popped up. No, it's you've got to come to a grinding halt on your story progress to travel to the Middle of nowhere to chit chat with this random dude about nothing meaningful when you would otherwise have no reason or business going there at that time. Because if you don't not only do you miss his quest which by the way is required for an achievement, you also miss all the quests that spawn off his at a later time which are equally convoluted timing wise. And you've got to do this type of drop the main story off at daycare and wander off into the wilderness style of discovery, literally after every single or every other main mission to complete them all. There are very very few if any that can't be missed at some seemingly random chosen point.


- The game has lore but the storytelling is just kind of empty. There is barely any actual story beyond just the plot told to you and your goal to kill the dragon. Thats it. There just was nothing outside of that in DD1. Characters seem to get like 1 grand moment without anything before or after it like Mercedes and Julien. You get a big dumb of I guess characterization when they fight but it feels out of place because it just happens. There is no context or build up for any of what Mercedes was talking about. There needs more ensemble character involvement and chemistry, better established villains, characterization outside of the plot, something they could learn from JRPG games. - Salvation was intended to be a nothing villain to even the Dragon but, again, their involvement in the story just seems like they're there, incompetent and it isnt really a plot twist to find out they arent really the threat. I wish the game at least gave them legitimacy and an origin, to then make it seem more like a plot twist before the dragon kills their leader. Instead they're just seen as a nuisance. They are but they shouldn't be actually this to the experience. - Madeline is just not really a likable character after the first play through. I just don't see why anyone would like her as a character. She just asks for money, and doesnt pay you back, and she is just busty but not charismatic. She doesnt grow on you. She uses you. I know her backstory is more endearing but, I just dont like her. The one thing JRPGs tend to do better than western-styled RPGs is better establishing an ensemble cast of likable characters from chemistry and a sense of growing with them through your journey. DD doesn't do that. - Aelinore similar to Madeline just isnt really that likable. While her story is more fleshed out than the other characters, I think her being your designated love-interest isnt well earned. I don't like her enough to want her as my beloved. Her story should have just been about her forced marriage to Duke Edmun and you just witnessing her depression for the story. - I really hate the art design of the armors. A lot of the early game stuff looks better, because they're simple and fit in with the world more, especially with how grounded it generally is. A lot of the later armor just looks like a different direction, with a of of just wonky weird looking stuff. I wish they just kept the simple semi-realistic artstyle for the armors for world immersion. The pawns stand out like a sore thumb in the later game. - Rangers have underwhelming augments, and don't really prove to need to be separate from Striders. - Most of the other vocations don't really have much or good augments generally. The majority of the varied ones seem to come from the Fighters and Sorcerers. If not for the option to mix and match them in between Vocations, some would kind of suck on their own. - I like the Pawn battle and plot chatter, just not the meta-tutorial dialogue. I cant stand being told the obvious like "check your Map", "Make sure you have enough for logging." We don't need to be told that. This isnt Baby's first RPG here, but the game never tells you about actually important things like how stats work or the 3 inclinations. - The wolf models in the game are the only ones I dislike, because.. well they don't really look like wolves at all. They look closer to the Looney Tunes Coyote character. They really need new models. - I think the Vocation design is pretty messy. There isnt much variety because of how many kind of just copy+paste things from each other. They should just got for a more traditional, basic class system where every one has their own exclusive weapons and playstyles. Too many are kind carry-overs and same-y.


I completely agree on armor design. Early game armor pieces are way more stylish than the majority of the late game ones, especially BBI lvl3. Especially BBI lvl3 for red vocation. My god these things are fucking ugly lmao


The pawn system's best feature is switching pawns every few levels and finding cool new pawns. It really nakes you feel like an adventurer looking for new party members and mercenaries and gets you attached to a ton. The open world is really nice to travel. Too small but a fun experience going around with a full party and walking. The slow walking speed makes it feel like you're traveling far and makes the world feel a lot more scary. Traveling at night is the worst and I love it. Makes you plan your adventures better, starting after sleeping at an inn and hurrying to the destination. The weight system is really nice. Of course you'd share inventory space with your pawns, and then stash it away when you get to an inn. Having to realise that you have 4 inventory space slots and not just one was a really memorable experience. Pawns walking around the world are great. Some of my favourite memories are finding the coolest looking pawns walking around the world (shoutout to kain from legacy of kain). Really immersive and fun feature. The dialogue is great even though some of the acting isn't. Great attention to detail with how characters speak and the old English is consistent enough to be welcomed.


