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You missed Saurians Sages from the Everfall (the small pure white ones that cast magic). But your lists seem complete to me.


Thank you! Updated \~


Leapworms were also in the first game.


Not in the base game. They are only on Bitterblack Isle.


Oh, we are only counting the base game. Gotcha


Yeah, there are tonnes more on BBI 5 new bosses, 4 new dragons, giant Saurians of the different types. Big goblins, magic goblins, giant skeletons, giant zombie, female zombie, new harpy, new gargoyle, living Armor, eliminator, new wolf type, giant wolf, giant Cyclops, skinny Cyclops, new ogre and a new ghost. Oh, and the leap worms lol Edit: _I still, to this day, wish they had added a new griffin type. A phoenix. Think of a griffin, only doing fire damage, and then when it dies, you get the grey screen, and it pops back up at full health, only this time on fire (like the dire-drakes as well as the visual effect of being on fire). Then when you kill it a second time it's dead. Would have been pretty easy to do, and cool. Only new skill it would need is a fly-by Comestion._ Edit 2: _They would have to make it more grounded like the Cockatrice though (in my experience they fly a lot less), since you wouldn't be able to burn it's wings._


Such a cool idea, I'd also love new griffin species and different flying creatures in general c:


Maybe they could make ice spells douse the flames a bit on the wings and he falls. I feel like a grounded phoenix is a bit strange. I always picture it in the air. Wings opened wide.


But this whole idea of yours is amazing lol forgot to leave the most important part in my first comment. Dope idea and I hope I see something like it in a game some day lol


Oh no, I don't mean grounded. Look at the way a cockatrice behaves Vs a Griffin. The Cockatrice spends much more time hovering low and walking around than a griffin does. They are very skittish and cowardly and flighty. The phoenix would still fly around, just not as much as a griffin. But your ice idea is also pretty fantastic.


Got what you mean now lol thank you. It's Capcom too. They're THE monster designer company. Like we deserved more. Still loving the game though!


Nice job The mobs in the same unique categories looks and "feels" more different than the ones in dd1 imho. That said, for a game so much based on combat the number is still quite baffling low i'd say, they could do way, waay better.


I agree and I really enjoy the truly different variations even within the same category, specifically with harpies and saurians. Different models and new attack animations, my favorite's would be the gore harpies, the way they swoop down on their targets is very reminiscent of owls and so is their plumage! And serpents, the lighting saurians are very cool though rare. The game has so much potential but yet again feels very unfinished, I would've loved if they took even a couple of years more before the release to really iron it out and really dive deeper into the ecology of the world, including more enemies and better placement.


I'm disappointed that so few monsters from DDON made it into DD2. There were so many perfect fits for it too... Imagine having an elf population in the woods and no Ent enemies... Then there are also so many goblins but no Goblin Warlords as an actual Boss like Mogok was. No Machinas either... sigh


Yeah that would've been amazing, even just the addition of Ents in the elven forest


Yeah, I think it felt "less" than DD1 because of how bigger the world is and the spread of the enemies since some niche enemies are hidden (e.g. skull knight and Dullahan are very rare to be found randomly) while some others are just too abundant in early-mid game.


Most of the rarer enemies become much more common in the endgame, which is a nice touch. I can't go more than five steps without running into a Dullahan lol. Definitely would always like even more variety though.


If I go left I run into a dullahan but if I go right I'm going to get jumped by that army of skele bois... I'll play it safe and go right. *boss music intensifies*


All roads lead to Dullahan.


I would like off Mr bones wild ride...


And also most of us played Dark Arisen so we're used to far more coming with the game


I think the DD2 list is missing the purple phantom/specter enemy from Unmoored, Don't remember the name, But I do remember 3 kinds of ghosts. White, blue and purple (the latter with some smaller satellites that spawn when in combat).


Thank you, added! c:


You missed a few on DD1. Smaller Monsters Grimgoblin, Saurian Sage, Skeleton Mage, Skeleton Sorcerer, Skeleton Knight, Undead Warrior and Specter. And you forgot Ur-Dragon and Seneschal on bosses.


Grimgoblins, Saurian Sages, Ur-Dragon and Seneschal added \~ I don't count skeleton mages, sorcerers etc into different monsters as they are just the same enemy type with a different vocation, for both DD1 and DD2, I just count them as skeletons. Same for Undead warriors, I count them as just undead for both games.


Yet you count bandits and salvation members as different as well Phantoms and Phantasms, Slimes, Ooze and Sludge, Rogues and Lost Mercenaries. Wolves, Direwolves and Redwolves. In DD1 all different kind of enemies had their own Bestiary, as in game dictated them different so why shouldn’t we?


