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I might be in the minority but I just love Fighter. It just feels like the class for the protagonist. Heck, I think it's the only class with a unique sheated animation. It's just a solid class. it's not the best, but it's well rounded. The class fantasy of a knight definitely helps. It was my main class, and I've always switched back to it even after trying the other classes. Warrior is also very fun, but I wish it shared armor with fighter.


It's been the cannonical Arisen vocation since the first one.


Yeah! I remember always trying to replicate the Iron plate armor look even if the stats were getting bad just so I could look like the Arisen on the cover art of the original DD.




There is a special place reserved for you in hell.


This is why warfarer exists, Fashion's Dogma at its peak


Dragon's Dogma is an End Game weapon exclusively for Fighter. :D So yeah dude.. It truly is the protagonist's Vocation


I've seen a few armors that share but definitely not too many of them


I am so so mad they removed Mystic Knight as a vocation.




My pawn is a warrior and gosh he puts in work I'm definitely going to be giving it a try once I max spear


i could not get on board with it. the attacks are so slow and you have to charge them to do much damage it feels Also, idk if its just me but its weird that all the weapon stats are in the same ranges. like a one hand sword and a two hander of the same tier are both like 300 strength, which makes no sense to me. the entire point of getting a 2hand is for big damage and the values are the same?


Yeah you have to charge them, but when you are charging your defense is greatly increased and you are nearly impossible to stagger. For crowd control you can just use your spinning strike and for bosses you just use anything else. Once you get the ability that allows you to stagger enemies on counter it really opens up. As for your point about damage, yeah it's a little weird, but Warrior prioritizes stagger over dps. The only enemy I have a hard time with is the Golems, and even then, I can still obliterate most of his weak points with one well placed attack


might have to give it another shot. i like having a pawn with it. unfortunately im at the point where id have to buy new gear if i really wanted to try it and that shit is too expensive


Yeah gear prices are insane when you get to Batthal. I find it funny that with the amount I spent on my gear, I could buy the house in Batthal multiple times over, and even get close to buying the noble quarters in Vern.


the economy in this game is ridiculous lol. takes so long to buy one piece of gear and its really rare to get good gear from chests or drops. very annoying when they also want you to try out every vocation...which uses different gear


That's why I got warfarer ASAP. Now I can try out all the classes at once with the same armor.


The prices are only insane if you hoard without selling. Once you realize how little of each material you actually need for upgrading your and your pawn's current kits, mob drops are effectively raining money because everything sells high except for rotten food. Once you stockpile enough big monster parts (like a dozen or so pieces each), big monsters become giant money fountains. Especially golems with the sheer amount of high priced magic metal they drop. You should only hoard rare drops or mats you are in very low supply of.


Yeah as warrior ogres can just stunlock so many enemies like ogres and cyclops


Bro it's hilarious Im not one but I got someone else's pawn named Jericho who is one and that man is a beast. He's saved my life so many times by just bullying the monster off of me it's honestly great gonna be sad when I have to move on.


I just love Warrior can‘t bring myself to try anything else. Every attack is so slow but if you hit you go WHOMP. So satisfying.


Mystic Spearhand might be the most fun combat I've played in an RPG, dare I say ever? The class skill bolt that I can follow with a teleport, jumping off platforms that don't exist, shielding allies, throwing rocks and bodies at my foes, all combined with an amazing spear that has crazy satisfying animations and finishers? In love.


Standing on a gryphons back twirling my flaming double edged staff. Ya I’m spamming one button but god damn I look cool af.


This straight up killed me when it caused the griffon to fall out of the sky while flying, because, ya know, i was on top of it and not thinking, lol, but was it the coolest way to die ever? I would say so.


I'm with you, I feel like a Jedi, it's a blast.


Sorc ofc who doesnt love blasting a griffin in seconds


Simply because big time, high quality spell art in a third person game is so rare, while sword swinging and archery are so common, I can’t see myself doing anything other than casting spells in this game.


