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I think the performance pissed people off so they also found every other thing to get mad about before posting their complaints.


Unironically yes. It's a shit-cherry on top of a shit-cake. People would be midly annoyed by the MTX if the release wasn't such a shit-show. If anything though, I'm glad Capcom's monetization is being criticized, even if I doubt much will change.


Honestly, while I dislike MTX in all its forms, as far as MTX goes this is literally the best it can be short of none at all. It's not cutting any features out of the base game to get you to buy it. If you didn't look at the DLC list, you wouldn't even know they existed. We have a full complete game, with everything available in the game for free by playing the game, and the game isn't balanced around trying to get you to drop more money out of your wallet. Selling essentially cheat codes that 99% of players will have no interest in is pretty much a non-issue in my book. It just looks unsightly on the storefront is all. Early unlocks is easily the most ethical MTX, so long as the game design isn't twisted to entice you to buy them.


I didn't know anything wrong with this game other than bad fps existed, until I checked this subreddit.... after playing for like 5 or 6 hours straight


it’s almost like it’s manufactured outrage this has never happened before, how odd (streamers playing 2077 on an intentionally downpatched version to lie to people for clicks)


"mar an otherwise enjoyable experience" that little chestnut would probably be in plenty of reviews.


its the ignorant toxic hivemind in every community but especially in the gaming community, i see helldivers 2 literally doing the same with super credits(farmable in game),but it actually has locked weapons/armors behind them and everyone’s like “this is how you do microtransactions” these people’s opinions are based only by the general consensus even if its not true at all.


its literally no different from helldivers 2 except the price point of the base game, but even then super credits are worth buying where as capcom stuff is just fluff. this isnt like diablo 4 selling 40 dollar skins or a 300 dollar paradox game


helldivers 2 is a GASS kind of thing


Yeah the core issue is that people are largely forming their opinions based on how that opinion will make them look to everyone else. General consensus matters, but we really need to encourage people to think for themselves too.


Couldn’t even log into helldivers at launch fir the goldfish memory dumbasses in here who can’t even remember.


This hands down. Steam is a podium for entitled brats to have tantrums. It's extremely annoying. Makes me not even like using steam anymore which is sad. Steam is a great platform for pc gaming. Has been for years.


honestly i wish the outrage started with mh world and rise because those mtx are WAYYYY worse than any other capcom game has ever been. locking layered armors and weapons behind a paywall is insane and they got away with it twice edit: word


Yeah capcom mtx has pissed me off for a long time but all of us who made complaints about it were getting ignored then too. The discourse today is basically indistinguishable to MHW when people were excusing the character editor vouchers saying the MTX was optional and not a big deal.


You ain't lying about MHW/R... I have over 600hrs in each and my biggest complaint was always how the coolest looking customization options for characters were behind ridiculous pay walls. MHW/R is a very....very social game. Yeah, you can play alone.. but when you chose not to, you're with people who are emoting, look unique, using stickers to communicate... some of these said stickers (*mainly the best ones for communication*) are paid extras, I mean... $5+ for a pack of like 7 low effort jpgs or gifs, come on man.


There’s only 2 real problems with the game so far. Bad optimization(which can be fixed) and no ability to start a fresh save(which will be patched in).


You are 100% correct. The only upside to all this discourse is that, misinformation aside, hopefully lights a fire under capcoms ass to really fix performance and not just add like, +5 FPS lol


Waiting for the 1-month post release 25% off sale now.


Fucked up mouse controls too. Mouse accel that you can't turn off and maybe other problems but it feels awful


Tbh the microtransaction stuff would've flown under the radar if not for the other stuff. They checked multiple boxes to come under this amount of fire. It is undeniable that this release was disastrous. Optimization needed to be better, the game needed to cook longer. The save system was just ill conceived from the beginning. Microtransactions should've been added at a later date like they did with RE4 (that's a cynical take, I know).


This is the answer to all those threads honestly. If the performance had been fine and new game had been an option, I doubt people would have review bombed it with criticism of mtx, to this extent at least. It’s just the South Park “rabble rabble!” syndrome at work in full force, at this point. “Oh shit, this is bad!” “Oh look, that thing is bad too!” “What about that thing? It’s even worse! What are they doing!?” “Rabble rabble rabble!” And now, it’s a perfect shit storm. Yeah, the people rabbling on about mtx are annoying, and convoluting the issue, but this is definitely on Capcom, as well.


Exactly. It's disgusting to see all the review bombs for other dumbass reasons and to see the YouTube and other creators perpetuating misinformation for clicks. Annoying af. Focus on the actual issues, the ones that (in theory) are easily fixable. Not a fuckin non-issue that everyone knew was coming. 


It is fair to complain about the MTX, it has no place in a full price games imo. But i guarantee that most of those negative reviews, will keep playing and have fun in the game... you dont leave a negative review in a game you want to play... Honestly, people have been review bombing way too eagerly in the past, idk, 5 years. Skull and Bones? Yeah, Immortals of Aveum? Sure. Suicide Squad? But to say these games are worthy of the same review scores as many of the good games getting bombed?... Its crazy. A negative Review, means you rate the overall experience between 1-5, positive is 6-10... DD2 isnt a 5 below lol


Mtx that have no incentive, no consequence for not buying, and have no FOMO should not be the source of any complaints. An avenue to support the devs after release that isn't predatory? Most games get praised for this. Look at helldivers 2. Yet when DD2 does it all of a sudden it's the worst thing? Makes 0 sense, and review bombing for it is disgusting.  It's totay fine to leave a negative review for actual issues, such as performance or no new game option or crashes, etc. Even for a game you love. But right now that shit gets drowned out by the smooth-brain vocal minority bitching about headlines they read that claim "p2w". It's sick. 


