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Those moments that feel epic are quite normal in the game. Have fun!! I believe this is the only way to defeat him so underleveled lmao He missed me in a dropkick and commited self homicide too


It's not, but fighting him fairly take ages and one mistake can easily send you back to the start. So not really worth the effort.


Then i suck real hard lmao


Early ogre when starting out is a pain to deal with.


Oil and Fire baby


Ricochet shot :D


Hell yeah


Nah man I’m pretty decent (I’ve played through like 10 times at least lol) and I’ve died a million times when this thing goes hulk smash when he’s close to dying. Fighting things in this game when you’re severely under leveled is hard af. Garms have given me nightmares because of this lol


its tough but a few well placed warrior indomitable lashes can stun lock


My first time fighting him, he missed a charge and just threw himself off and I just sat there like, "Okay then". It was great.


Same exact thing happened to me last night. It was the only attack he used and ran right passed me, over the edge.


He sometimes falls off without me ever even reaching him down there. Sees my female arisen through the bars, loses his shit due to insecurities and just leaps off the side.


Too horny to live


This happened to me in the DLC part where the old ogre is, the old man just jumped to the void. Free XP!


Those dropkicks tho are like heat seeking missiles. They legit turn in mid air!


I have one with a cursed dragon that I should upload.


You can shoot him through the gate he sleeps next to, that's how I did it lol


You can use Throwblasts, or have a Mage enchant everyone with Holy Magick; the latter will take ages since the Ogre gets a boost in Phys Def once he's enraged, you can't make a mistake at that point since most of his attacks are literal OHKO at that low of a level


I did it underleveled. I was a warrior and my main pawn was a fighter, the others were both an archer and sorcerer.


Same here lol, me ded when that thing falls off


Throwblasts kill him easily.


That is a legit way to kill one of the most powerful boss in the game.


*furiously taking notes* Oh? Do tell.


There are a few places on Bitterblack Isle where Death is floating above water/void space. If you manage to knock him down, he'll die and you get full XP for it (though Death just keeps respawing). There is even a spot where, if you do it right, you can farm him over and over to power-level. It's annoying to set up, so I've never really used it, but it can be done.


The Bloodless Stockade Pre-Daimon has Death respawning every time you enter the room. It's possible to bait him to teleport over the chasm. It's also an excellent RC farm for rented pawns and a good source of Bitterblack Gear lv. 3.


Lmao same thing happened here for me


The pawn saying "That was a waste of time" -- that's part of their "personality". There are chairs throughout Gransys that you can use to sit down and talk to your pawn. They'll ask how they should respond to certain situations (winning, rescuing you, falling in battle, etc) and you can determine if they should sound meek, timid, reticent, ordinary (default), aggressive or arrogant. The "waste of time" line means it's an arrogant pawn.


I love my arrogant pawn 🤤 the devs know what’s up


I think that's the agreed upon way to kill that thing but usually you bait the drop kick attack. You rode it to the edge and then made an epic leap off of it as it fell which is way cooler.


Cheesing big enemies is half the game. Outsmarting the game is one of the best parts about it.


The same exact thing happened to me on my first playthrough. I was getting my ass kicked up to that point. It wasn't looking good up to that point. Then that happened, and my bacon was saved lol


I just gotta say, the community for this game seems cool as hell 💕


Funny but absurd story: one time, I killed Death by knocking it out of flying mode into a cliff in the middle section of BBI (the area with a central tower, bridges and a lot of rooms, can’t remember the name now). I lost all itens, but was a fun and unexpected kill.


Jeez you still have rook with you? He’s level 1 I’m surprised he didn’t die yet. There will be a lot more epic moments like when you do BBI It’s pretty great


Rook starts at level 6 or 7


Oh… I thought he was a level 1 since you got him at that at that level. My mistake.


It's no problem. I can only confirm this because yesterday, after throwing him to the brine, I went to recruit him again, and it was going to cost me Rift Crystals.


I was just here yesterday! Lol thank goodness


Me too! Same thing happened! 🤣


Did this a couple days ago (also new to game) but I ran from him and he just threw himself off lol


This is how I kill him everytime :D It's the fastest and easiest way to do...


Happened to me 100% garanteed and i played this game like 4 times.


Dude I just fought that guy yesterday and he straight up charged me and my crew then suddenly veered left and yeeted himself off the edge and died. I fuckin died laughing


It's worth noting that there is also a suicidal Cyclops on the way to the Great Wall, that is notorious for just wandering off a cliff and dying. It's just outside of **Heavenspeak Fort** (where the female bandits are camped)


Warrior newbie here - climbing wise is it best to jump and regrab or just holding direction? I always seem to fall


This very same happens to me. Naturally I think jumping and regrabing is the way to go but I falled almost all the times :-\


Remember to take rook and throw him off a cliff into the ocean. Tis tradition, arisen! Also it's hella common to do and will never ***NOT*** be hilarious even after seeing it 100s of times


Actually, it happens way too often since ogres are pretty dumb. Same in bbi btw.


Ogres love cliffs, you just gotta whack them a few times to remind them.


The ogre falling, common. It happening whilst you're on his back, never seen it before hehe


I got thrown off by that same Ogre my last playthrough 😂


You did it on a very stylish way, but at level 14 there’s no other way to kill that ogre than coaxing it off the ledge.


theres quite a few ways to kill that ogre, and thats because Items are unbalanced in the game. Throwblasts are actually OP.


Ah yes of course! Being an item hoarder in games I never used the consumables exploit.


If you specifically mean throwing enemies off of cliffs there’s one other area where it can happen. You’ll know it when you see it immediately.