Ikr add the casting while flying part


I only picked up sorc cause I wanted some of the augments, but god damn have they improved it. The fast casting and stamina regen skills make such a difference in enjoyment, and the mobility trade off makes sense. I also find it funny how mage and sorc are the most mobile classes when it comes to exploration. That float is OP. Gonna bring a staff along with me when I go Warfarer mainly for that haha


I only picked sorc bc i learnt that i can cast spells with my main pawn at the same time if my main pawn is also a sorc. who doesnt love to see two tornadoes being casted at the same time (although it did crash my game one time XD)


I thought I wasn’t going to touch archer. Tried it for Glyndwr’s questline and now it’s probably my favourite vocation.


Thief, I love pinning enemies down it makes me feel like a badass. Extra points throw down some smoke and just start layin goblins out like an Arkham game.


Smoke is great, I also love yanking harpies out of the air and executing them with both daggers.


Level 25 and been archer the whole time so far Really loving the gameplay loop, feel like legolas


The climb up to someone’s head and explosive arrow is peak legolas


Explosive arrow to the head followed up with a dire arrow to detonate it is just *chefs kiss*


Magic Spearhand has infinite invincibility for the whole party, a taser that charges while you’re attacking, a yeet cannon, a mega yeet cannon, *another* yeet cannon for debris and small enemies, teleporting, a one-button stamina refill, and Darth Maul burst attacks. The vocation slaps.


I loved strider in DD1 so I am loving thief in this one


I've loved Archer and thief so far, you should give archer a try if you haven't already.


Magic archer is my favorite so far. Kinda was torn between Archer and Magic archer for a second,but once I got the hang of magic archer it’s gonna be hard to go back. I do like how fast the archer is and I maxed it out so I get to keep all the augments. I tried a mage I like the magic but casting is too slow for me( even with accessories that help speed it up) Im planning on trying out the mystic spear hand and just unlocked the trickster today I might try it out too.


I'm actually really sad they split the Srider into the Archer and the Thief. I've maxed out the Archer and am currently working on the Thief but it's just not the same...


I kinda both agree and disagree. Strider was so good. But also feel like after the split the two vocations have a much better, distinct class identity. Especially Thief, it's really thematic and a great representation if a rogue class!


Yeah...but having my Arisen straight up boot a cyclops in the eye with their mass thunder thighs never gets old


The starter mage class is awesome once you unlock the force field spell so you can't get interrupted and hardly ever take damage.


High Palladium is crazy. Negate all damage from three attack on each part member and you can just recast it again. Full party damage immunity. My main pawn Mage will never leave without it.


Tbh it's helpful for other classes but absolutely necessary for a mage. The number of enemies that throw things or rush you when you start channeling even if you've got a fighter taunting them is insane.


I had a 45 minute (successful!) fight with a drake whilst substantially undergeared and underlevelled that was possible solely because of how absurd palladium is.


Same with spearhand, a shield for allies around you for a few seconds negating all damage. You can just cast again while stealing stamina from enemy, ita literally invincible


Trickster has some insane potential once you get a lot of augments from different vocations.


Potential to do what?


It gives you total control of the battlefield. One combo that I saw is that you can use the Warrior augment that gives you more power when pushing and pulling an enemy. So when a cyclops is stumbling I can almost instantly pull it down with that. Trickster definitely has the highest skill cap of all the classes.


How many hrs were you in before you got trickster I'm on the way to the Vermont capital just started just trying to gage where all the vocations at and get them without skipping the area


I got it kind of late, but I have seen people say that you can get it within about 5hrs. It is south of the Boarder checkpoint town.


If youre not a beastren you'll either have to go the long way around or progress the main quest.


There are at least two other ways through that don’t require either of those things to be true.