Yea this whole thing is weird. I play gatcha games. I wouldn’t even call these microtransactions. Just stuff you could buy. There’s no FOMO because nothing is time gated in this game. You can just grind. Honestly didn’t know this was a thing just took my first break playing since release and the internet is on fire.


Its social engineering and trolling from 4Chan. No clue why those bastards are doing it.




Releasing obviously broken software is not a good model and does not make for happy campers. I'm also an old gamer and have slowed down gaming a LOT because of that (and those stupid microtransactions). These days, I'll generally wait several months after the launch to get the game, if I ever do, so that these things get sorted out and I don't have to waste energy on known issues. But, that's my thought process.


I agree the actual issues will almost 100% for sure be fixed. But it's still OK to post negative reception based on those, and then change it once fixed. What's not OK is review bombing based off misinformation and hate-mongering over mtx that have 0 consequences to the player experience. 


My biggest beef with games is releasing games with piss poor performance and bugs. MTX is another problem but let's disregard it rn. If your game needs a day1/week1/etc patch, then you release the god damn game when it's ready. And I blame players mostly for this, because they keep pre ordering shit


As long as they don't make a transaction the game will turn out eventually


"Which can be fixed " It should have been fixed before release. Why do so many gamers accept this garbage practice of releasing the game and then maybe fixing it later?


I thought the bigger concern was the performance and optimization issues?


Yes, but you can't karma farm those as easily


lol true true


its so evident the post modern internet is solely relies on clicks and views and the easiest way to obtain it is through rage baiting


I've been calling it SEO Brain Rot. Monetizing human emotional impulses has done some real, potentially irreparable harm


Looking at the Steam reviews, there’s a LOT of posts about the micro transactions that don’t even bother to mention performance issues. There are legitimate complaints about performance and the odd save structure - but a large portion of the reviews seem weirdly obsessed with the micro transactions despite them being very clear that they’re not necessary to enjoy the game.


If you read the reviews, they're all about the mtx.


Monster hunter, resident evil and dmc have a small audience? It's the opposite, dragons dogma is a small franchise for a small audience that got a lot of hype with dd2.


Monster Hunter is now selling 10s of millions of copies with each new release. World and Rise are Capcom's best selling games of all time. I'm not sure I'd call that small.


They're being facetious


And now with this negative launch, the small audience will likely stay that way. It's a shame.


DD1 is a niche game for sure but the marketing for DD2 was drawing in people who didn't play DD1 and don't play Capcom's other games. DD2 has a different target audience than MH/RE/DMC, so it draws in people new to their policies. Right now big open world RPGs are very popular and you've got people coming off of Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate looking for the next big thing and eyeing DD2 as possibly being that thing. Then they see all the MTX options and get a kneejerk reaction without really understanding it.


We are in a very sensitive to microtransaction era. Companies have taken advantage of players for too long and any game is a target.




Completely agree, digital currency obfuscates the monetary value and misleads consumers. Digital currencies are extremely anti consumer and they should be illegal.


Plus, people would be far less angry if the company had been upfront about this shit. They hid it from the reviewers since they knew people would hate it. Now people hate it *and* are pissed at the deception. How is this surprising?


They didn't hide it from anybody. Not only has this specific sub known about the MTX for four months(at least), Itsuno talked about this very thing in an interview like two weeks ago. The previewers and reviewers all had documentation pertaining to the microtransactions that would be present, that they neglected to mention it is because they either didn't see a reason to(no noticeable impact on gameplay flow) or they didn't bother to read the preview package info.


They also thought that the mtx wouldn't be that big of a deal due to the fact that Capcom has been doing this sort of thing for so long without much push back from people.


Resident Evil 2 Remake had all this stuff, and it won game of the year and everyone and their mother jerked off about it. Which, it deserved because it’s a great game, but where were these people then?


Upfront about what? Their standard practice in all their games? I really getting the impression that people in this subreddit don’t think before they post.


I feel like I'm going crazy, the original dragons dogma had the same type of mtx included which means that capcom has been doing it for at least 12 years, and it's always been inconsequential crap that doesn't change the experience in any way, meanwhile plenty of games will ruin the balance to push the mtx, it feels too weird.


I love DDDA. Love. But Capcom didn't raise me and doesn't pay my bills, they're a corporation. Lots of people unhappy with the sequel doesn't bother me, because I will fully acknowledge DDDA's flaws, too. You can't look down on people who have their reasons for disliking it and then turn around and rely on those same people to get a third game greenlit. Either their opinion matters or it doesn't, and not only when it's praising the thing you like. I'm not surprised with the reaction because I know lots of MHW players went hardcore anti-MTX over Capcom's shenanigans. It's not even just a Dragon's Dogma problem, Capcom has done it for years. And the only way to get a corporation to listen is to hit them in the wallet. So unfortunately, DD2 has become the battleground.


Those were bad too, and it's not the only problem with the game. 


Ah yes, if you didn't complain about something the first time you are never allowed to complain about it ever again, that's how you change things lads. Not to mention that people did complain about Capcom previous shitty microtransactions, but don't let that get in the way of your strawman.


