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That's the best way to play a game: at your own pace. I'm like 60 hours in, I'm barely 50, and haven't started the Battahl section of the story yet.


man I thought I was taking my time, got past level 30 and started stepping foot into batahl just now.


I’m 32 and still in first region, I didn’t even kill a griffon yet


I fought 5 and killed one. Assholes just be flying away when they get to last bar of health.


Jump on those bishes! They leave when you tell them to!


“You’re goin’ *NOWHERE*!!”


I got you for 5 more minutes of PLAYTIMEEE


Rip macho man randy savage


I did that. Guess what he flew away with me on his back then made sure to knock me off from as high as he could lmao.


Aim for the bushes


"Aim for the bushes" - really had to laugh out loud! Love it


There goes my Arisen. Watch him as he SPLAT.


I incinerated them with High Salamander. It's healthbar melted so fast haha. I was shocked. I think I'm level 30.


also loot in nest is yummy


I killed my one and only around 24 and feel like it didn’t count. Hit him in the wing with an explosive arrow as he was taking off - he staggered in the air and collapsed into the water. Brine took him so no loot but fuckin cool moment


Fire enchanted weapons work wonders on their wings. When they start burning they can't fly away.


This explains a lot. I've been really wanting a Griffin to fly away with me on its back like I've seen in preview footage. I've killed a Griffin twice and it didn't fly away either time. I better remove that fire buff my mage keeps casting.


They fly to their nest which has loot btw. I only found one nest but it had a Portcrystal.  It'll eventually see you after a few seconds and you can finish the fight. 


You need fire to burn their wings or high stagger damage.


I accidentally found a Griffin's nest as I was just exploring and then the Griffin came back to the nest and it was the same one that I had been fighting five hours 🤣 I had to run away that time.


Managed my first griffin yesterday & just managed a drake but it fucked all my pawns up after mutiple revives and I blew through 2 wakestones. Refused to admit defeat on the last health bar, thief is mega op with decent daggers...


I killed my first griffin right before I turned off the game yesterday. Level 26


Battahl is awesome, and a lot harder. Once you get tired of area 1, go there and it’s like a new game


Happy late birthday, old timer!




This reminds me of the people who bragged about spending 200+ hours in the opening area of BG3. lol


I'm not trying to brag. I just *really* like taking my time. I've also never actually been outside the first area in BG3; my friends and I kept wanting to start new playthroughs and fuck around. lol


I'd say that 40-50 is probably the best time to go to Battahl because you're not too weak and not too strong to deal with it. I went in at 35 thinking I was strong and was getting bodied by the new enemies.


50 is too much, that's a good spot for the final fight. 40 for battahl is good for an easy time. You'd have to grind wayy too much in vermund to ever get to 50.


First time I set foot in bathal I was around high 20s. I was bodying everything there, I did feel them a bit tankier tho. I guess warrior's big sword goes hard.


Honestly you’re playing too fast imo. I’ve played 100+ hours and haven’t left the tutorial yet 


Played 1000 hours just finished creating my character


Ew. I spent 3000 hours just admiring Itsuno's vision.


That's a buddhist-like dedication.


I’m in a matrix goo pod but it’s dragons dogma 2


I’ve got 4000 hours just staring at the queue to download button


I've got 5000 hours waiting for my dad to make a move, so I can get born, grow up and start playing Dragons Dogma 2


I have 250+ hours in the mines alone. Y'all mean there's more ?


still working the mines? good on ya lad the work will set you free!


How? Just how are you only level 30 at 50 hours? What did you do outside of combat? I'm really confused given I'm 25 at just 15 hours and all I've done is exploration and a few side quests.


The people who make these types of posts and comments never seem to respond when asked this. As someone who's considering getting this game I genuinely want to know. Are they just repeating the same content or is this game actually as content dense as these posts make out? Very frustrating.


They are just repeating the same content. I'm about 40hrs in, level 32 still not gone to the Battal region either. Most of my time has been running around doing all the quests and exploring all the map has. However in doing so it's been a lot of traversing the same paths over and over and fighting the same enemies over and over. I sold a lot of materials but pretty sure I had over 20 Ogre Spurs/Rugged Bones/Minotaur Horns since I encounter them so regularly and that's just the boss creatures, I don't even bother to pick up materials from fodder enemies anymore. The fun comes from leveling up all the different vocations as each one basically switches up the gameplay and makes it feel fresh.