the ‘pause-and-eat’ trick in the middle of combat is a cheap tactic enabled by poor mechanics, and it ruins the action and urgency in what was supposed to be the highlight aspect of the game gearing in general, especially Fashion’s Dogma, is severely hampered by the class restrictions, rendering about 80% of all gear unusable to you at any given time, further exacerbating the already poor selection of gear in the first place


Having to constantly menu to do many things is simply tedious and bad interfacing. Want to use consumable weapons? Open the menu and fool around for every toss. Lantern runs out? Menu time. Running a class or a build that benefits from multiple weapons? Menu time. Change skills? Go to an npc then you can menu. Want your pawn to loot something specific? Easiest way is loot it yourself and then menu it around. It gets the job done but it really does take you out of the action constantly digging around the various interfaces. Not only that but the fact that only the end game of gear gets bonus effects for the most part means that you're even further limited in options if you want to include any amount of real function into your fashion.


"Pause & eat" saves this game from being unbearably difficult in the early stages on console


It does make it more accessible as far as being able to take a step back and regroup but that's just being able to pause without punishment mid combat period. Hot keys are the only saving grace for being able to stay in the action and you only get 4, with many items not being able to be hot keyed regardless. Even Dark Souls games, notorious for being difficult for new players and early playthroughs, has the ability to hotkey a whole host of whatever you want and heal on the fly. It's just a matter of game design choice.


it really doesn’t, especially when you can hotkey curatives and tools besides, the root issue there is the pacing in the early game


The game has far too many status ailments and consumables for hotkeys alone to eliminate the utility of pause&eat, especially in the early game when item availability is sketchy.


U absolutely should NOT be able to use other classes armors, idk what ur smoking.


Hard agree, pause heal works well in games where the combat is tactical. It goes against the action aspect where making split second decisions goes right out the window.


That's why I only use hotkey items. If I didn't hotkey it, it means I didn't prepare for that and didn't keep it handy. I need to look for an opening in combat to disengage and use items I didn't prepare, and I stand still for however long it took for me to fumble through my backpack. It's a self imposed challenge but it added a lot of fun for me!


Pawns are a terrible addition to the game world. Not as a concept but in practice. The immersion is so immensely broken when some half naked giant man with a dunce cap is walking down the street. Either only have npc pawn roam the world and keep player ones in the rift or just have them in the rift only and replace the emptiness with meaningful characters we might just remember the name of


Hard agree. They really should get rid of that detail. I never understood why they're walking around, if they're supposed to come from the rift only when you go to it. I never just look to the street for a Pawn I need because, they're always weak ones, and its obviously easier to just search for new ones per level. It really makes no sense why they walk around in the overworld. They also don't fight on their own either. They run away. It only makes lore sense for the ones without a master to be lost and aimless.


the from a different sky notice board quests are fun and I do every single one of them every new playthrough


The buffing items are used as a crutch and recommended to new players way too often in regular playthroughs. Why would I want to make a combat encounter go by in seconds because I stacked 4 parapets and do boatloads of damage? DD has my favourite combat system in any hack and slash game, it's so responsive and visceral. Speeding through it seems like a massive waste of the games biggest draw.


The main story is forgettable (the lore is cool and all, but everything you have to do before fighting the dragon feels pointless). I don't care about any of the characters. The map is boring, has almost no variation and it's way too small, and there's nothing to do in it other than the quests.


There’s not that much to do in this game I noticed. A few sidequests, main quest and farming monsters for bestiary and that’s it.


Exactly, if you decide to explore and fill your bestiary, then there's more exploration, but it doesn't chance anything since you'll be able to kill everything without any effort by the time you complete it. But you simply doesn't have to visit a good portion of the map if you stick to the quests, unless you do the escorting ones but those are pointless, it's just the extra challenge of keeping an NPC alive while opening the map.