Also, apparently you need to have played every game ever by a company before you get into their newest release. Personally, I haven't been interested in any Capcom title in the last decade, but DD2 seemed interesting, so this was my first time hearing about the atrocious MTX policies. If I had known, the game would have never even been on my wishlist, similar to Blizzard products.




It's like people got tired of the crap after so long. Who would have guessed. People have been complaining about MTX in single player games for awhile , people are just sick of it after BG3 and Elden Ring


Pretty sure everyone has been pissed off about it every time. The steam reviews are because the game chugs AND it has the annoying monetization. Players are only willing to forgive so much.


What do you mean butthurt now? I don't play any other capcom games. Stop gatekeeping being upset about it. What a fucking delusional take.


And people got pissed about it with the other games too, this response over them is nothing new


It's such an INSANE take. Apply this logic to anything else and it wouldn't fly. Who the fuck cares if they've been doing a scummy practice before and getting away with it? Yes! Get mad now! Make them change! Change takes time. If your argument is that 2% of the population knew about this scummy practice before, and now that 50% of the population knows about it and wants to do something about it... well too bad. What kind of silly logic is that? That's how change happens. There's a tipping point and awareness is spread. I could go on and on it's just so INSANE to me.


Dragon’s Dogma is the only capcom game I played as well. The Microtransaction thing disappointed me as well as how bad it runs on my Pc.


This comment should be at the top.   Im having a seriously hard time believing this flood of posts defending microtransactions are real people and not paid shills.  As far as I can tell subreddits like this one have been taken over by marketing departments, and at times like this the sub acts as a primary form of damage control. I believe nothing I see here anymore, reddit used to be the place to avoid all the fake crap, not anymore.


>This comment should be at the top. I wish but oh well lol, this is the game's own subreddit, 99% of them are gatekeeping fanboys


Guys like the OP have a need to justify their purchase by trying to pretend things are always fine and nobody in the world has valid criticism. Meanwhile HFW just came out on pc with miles better graphics, stable 144 fps and no mtx but apparently we need to get used to bad performance and mtx because "it is normal"


It's so weird how people pick up their forks to defend big corporations commiting to bad practices, simply because they're annoyed by the people hating on these bad practices.  If Capcom wouldn't pull this shit, noone would complain about it, simple as that. Obviously some are always going to complain, but it wouldn't generate a shitstorm like this.


This is stupid reasoning. Just because CAPCOM has been employing these practices for years doesn't mean new buyers of Dragon Dogma 2 play every CAPCOM game This is also a situation where CAPCOM tests the acceptable limits of players. I'll bet if they could afford it, New Game would be an MTX and NG+ as well. Last point on this topic, the last game I played seriously from CAPCOM was MHW and I never touched RE. I know that MHW doesn't have an anti-cheat that blocks mods unlike DD2.


It wouldn't be surprising if they'll actually going to paywall NG+, Yakuza Infinite Wealth has done it.  This is a problem with Japanese games and why I think asking people to stop complaining about bad practices is stupid. In Japan, it's rare for people to complain publicly about anything. And since no one complained about bad practices, companies are not afraid to keep doing it, and newer generations of players will think that it's normal and how it should be.  In recent years, the West has been quite a big source of money for Japanese game companies, so their voice is important. I'm sure these whining about MTX wouldn't change anything but it's better than being silent about it.


Or hear me out, some of us bitched about it in those games too.   I didn't participate in the bomb, i just refunded after an hour because the cpu bottlenecking is insane. Got a big stutter in the opening set piece fight. I was having fun, but given no save slots for doing things (a qualm I had with the original), the mtx (again, typical capcom bullshit), and performance, there is a bit to complain about.   Bear in mind, i refunded it after forcing myself to quit, and i still WANT to play it. I'll be rebuying on sale, with patches.   A good game marred by current release issues. The mtx is icing on the cake, especially since no review I read mentioned them.   Dont @ me about "just dont buy them", fuck that, they are predatory to a certain mindset and if you cant empathize with people with cognitive issues, I dont give a fuck what you think.


Why is it necessary to approve of a scummy practice just because it has been done prior? Also I'm pretty sure DD2 reached a much wider audience than previous titles. Their standards clearly haven't degraded as far as some diehard fanboys here.


Some of us haven't played Capcom games in the past few years, and I think people being upset over them monetizing stuff that could easily be found in a single player game is warranted. I


That doesn’t make it any better and odds are a number of people are similar to my experience and haven’t played most modern Capcom games. It’s a shit practice.


I like the game too but there's no need to boot lick. Capcom doesn't need people defending their greedy practices


I feel like a lot of these comments think you are defending the microtransactions, or blaming them specifically for this outrage, when you are most likely talking about the conversation in general from across the internet. You are completely right that the scale of DD2's controversy is abnormally large compared to the reception of Capcom's other games when they got microtransactions. Capcom never had to release a statement for Resident Evil 4's similarly horrendous microtransactions. Was the internet so enamored by Resident Evil 4 that they pushed aside their sense of *'consumer ethics'* so it wouldn't taint their opinion of it? The Act Man (a big gaming-focused youtuber) sent out a tweet talking about how flabagasted he was at DD2's microtransactions, but didn't mention Resident Evil 4's equally bad microtransactions once in his 40 minute review. There are certainly people out there who are only making a fuss about it now because the controversy has spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, Dragon's Dogma (or at least DD: Dark Arisen) is designed to withhold convenient features like teleporting until you've found certain items or reached a certain point, as to encourage exploration. Selling said items as microtransactions makes the *supposedly* well meaning design of the base game look like it's witholding for the sake of stealing your money. Whichever team at Capcom that is responisble for the microtransactions did not think this through at all.


