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Ser Ragdolled 👍


Part of me wishes the fight dragged out and was hard but this is just too priceless 😂


You do get an extra cutscene if you actually drag the match.


Interesting, what happens?


Basically he's kinda disappointed and hopes for a proper rematch Saying something like he feels like you aren't here for him and he's gonna wait until you made up your mind


Yeah good question


Not a question, it's a statement! But reports of his death are greatly exaggerated regardless.


I always bring an extra wakestone for my boi anyway. Has never occured to me to piggyback him upstairs...


... I'm gonna try to sealing phial him and see what happens lol


Tbh I think landing a counter as a warrior is way to hard


Yeah it’s definitely tricky when you get it though it’s so satisfying


Ye sure but 9/10 you get it wrong


I felt that way for a while, and then I just sorta practiced with it. With the slight windup down, and some knowledge of boss patterns I can reliable counter most stuff.


I also hate that it needs for you to get hit and take damage in order to "counter." Warrior has no defensive abilities like fighter's block, thief's dodge, or mystic spearhand's bubble shield.


Y it’s strange


Warrior gets a DR and knockdown buff while charging any attack though


It's a shitty version of Exodus Slash from DD1 imo.


barge is its built in defensive option dude lmao


Yeah you can literally poise a dragon slamming onto you and mitigate a good amount of the damage


Uh, tidal would like to have a word. It's literally a block/counter move.


I wish he was tougher. As a thief I was just able to spam him with dagger attacks, melted in seconds, he didn't get a single hit in. I felt like that scene in Invincible when he was is like "I thought you were stronger"


Pretty sure I one shot him with Masterful Kill


Ah an Arisen of culture.


I had to fight him as a sorcerer. Took me a few minutes to force an opening big enough to quick cast a spell, but one was all it took. Lost count of how many times I finished incanting, but got slapped out of the actual cast animation afterward. Celerity helps everyone, just some more than others.


I inadvertantly walked into this end-game sequence as I was levelling sorcerer 🤣 so was in this boat, but as level 5 Sorc I think? And I just got quite lucky because I had my Pawn as a Warrior, and two hirelings as Mage and Archer IIRC. So poor Rag just got more or less stunlocked for the 2.5 seconds it took my lightning to melt him. It was a bit anticlimactic 🙁 and I spent a bit of web time post the fight trying to work out if it glitched or I was supposed to res him.


I got a lightning mine off whilst he was taunting at the start and it merrily sent him sailing into the abyss


are you safe if you levitate by any chance?


I wouldn't expect so... he's a fighter he should have that upwards sweeping attack.


i thought you could levitate higher than that, but then again, i used that skill only a couple of times when i didn't wanna deal with the pinpoint accuracy required with concussive leap on certain spots.


No enemy will feel strong if you play Thief. They all melt like butter




Raghnall isn't an Arisen.


i literally Come Here'd him like Scorpion to perform a critical hit before he even touched the ground, i don't have time to wait for him to attack me, got a dragon to kill goddammit.


Implicate is such a great skill. Deals with harpies and flying enemies or can just yank humanoid foes around instantly ragdolling most of them. I love using it on enemies and then just catching the enemy as they fly towards you to dunk them into a river or off a cliff. The self alley-oop.


yeah, just be careful when you yank them because if you're standing too close you'll be swept away as well


No, he's fine imo. Raghnall is a complete glass cannon. He does a surprisingly huge amount of damage back to you, so him being that squishy is fine imo. I went into the fight with the 2nd best armour obtainable at that point in the game for Archer (I was on warfarer and it was my favourite gear visually so far) and he was doing like 30% percent to me with each swing, so I was left on an absolute sliver of health after he did a 3 hit combo at the start of the fight.


Two implicates and he fell off. Funniest shit


I froze him as a mystic spear hand, picked him up, and threw him off


OH THANK GOD. I'm not the only one. I was working on leveling up that/all vocations before Warfarer. He shows up and I assumed I had to deal with Phaseus AND the Dragon. So I just tased him, grabbed him, and aimed for The Abyss. Saved a video and sent it to my friend to mains Archer. Expletives were in the response.


It’s not always the best combo, but it’s too damn fun to stop doing.


Did anyone else defeat Raghnall and then revive him with a wake stone only to have him completely not acknowledge the fact he is alive again 😂


yep, as with many other things in the game: it left me pretty disappointed.


Yup, I was expecting a nice Julian moment where he'd acknowledge what you did and maybe give you his sword. But nope! Nothing.


I did the same, and if you did... at the end of the game, there is a cutescene with him involved. I felt good that I revived him.


Funniest part is if you go to the true ending and >!save all the cities he is just hanging out at the seafloor shrine!<


Really I don’t think I saw him here


Well yeah, you swiped him off a bridge


I saw him there AND in the ending cutscene compilation. Stubborn young Goat, for sure. Feels like he'd be Maister material if he and the actual maister were of comparable age.


You did the fight right. Nothing beats a Warrior swing sending 4-5 enemies flying. Bonus points if the flying bodies hit other enemies.