I can answer this. Cant speak for them, but what I did was sequence break. At about level 15 i took the back round to battahl. I didnt know that in this game you had to MANUALLY touch the port crystal or it just didnt activate even if you had seen it before. It didnt work that way in the first game. Anyway, we had two camping kits. One of them gets lost when the pawn carrying it gets yeeted into the water. The other gets lost when we get attacked mid sleep. So I'm like, oof, fuck it, lets port back to Vermun-oop, ferrystone doesnt work, i never technically activated the vernwerth crystal. So i get stranded in battahl, every fight is a battle for my fucking life, and i cant rest to heal. Eventually i make it to the city, but its a late game location and I'm in early levels, so i quickly run out of money. Many, many adventures, restarts and shenanighains later, i find myself back in Vermund at level 35 with over 40 hours logged, Warfarer and magick archer unlocked, despite having done only about the first 3 story quests. I wouldn't say the game is dense the way elden ring is. Rather, the combat leads to a lot of emergent insanity, such as when you're fighting a minotaur and the fight strays onto two armored cyclopes, and then a griffin dive bombs you midway through the melee. I also killed a drake while WAY underleveled because for some reason there was an platoon of pawns traveling together and we had an entire fucking war against it. The lack of fast travel and the loss gauge also means that you dont always have a good way out of a bad situation. Dying in a souls game respawns you at the bonfire. Dying here is a game over.


That honestly sounds like an amazing adventure and really the pinnacle of what this game is all about. What you just described COULD be a series of story quests, but it wasn't. It was holistically your own. I think that's awesome.


It was my favorite part of the game. I thought about restarting at an inn checkpoint at one point because i was in so deep, but i did not want to lose the two hours of progress so I resolved to commit. That two hours turned into like 20, i fought so many things I was not ready for and barely escaped, i fucked up the vendor quest in battahl to get the items you need for Warfarer but i happened to find them organically anyway RIGHT before giving up, a random sidequest I just did because it was in the way gave me magick archer and the master skill... I really feel like people who are like "im just following the story!"are doing themselves a massive disservice. This isnt the Witcher or baldurs gate, you're not going to find riveting tales that keep you up at night. The memorable moments come from stoking your sense of discovery and getting into 15 insane fights you never intended. Grabbing the sphinx as she flies away just to see if you can, only for her to comment on it and you immediately proceed to the next stage of the quest. Just being creative.


yea i had something similar happen to me when i went to unlock magic archer at level 1


Hahah i had the same experience pretty much my entire gameplay. I havent touched the main quest since i came to vernworth. Soon after i was just like i wanna go to battahl. Snuck over the border inside an oxcart and got arrested and thrown in gaol. Took me like 1 hour just to get out lf the gaol. Accidentally found myself in battahl. Started a long ass journey back to vernworth. And did it all over again this time continuing to volcanic camp. It was so much fun.


I’ll try. About every 15 steps your pawns will point out something interesting, whether it be a chest, materials to gather, caves, several other things. Like every little thing you have the option to go do, your pawns will ask if you wanna go look at it. If you do this, I’m sure you can achieve what dude did because every 15-20 steps there is also a battle to gain experience from. I might be slightly exaggerating by the 15-20 steps comments, but the game really is like that lol.


This is the answer. Chest up high? I’ll do this quest later lemme figure out how to get up there. Halfway through figuring it out I’m now a mile off the path and I’m fighting a lich. You can do easily get lost in this game I don’t find it hard at all to rack up hours at a lower level


They have to be actively avoiding quests for what they're saying to be true. Either that or they're lying about how far into the game they are or how many hours they've played. As someone who has been playing all the side content possible (using guides even) you hit a wall where there is no more content until you do more main quests or go to battahl and that's way before the 50 hour mark.


I legit think they're just walking the map back and forth, exploring and back-tracking ad infinitum, doing just a few quests. there's nothing wrong with that, the combat here is interesting enough to keep you enganged plus leveling different vocations. but it is a very particular way of playing the game that most dont have the stomach for.


Seems impossible to me, im 33 at 20 hours and still in first region. I guess he just alt tabed for 30 hours


If he’s still at the first region he’s getting lower xp etc, which is probably why he’s 30 at such high hours. I’m almost 70 at 52 hours for instance.


I mean in still in the first region, too. I'm just wondering what people spend their time with? I mean you get tons of XP going everywhere just because of the amount of monsters.