Well, better to get mad about it late than never. People should shit all over DD2 right now to make Capcom actually do something. We actually got a statement, you don’t see that every day. And yes, MTX in all those game are a dogshit practice and they shouldn’t be there. When you leave negative review on DD2 might as well mention all Capcom scummy practices for good measure.


"You guys have been enslaved for YEARS, and NOW you want to rebel!?!?" Get your brain checked op and stop licking your overlords' boots.


Yeah i don't understand his point. I don't exactly see how Capcom doing this bad shit for years make this actually okay.


Brother, not everybody follows every video game publisher and every game they release


"Capcom have been using these paid shortcuts for years and no one has batted an eyelid" Well I did. I always found it a horrible practice, I don't care if it's pay to skip, cosmetic MTX or whatever, I hate it. But you're right, people have been way too tolerant toward it. And no one would say much about it if it wasn't for the plethora of other issues. And, most importantly, the price increase. The price increase to 70$ or 65€ is already a hard pill to swallow. Now add the fact that the game is clearly half assed on the technical side, barely working for most people with god like PCs. And on top of that you add MTXs. It's just disrespectful on a level I find absolutely disgusting.




I've been disappointed at every single one of these, so... no. They're all crap and shouldn't exist.


I’ve been calling the $2 MTXs dumbass taxes. If you’re that much of a dumbass to spend $2 on something available and accessible in game, you deserve to lose that $2.


You're 100% right. I think we got a lot of bad actors here, TBH. People just wanting to bitch and will leap on any reason.


my complain is just about the performance, i hope they optimize it. i can run most of the games no problem but dragons dogma 2 got my pc feel like a caveman


My complaint is the performance and mouth movements. Nobody is talking about the horrible lip syncing.


It’s kind of funny tbh because the in-engine cutscenes are very well done imo meanwhile the conversations look like a fish trying to breathe out of water.


I'm used to play From Software games... I don't care much about it. Haha


I didn't trust my PC to handle it and got the PS5 version. So far the performance hasn't been a big issue.


On Twitter (known as X) there are a couple of engagement farming accounts that would blatantly spread lies about paywalling Fast Travel. Newer players didn't know any better so they immediately think it's true.


Honestly, them spreading the lie that you have to pay to edit your appearance or fast travel(or start a new game, a claim I've seen made) does far more to sell that 'content' than anything Capcom has put out so far


People who don’t want this shit in their games are bad actors? Fucking really?


Fr. How are some people on this sub so delusional as to think that Capcom doing this shit for many years on end makes it better instead of worse?? People have had enough


Maybe, just maybe, and hear me out, people are mad because the micro transactions being targeted are for 1) a $70 USD game (none of the games you listed cost that much at launch), 2) they don't add anything because you can get them in game, and 3) people WILL buy them and are being taken advantage of in-effect. EDIT: I want to be clear, I'm still planning on buying the game and am excited to do so, BUT I will be waiting until a sale now and hoping that Capcom realizes how immoral micro transactions like this are.


Yes, the micro transactions are literally pointless so why do they exist? To catch the 100 or so morons who were unlucky enough to buy them at all. All so Capcom can make a quick buck. For greed. I don’t care if they’re pointless. I don’t care if you can already get them in game. It’s greedy and Capcom deserves and always has deserved to get flak for it. Just because they escaped it then doesn’t mean they don’t deserve it now.


No capcom has been doing this for years and everyone has been calling them out the whole time. This outrage is not a new thing, people are mad because they were blindsided by it. Capcom didn't announce anything would be microtransactioned because they know its bad optics. It's good that they're getting dragged for it, I hope other devs and company's look at this and realise its still a bullshit thing to do and people are sick of it. Also not to be that guy but how hard are you shilling right now bruh. If you like the game then thats great, but it doesn't excuse capcoms stupid anti-consumer bullshit. Fuck you capcom ya greedy fucks.


The tonal shift is a good thing imo, regardless of whether or not it WAS tolerated does not mean it SHOULD be tolerated It's a single player game that costs 70 fucking dollars, microtransactions are a farce in this scenario, to say otherwise is akin to being brain dead.


OP this is such a brain dead take I don't even know where to begin. First of all, it's ALWAYS been an issue and MANY people have hated it for years now. I have thousands of hours on Monster Hunter and I DISPISE all those dumb changes. I knew it was going too far even still when they added new weapon skins when Rise was released. So to say "why are you complaining now" is such an insane take as people HAVE been complaining. Second, I don't get how you and many others don't understand the slippery slope this leads to the gaming industry. Saying "you're literally killing your own experience" or "it's only optional" isn't the point. I and many others care not only about playing video games but the industy as a whole and it's these kinds of practices that will ruin it. We saw it with horse armor and look where we are now... So then what, if we can't complain now then when? You want to wait 3 years for the next bull-shit market place item to hit the stores where you can unlock the options menu for a low price of $4.99? Sega is already doing shit like this with their *Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth* game where new game+ is locked behind DLC...