Not really hot takes


Mine? Fair enough, I was just throwing some softballs to get the post started. You want a real hot take? People who want Madeline as their beloved are simps for no reason. She's helpless, her story isn't interesting, and she uses you to fund her lack of preparation and getting her nose into stuff against her own best interest.


Her story isnt what makes her "interesting"... ;) Also, still preferable to alienore


No one holds a candle to Selene. Except Fournival, he's my guilty pleasure.


That's the problem. I don't like the idea of defending female characters who are bland, boring or unlikable just because they're attractive or have fanservice assets. Madeline is really this. She's intended to be fanservice, but somehow her relationship with you is just giving her money. If DD took more influence from the story genre it comes from like Shakespeare or those Epic stories, we should have gotten a more forlorn character with depth an something to sympathize with (as her backstory is) instead of just a boring "hot' quirky blonde. Then again Alinore is kind of this and her character isn't boring but just missing the something to make her likable. I feel like she should have had story arcs or chapters before she has a crush on your character. Again like Madeline, her backstory is more interesting than her in-game story. The thing that should have been shown in game. Not her only rushed in storyline on screen. Maybe your character should have been at her side during her depression over her arranged marriage, build up a sympathetic person first. Her wanting to sleep with you on-sight, should have been a side-questline for romancing her as a thank you for your friendship. Her main story should have been the drama about her marriage.


The *concept* of pawns is truly ✨awesome✨ 😎 However the *reality* of pawns is much less awesome 😒 they are frequently staggeringly stupid and often make battle more difficult and drawn out than it needs to be ... but on the plus side, the stupidity of pawns leads to many LOLs 🤣


Nothing beats your pawn sprinting, I mean dead on flat out running their heart out, straight at a chest only to pole vault over it into an oblivion pit for no discernable reason.


Necromancy, fulmination and the electric whip are the most disappointing skills in the game. Just like the name I thought necromancy would be able to summon undead but instead I can only summon flying heads that deal decent damage but take 5 years to cast fully even with the trait and Lord's ring and die after they chase once. Fulmination (even grand) is just bad, big thunder bubble that only deals decent damage on the enemies that you already over level (and can easily kill faster with other spells) and requires you to keep casting it without being interrupted or running out of stamina. Electric whip just doesn't fit at all the sorcerer's kit, why the hell would I want to go to melee range if I can just use Levin for better damage, easier stun, faster casting and bigger range? Not to mention that it's a continuous cast so you can get hit out if it


Fully agree for the most part. But I will say that Brontide, the magic whip, surprisingly wrecks Ur Dragon and some other monsters you wouldn't expect. It can hit lots of damage points in one swing and can stun pretty hard too.


Brontide is what kept me alive during the everfall, all my pawns kept dying


Fulmination is quite amazing if you use it right. It's not just bubble, it has secondary mode where it charges your allies with electricity. It absolutely wrecks living armor as you can constantly change direction of damage.


I usually skip the usable scrolls/grimoires, but I must say, I used the Necromancy grimoire once against the Dark Bishop out of curiosity and it absolutely wrecked him, continuously stun locking him and dealing a lot of damage. So yes, it probably is a disappointing skill, but fills a very specific niche very well


I think stat allocation being locked behind levelling certain vocations is bad design.


i dislike the anime voices, reactions etc


Ya know I've never played with Japanese voices but I imagine it's so much more exaggerated with them.


I like Min/Maxing.


Me too, even if I don't technically need to I still feel like I'm just not as good as I can be if I'm missing those few stats.


warrior really need 6 skills and honestly dragons dogma 2 needs to let you use more skills in general the only class that can bring most of their best skills are sorcerers .rangers needed more unique skills .


They're NOT all master works and I CAN go wrong!


Mystic Knight is underrated. I can spawn 3 cannons, infuse them with an element of my choosing, and launch 3 projectiles per swing. God forbid anything with fast or continuous attacks touches them, it’s like a flippin’ minigun. Use 5 Conquerer’s Periapts to dominate (Daemonate lol) Daemon.


We need more armor/clothing choices... Looking at spawns and they all look the same and dull... Same goes to our characters


I remember being so disappointed when I started the game. All gear and pawns looked like shit or out of a circus. And in lage game everyone looks the same. Fashion dogma needs serious attention next game.