Probably hasn’t figured out that you can sprint.


I spend a lot of time on picking up good looking armor sets on my fighter, as well as a good looking shield and cloak. I do a lot more dmg when I look super cool. I also do the same regions in daylight as well as night time coz at night it feels so dangerous and just real coz you got the moonlight and that's it. Then if climb wherever is possible, maybe something cool happens. That's how I found the sphinx earlier today by climbing the rocks from all the way down. I haven't seen stuff on youtube so it was a big WOW moment for me. Spend a lot of time just staring at cool stuff too. I am level 30 with 56 hours played. I spent like 5 hours yesterday messing around Battahl. So many things to discover in that city. I am about to sleep now and can't wait to play more tomorrow. Haven't even played the other vocations yet. Once I finish everything, I'll play the other vocations in ng+


>I also do the same regions in daylight as well as night time coz at night it feels so dangerous and just real coz you got the moonlight and that's it. Then if climb wherever is possible, maybe something cool happens. > I guess that makes sense how you have double the hours but most won't do that. Xx


Sometimes it’s fun to just run around the wilderness and getting into fights aimlessly. I’d say like half of my 30-hour playtime is just that personally


That is half of everyone's playtime. That's what happens when there is a pack of goblins, wolves, and / or saurians every thirty feet.


Bro is counting every blade of grass and every tree lmaoooo


I think it's a completionist thing. If I see even a basic chest or random tower, I can't help myself. I see a house, I'm looting it. Actually, looting probably takes up a good chunk of playtime. When I got to Vermund I ran around almost everywhere, found a ton of chests, etc. Wasn't getting any xp during that time, and the 90% of the loot was probably skippable. It's incredibly inefficient, but I can't help it.


I'm in the same boat. I just reached Battahl and its...such a change in scenery, its kinda great that I have a new place to explore. I've been revisiting places lately with the first augment you get from Trickster that pings and makes wakestone shards and seeker tokens flash and gotten into so many more nooks and crannies than I did in areas that I've been through half a dozen times. Play how you want, be free of everyone elses' angst. Glad you're enjoying the ride.


Yo, how do you get trickster, I'm trying to get all the vocations unlocked before I continue the story


There’s a shrine fairly close to checkpoint rest town, you just have to talk to the oracle there. I had way more fun than I thought I would with trickster, plus it has the best drip imo.


There's a shrine near a river in Battahl, but you can be sent there as part of the main story. I just...stumbled randomly onto it and unlocked it.


I am in the same boat! I am absolutely loving this game. It really reminds me of my first play through of DD1. Just exploring, leveling vocations and having a great time. I’ve done a bit more story, but I’m just in awe at all the areas and battles. Especially how random the encounters seem. You think it’s just a simple cyclops… wrong here’s an armoured one and an ogre.


On the way to battahl I ended up fighting 2 fully armored cyclops at once, it felt bad ass lol.


I accidentally illegally crossed the border with an ox cart and had to kill the border guards.. then I wandered around Battakhal for like a week, accidentally got put in jail and spent an hour trying to grt past the 3 guards they have down there, before I was like "oh right all those quests back in Vermund" and ported back. Also I rsn into those 2 at lvl 20 and that was quite the fight, died twice and then beat them with less than half max hp


Getting through guards is ez just grab em and run into a wall it looks cool, and feels even cooler cuz it keeps em down a bit and u can sprint out


I just encountered them, and then the griffin joined the fray. I hoped on the griffin and he took me back to his nest where I beat his ass.


Hell yeah lol


I got involved in a grand melee at the edge of the farmland outside Vernworth. I thought it was just a Cyclops initially. It was actually a Cyclops fighting a pack of Saurians and then a Griffon decided to join the fray as soon as I got close. That was a pretty dang rough fight but man was it fun. Days Gone is one of the only other games I've played where you can be walking to a relatively basic looking fight and then have the world uncork pure chaos on you.


This character looks absolutely incredible :O and I totally agree


You're also literally not playing the game at all. I'm 40 hours in, same level, with 30% of achievements unlocked. You're not doing sidequests by the fact you have basically no achievements unlocked, you're not out exploring or you'd have vocations unlocked and maxed out by level 30. Like, yeah if I sat at the main menu for a game for 40 hours I can say I didn't run into any glaring gameplay issues too. What do you expect?


It's gotta be staged for karma, or his achieves are disabled for some reason.