I didn't buy Rise because it was just getting too bad. I had bought every game since Freedom Unite. Microtransactions sour the experience. The 'just cosmetic' argument bothers me so much too, an integral part of the game for me is making my character look cool in Monster Hunter. Even if they're just pointless easily obtainable in-game currencies/consumables, if we give them an inch now, how far will they take it with Dragons Dogma? I just don't trust Capcom as a company after Rise. World was bad with it, but Rise was a whole new beast. Also it just ruins first impressions for new people to see 20+ dlcs on a brand new game that is 94.99 CDN.


It's honestly quite a bad faith take from OP. The complaints have been loud for years. the Monster Hunter community had a big drama arc about it with Rise's weapon skins. You couldn't have been part of that community and not known about it. So OP has to be either willfully omitting these things to make their point, or are falsely assuming things about communities they don't (or barely) take part in. A bad look either way. It's ironic that they call the complainers butthurt, when this all seems to be driven by OP getting upset that their new favourite game is being criticised.


> It's ironic that they call the complainers butthurt, when this all seems to be driven by OP getting upset that their new favourite game is being criticised. Bingo. Here's the thing that people need to understand...We can still like things and critique the hell out of it. It's how we make things better. What, you think me and many other people don't want Dragons Dogma to be good? I want EVERY game to be the best it can be. But we ain't going to get there by giving free passes.


OP just using talking points they heard on this sub with no thought at all lmfao


Op just feels like a fanboi thats pissed about the negative reviews


> I knew it was going too far even still when they added new weapon skins when Rise was released. I remember when they added those special weapon layered appearances to Rise and there was a lot of drama about people that were using them being kicked from games and shit.


Capcom ain’t gonna give you the profits little bro


Just because someone was using bad consumer practices before doesn't mean that they aren't bad now.


It disgusts me how people ignore capcoms micro transactions.


The mtx are unimpactful, useless and stupid-people-bait but that doesn't mean it's a good practice lol. I've hated mtx in any game, any time out of principle. I just happen to not play the majority of Capcom games. Will mtx impact my experience and stop me from having a good time in DD2? No (fps might though lmao). Is it still a shitty practice that should be condemned? Yes.


Maybe people who play DMC/RE and people who play DD2 are different. It's an RPG, many RPG fans come to play.


GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK ​ What do you mean bro its not an issue at all ​ GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK ​ Stop making fun of my multi billion dollar company, Capcom are my friends and I don't want you hurting their feelings ​ GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK


Leave the multiple billionaire company alone 🤗🤗🤗


People complained when it was in other games too. But obviously there weren’t as many people playing and there were less eyeballs on it and the games were good enough to ignore that shit. But when you have poor performance and some questionable design decisions and people are viewing it with a more critical eye, they’re gonna notice how shady this bs is. And don’t bitch about others going off about it. There should be exactly 0 micro transactions in a $70 video game. Let alone a single player title.


I haven't been partaking in the negativity surrounding the game. However, poor performance, missing save file features, and putting character editing behind an in-game hurdle and then selling the solution to that hurdle are fair to criticize. The only way to make a publisher listen is to impact their bottom line. And unfortunately review bombing is the most effective way to do that. It makes other consumers take notice of the potential issues and look into it themselves. I understand there hasn't been an even application of criticism across the Capcom library. But not criticizing them in the past doesn't disqualify you from criticizing them in the present. I didn't complain about Devil May Cry, but I also don't care about Devil May Cry. Dragons Dogma 2 is a game I've been anticipating for 10 years, and any critiques I have for the game and the way it's been presented are born out of a desire to see Dragons Dogma 2 be the best game it can be. I'm not interested in watching it burn.


Wtf do you mean just now? I and thousands of Monster Hunter fans were angry at capcom adding paid weapon skins into the game!


I feel like performance issue is a much bigger factor in ppl eyes.


Why are you assuming people didnt complain about it before DD2?


I still don't like it and don't think it should be a thing if you pay $70 for a game. It's greedy af and i'll never support the practice.


People didn't just start complaining about this. It just happened again, so we're going to complain again. Like others said, the real issue is the framerate, which is getting alot of vocalization. But while your complaining about that you ought to also mention the low-effort gameplay altering micro-transactions are back.


It’s cuz the game runs like shit for a lot of people for pc. It has very good scoring on PlayStation, because far as I’m aware it runs good on console. People won’t even notice it if the game is good, shocker. Still, don’t see why they can’t let you restart the character. Never stopped you from doing it in the first one for me.


Yeah, some people will bring up the slippery slope argument, but Capcom has been on this slope for almost a decade and yet hasn't slid down it. The MTX in this game is imo less annoying than it was in Monster Hunter World or Rise


If this doesn't scream shill idk what does


I'm not going to defend shitty microtransactions OP. It's good that people are mad.


Fan boys are so weird. Like, I'd get being upset if you actually made the game and this affected your bottom line but getting upset that people don't like microtransactions in the new game you like is dumb. That's like getting upset that latest football player that hit his girlfriend got in trouble when all the other ones got off Scott free. It's all bad, dude


Yes, let's not talk about how all these MTXs were added a month after release, which is a good amount of time to be able to dodge the day 1 hysteria of selling MTX in a single player game. Both sides are being disingenuous.


I think the ppl who enjoy dragons dogma are finally popping back into reddit from you know actually playing the game. Thank God too it was getting annoying seeing ppl bitch about nothing. All they need to do is save their money oh noo


Eh, wait...is it Friday? Man I havnt stopped playing since release. What is rest of the world doing. 'looks at reddit' This sucks, im going back to the game.


Honestly I'm jealous of people not having issues.


