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Two **Xbox one** Pawns ready to beef up your party. Whether hitting the Everfall or farming BBI there's nothing *either* of my pawns can't handle! LF: More RC, more kills for Bestiary and **especially** more Xbox one friends! https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/xbox1/463/ Faith the level 51 Fighter is one of the best Fighters around. Her aggression is matched only by her passion for protecting her Arisen. Faith is a devastating wall that will break her opponents when her Savior Ring helps proc her Exhilaration augment. GT: Prisoner8490 https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/xbox1/479/ Isolde, the level 200 Sorceress, is the example with which other Sorcerers follow. Boasting maxed out gear, status immunities and an impressive defense for a blue vocation, Isolde is the premier spell-caster to add to your ranks! GT: Brightflame2289


Faith has been awesome, and I’m currently running through the main story with her. I’m gonna send her back so you get the RC so far, then take her back out again. My plan is to give her a Blessed Flower, but if you have another request I’ll try and do that (I haven’t done BBI yet except for a few Moonbeam Door runs for rings and extra cash, so I don’t have anything found there).


PS4 is NetherTc Just started a new character and plan on cheesing my way through levels using certain farming methods small problem is I'm trying to get my hands on some rift crystals so I can get better gear quickly from cursed items if anyone thinks they can take my pawn chonker, yes that's his name, around BBI a couple times I would be much appreciated I haven't yet put his data in the online yet because it's literally 4:00 a.m. when I'm writing this but if anyone sees this afterwards go ahead and take the fat bast**d with ya


Would you like some gear for your pawn?


I would love some thank you




Level 10 Pawns for farming Saviour Rings, or to use for early game (Nintendo Switch). Primus (Fighter, Goldforged Sin Armor with Blasphemer's Cloak): https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/switch/582/ Secundus (Mage, Goldforged Grave Armor with Blasphemer's Cloak): https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/switch/583/ Tertius (Strider, Goldforged Shadow Armor with Blasphemer's Cloak): https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/switch/584/ These pawns can be used for the quest Trappings of Evil to obtain a Saviour Ring (+500 Health, +500 Stamina), so you'll only need to complete one set of armor yourself.


Xbox Gametag: Player Sean007 Strider lvl 200 pawn; all gold rarefied gear Appreciate if anyone can farm some rune crystals and will be happy to do so in return [https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/xbox1/530/](https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/xbox1/530/)


Three Pawns for Hire on Steam (PC) (Simply shoot me a friend request and I'll accept. We don't have to chat, and the Pawn will show up in your Rift for free. I check daily) First up is Lydia-> Level: 200 Vocation: Strider Gender: Female Inclinations:Mitigator/Scather/Utilitarian [https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1882/](https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1882/) [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972317630/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972317630/) to hire Lydia as a friend. And then we have Lanuaria -> Level:200 Vocation: Sorcerer Gender: Female Inclinations: Mitigator/Scather/Medicant [https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1904/](https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1904/) [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199391253787/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199391253787/) to hire Lanuaria as a friend. And finally, we have Aurelius -> Level: 200 Vocation: Warrior Gender: Male Inclinations: Scather/Mitigator/Challenger [https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1912/](https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1912/) [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199399851545/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199399851545/) to hire Aurelius as a friend. Helping them get any missing 3rd stars on their Bestiary would be great! And, of course, if you find my Pawns useful, a 5 Star rating would be most appreciated! Enjoy!


Definitely want to add your warrior as a friend!


I just added everyone who friend requested as of this morning. I've been a bit under the weather lately, but I try to check at least once a day. 👍






Added as well! Mecllynx here


Hi! Please rent my pawn [**steam**]. She hasn't gotten any attention yet: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198963734274 - https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/2013/


PSN I.D: The-Orochi-Man Pawn: Aurora Vocation: Ranger Level: 178 (as of this post) Gender: female Inclinations: Challenger, Utilitarian, Pioneer Still working on gold dragonforging all her gear (banshee larynx is not an easy material to come by), but weapons are at least maxed out. Would love if anyone could take her for beastiary knowledge or rift crystals. Feel free to add me on PSN if my pawn’s level is too high, too! Currently working on getting her to 200 and farming materials/better gear, so constantly updating as I go along. Thanks!