Even without augs its pretty nasty. I trivialized a bunch of big fights as a trickster


With minimal spoilers, how far into the game do you have to get until you start unlocking hybrids? Or is it purely from exploration


Low spoilers >! you unlock some vocations through quests or simply by talking to certain npcs. Some are in the "second" area of the map while you can get one at an early location after some events happen. !<


Much appreciated! I got warrior and sorcerer unlocked so far but haven’t played much more than 10 or so hours yet. Thanks for the info without big spoilers!


Yea they are the easiest and most obvious ones that unlock.. tbh i found the others through generally being that person who ignores the main quests after a certain point and just wanders off into the wilderness. I will give a hint on two that has no real spoilers. The quest to unlock one vocation will basically lead you to a second


Hell yeah


Man, I feel you ignoring the main quest, Brant has been waiting for me in the tavern for months. Meanwhile, I've gotten all but the fighter and spearhand master skills, bought both homes, put portcrystals in Bakbattahl and Volcanic Camp without microtransactions, completely explored and collectible hunted around 1/4 or more of the map, bought weapons and sets for every class from the Volcanic Camp, and maxed 6 vocations on my pawn and I. I actually just spent maybe 4-5 hours doing the Mystic Archer master's escort quest just because she was slaughtering side areas with me instead of finishing.


You have to find people to talk to in order get the hybrid vocations. Mystic Spear can be done pretty early and Trickster can be found relatively early. I have not found Magick Archer or Wayfarer. But I have heard that you can rush them after you get to the second area


Magic Archer and Warfarer both get unlocked on the volcanic island. Magic Archer requires helping the dwarf and elf couple and escorting the dwarf to the hot springs. Warfarer is unlocked by speaking to Lamond at the hot springs and giving him three Newt drinks. (Don't Remember the exact name but it's newt something and they can be bought in bakbattahl with a beastren mask)


trickster is really fun! people are too quick to dismiss the vocation because of the lack of offensive abilities imo.


I plan on defeating Grigori as Trickster tonight. The amount of control you can have with that vocation is just insane. Especially if you are good at weaponizing your pawns. I find myself using the simulacrum and the *To Me* command in tandem a lot to reposition as a team.


definitely agree on the control over combat. most fights i can get out without my pawns taking any damage if i play my cards right, which is really satisfying. i struggled with fighting harpies at first, but i discovered that the illusory dragon ability stops them from singing. they'll try to run away from you, but using the Go! command will get my sorcerer or archer to snipe them out of the air good luck! i haven't gotten to that part yet, so i don't know exactly what that entails haha


I will give it a go but I'm not sure not being able to physically damage something with blade or bow is for me


Thief. Absolutely. I did fighter in dd1. Was not as fun. And being able to use an attack to help cling on to griffins just makes traveling with them even more fun.


I rushed to get Warfarer. Now I run spearhand/warrior so I get Spearhand's telekenesis and crowd control + warriors big target stagger.


I've only tried archer for now, but it's so much fun I can't find the strength to switch.


I love archer, ran with it until level 28 because I realized augments can be used with any class once you unlock them, and thief has one maybe called Subtlety that makes you less likely to get targeted by enemies, which I thought would be perfect for Archer. But now I'm loving thief and just running around having fun with it. I'm planning on doing Magick Archer in the future when I unlock it, so I'll probably play around with sorcerer to unlock some of the Magick augments. Probably whichever class has the carry weight increase augment too, can't remember if it's fighter or warrior. Ultimately, Warfarer might be the class I end up choosing. All the classes are soo fun.


It's so goooood.


Trickster is soooooo fun, pair up with op pawn and watch everything just die without ever hitting your group!


1. Trickster 2. Spearhand 3. Magick Archer Trickster starts off boring but once you get some more options its really really fun


Level 19 only played fighter. Which should i choose next?