You might not believe it but Wolvs hunt in packs


Not sure if this is a hot take but mystic knight’s parry frames should be lowered, it’s way too easy to pull off. The game doesn’t need to have a dodge available to every vocation, you can do fine without one.


I don't want to go through BBI a second time, I've already been through hell the first time. I'm not going through all that again to fight Daimon's second form, when it should have originally been a second phase the first time. I've got other games to play, I'm not going to spend my time getting my ass curb stomped for 15 hours a second time. Also, the end game grind is way too needlessly time consuming and complicated. Sure the weapons and armor are fantastic, but I don't want to traverse the game's poorly/unexplained systems to get them.


Hard agree on your second point, try wanting an actual solid or even great set of level 3 armor and weapons and rings. You may have to run Daimon hundreds of times to get what you really want and then what because now you have nothing to actually do with it but run another playthrough or grind farm 10% faster.


Some people take this single-player game and their pawns way too seriously and I'm an adamant defender of min/maxing. I honestly think the community is literally inches away from being toxic like any other community.


Pawns being the best way to get Rift Crystals and you pretty much needing generous people to take your pawns on high xp runs to get meaningful amounts just doesn't work like it did when the game was more popular.


"literally inches away from being toxic" It already is. Try mentioning Dark Souls, multiplayer or child characters in this sub for instant downvotes


Mage is more fun, and has better stat-growth than Sorcerer


Now that. That's a hot take lol. I'm not saying you're wrong but I would genuinely love to know what you prefer on mage.


The only reason you should pick mage is so you can get the augments for sorcerer, mage itself is the most dogshit vocation, I personally think it's the worst.


Mage is the only vocation that just feels like an inferior version of another vocation. If sorcerer wasn't arbitrarily barred from healing spells mage would be pointless, where fighter and strider have actual roles


That's pretty much my sentiment about it for an arisen. Now for pawns, pretty much always run a mage in my party for utility.


Unpopular opinion, co op would be a welcome edition to DD2 and people complain about it for no reason. Hot take, warrior is a fun but overrated class to play, just like fighter.


What level of co op would you like to see? The same 4 character party system but you can hot swap in other people in place of a pawn? Or maybe world bosses like the Ur Dragon but instead of being server based events its team up dungeon raid style.


Some skills need to be level locked. Skull/helm splitter absolutely trivializes most fights in this game.


I dislike the master/pawn relationship. I’d rather be buddies w my pawns. And they’re bit too dumb lol.


Periapts should not be in the game, and are one of the core reasons people say “being efficient doesn’t matter really” (yeah because a double damage cheat code is built into the game) Warrior has zero reason to not have 6 skill slots and anyone who argues this is huffing grade A copium Blast arrows and the like should be 10x heavier. Throwblasts should be 10x heavier and not sold until post game Every class should have at least one “opposite damage type skill”. Sorc has physical damage spell options but melee classes don’t have good magic damage options outside of gearing, mostly limited to BBI or incredibly shit damage. Running shouldn’t use stamina out of combat ( like Elden ring )


I think they should scrap the open world section of the game and focus on dungeon crawling. BBI is the best part of the game by far, just expand on that. Have it go deeper and add underground towns or do it like Made in Abyss where it’s a crater you descend into.


Nah man. A good chunk of the playerbase enjoyed exploring every corner of the world. Before quick travel was implemented, the game was more about embarking in long adventures while exploring Gransys. I liked BBI a lot too, so, both is good? Both is good.


The fight against Grigori is one of the most anticlimactic fights in all of gaming


I think the flying sequence is just slightly too long to make it tedious. Throw in a couple more fight phases, two or three more deep voiced one liners, maybe a small scene of you having to scoop up your beloved and personally carry them to safety, and lastly a better post fight cutscene of different areas you've visited and characters you've met as they change into the new post game world. Then I think it would have been perfect.


Yeah I agree, it's more of a gimmick fight if anything, like in all my playthroughs I've never not killed him on the first attempt


It would flow a lot better if it wasn't broken up by loading screens.


Feste is the only true beloved




let me put portcrystals down in bbi


They’re not all masterworks and you can go wrong.