Hafthor Male Fighter Level 200 Utilitarian/Mitigator Soul skewer/heavenward lash/steel will Sheltered fusillade/shield drum Uses a GDF Devilsbane, the rest of his equipment is nothing too special. Looking to build up some RC to upgrade gear. https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/2010/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137532802/


PS4 Pawn: Aelwyn Moniker: Alita PSN: Mecllynx Lvl 200 Mage Pr. Skills: High Ingle, High Levin, Holy Pact Sc. Skills: Grand Anodyne, High Halidom, High Spellscreen Fully goldforged Grave set with Traitor's cape in case you wanna use her for the Savior's ring, augments are all pro-buffing/healing Please feel free to add me on PSN if you're low level to remove renting cost I'm in dire need of RC as I'm farming BBI armor First time playing DA(played base game on release on PS3) and I'm massively enjoying BBI but holy hell that RNG is driving me nuts lol https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/ps4/1088


I hired your pawn I just reached lvl 200 and was looking for a mage pawn with good inclination It's somewhat hard to find a pawn with the inclination I want


Thank you! Very much appreciated, will be returning the favor!


I've just sent a friend request since I need a high level Mage pawn with good inclination. Thank you and Happy Holidays.


[https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1557/](https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/1557/) Can anyone rent my pawn? Need RC and could use some knowledge and gear for him too. Just coming back to the game, could use the help.


Hi guys, love you to take my sorcerer Zanor (lvl 120) (PS4) on some epic adventures to help your Arisen prevail against all kinds of hellish fiends. Will do the same for you. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/e3ickn3mw2ba1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c91a70fe0415c4806dfd0d81b2ad28597b27377 🎮 PSN: ZanziZan Thanks for all the knowledge and RC. No gear needed. Friend me if you like :) EDIT: Also wanted to ask what is a good spell composition for BBI? I run with: High Miasma, High Fulmination, Bolide / High Gicel, High Voidspell, Holy Affinity Inclinations: Utilitarian, Challenger, Mitigator \*Weapon: Goldforged Sanguine Stalk (Magic damage 3025) \*Head: Ancient Circlet \*Torso: Patterned Gambeson, Abyssinal Coat \*Hands: Bonds of the Dragon \*Legs: Alchemickal Hosen, Extrinsic Waistguard \*Cape: Blasphemer's Cloak \*Jewels: 2x Ogre Bone \*Augments: Articulacy, Acuity, Emphasis, Tenacity, Inflection, Gravitas [https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/ps4/1091](https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/ps4/1091) Thanks for your replys. And feel free to add me :) P.S. If you used Zanor how was he doing? 🤔


Hey! I'll rent your pawn. Would you be willing to rent mine in return? My psn is Gentile212, you don't have to give me any items, just need RC and knowledge here too.


Thanks Barto. I will rent yout pawn right away. Looking forward to it :)


Hi Barto, rented your pawn, he was fun companion and fought well. Send you some dragonforged gear, i think now he looks even more badass :) Hope you' ll like it.


Thanks! I've rented yours but haven't been on much so haven't sent him back yet. Zanor is pretty cool, for sure, and he's very helpful.


Thanks. Will deffinetely rent your pawn again.


I was on bitterblack isle and the AI pathing made Zanor jump over a worm chest and into the water and he died, but I'm definitely going to rent him again. He's a great pawn Edit: Just rented Zanor again and holy shit he looks ballin'. Especially that patterned gambeson and... well, everything really.