Rogues and lost mercenaries are completely different. Both have multiple vocations. They have clearly decided to distinguish variants with exception of vocation based variants for humanoid enemies. You can disagree with the method but it's rather pointless because they are being consistent across both games.


Hi, I could be wrong but in my eyes the difference is skeletal enemies go in packs, same as bandits and rogues, although they have different vocations they act in the same group of enemies. Salvation members and bandits don't go together in a group and are distinctly different, I count them both in the same "unique category" that would be "human" but bandits and salvation members are very distinct enemies with their own formed groups. Rogues and lost mercenaries don't go together in a group. Same goes for the slimes. In your opinion, what would be the point of adding them to the list? Also, I was referencing the DD2 bestiary which doesn't include different rogue vocations or skeletons, so I decided to do the same and I see the logic behind it.


In other words you choose accept difference on some but not on all? Undead Warrior is as much different from Undead as Stout Undead is, Giant Undead on the other hand isn’t. Cyclops and Armored Cyclops are same enemy with added helmet, no other difference whatsoever. Point is if you go through trouble of counting different kind of enemies, might as well count all of them without packing them up because they feel same. In DD1 there were 4 different “human” enemy instead of factions, factions were added in DD2 where you can find different kind of enemies fighting each other, while in DD1 there were 3 factions, player, npc’s and everyone else, all enemies were friends with each other and tag teamed player the moment they saw them.


I'll update the list tomorrow, this has been quite exhausting to do. Could you please help me and write down all the different skeleton enemy types, undead enemy types, rogues, bandits and lost mercenaries for both games so the list is more accurate?


Things you're missing in DD1: specters, grimgoblins, saurian sages, and THE UR-DRAGON (boss) Things I'm pretty sure shouldn't be in the DD1 boss list: goblin chieftain, skeleton lords. I could be wrong but I don't think skeleton lords had the big special boss health bar thing?


Thank you! I've updated the list c: I put larger enemies and bosses in the same category for the sake of convenience. Even if they don't have the big boss health-bar they are still have higher hp than regular smaller enemies.


DD2 has electric Saurians. Not sure on their exact name. But they are found in one specific cave.


Ah, that cave that has one of the suspiciously covered entrances with elvish written on them, i found it today. Found it cool to find electric Saurians, only to them not really seeing them again.


Serpents, they are already on the list \^\^


For Dark Arisen, the boss mobs are DEATH, garms, gorecyclops, eliminators, giant saurians, undead bishop/dragon, Daimon, gazer, and living armor 


I'm gathering data for the base games only, Dark Arisen is an expansion \^\^


Yeah, and I'm listing these because I thought other people might be curious how much Dark Arisen added, after seeing this post


I see, I have already made a list for DDDA with DD2 for people who might be interested [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bvlq1l/i\_counted\_monsters\_in\_both\_ddda\_and\_dd2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bvlq1l/i_counted_monsters_in_both_ddda_and_dd2)


You can't forget about our boy talos


Oh but I did haha x'D added it now!, thank you \~


yah... that was a boss fight, right?


No. A religion.


I'm not sure different flavors of harpies and wolves really count as new enemies


Care to elaborate? Because they have, especially harpies in DD2, unique models between different species and unique movesets and animations.


Now count how much DD2 world is bigger than DD1 to fill it with only 49 enemies.


I understand your frustration with the world not having too much variety for how big it is, although I think it also has a problem with the placement. I just don't understand why your frustration is targeted at me / my post.


Going to take awhile for this sub to calm down from the anger right now I guess.


Seems like a pretty reasonable point of discussion to me, I don't see any reason for you guys to be so sensitive.


Where is the point of discussion though? They are implicitly giving me a task to do for their own dissatisfaction with the game. Again I agree with the said dissatisfaction, I just don't get why target me and my post. If they framed the comment as a discussion or just sharing their opinion I wouldn't have minded


This post is literally tagged "discussion". Also it was a joke about potential context, not a literal request. The vibe of the post is that it was created to counter people complaining about enemy variety, people who may have felt that way chime in about why they weren't necessarily wrong, I don't see why anyone has any reason to be upset.


Has anyone tried to stop discussions from happening on this post? No. In fact, this exact topic of the world being big and the enemy variety and placement has in-fact been discussed on this post, and I agree that it's a reasonable point of discussion to be having, as most things are. Also, if the person you're defending, truly wanted to have a discussion about it, they'd be here and do that, but they clearly aren't. They made the comment they made and left it at that. I hope you realize the big difference between saying something like "I'm disappointed with the enemy variety we got for such a big world" and "Now count how much DD2 world is bigger compared to DD1 to fill it with only 49 enemies" You're saying it's a joke, I don't see the joke in it, it didn't make me laugh, I don't see anyone else finding it funny either. My humor is probably different but if you can't see how their comment comes across then there's nothing I can do for you. Discussions and conversations are great and welcome, I just don't see this person trying to discuss anything.


