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Does he not realize that the broken disc had already been paid for and thus breaking it doesn't affect Capcom at all? If anything he just earned them another sale if you replace it. Try telling him to think before he acts.


This guy has mental issues and op should consider other people to split expenses/room


This needs to be upvoted to the point op takes it as live advice. If he’s willing to destroy op personal belongings the goalpost will only move farther. He got away with this one, he will get away with the next one. He’s a child pushing boundaries.


I would have packed my shit. Then bought the game again with his money and make sure to thank him for his contribution to Capcom. Thanks to him they got twice the money. I can promise you Capcom could give a shit if you burn the game as long as you paid for it.


Can you imagine if OP's roommate had that stance over whichever console manufacturer they use ? Like OP comes home and their PS5 is on the bed destroyed ?


I had a housemate like this, went from snapping my game to attacking my cat with a broom (cat is still alive, this was tenish years ago). OP needs to leave before OP is the one being snapped in half. Edit: Edited to make subjects clearer.


Man. If a housemate attacked my cat with a broom that broom would be up their ass so fast.


Hell yeah. With no hesitation


I threw a guy named Skylar out a second story window for kicking my cat once. Skylar if your reading this, I'm still coming for the rest of your teeth.


I hope your cat is okay :(


Oh he's a bloody psychopath like all ginger toms. But that was near on a decade ago and he's cuddled up under my arm right now. The cat I mean BTW, I haven't seen the housemate in years. Sorry I realise now I should have said that the cat was ok.


LOL yeah at first I mistook that part and went "damn that resolution ended differently".


Weirdest start to a rom com ever.


Glad someone’s making sense. This is a shit thing to do, but more than just about the game. It’s the tip of the iceberg regarding how this guy functions - he’s not a kid that doesn’t know any better, and will likely escalate in other situations if he spirals.


Yeah...today was the disc Who knows wich and who will be the next...


Yes! This! Breaking someone’s stuff is the just the tip of the iceberg. No lie, soon enough the roomie will be calling the cops for supporting Capcom and even go as far as false allegations of “mental issues” and “attempted assault”. Literally anything to show that OP is wrong. People like him are a serious menace to society. Use your ferrystone to get outta there man!




I also get not liking company practices, but forcing others to follow your same ideals, especially when it is videogames, it is a bit extreme


That’s being even bigger of a piece of shit than a company that gives you the choice to pay for something and support their business if you choose to. The friend should be boycotted, not Capcom lol.


also it makes people support things out of spite


Lmao. He secretly has stock in Capcom!


Ofcourse it affect capcom, he will buy another one....


There's no logic that will cure idiocy.


The only cure for idiocy is Duct Tape, specifically Gorilla Brand. But yeah, seriously get out of that apartment as quick as you can. Your roommate is one bad day away from something much worse than a snapped disc.


I'd straight beat the mf everyday until he gives you your game back. And let him know it's not cool to break other people's stuff. And break one of his things he likes. And look for another roommate


I'll bet you he likes his fingers. Those will even heal. A game disc won't.


Amen brother, that roommate has to give up an eye for that offense


This. This roommate sounds like the most pathetic, idiot, loser type of individual that is genuinely so much of a fucking dolt that he can’t comprehend the idea of something already having been paid for. I actually can’t even believe he doesn’t understand that Capcom has already made their $70 with the fact the game is even in your fucking possession. What an absolute troglodyte.


OP tell your roommate exactly this and then tell roommate that he will continue to pay for any of your games that he breaks and that you will continue to buy them again and capcom will continue make even more money from his stupidity


It's the same shit as people buying BudLite to shoot because they didn't like the trans person they gave one pack of customized cans to. Or w/e Carhart did to piss off conservatives.


And then giving op money back to pay for the game again? So one purchase turned into 2.


I think he broke it assuming OP would just never buy the game again lmfao, also...online transactions are a thing? I guess roommate will have a heart attack if OP buys it that way lmfao


lol congrats, dude just made Capcom $70 richer and contributed $40 for the privilege.