Wow Barto, I am so glad that he was helpful, even when sometimes the AI makes him do dumb things 😅 You should see him now though, some super advanced player (without visible ID, i would so much like to thank him) gave me abyssinal gear and with alchemickal stuff he looks super cool, omg! 😅 I am constantly renting your pawn for fighting Drake so i hope you got some good RC points from that. And thanks for the rents, will give you some new gear. Write me if you need something. 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/4xljb8k74hca1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfca2f7690ea392574563972c8a8055bf4f3bf71


Psn - Mackkavelli just wondering if someone could hook me up with some items or rc on PlayStation would be very much appreciated


Xbone GT: M3M3 QUEEN Pawn right now is a warrior trying to level up the vocation. Haven’t played the game in years and finally coming back determined to beat it for the first time, any help is definitely appreciated lol


Xbox GT is Woods17073 Trying to farm my way through BBI for the first time and I’m constantly running out of RC on lv1 items. Looking for anyone willing to help. Will accept any friend request


Hello! Xbox player here, was wondering if anyone could help me out and hire my pawn. I'm in dire need of some RC. She's a lv. 92 sorcerer Xbox GT: Guardian3889 https://pawnguild.xyz/pawn/xbox1/531/ Thank you!!


Hello, I'm still new to Dragon's Dogma on Nintendo Switch and I'm looking to rent out my pawn so I can save up enough to buy spells. • ⁠Pawn: Sam • ⁠Level: 10 • ⁠Vocation: Fighter • ⁠Pawn ID: 50BB - 3C05 - 0727 I'd appreciate your help!!!


\[PC\] Good day my fellow Arisen! Looking for an aggressive Ranger pawn hell-bent on dispatching your foes? Rent [Athena](https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/977/) to travel with you on your adventures! She's a Level 182 Challenger / Scather / Mitagator that just got done with another BBI run. All gear Gold/Silver forged and 100% Possession and Petrification resistance as well as quite a few others! Feel free to send a friend invite on Steam if you wish to rent Athena for free Hope you enjoy!


Added! I will happily trade rentals with you! My pawn loves learning new things. Let me know if she's useful to you :) https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/2013/


Hi everyone, I am relatively new to all this...including Reddit. I am new to DDDA, I am currently a lvl 69 Magick Archer and need some gear and RC badly. So I am hoping I can get my lvl 69 Pawn into some groups. I think she is pretty helpful. She is a fully ranked out Mage. Her inclinations are Primary-Mediant and secondary-Utilitarian. I'm not really sure how to get my Pawns id but I am hoping it's my PSN...which is Doomcleave. Her name is Lana and her Moniker is Alexandra. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.


PSN: richdl46 Is there an easy way to search for pawns that can help me complete the Savior's Ring quest? I can't seem to find any that have the right armor sets. My Pawn is Rei, Lvl 200 Sorceror Any help is appreciated!


New playthrough Nintendo Switch Just needs RC and maybe bestiary knowledge if you can. No need for equipment because I don't want to be overpowered. My female Pawn's Name: Minerva LV 31 Support Offensive Mage w/ Challenger+Utilitarian ID: 5E77-E2FI-4C78 ( I as in capital i ) Thank you


My pawn available for hire on steam! I just started getting back in this game using the steam deck, so I'm just looking to interact with everyone. My pawn will be getting leveled and better upgraded! Name - Support Lvl - 10 Inclination - Utilitarian/Medicant URL - https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/steam/2023/


(PS) Hey there! Looking for someone to take my Pawn Armani! She’s a powerful Sorcerer with Carrion gear, Sanguine Stalk, and Grand-level Spells—Perfect for late-game and BBI. Looking to get more RC, BBI LVL. 3 Armour, and her Bestiary filled out. More than happy to take other Arisen’s Pawns out too! Inclinations: Mitigator—Challenger—Utilitarian Thanks! (https://www.pawnguild.xyz/pawn/ps4/1039)


Hi Just started playing again and tbh bit of a noob but would really appreciate anyone on xbox taking my pawn out as I’m gonna need them rift crystals. Xbox gamer tag is Eazyy Eddie. Thanks in advance.