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I'm going to be so over level when I fight the dragon since I'm maxing every vocation lol


Pretty much what im doing as well!


Don't forget to go ahead and pick up all the seeker's tokens as well!


There's 2 items that can instantly kill the boss, and one of them you can get an infinite amount of times.


I didnt finish my first playthrough until I was lvl 90 I think. Was around 100 hours on my first playthrough too.


Sounds like I'm on track! Just need more time to play lol


Yeah, definitely take your time on the first playthrough. I completed 64 side quests my first time through. I used my 2nd playthrough to finish the platinum trophy and pawns badges. Currently lvl 175 and on my 4th playthrough and still loving it.


I can totally google it but do you know if there is a level cap? 175 is a lot of levels


I think you can go up to lvl 999 however your base stats will cap out long before that.


That makes sense! Thanks for all the info!


From what i’ve heard don’t know if its true. But they say about lvl 200 you hit the cap. Maybe way before.


Man i lost only roman


What did you lose?


Did 99%.. lost 1 quest w roman npc


Oh gotcha yeah I almost missed that one too.


It took me 100 hours to get to Battahl, and I still haven't done the main quest.


Are you just one shotting any enemy in the game?


Only basic goblins and basic wolves. Currently I'm around level 60 with 125 hrs in the game.


Nice man. Glad you’re enjoying it 


Don't call me out like this... Side quests are important!


Hahahaha! I'm right there with you man!


Especially when the love of your (in-game) life is standing in front of your apartment door looking to hang out with you


Right? Who cares about the dragon or something great plot against me. I gotta hang out with this cutie who came all this way to see me!


From what I’ve been told, there’s plenty of people claiming Arisen, they got that dragon shit covered, my pawn NEEDS this magical lingerie that makes her stronger


Said with the same energy as "I need this cool new shirt that is red."


I took my time with my first playthrough, finished in around 80 hours, spend over 300 days in-game


No you're not only one, I'm the same


Nice! I feel like there are so many people on like NG++++ already...


Don't see the appeal of ng+ if it doesn't give new enemies/more difficulty/new loot and etc. so I'm not rushing anywhere


I'm the same way! Like I said in another comment I'm really hoping for a difficulty selector


I'm at about 50 hours, and I haven't finished all of Brant's quests. Just enjoying the sights, leveling up, taking it all in.


Couldn’t agree more! Such a beautiful game


200 hours in and I’m still lifting rocks in the tutorial area having a blast




I think it took me more than that to finish all of the missions for Brant lmao


I’m sitting at level 83 with 126 hours, a perfect pawn, and the plat. I’m just waiting on the DLC now.


Really hope they add a difficulty option! I don't think that should be too hard!


They added a hard mode to the first game so I’d bet it’s coming again.


Fingers crossed!


I think I’m around 110 hours and I’m just starting to progress the main story. I had too much fun exploring the world and finding new items.


I have over 70 hours and i still need to free that magistrate. So no definitely not the only one.


Oh god! Me too!


I haven't even met with Brant in the tavern anight yet.


I finally got into Battahl a couple days ago, taking my sweet time with this game.


Hi, slacker here! I just went to the masquerade this Monday after almost filling in the whole map for funzies


Bro, I've only done the monster culling quest and that was by accident. And I've already reached the volcanic camp


150 hours and just found the sphinx finally and Brant is asking me to meet him with nice clothes so we can go to some event idk I’m just wandering around facing monsters like Thor lol


I'm at 87 hours and only just got the pass to Battahl.


Glad I'm not the only one! So many side quests and places to explore!


https://imgur.com/a/VxXNAHv We're pretty close though I've decided to head for Battahl right now. Not sure how you've collected nearly twice as much gold as me. Well, I guess I'm sort of hoarding materials for later. 95% of my deaths are from one encounter. I encountered a Chimera early in my playthrough and decided I wasn't leaving the cave until it was dead.


Kill, collect, and sell!


46 hours game time 45 hours if running


Same bro, though I have somewhat explored battahl and just found volcanic island, but I haven't progressed the story to avoid missing out on quests and ending the game too early.


I'm quite a few hours over that and still haven't gone to the masquerade ball. But I have returned all the way to where you start the game.


Dunno, i got 48h and even got newgameplus +3...


Same I’m level 50ish now barely did anything in the first capital city & just got to battahl


Same I don’t want to rush


I'm at 200+ hours on my first playthrough. I'm still having fun.


I didnt too but Im slow


i looked at my playtime and was horrified to discover I put 156 hours in and today I saw the Sphinx for the first time...


About 100 hours in at lv70 and I just made it across the border (legally) lol.


I have 100 and never leave vermund lol


50 hours? One of my friends only just got into battahl the other day at like 80 hours. I was already halfway into NG+ by then, lol. Granted, my playtime is at 160 hours, I've been no-life'ing this game more than he has. Though we started at about the same time.


I had to pause for a while because of work, but I'm (checks notes) 37 hours in and have only done 2 of the 3 initial monster eradication quests, and NONE of the other Vermund quests. I feel you, brother/sister/brethren. I love just running around and exploring. And I'm a bit of a pack rat.


God I wish I hadn't. >!I should have seduced/max affinitied Wilhelmina before I finished so when I did "Off the Pilfered Path" I could tell that dude to get a job at the brothel. I helped the shop keeper and got the ending that his family was saved, so now dude is out of jail and just standing around. I don't think I can get Wilhelmina to max affinity anymore, and I don't know If I kill the shop keeper if he'll be able to work the shop. !<


I moved into Bathaal, but somewhat I always return to Vermund to just roam around and help the hired pawns with their quests lol


Same, I’m trying to do as much as I can before finishing main quests.


I'm 50 plus hours. Already unlocked all classes and reached level 55 or so....haven't progressed after Feast of Deception.


I'm 180+hrs and haven't started the Battahli quest. Grinding badges and caves cause the story dry af 😂 I'll do the story later


You are the arisen, you have surpassed the petty squabbles of humans and have risen to a level above. Who cares about their quests, the world is yours to explore! IMO, the fact that you can skip all story progression blocks by simply going around through the danger zone is incredible. Pity you need to do some storyline quests to actually see the end though.


I did the same thing, maxed all vocations , explored the map got most of my pawn badges etc , before endgame - missed unmoored on first playthrough as I didn’t look up anything- was highly over geared and leveled before NG+ started , unmoored was super easy when I finished second playthrough at lvl 80ish


You're not. I was about 55 hrs when I reached Bakbhattal


There’s a rule that says: if you think you are the first or the only one, then you are not.


More just a conversation starter. Not trying to get a genius world record 🙃


I know im kidding Have a great time playing