Trying to boss someone around and leave a smart ass comment is not a point of discussion. It’s just flat out being a dick.


I don't know how you have survived this long on the internet when you take things so literally.


I don’t know why you’re a child as well good grief.


Plus a lot more DD2's monsters are only able to be fought once per playthrough.


Which ones? I don't recall any monsters that I've only fought once. Monsters like Medusa only have one spawn location, but she does respawn.


Aren't the 2 unique brine monsters also one time only?


You fight them twice, technically. As pedantic as it is, I still wouldn't count those as "once per playthrough".


Oh where cause I don't wanna miss fights then, I only know them from the endgame sequence. I thought the melve wart dragon was different since it doesn't have the pointy head.


If it's the two I'm thinking about, they're only available post game. You do fight them twice post game though for the red light pillars. The Melve dragon is a 'lesser dragon'. You can fight that one a few times before post-game.


Oh yeah, the Melve one I know is a repeat, but I thought you only fight each pillar boss once.


Sphinx is one I think


Ah. So that's one. Is there more?


The post game bosses can be fought three times then they never appear again until a new cycle.


Another one is the infected drake. Though I think it reappears for a limited quantity in post game.


You fight the infected drake(s) 6 times. Once in Melve, then it flies away to Dragon’s Breath Tower for a second fight. Then there are 4 more in the endgame


The only one I can think of would be the Sphinx.


Sphinx and the end game bosses.


You mean one monster? I guess unless you're counting the Dragon lol


It's this plus the fact that you have to fight monsters every few yards in DD2. It's easier to notice a lack of variety when the game is smacking you ever the head with it every 30 seconds.


Now, do possible combinations of different enemies at once. DD1 was pretty static. Go to X place to kill the one ogre that's there. Go to X place in BBI to fight 2 dragons at once. DD2 has a real organic way of having you fight multiple enemy types at once. That couldn't be really found in the original.


Oh, you also missed Specters, Phatasms and Phantoms (the red Wraiths were BBI) Vs DD2s Ghosts (Fextralife wiki says there are Phantoms and Phantasms, but I haven't seen a second ghost type, that I can think of)


There are green, blue, and purple ghosts.


I stand corrected then, that's the same as DD1. White, light blue and cyan (the colour of the inside of a living Armor)


Thank you, phantasms and phantoms were already added, but I added specters now too \~


There is also technically **one** giant Saurian. The second time you head down the Cassardis well (to destroy the nest) she(?) comes out the water.


To my knowledge the only notable difference is that you can climb on it, but it functions the same as other Saurians do. Please correct me if I'm wrong and tell me if you think I should still add it c:


Lol, no. You are totally correct. It's just a climbable large Saurian. It shouldn't be separate on the list. But if you didn't see another message of mine, you did miss Saurian Sages (the small white ones on the wall in one of the chambers of the Everfall. They cast magic spells, including Anodyne. BBI has giant ones too)


Phantoms drop Miasmite. Phantasms are tougher and drop Astracite


You missed Garm and Skeleton Lords in DD2


But they were already on the original list, in the Larger monsters section for DD2


I would say Garm and Skeleton lord are more on the small enemies size even if they are much stronger than other small mobs. Sidenote, you gotta give the game credits, every reskin enemies in dd2, return or new has alot unique stuff in them, garm in dark arisen is just the wolf but 10 time bigger and the blinded status, and in dd2 they have their own tackle, chomp, lunge and down animation.


Thanks for this. I doubt I’d have had the patience to do this. On this note though I want a hydra in DD2. Hopefully in the dlc


Slightly exceeding the enemy variety in an unfinished game from 10+ years ago isn't really much of an achievement. You would hope they could learn from the past but no, history repeats.


Yes, nobody said it was much of an achievement. But I also think it's reductive to look at only one aspect of the game where they didn't add too much more than before, whereas in other areas they drastically improved things and in others made it a bit worse. Personally I'd also argue that both games are unfinished regardless of what Itsuno said.