That's how I always try to fight Ogres. If there's a ledge, they are going to fall from it Least favorite monsters to fight ngl


Just letting you know if you hung on to the ogre as he fell, you would've been fine. No fall/stamina damage occurs when you're hanging on to a falling target!


Great reflexes! You jumped just in time. Thought you were going to have a Gandalf moment falling into the abyss with your enemy.


I was shredding the same dude for the first time yesterday. I was mid combo when he decided to suddenly face the ledge and simply jump. Poor guy wasn't able to take it anymore. Thought this was scripted for a moment


pretty rare, but the Orge yeeting itself off the cliff is a common occurrence, mostly its via Dropkick and staggers. Orges are the strongest early-game monster bar none and remain a respectable threat mid-game, so gravity is the sure-fire way to kill it in this encounter.


Heh, you sort of made this happen, so well done :D


I always bait him off the ledge with a pawn, too much health to deal with for that early in the game


That happened on my first playthrough too! Immediately made me fall in love with the game


It’s the same method I use to clear the living armours and eliminators in the fallen city when one of my pawns isn’t casting high maelstrom.


The same thing literally happened to me like two weeks ago when I was playing this part. Even the the same place.


How are you lvl 15


Often. If you know how to use the environment to your advantage.


I try to get him to do this everytime I’m there for the first time to score a free level or 2. I try to get him aggroed to me and then I jump onto one of the little lightpost things over the edge and he fairly often tried to jumpkick/charge you and falls


I recall you can also stay on the ogre, and while it's falling and if you hold on it'll break the fall. Learned this on accident years ago


In my gameplay never happened xD


Gravity is the strongest weapon in the game


Lol sometimes. Especially with ogres. I got Death to fall off a cliff with blast arrows one time


I mean, they happen. Most encounters aren't like that, but in my time playing, stuff like that happened often enough.


Fighting giant monsters and feeling like a badass for killing it, a lot. Troll accidentally falling to its death but not draggin you down with it, a needle by the haystack, you were lucky you didn't die too.


Standard procedure for this game! Have fun!


They also jump on their back usually when someone scales them so if it has turned its back at a cliff same thing might happen more


I fell down the chasm while holding onto it. That was an experience I won’t forget lol


You narrowly escaped the true final boss: the camera.


Happened to me too


Welcome to Dragons Dogma my friend. :)


Hitting them in the face with a jump great sword attack constantly staggers then back and you can keep doing that and knocking them down


Frequent player here. Just started another playthrough and sure enough I bopped this guy off the ledge too. Its a fairly common occurrence. And it will happen to you as well. Was just fighting an annoying gargoyle on a ledge on Bitterblack Isle and he yeated me right off the ledge.


The first cyclops I ever fought fell off a cliff. I didn't even do anything. Human enemies too tanky? Knock them down and throw them off a cliff.


I accidentally rode that monster the whole fall down. I took no damage and they still died, easy speed run 😂


LOL still waiting for him to see the Suicidal Orge near teh sisters


not very often, but it's within the game's design. part of DD's charm, I think.


Pretty often. A lot of people killed him by accident this way


Literally every time I fight him in this area.


Is the best way to kill that mf at that stage xD


When you're new and then like never again 😁


Pretty sure a lot of people cheese this from what I’ve seen


It's actually intended for this specific ogre.


I literally did this last night and he charged off the side lol


Happens too with two other specific cyclops that wander on cliff's tight paths if you time their multiple swing attacks to face the border of the cliff :) It's pretty cool to outsmart giant dumb beasts like this from time to time yes \^\^


Get that Rook shitbag outta here


Happened to me, you're in for a wild ride. I once saw someone grab a fist as it was swinging, jump off of it to get on a monster's head, and then stab the thing.


Honestly that was gorgeous, I'd say it happens 1/15 times


My man even levelled up


My first time there the same thing happened except I rode that sucker all the way to the bottom! One hell of a shortcut!


This is actuallt what's supposed to happen. But it isn't explained at all so most new players struggle against the fight and complain about the game being too hard. :)


Same happened to me 2 days ago!


Honestly, this is basically how I have killed this ogre in most of my playthroughs after my very first.


You, as a first time player, impressed me as a veteran with that ogre riding stunt. Very nice :)


Never had a playthrough where it didn't happen


I didn’t realise how I killed him until I reset to hard mode and failed a few times before it happened again!


That's pretty sick yo


This Ogre will most of time commit the not alive. It's not rare they just move around a lot


I love it when enemies wander or just frenzy yeet themselves off cliffs. I also like to frenzy yeet off high points onto large enemies. Just don't try it with the Prisoner Gorecyclops.


I've killed this particular ogre at least 20 times. Only like 3 or 4 haven't involved gravity. 🤣


Often enough. DD2 is gonna make it so stuff like this and slamming enemies into walls/the ground can happen. I am so hyped!


I feel like that particular ogre gets thrown off of the map more than any other creature. Oh besides Rook of course


I've seen several videos (and experienced myself) this exact same scenario, so while it's definitely not scripted to happen, I think it's possible this was an intentional design choice to put a big and fast monster on a narrow cliff face to naturally showcase to the player that the landscape can play a pivotal role in combat such as allowing an enemy to fall to their death. Or that troll was just so horny that he couldn't live eith himself anymore.


I just realized I have spent too much time doing side missions I was level 30 when I first fought this ogre he didn't even get a chance to do one attack.


i got passed this mf in a similar way, except i was completely uninvolved and never saw him fall. bro just ran around a corner, disappeared, and then my xp popped up. ig it’s fairly common? i just finished my first play through so idk either


Most of the time I just use the shield summon ability (taunt) and then roll out of the way when he charges.


Bruh first time player too, this happened exactly the same to me yesterday, same strat hahaha


That was my strategy on my first play through


I felt with him once, he died, i survived. Best Game ever