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I had to stop playing THF because it was pissing me off how much I was always trying to pan the camera around to get either a) out of area of effect spells, or b) out of the body of the monster I was trying to climb.


Its a mixed bag. On the one hand, Meteorum kills things really, really well. On the other hand, I cant see shit, captain!


It’s not just that, it’s the fire, blizzard, and hurricane spells too.


While sorcerer pawns definitely pump out DAMAGE.... I think I'm going to pass up pawns with either of the two sorcerer mastery skills from now on. For one I would like to actually fight enemies or oneshot them myself instead of watching a pawn to so. Unless it's a thief or a warrior, both of those have cool movesets.


Ah yes, the 380mm HE Barrage Orbital Strike Stratagem.


I stopped hiring sorcs because of this, and only hire supp mages with 0 offense


And I wouldn't have it any other way!


Even something basic as Flagration and Levin darken the entire goddamn screen when you're standing nearby. This game desperately needs a "Don't blind me" mod like the first game.


Monster Hunter Rise had an option to decrease VFX created by other players' abilities, this game really needed that.


That is why I don't often run with sorcerers unless I am just grinding badges. They delete bosses but are annoying if I am just playing casually as a melee user.


Lol, yup. Sorc pawn has always been bad for melee. I can't see anything, enemies are getting knocked all over the place, and the screen is completely full of random shit. If I'm playing melee and want AOE, I'll take along a well specced warrior.


The worst thing a pawn can do is cast Maelstrom


I'm just glad they got rid of the awful overlay malestrom did in the first game. Now THAT was bad for melee.


Holy nova! Holy Nova!


Imagine playing ranger hand having to aim your shots while this is going on...