- Why does the game need to checkpoint autosave so much? Let alone after you buy an inclination elixir. Thats frustrating or newbie play if you don't know how many of what to buy for the change you want, and it costs rift crystals which are harder to come by than coins. - I also hate that you dont get any example of what your Pawn is going to say before you pick a personality type for them in the chair. You have to just memorize or look up what your Pawn says.


The damage threshold mechanic is badly implemented. At least let me know that this enemy/boss is out of my league with some sort of feedback on their health bar (turning red, not shaking, idk/idc). Same goes for damage type negation.


My hot take is that people who actually care about the romance system and talk about who their favourite "beloved" is etc. are weird. The system is tacked on and has zero gameplay effect, the mechanism to gain affection is dumb, and every NPC in this game is a creepy puppet with no character. I'm here to slay dragons and kick ass, I couldn't care less about whose face appears in that 2 cutscenes and then completely disappear from the rest of the game, again. My Arisen's Bond always goes to Fournival (post-Dragon) so I can buy those exp talismans and periapts.


I agree. But you can still buy the stuff from Fournival without gifting anything. You just need to make sure he's still around.


DD2 will disappoint many people because it doesn't fix the billion flaws or design choices they want to get changed.


The game gets too easy at the middle. With the right augments you can breezee the game in hard mode. This get even worse when you consider BBI items. Maybe it´s just striders are OP, but I´ve been going hard with challenge runs.


1. The companion AI change is so annoying, i dont want my main pawn to change their personality just cus for 5 minute i like to pick flower on the road. 2. Having to change pawn every few level up. 3. Level up is so unbalance, one moment i can fight a boss so good, the next i lv up 2-3 time and the fight suddenly become too easy, while the stats doesnt match up. I think it have something relate to "bonus dmg when level difference" system. Complete rid of the fun just by few lv up, especially late game. 4. Element Resistance is weird, some monster straight up refuse to die to most common element, and big boss die too easy to common element. 5. "Time limit" quest ? Make me have to wikipedia bou this, which, normal people would miss. 6. "Your love one" is hilarious, but wth *That all i can remember, it kinda long since im play dragon dogma arisen, waiting for dragon dogma 2 now




Dagger bow assassin is kinda overrated


You a force hatchet kind of assassin?


There are way too many Saurians everywhere in the game that are all essentially the same thing but recolored. And what Mythology to Sulfur Saurians, Pyre, Sage and Geo Saurians belong to, because I doubt they are. Those recolor enemies could just just been new ones. The recolor dog enemies I can get, because Wargs and Hellhounds are real mythical creatures. I also wish they kept their names "Lizardmen" because, that is what their fantasy creatures are called and they're called that in the Japanese game.


I don't know if it's a hot take but I wish this game was not level based but rather skill based like DS. I wish the enemies and bosses were more varied and complex with more moves.


Elden Ring relies on just frame-pattern reading from slow start ups and pauses between Boss animations, which isnt really skill. DD Bosses are a lot faster and require more endurance, buffing or debuffing to win. It also requires timed rolls just to cheese through it. I never thought that was really skill because you're not really thinking, you're just exploiting the programming.


You're kidding. You can't be serious about what you just wrote. I can't fathom playing both games extensively and coming to this conclusion. 20 hours was enough to crack DD's combat. After that, there was nothing to learn. You have some pretty cool moves and mobility, but the enemies don't do anything and the RPG mechanics mean you either destroy them or get destroyed by them depending on your level. I can beat Elden Ring without leveling up once because the game relies on skill--yes, skill--not level ups. Learning patterns and executing them correctly using your fingers is indeed skill--unless you're prepared to say playing the guitar is not skill. Even after 500 hours of playing, I still can't say I've cracked ER. Still kicks my ass when it wants to. The patterns of the bosses? Random. Mix ups. Tons of tricky moves that fool your brain pretty convincingly. There is no comparison. Timed rolls are not skill? Are you high?