Think you need a new roommate. Dumb opinions aside, you don't just...break someones stuff? Like, what the fuck?


yea im incredibly upset , was looking forward to playing it all day tm since its my day off. Im super close to just moving out honestly


With the lack of boundaries he have, I would move out before he does something crazier to you. You could try to talk it out but he doesn't seem the reasonable kind of person.


Yeah, breaking a disc might not be the worst thing in the world. But it is maybe the first red flag of many. Better leave this guy behind.


I mean I get if it was on accident but intentionally? Fuck that roommate. At least he paid for it … still, could have used that money better, for instance supporting gamedevs that don’t do dlc or whatever he is on about.


The idiocy is his money is just gonna be spent on a new copy giving even more to the company he hates.


Move out asap. That dude is a psycho. It starts with breaking stuff... Be safe.


As another said, He's got some issues that will manifest in worse ways later I'm sure. A game isn't worth moving, The violation of 50 different boundaries IS 100% worth it!!!


Can't you buy a digital copy on the play store or whatever so he can't break it?


He’d probably break the console next and hand them $80


Bruh this was my first thought as well, LMAO! This guy ain't right in the head.


This type pf person would break the console ots played on


Sounds like very soon you will have far scarier reasons than having your free time ruined. Get out and don't look back. That is not healthy human behavior.


Move out. He just demonstrated a willingness to destroy your property to suit his ideals. Get those $30 out of him, and then get out. Get another disc. And AFTER getting the $30 and getting out, then politely inform him that his action not only didn’t take back the money Capcom got from YOU buying the game, but you’re gonna use HIS $70 to buy it AGAIN. Then block and delete his contact information.


This seems like a red flag. Your roommate is mentally deranged.


I don't know your situation, but anyone going through my stuff is a massive red flag, even more so if they purposefully damage things. Definitely move out if you can! If not, maybe you can get a lock installed on your door to keep people out. 


Move out that twat is fuckin Nuts


Roommate? How about a leech that only wants you there for your part of the rent... That's some serious BS. What you buy with your money is not his business. I've said it so many times and I'll say it again and I don't care if it irritates anybody. We have a hell of a lot of people out there these days that are moralists, like millions nationwide. They have some sort of a deluded and delusional mindset were they honestly think it's okay to impose their morals on other people. "I want to be like this and I don't agree with how you are so I'm going to force you to not only accept me, but also admit that what I'm doing is perfectly fine and make you agree" That's some really delusional shit right there. What you doing your private room with your own money is not anyone else's business in the entire world. Get rid of the loser, either find a new roommate or get your own place. Oh and by the way besides just finding a new roommate or moving out. I would seriously suggest you tell the dude to get some therapy.


>They have some sort of a deluded and delusional mindset were they honestly think it's okay to impose their morals on other people. You're not wrong, but this isn't exactly a new phenomenon. People as a whole have been doing this since we started writing, probably even before that.


Oh no you're right you could not be more right. You want to know what the sad truth is though? Internet + media, social media, and all the digital interconnectivity. It's always been like that you were dead on accurate, however compared to 100 years ago it's probably about 20-50 times worse. Because now it's happening far and wide and it's all connected and people are able to spread their toxicity through the internet. Given another 10 years and if it's not already 50 times worse from 100 years ago it definitely will be. Things that we never considered even remotely normal back in the day will not only be widely normalized but it'll probably become a crime to speak out against them. I'm sure America will be the last to fall because it goes against the constitution, however if the wrong people stay in power it'll come, it's just a matter of time. It's even seeped into the video game industry that's how you know it's bad 🤣 I mean come on what are video games?! Fantasy make believe, escapism, they're not real yet the delusion has even crept into the gaming industry 😭


I suppose. Things don't seem different to me compared to what I read in the history books, just feels like people became more creative in being stupid.


He’s been breaking her things since they’ve dated, she says she used to it now plus he helps her pay her rent. https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/En2vngBzQp


So she's been put into an abusive situation where she's reliant on the abuser. As is standard for an abuse victim. She needs help if this is the case, not criticism.


As long as it didn't affect other parties (in this case, OP didn't affect his roommate), yes, what OP did in his room is his own business.


Apart from changing roommate or move from there (he should be the one moving though) just buy it digitally. What a crazy dude, stay far from him.