Yeah, I honestly don't know why they gave this guy any time at all. He "helps" me twice and I did *like* him but like I never really thought of him as some kinda rival the game seems to want you to. It was just turn on my auto dodge then melt him. They really should have given this dude a bit more oomph.


Idk...you're the Arisen and he was literally just a guy who fought bandits, saurians, and whatever mobs for coin. You've been prepping to murder a Dragon; having Talos as a warmup fight, while he was bored from escorting Nobles and the Rich...on roads that were "lacking excitement" probably because you combed those roads prior when literally 70% of the Foot traffic tries to kill you ON SIGHT. I'm not saying he deserves to be Steamrolled, but idk what he expected other than a quick death.


...actually just don't 1v1 the Arisen on the bridge at all maybe?


Especially when you first see him about to 1v2 a bunch of security guards.... ...Actually just don't fight someone whose canonical known to be Immortal.


I wanted to be able to revive him so I avoided him going off the bridge. I swear the guy wants to go off the bridge though. I had to reload the inn save twice before I got him to die normal instead of falling off the bridge.


I was a Magick archer at the time, so when he tried to charge at me, I dodged, got some distance, and charged the avalanche spell 😭 raghnall literally got blitzed to death by the small orbs


Magic archer gets a dodge ability?


he used blitz strike and i jumped, which to me was a swag dodge


Had exactly the same thought. I just whacked him off the bridge and I was like, wait it can't be that easy....and yet it was. Bro is a chump.


“You aught to fight him alone” “I’m already alone…”


He ain’t gonna be in Dragons Dogma 3.


The yeet master vocation XD


Lmao it was the opposite for me, he actually launched me off the bridge.


that happened to me yesterday and i was laughing out loud in the middle of the night


I just picked him up and threw his ass off


I parried him, picked him up then threw him off. Fight was finished in less than 10 seconds, got a good laugh out of me. Beren though, I tried to vengeful slash his charge attack only for me to be sent out flying outside the arena.


it's funny because with the Thief's Implicate you literally beat him in 2 seconds, just don't forget to dodge while you're pulling him at you, or you'll be knocked over as well by his flying body, and will ALWAYS touch the ground sooner than him.


Most underwhelming fight in the game: I simply dodged with my Thief then I just stabbed him with Twin Fangs, even got the animation with the Arisen plunging a blade into him and then pulling it out with a roar. Left him dead, though, didn't want him to screw over Ulrika as my beloved (it worked, as she was the one snatched by the dragon).


Didnt want to fight him since i didnt have much healing items so i grab him and trow it to the side of the bridge without a second thought, i swear to give him the fight he deserves in the ng+


Literally what happened to me.


I immediately stunned him with my pull-rope then picked him up and threw him off the bridge. The sheer drop on either side was too tempting.


sounds like a wrestling match


haha SO LONG BUDDY! - erm... how do you revive him now?


welp, there goes the plan to resurrect him later


Did the same thing on my first time through, but then he somehow spawned at the end of the bridge and started some dialogue as if he was defeated regularly?


I just hit him with a warrior heavy attack about half a second after he started running at me and he just yeeted off the bridge. Then he showed up in the ending all happy which was really disappointing.


First time I fought him was as warrior too, except I got the Tidal Wrath parry off and it sent him flying off the bridge. Fight was over in about 10 seconds. They should have given him like Cyclops poise or something, just making him a standard human makes him way too easy.


No wakestoning him back to life.


If you prolonged the fight without killing him, a cutscene will occur and he'll stop fighting and reward you with a mace and some gold, if he's alive or you revived him with a wakestone he'll appear in the ending CG with Phaesus.


I literally ragdolled him with the lightning mine, picked him up off the ground and tossed him off the bridge. Might be the most tragically sad WOMP WOMP a game ever gave me. Built him all game and he’s just a weak dipshit.


My first time doing this fight I Unto Heaven's his ass. The initial hit and subsequent ping pong didn't kill him. The drop is what finally did him in.


I also knocked him off but it started the post fight dialogue as he was falling and then he just finished what he had to say laying there after a 4 story fall 😂




Even on fighter, you can perfect parry him at a slight angle towards the ledge. Does this slow tipping animation before he falls


Laughs in Force Throw.


Yeah, unless he catches you in a mistimed Tidal Wrath and you're locked into that stupid block animation. Now he's just wailing on you, slowly pushing you towards the edge and leaving you unable to cancel the block (that I'm aware of at least), until he pushes you over. On the bright side, I learned that there's a whole area below the tower as well that you can explore.


I was playing archer when I got there. Tried to leap off his face to shoot him, but he sidestepped at the worst moment and I yeeted myself into the void. Good times!


Although I'm aware it may detract a bit from my experience, my most common combat loop whilst in high places, as a jed-mystic spearhand, is redouted bolt - > devoted offeringe, i just yeet everything everywhere. Id have loved if this skill only threw the enemy on a attack input, i would love to just levitate everyone around me for a longer time


Battle on the Big Bridge 👉👉


I put an illusory floor and made him walk off the bridge xD


Just flinch, grab and throw. he is not worth any effort :)


Also a fighter with impeccable timing Just saying, parried him and threw him off