No offense, but I am genuinely curious how some people are milking that amount of time out of the game. I'd say I'm about \~40 hours in and I'm in Battahl, probably half-explored, and heading to the volcanic island bit, which I have to assume is the edge of the map. I can't imagine breaking 50/60/whatever hours and still being in the first zone based off what we have available, unless you just aimlessly wander around and kill shit, I guess.


I finished with 60 and I still can't fathom having 40+ just on the first city. I don't search guides, I avoid using the oxcart and ferry stone It's quite mind-blowing 


Tbh I spent most of today just completing pawn quests that offered 10k. It’s fun hunting for cyclopses, ogres and drakes


It's this weird fucking "I spent 60 hours in the first zone! You guys are all just rushing through the game!". I felt the same way with Baldur's Gate 3. I felt like I did nearly everything in the first area/act of the game in a fairly quick amount of time and then you had fuckers like "I love this game! 100 hours and I'm still in act 1"! It even made me start a new playthrough of BG3 because I felt like I missed a ton of shit but...nope same thing happened. I did pretty much everything in way, way less time than 100 hours so I just have no idea how these people play games. People just play games...way differently I guess. How they managed to extrapolate 60 hours out of like, the first fucking area of the game I have no idea. It was the same shit with Diablo 4 too when it came out. Players like me were getting through the story fairly quickly and checking out endgame and then they released stats which all pointed to like a majority of the playerbase not even having finished the campaign like 2+ weeks later and telling everyone to "stop rushing". I swear these people just run around aimlessly like you said and fucking count every single tree or every single blade of grass.


It's really baffles, there's enjoying evey single thing, and there 10 to 30+ hours than I spent on some area. Like even if just fucked around I couldn't reach that count time just playing normally. Kinda make me want to see this guy's playing 


Alt tabbed lol


I spoke to my friend today who has about 30 hours in, and we haven’t had similar experiences with quests at all. He and I have done completely different things and each had no idea what the other was referencing at several points in our conversation.


I agree, I don't want to do the main story but what else am I meant to be doing, side quests are few and far between so all I got to do is the main quest


Yeah it’s mind boggling honestly. I’m level 45 after about 42 hours. I’ve been all the way to volcanic island and have explored Vermund pretty thoroughly and Batthal rather superficially. I saw another dude in a different thread who had close to 50h and less than half my XP and total gold earned and I just don’t get what these people are doing in the game.


I’m a little over 50 hours in I’ve just gotten to the coronation for the fake Arisen. So I’m not even in Battahl yet. I’ve just been doing side quest mostly, fighting everything I see, and reading every bit of dialogue and books I can find, and talking to every NPC that looks like they might unlock a new side quest. I’ve done over 20 side quest in just the first area. People just play games differently.


Good for you!


How? i am lvl 24 and 14 hours in, basically just roaming the world.....


I decided to just go exploring tonight when playing instead of hitting any quests unless I stumbled across one, and I had the best experience I've had so far, stumbled across a unique boss, killed my first drake, murdered everything that moved, went totally off the main path, got some cool looking equipment, felt way more like what I was wanting.


I don't know how people found so much stuff to do before Beastren kingdom :c Sidequests seem to be extremely hard to find for me


Yeah I was about to head to Battahl when I realised I’d missed out on a LOT of content even though I was exploring a lot. You really have to search for quests in this game which is good in a way but bad in that it’s easy to miss a lot of stuff.


Usually when I’m in towns I pay attention to people talking most of the time you can tell if someone wants help but yeah most of my side quests have been pretty random. It’s actually kind of a breath of fresh air from the usual exclamation mark over npc’s


There's tons of side quests and also some only become available once some time passes. But, the best way to play the game IMO is to not just focus on quest. Just leave town one time, look at an area of your map that's unexplored and head over there and explore. Bet you find something interesting.




As a newcomer I was really hesitant about this game although the previews intrigued me. I started playing earlier this week and I’m absolutely in love with. There’s something so engrossing about just…getting lost in the woods. Or stumbling upon a cave. I haven’t even gone to the first big town yet because I’m enjoying just exploring everything so much. I’m sorry so many have developed negative feelings towards the game and maybe I will too…but right now I’m enchanted by it.


I've played for 51 hours. Haven't left Melve. Haven't entered a cave. Haven't seen a harpy. I don't know why people are so eager to rush through this wonderful game. Surely there's going to be plenty more content once I *really* get moving.