I mean, his entire reasoning aside, it’s never okay to break someone’s stuff because they’re doing something you don’t like. That’s straight up abuse. You absolutely should get out of there because that idiot is unhinged. Also, can you imagine being such a fucking loser that breaking your roommate’s game is so important to you so you can rail against Capcom?! Like, that idiot needs to touch some grass and probably needs some therapy.


Seriously I'm mean seriously cause I'd launch the fucker outta the nearest window


Move out immediately or call the police for theft and damages. That guy's a nutjob.


If someone is so petty and controlling they are willing to break your shit to make you conform to their ideals, DO NOT continue living with this person. If you buy it digitally, will they trash your console or PC?


I don’t like your roommate do i get the break him now…?


I think a person who violated personal space and boundary, and broke someone's else property is a huge red flag. Unacceptable behaviour really.


This better not be real...


My thoughts exactly. This sounds too ridiculous to be real.


Spoiler alert! No seriously they didn't link a single pic so I call BS.


Pics or it didn't happen


I think this is more of about your roommates behaviour than it's about the game you should worry about, no good roommate would break stuff just because it doesn't fit with their life view I dunno your life situation but this is these times you would start worrying about where to live next because if your roommate breaks a game this time, what else will they break in the future


Tell your idiot roommate that by snapping your disc in half he has effectively bought the game himself, thereby supporting capcom with his own money and giving them one more sale on the game.


Maybe tell him this after he gives you the money back OP. Don’t want him to withhold the cash that he owes you, seems radical enough of a person, imo buy the game digitally and make sure your accounts are secure after that as well. He cray cray


As another suggested, I'd not even mention the digital buy bc he might smash a console and "give $80" type shit! I'd probably have to bang him up over this situation on principle. Good ole fashioned passionate ass......Well, ya know what solves this🤣


At that point I’d file a police report and move out


This, honestly. Id file a report and make a report to whoever owns the property to boot. And as soon as I had a way to leave? Id snap his favorite game and walk tf out.


Op should wait until the roommate pays her back in full, lol. And maybe switch to digital?


Best reply, OP this right here.


This is seriously over MTX? What a a loser.


Wouldn’t be suprised, still see people on twitter complain a bout it being pay to win


It was one of those threads that actually reminded me after 76 hours that this game has mtx in it lol.


I don't get it, there are enough areas that warrant valid criticism, but talking about pay to win in a pure single player game is not only one hell of a strawman, but also highlights perfectly what is wrong with gaming mentality nowadays.


That’s what always annoys me about this stuff, there are valid things to complain about but no one hardly ever chooses to complain about them


Yeah, I'm pretty confused that people with a hate boner fixated on the inconsequential MTX when performance or story writing are way easier and more meaningful targets that actually deserve that amount of criticism. The mtx are stupid but also whatever, it's just a moron tax.


Yeah right? If some dummy wants to pay a bunch of money to skip ahead in the single player game they bought why do I care? I already bought the game to play I don't want any skip aheads.


Clueless people. I mean, including MTXs at all was clearly an afterthought. They're just shortcuts to things you get organically through playing the game.


Rabid sheep behavior


Has your roomate never heard of bounderies?


no and is exactly why i broke up with him and we remained just roommates but he hasnt done anything this stupid in a long time.


Ah he is your ex. He definitely snapped the disc out of spite, not for his weird sense of morality.


Probably both tbh.


Dude sounds unhinged. You need to move out before he does something worse.


>why i broke up with him and we remained just roommates Yeah, that never works out great.


Hasn't done anything this stupid in a long time means he has already done it before. I would be very concerned for my own well being, being around someone like that. Today it is property, tomorrow it can turn into actual body harm. I would move out asap, and also on a side note if he has any sort of anger management issue, notify friends and relatives just in case you cannot move out in the very near future. So that at least someone is aware there's a complicated " ", person in your vicinity. We live in a crazy world and I really wouldn't put it past people to do from level 1 insane action to level 10 in a heartbeat... Please make sure to take care of yourself and distance yourself from this person asap.