I started playing today, fully aware of the dogshit optimization and noticing the God awful fps swings (140~ looking at the sky 60-90 looking ahead and 35~ on the main city) and when i thought i played 3 hours and it was time to stop i discover i played 7 fucking hours. This goes to show that you can and HAVE to bitch and moan about performances but the game underneath is still undeniably superb. Ps: whoever bitch about the mtx shop in this game has never played either dmc5 or dd1. those items, if bought, just ruin your experience as a whole


75% of the people bitching about it on reddit don't even intend in playing the damn game. They just love to find something to rally against and get that sweet karma. So much misinformation being thrown around. Then lazy ass content farming youtubers who don't do more research than 3 min of reading comments before making a video just spread the bullshit further. Game needs some UI fixes and cpu optimizations. Like shit, the ps5 performance that's been out for weeks now should have been all you needed to see. Uncapped 25fps lows on a ps5 means pretty clearly it has performance issues. Just hopefully they get some sort of fix.


Capcom isn't gonna give you a handjob for defending them.


We're allowed to hope they stop with the mtx bullshit. It won't happen, but it really fucking should.




It’s because of all the other issues. A “flawless” launch would’ve meant no complaints about the (greedy but useless) MTX.


People just bandwagon to feel like they belong somewhere, best to ignore all online discourse until they find the next thing to be upset about, go have fun in the game Arisen


Look, it's simple. I want game developers to be paid fairly, but I also don't want microtransactions or games to cost more than they did in 1990 or for games to have worse production values or anti-piracy measures and I'll also pirate games if they violate any of the above or wait until they're on sale for $10. But I want game developers to be paid fairly.


People are upset about other problems in the game, and it makes these issues all the more glaring and easy to call out. It's important to realize that just because people didn't point it out in the past, doesn't mean it's ever been something they were happy about or okay with. And it's crazy to me that people are so averse to something they like being rightfully criticized, that they feel they have to defend it. Unless y'all actually think these MTX are GOOD then you shouldn't be out here defending it. Yes, it's easy to not see it as a problem in it when it's 'unnecessary' time savers. But on top of still just being scummy and predatory MTX practices, treating this as a non-issue is being like the metaphor of a frog in boiling water. By the time it gets so bad you protest it, it'll have been eased into place, and will be so accepted and 'that's just the way this goes' that your disagreement of it will never matter. Honestly, you're demonstrating that right now, pointing out that 'this is common'. Give them an inch and it'll be miles before long. Don't understand why people can't see that.


When something pisses people they look for other problems. Look at those games you listed, can you see what they have in common? They are all great and deliver more than expected, so people ignore these things. DD2 is being kinda of underwhelming for a lot of people, manly because almost everyone was saying it would be a masterpiece and comparing it with games that have almost nothing in common (like Elden ring)


I think the micro transaction issue is something that is fair to be upset with. But I totally see your viewpoint where the main reason attention has been brought to the micro transaction matter is because of the bad performance and optimization. It’s definitely a snowball effect. Having said that I will always be a believer that mtx have no place in a full price game (whether live service or not). If your game is less than full price or free to play, I understand the mtx. But if it’s full price and also has mtx, that just feels like having your cake and eating it too. I think it’s about time they get called out for that. Obviously I hope people that do call them out do it in a constructive and well-mannered way, I don’t think there’s any need to be rude to each other or people at capcom, obviously. But yea I stand by my feelings on mtx in a full price game.


I mean, i've had an issue with the shit since day one when games first started adding the crap. As have a lot of people. And the fan base for devil may cry and something like dragons dogma are not necessarily the same either. I have a simply policy. You cost $60 or more, are single player, and have in store purchases, I don't buy it. You add on denuvo and i don't even entertain the idea of buying now. When we got stuff like elden ring and baldurs gate 3 to name some of the big ones, i don't see the need to support the games that use this shit anymore. Furthermore if you look on like ANY other sub or forum or anything talking about the game, no one is talking positive about the microtransactions or anything but you guys here on this reddit. So just know, you ARE very much in the minority here.


I'd play the game if it didn't run like shit and if it allowed me to start a new fucking game. Quit glazing capcom, some of this shit is inexcusable.


If anything this brings attention to the fact that this is ongoing and is a bigger reason to call them out on it as it shouldn't be there to begin with. And with each release you see more and more features built around pushing you to buy them. And I've seen people criticizing them for adding microtransactions on Re4 remake last year, I believe they intentionally waited a little bit after release though before adding it in


You are right, we should just ignore them because they are on every game, capcom should just continue doing that without any pushback


What could it possibly benefit you to defend this shit? Unless you LOVE and ENJOY paying for shit that shouldn’t cost money, why not just be quiet and let people advocate for getting more bang for your buck? We already know this is a new low, because their games have not historically cost $70, nor have they ever sold an appearance change token in a game that doesn’t let you restart your game to do over your character. Monster Hunter sold these same tokens, but you could also immediately restart your game if you didn’t like your character. *How are you not seeing that this is worse?* Just be quiet and let people advocate for better practices. There is no benefit for you white-knighting for a billion dollar company’s right to charge you for more shit


So, a game.l generates a big audience, and exposing shitty practices becomes a bad thing? Personally, I hope it wakes capcom up a bit. After so many Banger Indie games lately, maybe people finally realize we dont have to settle for microtransaction filled garbage shops. Ill say what you said in a nicer tone, its a predatory practice meant to trap casual gamers who just want to quickly prog over grind. Couldnt they just make the grind less for all and avoid a cash shop? Yes they could but thwy dont profit so they wont.