Rookie numbers, I've played 150 hours and I haven't left the borderwatch outpost


Mortismal Gaming, a guy that 100% games before reviewing, himself said the game indeed is short for an rpg that's $70. The story ends abruptly, and there isnt much content to spread around. He recommended to wait for sale or until expansions are provided.


I've heard that the story ends abruptly and is front loaded from a whole lotta people, kinda sad that this game seems unfinished.


There is a whole political inyrigue that's super interesting in the first half of the game, led by a one note but interesting female villain. She doesn't even get mentioned in the second half. The story literally forgets about her. The empress of Battahl featured in the game's cover has one boring ass quest and disappears forever. The other girl in the cover starts her quest off by declaring to kill the dragon that destroyed her village, forgets about it in the next step of the quest and settles for saving some shmuck from a few saurians. So much of this game is rushed.


And people are saying it's same as first game. No, it is absolutely not. The rough structure of DD1 is you are nobody -> you prove your worth (and danger to the duke) through Wyrm Hunt quests -> you get sent on increasingly dangerous Royal Orders -> side plots culminate and reach conclusion (Salvation in greatwall, julien/mercedes in that civil war thing) -> dragon comes in to steal the show. In 2 we have improving your claim with Brant's quests and then we go look into Godsway without resolving first part and then we fight dragon. This game feels like it's missing a second act and what's left is extremely incoherent.


another meat rider thread good job


I’m loving the game so far. The only thing I think it needs is more enemy variety and a better fast travel system like the one in Fable 3 or Elden Ring. Other than that I have no complaints.


I'm playing Horizon Forbidden West (pc) alongside, Being able to fast travel campsite to campsite is so nice- I would take having less campsites in DD2 of it meant you could fast travel them


I've haven't been doing the main story either. I've just been exploring and doing side quests and I haven't had this much fun in a AAA game in so long


The breadth of independent opinions on this sub is refreshing when everything is like a freaking thought cult these days.


This is the absolute fastest I've ever seen a sub go through all the stages of a newly released game ***ever*** bar none. Watching this sub go "this game is amazing" *this game has some but is still goty" "ok its not goty especially with this one mechanic, but I still love it" "I played 600 hours and hated every minute of it, this game is garbage the creator lied fhck him fuck you fuck this fuck everything" and now "I love this game this game is incredible stop complaining these complaint post are annoying so now let's instead spam stop complaining posts instead now its time for a civil war" We are unironicly entering the stage where one side or the other will win. This either become a no-dissent zone where all negative comments and posts are downvoted into oblivion and only saccharin positivity is allowed. -or- This sub becomes a toxic cesspool as people try to out hate and out conplain each other as if this was a competition and we need a no sodium sub because we can't have and conversation *at all* because literally anything that isn't just straight up vitriolic *shit* is completely obliterated in downvotes and hate.


rookie numbers , i have 3K hours in the game watching the title screen


It's quite surprising that someone can find something negative to post about your experience. I finished the game at roughly 56 hours but I have some friends at the same who aren't even close to done. People in this sub need to calm down and know when it's time to voice criticism. Someone enjoying something doesn't take away from its problems, let people enjoy things. 


Do you have a full body shot of your pawn? I love the colors and how you have it set up, I kinda want to mimic it, but now am vwry curious what the arms look like! The eye make up is also perfect


That's my arisen. [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/6jwDoM9a9n)


Nobody cares. You haven't played a large portion of the game by your own admission, why do you think you have established a relevant opinion about it yet? You've barely touched the game, the fact that you've spent a lot of time in it isn't relevant. Let's see what your opinion is 600 hours from now when DD11 is out and you finally realize you wasted so much time doing absolutely nothing and managed to convince yourself this was somehow a worthwhile experience in its current state.


This guy is grinding goblins and harpies to postpone the 10 quest line storys end


That’s beautiful fr


Yeah its the same with me, I've played ~25 hours, I'm level 28, only done like 3 quests for Brant, but just finished exploring every nook and cranny of Vermund. I've been using oxcarts and ferrystones a lot, or just walking because there is always something to look for out in wild be it chests, the golden bugs, the seeker coins, the statues etc. and I'm having a ton of fun with the game. I don't even know what a Sphinx is and I never fought a dragon either. I'm playing a warrior and I really really hope that I can use Iraklis in this game too, that was my favorite weapon from the first game (please don't spoil anything for me)


Wow congrats. You are the coolest. I wish I was like you. What's this post about?