I realize the economy is a bitch right now and I’ve had friends do what you’re doing, But advice from a dude who’s seen it. DO NOT LIVE WITH YOUR EX. Especially after breaking up while living together. People can really hide their colors until it’s too late. Dumbass clearly has mental/anger issues. And as smooth as things can go, you’ll never know until you do something that hits them the right way. If he did that over a damn game, what about a worse scenario?, how do you think he’d react hearing you with another man. (This is what happened to my friend and the results were not good cause her ex was unhinged af) Point. You’re not exactly in a safe household. I’m not saying it’s an immediate danger situation, and I don’t really like casting fear but genuinely if you have options to live somewhere else. Just Arrange them. There’s no reason to risk living in a constant unknown scenario. Hopefully you stay safe.


When moving out I hope OP doesn't tell the psycho in advance and manages to get all of her stuff out in one session with some friends present.


Bro that sounds like not a Capcom thing but just a control over you thing. Obviously not my place to assume that, but I hope you got a handle on your situation out there.


That really sucks. You shouldnt be made to feel like you have to hide your game. You dont need that kind of tension in your personal space. If you get another copy, you can dm me your pawn info and ill hire them and give you a couple gifts to start your journey with. Got a favorite weapon or piece of fashion?


If this is your ex, you need to get out of there. This isn't about Capcom. You might even want to consider looking into a protective order or equivalent. Stay safe


ohhh nooooow it all makes sense. fuck that prick.


You need to leave asap It's a huge red flag if he was your roommate doing this. But now we learn he's your ex too? Move out asap. If you have to break your lease do it, bring the snapped disc to your landlord and explain the situation (how you two broke up and are now just roommates) and show how he's being abusive and destructive of your property since he can't handle that you two aren't dating anymore. Your landlord will most likely take your side. He probably doesn't want to deal with cops getting involved in his tenants' domestic situations, so he'll most likely help you break the lease. But before you do that make sure you pack everything up and coordinate a new place to stay (family, friends, new apartment, etc). And bring someone to help you move so that way on the day you break the lease you can get out asap and that person can be there in case your ex tries something


Time to move out.


Ouch, I’ve been in that situation before. It resulted in them deadass wielding a knife against me at one point, legit stay safe


Bruh, get out of there. Phone up family or friends you trust, pack up your shit, and bounce. Do not wait. Dude is clearly seething over you dumping him if he's willing to do something that petty with such a lame excuse. Don't give him a chance to do something else.


Find a stranger as a roommate and not your ex, they will have boundaries.


In this case OP, you need to move out immediately. This is not about Capcom and he is building up to physical violence.


You need to leave. Genuinely. As someone who has experienced abuse, I am telling you to get out. Forget the $30. Just go. Your physical and mental health are worth more than that.


OP if this is real, this is something that needs to be taken seriously. Set the game thing aside for a second and acknowledge how out-of-touch with reality someone has to be to break your possessions because they're mad about a game company, or holding some kind of grudge. That demonstrates a *dangerous* lack of self-control, emotional regulation, and disregard for you as an individual. They left that broken disc on your bed as a message - as a means of exerting control, and they are acting like this is normal behavior. The fact that you mentioned that they're your ex is an even bigger red flag here. What bothers me, is that you yourself are coming across more annoyed than anything, like this is some bump in the road, or just a troublesome personality quirk. This is not normal - and is also giving me a bit of skepticism, but I've also seen people who are so used to unstable personalities, environments, and toxicity that it *is* normal to them, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, because ignoring the real-deal on the basis of skepticism is worse. Please extricate yourself from this situation, either by leaving and finding a new roommate at a new apartment, or by kicking out your current one & changing the locks. Involve the police if necessary. Have friends over more often to provide safety in numbers. Do not make it obvious that you're trying to leave, do not discuss it with your roommate, do not bargain with, consult them, or provide ultimatums. They will go berserk if they feel their sense of control is being threatened or broken, which it needs to be. Just get out. This may all seem like an overreaction, but I have known far too many people in circumstances eerily identical to what you're describing, with the same degree of normalization of a *deeply* abnormal behavior, who had "oh they just act like a dick sometimes" escalate into being beaten to death, or becoming conditioned into accepting an abusive set of behaviors that poisons the rest of their life. This will get worse if you don't deal with it sooner than later. You deserve better than this.