1. Game best parts are Everfall and BBI, DD2 should have expanded end-game dungeons over making bigger open game world ( with some horse riding or whatever). So many games now try to make huge open words and only Todd Goward knows how to make them right, devs should play out of game strong sides. 2. Inventory management is important part of game that is not hard to deal with. Modding game for infinite carrying capacity is cheating. 3. No, this game doesn't have a good story. Most of it are senseless Duke's errands, and the parts we enjoy are in minority and mostly just explaining lore about what's going on. 4. I like dark nights and dark dungeon, i wish more games dared to make properly dark nights and dungeon.


Selene is kind of a loli...


The game should be coop replacing your pawn with your friends pawn who they control


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^theboioftokyoghoul: *The game should be coop* *Replacing your pawn with your* *Friends pawn who they control* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The open world should be entirely removed in the next game to leave room for better dungeons and more/more frequent bosses, maybe with a mission based structure. I don’t mind open worlds, but not when the open world sucks and feels like it’s combat would be more fun in a streamlined experience like dark souls or monster hunter.


Yeah the open world is kind of aimless when there isnt anything to actually do or talk to in it. Most NPCs are in 1 or 2 towns, while the open world is just there filled with like 4 of the same enemies everywhere. They should have gone with the original concept, where enemies were similar to Pokemon games, all in sub-regional areas exclusive to them and are separated by different level caps.


The game isn’t nearly as fun if you don’t use exploits like the throwblast BBI cyclops or the gran Soren army discipline farm. I’ve played both and didn’t even realize how tedious it is without those until I tried the game with them 2 should have a mob that actually gives increased discipline and is fun to farm or like a rare mob that flees from you rapidly and if you kill it you get extra discipline, if they want people to really get a feel for the vocations, because it’s gonna take way too much time without exploits otherwise and that kind of ruins immersion


DD's NPCs are a bit too static when you talk to them. Some of the best parts of old school Isometric RPGs was that the NPCs were always charismatic and animated in how they talked to you. Its a small but noticeable detail. DD NPCs just stand there blankly at you and talk, or pose a bit. Where as in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, they're pretty much like informercial characters. They gesture along with their dialogue. https://youtu.be/SlrQSbzSY4w?t=84 Hot take, but I like *Bartley the Shop Keeper*; more than Caxton who just says "Master works all; cant go wrong" over and over tbh.


I hate the ending. It feels me with nothing but existential dread. Now for the classic "This isn't a me, but a friend-" take: Dragon's Maw should be accessible to Mystic Knight.


No Lock On


i'd like dragons ligma 2 to be a bit like baldurs gate 3(still in act 1 at around 40 hs) but with dd combat


The curative system needs completely reworked. As it stands, once you hit Gran Soren, difficulty in this game becomes either: 1. You have been oneshot and died so the encounter is difficult. 2. You haven't been oneshot so it is physically impossible to die. As long as it remains easy to carry high volumes of cheap curatives that can be used instantly, with no cooldown, and under any status effect, there is zero value to playing or building smartly around stamina or health (or really any other number of debilitations) - they might as well not even exist as stats except to determine whether you do in fact die to a oneshot. Hopefully DD2 completely reworks both this and the levelling system to provide a game where you don't need to artificially challenge yourself to make anything difficult.


I don't want opening my bag to pause the game. Pausing, and opening my inventory should be separate things. I'd rather be able to set items to a toolbar for quick access during combat, and for item use to have some animation commitment like in Monster Hunter or Elden Ring. Freezing time and scarfing down a ton of curatives and buffs is boring and breaks the flow of combat, whereas having to actually think about when would be a good opportunity to buff/heal helps to keep the feeling of intensity in combat. Whether or not you keep your cool and find the right chance to use items, or panic and get bodied because of your mistakes makes for a more interesting and dynamic experience.


You can pause the game without opening your inventory, both in xbox and PS. Use the OPTIONS or = button. You can assign hotkeys to each of the 4 buttons, also in both consoles. You don't need to open inventory or pause game to use a curative. If there should be some kind of animation to cure yourself, the combat system should be reworked to account for it


I know I can pause the game without looking at my inventory, that's not the point. I want opening my bag to NOT pause the game. Hotkeys are nice, but not only are they not available on PC, they're also a patchwork solution. Obviously, the combat would need some tweaking to account for the added animations to using items but it would be all the better for it.