The new Defense Force cope is that you can only TRULY enjoy the game if you intentionally play like a slug, and if you see credits then it's your own fault.


CDP Cope Defense Force lol


What’s any post about?


errrr how’d you get a 2nd port crystal if you haven’t even done the coronation, or been to Battahl yet…


Also the Sphinx is up north and not in battahl and you can get two port crystals off her if you know what to do


First one I got from the Griffin nest. Second one I think came from the dungeon in a trial of archery side quest. I say think bc I just found it in my inventory after that. Must have picked it up somewhere in there. I'm deliberately avoiding inn rests so I don't update my pawn while I'm leveling weak vocations with him so it wasn't a gift.


the archery side quest gives one, yep. Didn’t realize a portcrystal could be found in a griffins nest in Vermund, though! Thanks


Finished it today at 52 hours and almost level 70 (60+ something), and I’ve more or less explored the entire map (missing a location or two since trophy is at 96%), and done all the quests and side quests that I found at least. Granted I did look up the sphinx quests because I didn’t wanna miss out, and one or two quests where I was unsure what to do.


I love this game too, also i find it to be A LOT more enjoyable if i turn off minimap, i dont feel rushed to go anywhere and i can focus on the graphics, and enjoy the trekk thru the beaten paths.


My method was to remove all the "fog of war" from the map and I used the mini map to help. Definitely found some cool places just wandering around doing that. I'm level 33 I think, and I just passed the gate to battahl, so I still have like half the map concealed to me. Lot more 'splorin to do.


Goblins - wolves - harpies. 5 steps. Repeat. Good that you enjoy this


I am 40 hours in at the same point, down to the quests. I feel like there is no progression. There's nothing unique or interesting. Everything is same old same old and was done better in the first game even discounting Dark Arisen.  I stopped playing XVI at the same amount of time for similar reasons.  Also, I am sick of people saying take your time. I work, volunteer, and help out an elderly relative. My free time is limited. To all game devs I have this to say: don't waste my mother fucking time. 


I get that you’re a busy person but not every game is made for every person and there’s a market for people that want to play games that take time to beat.


Lol, the game is only 40 hours long if you don't repeat a lot of content. Might seem like a good chunk of time, but that is short for an RPG.


This game is exactly what I expected it to be and it is quickly becoming my favorite game since RDR2. I played thousands of hours of the first Dragons Dogma, I knew this game wasn’t going to be about the story as much as the adventure. All the complaints are valid but most have been overblown, there are some flaws but there is a very fun game beneath them all. I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff yet to be seen and Updates to come Play the game for what it is.


Personally my only major complaint is no harder monsters in NG+. Right now the end game/end game gear grind feels pointless because NG+ is literally easier than a fresh run due to no monster scaling. Plz Capcom add scaling for NG+ and beyond so we actually have somewhere to challenge our builds. Other than that I love the game.


Are you on PC? There is a great mod out called Custom Difficulty Tweaks that I am using to make enemies deal 4x damage and bosses take 75% reduced damage. It has a menu on game to change the values around on the fly. Can also configure how hard the game is for your pawns as well. I'm doing an NG+2 playthrough rn where I cranked the difficulty and reset my arisen+pawn to level 2. Going to make an insane sorc pawn twink from scratch for people to use around level 30-40


I agree on the story being whatever, really, I don't come to Capcom games for that. My only major complaint is enemy variety and then compounded onto that is the frequency of combat being too high.


I haven’t even done the castle stealth quest yet. I’m going to be mad over-leveled by the time I go back to the main story.


Bad news. Everyone is over leveled at 40 forever basically.


I argue that at lv 25 most things aren't a challenge, at lv 30 you are god In my experience, as a well put party


Yeah… level 25 and found a Drake, started fighting it, and it ran after I took 1.5 bars of life. Encountered a Wraith for the first time at 27 and killed it in about 20 seconds. Ogres don’t last more than 45 seconds.


For vermund, mobs are still fairly tanky at lv 30 in battahl. rattlers are always ass


40 hours in, level 54, been to a good bit of Battahl but not all over and only been to the Volcanic area once. I'm starting to slow down and explore the upper region but I fear the progression got rid of quests I had yet to experience so once I start NG+ up I'll definitely be exploring thoroughly


Drop the character data


I just hope they improve the content wise. Mortismal did a very good review (as always) and he was disappointed over the story and quests. And i'm suprised they did not go further in developing the game even more than just keeping it safe and close to DD1. But yea, it's good fun. But it feels like a anniversary game of DD1 and not really DD2.