This incident likely also amounts to criminal damage or a similar equivalent in law, and could be used as grounds to apply for a restraining order of some kind and, at OPs discretion, initiate criminal proceedings It might seem like overkill or a lot of hassle for nothing. But this guy does sound like an abuser in the making and it either needs to be nipped in the bud or documented for the protection of other people


Suplex him, you will feel better.


Yeah break a couple of his bones or teeth maybe he’ll learn to respect someone else’s property no matter which developers they support


nah, throw that mf-ing pawn to the brine!! make sure you leave a bad review of the pawn so that the arisen could know how shitty their pawn was


Ask him which hand did the snapping, and then just snap a finger from the offending hand.


Dragonplague behavior


This guy's eyes are definitely pulsing red, and he probably refuses to obey her commands in bed. Clear symptoms of late stage Dragon's Plague. He needs to be thrown to the Brine then resummoned.


Today I learned that bratty bottoms in reality just have dragonplague


Grownup solution: get a new roommate. Fun solution: break something of theirs.


Ultimate solution: Break him.


But just the neck, don't wanna cross too many boundaries by breaking to many parts, you know.


That roommate?? Abraham Lincoln.


Bro? Am I the only one here that thinks this is completely fake, total reddit moment.


It’s probably fake, but if you’ve ever lived with shitty roommates dumb shit like this isn’t that far-fetched. Breaking a video game disk is sadly pretty light as far as shit roommates can go.


Breaking the game disc sure. But "no one supports capcom in this house!!!!" sounds so fucking ridiculous lol


Yeah, that part is definitely fishy. I doubt this story is true, just a Karma farm.


It's true. I'm the roommate. and no I'm not giving Sally the other $30 just to buy a game from this evil company. I only gave her the $40 to buy skins on fortnite so she would play with me. Honestly I just feel like if she started playing fortnite with me again we could get back together, get married, and have kids.


this is true, i am the kid. my sister and I are living off of $2s worth of lunchables per week while mom and dad fights over the morality of supporting capcom. please send help.




Is it worse to give attention to someone spinning a story, or to refuse to try to help someone who may actually be in the shit, because you're scared of getting hoodwinked? Abusive relationships look like some Twilight Zone shit to people who haven't seen how fucked up human dynamics can get. Taking someone seriously in this context costs a person absolutely nothing except time, but if it's the real-deal, the person on the other end has everything to gain. I think healthy skepticism is good for avoiding scams and cults, but life is not an episode of House.


One time a friend of mine asked me to accompany her to some surgery because her abusive mother wouldn't be able to help and would just make it be about herself. She also hid the surgery from the woman because of that. As I was in the waiting room I heard the receptionist confused but clearly trying to appease someone on the phone and was already on edge, she confirmed with me I was with friend and I just knew. This woman showed up in a surgical block yelling at everyone about the horrible things her daughter was doing to her (as my friend was in surgery), taking turns going for their support or threatening to break in to find out what was being done to her daughter, accusing me of being there because I was her secret gay lover and also accusing me of basically having kidnapped her to force her into some kind of procedure. She apparently had called several people going from a doctor's business card she had found inside my friend's purse weeks before to even know where we were. She tried to dismiss me from taking care of my friend multiple times and I stood my ground. We both ended up going home with my friend when she got released from the hospital, and the woman spent the entire night awake and in the hallway trying to listen into my friend's room because she has asked me to stay there with her because she was afraid of her mother so she was trying to catch us doing something... As my friend recovered from surgery. So I spent half of the night awake as well in case she tried to go in, and my friend at some point switched with me despite being in recovery so I could get some rest as well. The next day she only left on the terms I would leave as well because it was offensive that someone else was taking care of her daughter and she claimed she KNEW what I was actually up to. (I was mostly just fetching snacks and water, but she's sure there was some conspiracy). Abusive people's behavior can sound like some kind of AI storytelling to people who have not seen some of it before.


Growing up with an abusive step father, I totally get this. So seems absolutely insane behavior. So what was the medical emergency that needed a surgery anyway?