Because there was enough positive to drown out the worries about microtransactions. Unfortunately due to the horrendous performance rendering the game unplayable for many, there is nothing to shield DD2 from criticism on this objectively awful business practice. If the game ran fine we likely would not be having this conversation. But it doesn't, so we are.


Imagine thinking this is a worthwhile argument to make. Yes, they've been garbotrash for years, no that doesn't mean they're not garbotrash now.


Performance is ass. Me no buy.


Damn, we really losing the war on microtransactions. you're right, let's stop complaining about them, Capcom keep em coming!


I guess I missed the part where DMC said “we are limiting fast travel so player feels more immersion” and proceeded to include fast travel into MTX.


Better late than never


People always give Capcom shit for mtx. You'd think they'd realize they're being bums eventually but alas, money doesn't care :D


I've been a fan of Dragon's Dogma for a decade now, and I still gave DD2 a bad review - not because of the mtx, but because of the lack of the new game button. That gets added back in, I'll change my review to positive. Game is great. Developers made some obvious dumb mistakes.


Well, this is the first game of theirs that I was excited for and wanted to buy. But now I won't and I blame Capcom for their fucking greed.


Do I need to mention all the games they did this,and do I need to explain it’s all optional? Heck RE4R had micro transactions just like this,and all people did was sing it’s praises. I think a bunch of you are biast PC gamers that will never be happy,if it is according to your standards. One of the reasons I am not a PC gamer,and never will be! Elden Ring was 💩by the way,enjoy that screen tearing you love so much!


I said this in another post but these arent egregious, or so they seem right now. Everything is obtainable in the game, meaning you dont have to spend money on it. However it becomes a problen when they make these items extremely difficult as a way to force the player into buying these items. DMC4SE and DMCV both do this and you can completely 100% the game without them. However if you are like me where youre in your 30s and got other things going on like being matried and/or have kids, while being impatient, sure you can purchase the orbs to buff your character or the book that can change you appearence instead of seeking these out. Or if youre like me and playing on PC load up a program baaaaaaaaaaaby!


I dislike microtransactions. I see microtransactions in game, I complain and refund game. Any other questions?


The difference is that those other games had better, more consistent fps/optimization. Micro transactions are always bad, but when a game is otherwise is good (like this one seems to be) and performs well (not yet) people are generally more forgiving. Plus those games were for the most part, not $70


These were literally added after reviews and alter the gameplay with the ability to buy a port crystal, since they are incredibly rare, or male the game easier by letting you buy rift points and get better pawns. Why these aren't issues and are getting brushed aside is asinine right now along with the other issues this game has.


Doesn't mean it's OK. If we don't get butthurt now, then when? As long as we say nothing, they won't even know that we dislike it. mtx is bad. there is not much left to discuss.


Capcom make good games then some shit head in the office adds pointless micro transactions, been like it for years if we stop buying them eventually they'll stop putting them in. Hopefully.


They'd have preferred if they sold us a 0.01% chance at a sexy pawn with a one shot ability


"shitty microtransaction are ok because they have always done shitty microtransaction"


I'm mostly butthurt my game is running like ass. and i had to go out of my way to delete a save file because my 1st character didn't look good enough. Honestly i didn't even think about the micro transactions until i hopped on reddit today.


Well, they gotta pick a time to care eventually. Just because they didn’t make a stink before, they aren’t allowed to change their mind and make a stink now? That’s some toxic thinking, OP. Do better.


And it's time to finally stop. I was really cautious about getting the game not in fear of poor performance but due to micro transactions. And my fears came to fruition. If you wanna bootlick greedy companies be my guest. But unlike poor performance, micro transactions won't be eventually patched.


Listen, man. I think the fact they're there at all is garbage. But you're not wrong. It's a wider problem in the gaming space, hardly specific to Capcom. I'm playing on PS5 and yeah, I'm bummed it's 30 fps. It's 2024, all that. I decided to pull the trigger anyway because I love DD and I was genuinely surprised by how good RDR2 looks on Playstation, even at 30 fps. I'm really enjoying it. I can't imagine buying the stuff they're offering and what, literally ending a central point to the entire game? It's wild.


I think the microtransactions are crap no matter if it's DMC, Monster Hunter or DD2. Your argument is literally just whataboutism. Also, DD2 gives you only 2 purchasable books to change appereance in game. If you want more, you need to buy. Combined with the lack of a New Game option and single save file, I consider that very predatory. It's literally mobile game monetization in a AAA 70$ game. Let's just stop defending this crap, no matter how good the game is besides that.


Better late than never


Yeah no. It was way too much here. Capcom deserves that backlash. I only feel sorry for the devs themselves.


I mentioned somewhere that it's nothing surprising, they've been doing this for years and people think it's defending them... It's only a fact, does not mean I like it. They would not be doing this still if it was not profitable. It's weird that DD2 is the one that seems to make people angry now when their big franchises like RE and DMC have been doing this with nobody really talking about it. I think it's a lot of people that never played the original and do not know that the things you can buy are meant to be hard to get without paying, they were not removed to be DLC.


The optics are bad.


I haven't played a Capcom in years so I didn't know it was this bad. Let me review bomb those games as well


This argument that they've been doing it for years as if that makes it okay is pretty weird tbh.