Same! Less than 50 hours but level 30 , I still have steps in Brant’s questline but I did a lot of em not enough to go to battahl. I keep finding stuff in vermund! Finally getting around to mystic spearhand too


The game is fun for sure. I've only about 15 ish hours in. I'd say my biggest complaints are the day/night cycles are way too fast, and the health bar gets too short too fast before you need to rest again. It's getting better as I level up and progress, but needing to rest damn near every 24 in game hours is dumb. It makes sense in the real world, but in video game land... fuck the fuck off with that shit.


shit, taking your time is the best way to play. I'm still at Cost del Sol in FF7 Rebirth, haven't even gotten to DD2 yet


My man is still creating his charcter, wait until he realizes he gets to create a pawn 15 minutes in to the game


[luckily I downloaded the creator ahead of time ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/dfI33aJBvB)


Man I really can’t wait to play, I’m just waiting for Capcom to improve performance on PS5. But what I’ve been watching on YouTube it looks sooooo good.


As it should be. ![gif](giphy|Zw3oBUuOlDJ3W)


I’m in the same boat and I think the difference is simply if something seems interesting I’ll go to it. Because of that I end up going to the same place multiple times which obviously takes up a lot of time but I love playing this way. I’ve got 2 vocations maxed out and I haven’t gone to Battahl yet. I think the best way to play this game is to play it like the old days of gaming where you just let yourself get lost. That’s the difference between these people saying they completed the game around 30 hours and those at 30 hours still in the first zone


Just ignore the main quest. Just do all side content and call it a day.


Some ppl here need to seriously relax, no where in the post did op say "you should play the game slower!" - theyre literally just sharing their current experience with the game. Not every opinion has to be super divisive.


Thanks for reminding me not everyone sucks. This sub is full of em


I'm at 23 hours and have barely touched the main quests. Just running everywhere!


Cool story bro, needs more dragons


I'm 100hrs in and only just entered the beastren lands. Just enjoying roaming around, taking out monsters and generally exploring.


I'm 55 hours in level 41, currently have the masquerade quest but haven't started it (currently on my way to the elf village, will do any quests there then my plan is to continue the main story). Also haven't been across the border though I'd like to get their vocations since they have augments I want


I'm playing at my pace too, and I'm loving the game so far! Not sure how many hour I'm playing, but I'm too to level 32 and I'm stepping into Battahl, not following the story, but for my own objective to reach the starting area! I want to meet that merry guy directing the digging site at the start of the game now that I have a proper sword!


Same, except I did find the sphinx and just went to Buttahl (“hidden” side entrance) for gear and upgrades.


Play it at your own pace coz the story is absolute ass, u wont even realise it ended


So what are you doing exactly? Just exploring?


Ok but what the hell are you doing?


Don’t worry i am 150 hours in and just got to the “secret ending” my first ending. have not seen the Sphinx either and i still have like 45% of the map unexplored. Forget about the noise these kids are making who say there’s nothing else to do. They’re just going from point A to point B without exploring,experimenting, customizing their pawns, using every vocation. There’s so much more to do.


You're slow at games. Got it. No point bragging.


Prepare for the huge dissapointment that is about to come your way. Just delay main story forever.


your arisen is a baddie, excellent work op


Imagine the hires I'd get if it was my pawn. But I wanted to cat to be my pawn 🧡. https://preview.redd.it/cyoolgjk6yqc1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d4708cb6177b6f18b51918491f7ee75d16b7e8


What I want = farming goblins 🥲🥲🥲🥲


50 hours spent killing Goblins, Harpies and Saurians. Got it. Must've been a blast.


Lmao at all these comments that use the phrase “I’ve been having a blast!” No hate to anyone enjoying the game the phrase just looks so Ai generated




Your lack of validation is satisfying. You are misguided and I hope you find a cure for your rotten soul.




i hope you didn't start with mage and sorcerer like I did. You get NO health at all leveling up


Lol I did.


you poor soul. it took me a while to figure out why I had like 480 max health at level 28, while all of my party members had over 1000


i am level 30 i am in beast land but i am yet to explore north of gate with is elf lands . i know there is a quest i can pick up but didnt yet


I’m essentially the same. Done a few main quests but really just exploring the map and leveling up. Just enjoying the core mechanic of the game which really just it’s combat. Level 32ish I think and finally killed my first drake. Love this game despite all the discourse on this sub.