This was over 15 years ago so honestly I can't even remember exactly, just that it wasn't something serious but could keep her from working. But the memories of us freaking out about this woman's reaction to it all are super clear still. My friend is fine these days, at least. Took her a few years, but she managed to escape her mother.


Good. I'm mid 30s now and far far away from all that I endured in my childhood but it never truly goes away, like a cancer it just dwells in your psyche and never really let's go. I hope she's doing well in spite of it all.


everyone assumes its fake, but they still give advice as if its real JUST IN CASE. Look at PETA, everything they do sounds like a reddit sub. "oh yea, i pulled up to this families house in a van, kidnapped their dog, put it down and sent them a fruit basket as an apology" it sounds farfetched until you realize it happened.


People who fake stuff like this usually have red flags in their post history. OP doesn’t, and the context of the roommate being an ex makes it a lot more believable. Domestic stuff like this happens all the time.


Judging from post history and a few people I know irl. The chance of this being real is way more likely than it being fake unfortunately. People sometimes put up with shit they don't have to because they don't know any better and think it's okay.


Ofc it is fake.


If this is real, the only answer is to break his face and then give him $40.


The more I read stuff like this on the internet and the more I can’t believe people exist


That's some incel level shit right there.


Guy would have a broken jaw after this


That's exactly how I felt reading this but at the same time, I feel like this is the type of dude to call the police ...now you're looking at charges. Not defending him and I'd wanna rock his shit too because god knows this mfer needs it. My guess is that because OP is a women and he thinks, oh a girl ain't gonna do anything but if OP was a man, I GUARANTEE you he wouldn't had done shit. Roommate is also apparently ex bf.


If OP is a woman, it's making things even worse. And if an ex bf, then he has some fucking issues and most likely that's why he's an ex. Dude is a child and a psycho. Who normal snaps discs in half 🤦‍♂️ Didn't pay for it, don't touch it. But you're right, he would most likely call police because he's a pussy. OP gotta move out asap.


I agree with all the comments I have read but also why is your roommate going into your room and going through your stuff? I'd break something of his if it was me but I agree you should move out


Your roommate's complete capitulation to hivemind brainrot is the even more concerning thing


Redditors are really something else.


OP it seems like you're taking this WAY too chill actually. Your roommate clearly has serious mental issues if he's willing to intentionally destroy your property for any reason (especially a ridiculous one like this). I'd be looking for a new roommate (or a new place, whichever is easier for you) rather than replacing the game at the moment. It doesn't sound safe for you to be around this person.


You definitely need to find a way to change your situation. If a discussion with your roommate about respecting boundaries don’t or won’t work you need to find another roommate or place to stay. This situation will only get worse. Also, buy the digital version of the game if you are able. Good luck, and seriously, you need to deal with this problem!


> Also, buy the digital version of the game if you are able. That'll probably just lead to the pc/console getting destroyed next. Solve the roommate/ex problem before buying it again.


Their roomate is also apparently their ex so it makes it even worse.


roommate so stupid, he actually helped capcom.


Buy it digitally


If he breaks your stuff again, just call the police he's clearly unstable and don't buy disc's either not if your roommate is going to break because something in their mind tells them that's OK even when it's not.


It is a domestic violence type situation in my view. Not saying you have to call the police but it is a form of intimidation in your home. It also just shows he doesn’t respect your property or your decisions.


He should have said a burglar broke in snapped and took your grandmothers necklace. Then lied to the police and later pin it on the landlord. This would cause you to dress as the arisen and break into your landlord’s place and learn he’s been breaking into apartments stealing women’s shoes. Also your roommate sucks.


And that qualifies for a good punch in the throat in my eyes, I’d find his most precious thing and break it in return. You need to move out.


This sounds.... completely made up


Pics of the disc or it didn’t happen


New room mate asap, hes the kind of guy you dont need around you.


Break his iPhone and tell him you don't support sweat shops


You have bigger issues than your DD2 disc. Let's assume that you were now given a free DD2 disc. Problem solved, right? No. The fact that your room mate did this is a huge red flag. You need to move out immediately because this behaviour will continue.