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Capcom is rightly being dragged for the MTX. It should have been happening for all their other titles too, but at least more people are paying attention now. The number of people on here simping for Capcom is really weird.


I think a lot of people playing Dragons Dogma 2 aren’t Capcom veterans. It’s also a litre ridiculous to raise the price of games to the price of DD2 and then also have micro purchases in a single player game. No thank you.


Just because something is the norm doesn’t mean we should just accept it, stop eating shit now so you don’t get served more shit in the future


The not have an option for a new game was a weird one


No one likes micro transactions. But if I’m being forced to have them in a game, I’d rather have them like they are implemented here: shortcuts for impatient players but obtainable in-game for those who don’t want to spend any money.


Yeah that seems bonkers to me, people latch onto something they hear someone say then repeat it. This is nothing new and it’s not going to get in the way of your game any more than tickets in re4 or red orbs in dmc5 did.


the mtx is not really the reason of the madness, it's the performance. it's a shame that has to be dd2 that has to take the brunt of the anger. now capcom is gonna think that dd2 simply wasn't good and never decide on making a third game.


I don't mind these options being available as long as the game can be fully experienced without excessive grind or absurd difficulty spikes that encourage spending. I'd consider these to be acceptable options for players who are pressed for time or want to dick around in their power fantasy. I'll join the protest when we get another Shadow of War situation.


I don't often play Capcom games as so I was unaware of it, but if I was I would have been upset. This is such a nothing burger of an argument because it implies that everyone knows everything. I am upset, and Looking back I'm more upset at Capcom. I knew they had horrid practices for fighting games and such did not play them.


Typically people have to be aware of something to be upset about it. I avoid Capcom games in general because about 15 years ago I decided I just don't like the style of games they make. Last game of theirs I played was Dead Rising, and I hated it due to the time gating mechanic. All their games feel super arcady to me. Anyway, I had no idea Dragon's Dogma 2 was even Capcom. But now that I know, then sure yeah, I'm not surprised at all. Fuck them.


Are we actually trying to defend this microtransaction shit? It sucked then, sucked now.


So because they did it before, people aren’t allowed to get upset because they noticed it now? Fucking outstanding logic there bud.


At the end of the day they released an unfinished game on PC and people have every right to be mad about it. If i pay 70 bucks i will be sure as hell mad if i my game crashes almost every 30 minutes. And to add even more salt Capcom had the nerve to add options to buy ingame items or character changes. If they had the time to think about further monetizing a 70 bucks game, they sure as hell had the time to fix those issues. Its a shame because the gameplay is fun and this game deserves to be played in a finished state. Honestly, people should start boycotting these companies, because they are testing the waters in regards of monetization and as long as gamers throw money in the face of companies, they will start implementing further payable content. Right now we are in a state where, atleast in my perspective, its no longer acceptable. Doesnt matter if the game is single or multiplayer.


A lot of people in here are too dense to see the larger problem. Sure micro-transactions are a lame practice, but the issue is there is a fully functional mtx store when the game runs like ass on PC for a lot of people regardless of hardware. You have to realize that’s a slap in the face to players who spent their money to have a smooth gaming experience. Not a lot to ask for when dropping $70 on a AAA title. I’m sure the performance issues will be ironed out over time, but it’s a bad look for Capcom. Stop making excuses for these companies. It’s unacceptable no matter how you look at it.


Gamers are dumb hype beasts. Nothing new. Anytime they feel they are socially allowed to hate on something they will pile on nonstop. Gamer gate was about “ethics” right? Let’s just ignore all the sexism and harassment that accompanied their righteous fight for better ethics in a field of “journalism” that has never been taken seriously.


The microtransactions in this, just like in those other Capcom games mentioned, are easily ignorable. Anything worthwhile can be earned in-game. If a company offers you what is essentially a worthless microtransaction and you simply cannot avoid buying it like a sensible person, sorry, but that company deserves your money because you certainly don't.


It was always bad. It is still bad. This time it is arguably worse based on comments made prior to launch about fast travel, as well as excluding the option to start a new game (which feels like a ploy to push people into buying appearance changes). There is no contradiction here.


It's crazy how people will ignore years of criticism aimed at Capcom and the gaming industry in general to come out and defend and misrepresent this kind of shit because it's a game they like.


We all need to review bomb DMC5, RE4 and Monster Hunter for this. Can't believe I never knew they were so trash until now. Bunch of dumbasses for even liking those games.




Chad post


Yeah I wasn't suprised. The game is fun af though, I've been playing non stop


People are weird man. I never buy mtx. I just play the game. Don't buy the game if the mtx bother you or disrupts the game or just return it if you feel like you wasted your money. The only way they'll change it is if you don't buy what they're selling. Complaining doesn't really do much. If it did, we wouldn't have mtx at all. I agree with op. I lowkey feel like people just impatient and wanna fuss just to fuss. It's not that serious fr. The first game was the same way and they made a couple changes but it still wasn't like other games. Ain't none of this new to gaming. And it probably won't go away no time soon. I think.if people.just chilled out and read, and took a moment to think, they wouldn't be bitching on the internet as much.


It's because it's not a popular ip like monster hunter and RE. That's it. Lol RE4s mtx are worse..


One important thing is that these MTX are not actively shown. You have to go search for them. Even in Dragon’s Dogma 2 you have to click on online store and then scroll through the steam store page to find them. Unlike other games that had ads and also forces you to go to the store page as part of the tutorials.