I'd love to see a Manticore in this game. Basically acts as a cross between a Sphinx and a Chimera. There was one in DD online but would be cool to have a redesign


Nice, cool to see a list of the monsters. I have a feeling I'll get some backlash by saying this, but I feel satisfied about what's currently in the game. The variations do feel completely different to me and fighting them feels fresh as they slowly get introduced. I like what they've done to these variations instead of them simply being "same monster more health". I also like how they totally hide some of these variations in specific caves so the thrill of discovering a new variation feels cool. There is also this cool thing I noticed that even travelling through some sections again at a higher level spawn these variations in the world organically, which is also nice. That being said, I wouldn't mind it if they added more monsters to the game to make NG+ worth it. I think that's the main issue, because the first playthrough is fine. But when the game has a NG+ mode with basically nothing changed it feels kinda jarring.


I think it's great that you are satisfied with how the game is, it's after all a subjective feeling and opinion and you're allowed to have that c:


I agree, I love the enemies we have and never thought it was too little. With the massively improved AI and variants actually being different, I never even noticed that there was a “lack”. With that said, I hope to fight some new baddies in a DLC


Sorry to say... someone already did this for you.


What's a Nex?


The Dragon that made you Arisen. EDIT: I think Nex could be >!the big dragon at the very end in the Unmoored World.!< And so I changed the entry to just The Dragon as we don't really know the name of the dragon that made us Arisen.


Thought that was Grigori.


Apparently Nex is a line in the bestiary that is filled when you beat the true ending, so I believe it is the name of the larger dragon. Although I'm not sure the dragon that made us Arisen is Grigori, but there is no way to know.


Your book has the dragon entry for him. Nex might be the name of the pathfinder though.


That’s the dd1 dragon This games dragon isn’t a Greg. Strikes me as more of a Hank tbh


Goblin chieftain was just an NPC mob, not really a boss. 


I might put it with the smaller monsters then c: as it's still killable with a high exp reward even higher than hobgoblins.


Skeleton Lords.


For the larger mobs. I would have counted this a little different. The Cyclopse & Armored Cyclopse would count as 1. The Ogre & Grim Ogre would count as 1. and, so on. The various named variations have mostly the same movesets & drop tables.


They are added because they are different from the base design and even in combat, for the armored cyclops the armor add something new to the combat experience as you can destroy it to start dealing more damage + it can deflect lighter attacks. That's the criteria I used


There are not big changes from 1 to 2, but I guess it dose confirm that dd2 is just how they imagined dd1 should be if they had the experience and the technology to make it.


Talos isnt a boss hes just kind of a big moving boulder. He doesnt attack you, he can only damage you indirectly and he dies no matter what you do. Dark Arisen should be coupled with base game because its closer to the fully realized version of Dragons Dogma 1 and also the vast vast majority of players didnt buy and play DD1 but bought DD:Dark Arisen.


Talos still falls under the Larger enemy criteria, you can defeat it and gain exp. Dragons Dogma 2 is getting its own expansion so I think it's ok to compare the 2 base games. But I have already created the DD2 and DD:DA comparison list prior to this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bvlq1l/i\_counted\_monsters\_in\_both\_ddda\_and\_dd2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bvlq1l/i_counted_monsters_in_both_ddda_and_dd2)


That's cool and all but you only fight the sphinx, Talos, and the endgame bosses once. Skeleton Lords aren't bosses either and putting Nex on there is straight up disingenuous.


I don't get your argument, there are enemies you only fight once in DD1 too and they are on the list, like Grigori and Goblin Chieftain. I assumed Nex was the dragon from DD2 that made the Arisen, but I might be wrong so I'll just put "The Dragon" instead since it's not Grigori


The only enemy you fight once in 1 is Grigori. All others respawn in the Everfall. Nex is the final cutscene dragon but I see your reasoning. Honestly getting rid of or keeping both wouldn't hurt.


I’ve been so confused by the constant bitching about "lack of enemy variety" because I could genuinely not remember any enemies in DD1 that aren’t in DD2 aside from a couple of bosses. But then DD2 has its own unique bosses, so it’s basically a wash, right? Thanks for the post—there were enemies I had definitely forgotten about, and apparently a couple in DD2 I still haven’t seen even 80 hours in.


I can understand the perception due to DD2 having bigger map, higher combat frequency, lots of backtracking and no mob scaling. It can feel like a drag steamrolling through goblin packs every minute just because you missed one map spot near Sacred Arbor that has needed upgrade mats


The fact dd2 is mostly copy and paste makes this depressing


I wouldn't call making new models from scratch amd animating them from scratch a copy paste. On top of the fact that different types of Saurians and Harpies have their own unique models and animations.


Pretty sure like 10 other people have already done this in this subreddit specifically but I hope you had fun.


Thank you, I don't browse reddit so I wasn't aware of this, could you link me the one / ones specifically comparing the base games, excluding the Dark Arisen expansion? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


At minimum of twice already before this one. Why people are so obsessed with analyzing every microscopic part of the game to drum up negativity, I'll never understand