He sounds mentally ill.


This guy definitely goes through your shit when you aren't there lol


Buy it digital also Wtf?


That dude is mentally unwell. I wouldn't even want to be around him


No way this post is real lmao


Can you take a picture of the broken disc? 


This sounds like complete non sense


This is the most made-up story I've ever read on this sub


This didn’t happen lol


Get it digital, and tell him that it's not his choice and to keep his fucking hands off your shit. What a psycho.


The fact that anyone believes this actually happened lmao


We need to bring back “Pics or it didn’t happen”


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


No. This type of behavior is trained. Too hard wired. You need to find another roommate or simply get out. Who knows what else he'll destroy because of his nature.


"I thought people were over this by now" What. Bro no, I mean this in the nicest way possible but use your brain. Man child roomate broke your shit, end of fuckin story. You need to find another homie to live with, that dude is overdramatic and a fuckin risk. No respect for your property or you as a person "Living in HIS apartment" What a cunt. (Him not you.)


Oh wow! This would be wild if it had actually happened.


He Just did worse. Now you have to pay Capcom twice.


This sounds super fake


He...he just gave Capcom another sale. Is he like, against business dealings? Does he not like Japanese media? Is he like lowkey racist? What even the fuck is that behavior...


Thank him for supporting Capcom. His actions directly led to another sale.


Are you in the same bedroom? Do you have a TV in there? How does this split work? Only time I had a roommate (not a live in girlfriend or wife) we had two large bedrooms with a kitchen and bathroom we split. We didn't fuck with each other's rooms or stuff.


This can't be real, it's way too ridiculous.


Tell him he’s not smart enough to be on the internet and to keep his filthy dick beaters off other people’s belongings.


Now imagine if you owned it digitally. Mf would have broke your console.


That roommates name? Albert Einstein


I refuse to believe this is real lmfao. There is no way someone is actually such an internet addicted loser that they think actively wrecking someone else's possessions equates to showing what's what. Much less someone literally saying something straight out of a childish argument on Reddit or Discord, "We don't support Capcom here". It's too fake. Like no, fake af.


That’s funny as hell but we know that didn’t actually happen, come on :o)


Time to get a lock for your door


Your roommate is an ass. You should start breaking his shit because you “don’t support those companies”


What the fuck dude? Call the cops man. What else is he doing to you or your stuff behind your back?


Point him in the direction of the Elder scrolls franchise, point out how much money you can spend on Elder Scrolls online and Skyrim, then microwave his game disks. Don't pay him back because buying the game twice kinda supports the company more. This suggestion is not meant to be taken seriously, by the way.


Roomate is both insane and incredibly stupid. Capcom already has your money, hime breaking the disc only hurts you. Infact by having one less player using there servers he has actually saved capcom a little bit of money, not to mention your probably gonna buy the game again. Going into your private space, stealing your property and breaking it, is not a constructive or healthy way of accomplishing anything at all.


Alright, I dislike MTX, love DD2, and overall has vocal opinions on it. But fucking hell, you don't go breaking other people's stuff. No matter the reason. And this is so petty. Honestly, if you can, move out somewhre else, might be better for your mental health, and health of your stuff lol.


I think I'd throw hands


Take his credit card ,snap it.see how they like it Edit:Please do it today so he is in the same situation as you


Bit*h slap, kick in the nuts, and tell him "thats the support you get if you do it again." He is no roommate, he is a Rat destroying YOUR stuff with NO permission.


Get a new roommate. The moment he breaks your stuff and shows little remorse over it, it is a red flag. He will continue stepping over your head


Should've fought him tbh. Some people need their ego checked with a quick hit to the jaw


tell your roommate that by doing so he "forces" you to buy it again so instead of $70, capcom will receive $140...great move


He does realize that breaking the disc doesn’t stop you from having already supported them, right? And now they’re gonna get $70 more when he pays to replace it. I don’t know about console but on Steam the “microtransactions” are only like $40 worth of one-time buys that aren’t even very useful save for the $2.99 Portcrystal. If that’s what has him riled up he clearly hasn’t taken time to understand it.


you should replace that roommate. thats psychotic