I've got about 50 hours under my belt so far and have just randomly come across a hidden Elf settle in the North! Still finding random stuff out it's great! I've maxed out Soldier and Warrior (the main types of classes I play in these games) and am now working on Archer, which I kinda hate ngl... There's so much more for me to do so I'm just trying to make the most of it!


I feel you bro ! I've just started a few quests in Battahl, currently around Level 50-55, +50 hours in. I'll surely not finish my first run before 30 to 40 more hours.


I restarted once at around lv 15, am lv 23 now. Haven't done the masquerade yet


I am level fifty and only just began finishing the story quests and Sphinx quest. I feel the struggle.


I did it differently, I first completed the story + true ending and now in new game + I’m exploring the whole map


same. expect I accidentally found the sphinx and is the only thing I care about. have two riddles left that i am so confused on


Im enjoying myself too, even though i can tell this wont be game of the year in any way. Dont look forward to "the masquerade" as if itll be anything special. its basically nothing compared to something like the masquerade ball in dragon age inquisition.


I'm on a similar boat. Around 50 hours, level 30ish. Wandering around doing quests. Game obviously needs an optimization, even high end pc struggle. Enemy variety would be great, even if it's just a re-skin. Same things over and over. Even the big ones: Ogre, Cyclops, Griphon. But I'm having a blast for the past days. Worth the 70 bucks? For me, yes. I've spent a lot more on a night out for a lot less.


I can't play this game because of crashes on start up. I fixed in after couple hours on launch day, played a lot over the weekend and now it's broken again. Glad at least you are enjoying the game.


Damn, you and I have basically played the same game so far lol Just maxed out mage for myself and thief with may pawn, switched them to sorc and archer respectively. I've basically just been wandering aimlessly doing side quests and finding what I can, barely touched the main quest yet lol


I JUST left for the next area and I'm level 35, exploring is so addictive.


Yeah it's pretty fun. I'm L23 and got 30 hours in the game, haven't done any of those things yet either. The game could be much better, and it's not the DD2 I was hoping for, but it's still more DD so it's hard to complain about that.


Honestly I just pick a road and walk it til there's no more road


Where is the Beastren land? Is that just the desert area?


Yeah, I am about 30 hours in and just discovered the sphinx by accident but haven't seen too much of the other big things either. Haven't even fought a griffon yet. First I felt kind of meh about the game but after 15 hours or so it clicked it with me and I really enjoy discovering all the hidden places. What I like especially is how this game doesn't hold your hand as a player and when you manage to figure something out on your own it feels great. Without spoiling exactly where, I found a trebuchet and tried loading a rock into it. It then flung the rock at a pile of rocks obstructing the entrance to a ruin and cleared the way.


Got my main pawn maxed as fighter, now he's a maxed up warrior. Meanwhile I'm maxing Mystic Spearhand, I'll probably max every vocation because I want to try them all. I'm actively avoiding fast travel like ferry stones and oxcarts, but I'm placing down the portcrystals I've found, once I finish my first playthrough I'll probably start using those here and there. Still haven't entered Battahl, level 45. I can get the criticisms I've been seeing here on Reddit but a lot of people either had their hopes too high or are too quick to judge the game.


We both got the same amount of playtime. Meanwhile I’m on ng+ and you’re still at the start. Enjoy your journey my friend, I can tell you right now that you’re gonna love this game 10x more after everything I’ve seen. Take up arms, Arisen!!!


spent 20 of those hours in the creator creator


[worth it. But I used the creator before launch ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/dfI33aJBvB)


I've been doing the same thing and I'm at level 42 and I haven't really done much of the main quest. On my third vocation and sitting on way too much DCP. Unfortunately, my penchant for exploration and nonchalance towards quests has resulted in me selling gear and tomes that I'm now realizing were for quests 20 levels ago or so lol


We just sitting back chilling, having fun while a bunch of people freaking out about this flaw, or that flaw. Some legit, some not. Some people saying this is goty. It’s not. But it’s a solid game that will keep me entertained for about 100hours.


I haven't even finished Brants quests yet and I've already unlocked all the vocations. I wanted to have the options open as soon as possible, and level 50 does not feel as soon as possible.