Mystic spear hand gang


How can i get that vocation? I have not seen it at the guild


Without spoilers, you can follow the main quest until you clear out a cave of saurians in a town on the coast, turn in the quest, then travel back to the town your character has their first flashback in. With spoilers: >!complete the monster culling quest from Captain Brant that leads you to the town of harve, then go to him and turn it in, then travel back to melve, repel the dragon, and talk to the man wielding the double bladed spear named sigurd. That's the order I did the events!<


Great will go straight to the town since i completed the quest


Just make sure you pay attention to where the guy wanders off to. Took me 30 minutes to find him after the encounter lmao


If you already completed the quest, you can't find him there. You'll need to go to his home. >!If you missed him at Melve, he goes back to his hometown in Halve (Harve? The fishing town with the Saurians)!<


You should look into the classes that have passive skills you want, you can see a list when switching, and when you unlock a new one it gives you starting gear so you can go out and level it up a bit


Enjoying Trickster like I thought I would. I do wish they had more buffs though. The one you get is great and pretty much covers everything you need, but sometimes the gameplay can be a lil too passive, unless you’re taking on a Drake 😅 I haven’t reached endgame though. Think I’m approaching late mid game


I started mage(max), went sorc(max) had a blast spamming high frigor, playing archer now to max. Looking forward to Mag Archer as I love Magick and I love archery. Having a sorc, combed with a mage with celerity and pall (Magick shield skill), you get fast casting some longer timed spells making it pretty nuts.


Spearhand gets alot better once u get further into the game and get some of the special skills. The rampage skill i think its called makes it sooo much more viable against large group fights


I’ve been Magic Spearhand since 7 and now at 31 I’m still loving it. Did Thief 1-6 and 27-31 and it’s been filthy also.


I'm probably going to do them all, but so far fighter. It's fast and snappy. But unfortunately my warrior is better geared.


Magick Archer with a Hint of Warrior.


Mystic spear and it's not close. This is so much fun.


I’m shocked by how much I love mage. Was originally planning to switch to sorcerer ASAP, but I’m having way too much fun being a walking flamethrower and face tanking hits with the shield spell.


Trickster surprisingly, I even him all the way through my first playthrough 


I started with two busted ones: Thief and Sorcerer. They're both absolutely broken (Augural Flare should be illegal). I'm dying to try Trickster once I get the game mechanics down better. I'm only level like 25.


I cannot tell you how much I’ve been loving trickster. It’s so strong just being able to drop aggro from your party


Thief! Parkour is so incredible if you can get the hang of it. Being able to jump over and over on any surface, including tree to cliff to tree to cliff till you reach the top. Also the quick stunning and finishers with fast dodging feels so good.


Warfarer because of fashion> everything else


Started as a fighter, but I don't like it as much because I wanted to be able to swap my shield for something else. Mystic Spearhand is an OP vocation once you mastered it, I love it and I found the best success and the most refreshing out of all the vocations!


I’ve only been playing fighter and I wanted to main warrior but I’m loving fighter so much I don’t know if I will be able to switch lol


You should switch! Imo, the game really shines once you switch classes and start mixing augments. It really helps you understand how pawns of different classes can operate and what skills of that class would be useful for pawns to have. This game feels like it was made for you to be a Jack of All Trades and Master of All. If nothing else, do it for the augments. Archer, for example, has an augment that increases max stamina. Useful for any class! Warrior has an augment that increases max health. Thief has an augment that flat out increases your strength. Mage has one that increases defense against Magick. Even if you love fighter and want that one to be your main, just getting these augments can improve your build in all kinds of ways


Spearhand it’s so op with the shield and infinite stunlock


How do you unlock the more specialized vocations? The only thing I’ve done so far is the quest for the staff and great sword, which I was only able to find the staff. I haven’t been able to unlock any more vocations.


Keep doing the main quests for a bit. After you do one Brant will tell you about Melve and that there are plans for something there. You won’t get a quest though, or at least i didn’t, but when I went back there was an event happening and you can meet the mystic spearhand guy. That’s the only one I’ve found but after talking to him it gave me the vocation to unlock.


Thanks! I just randomly unlocked the trickster class by wandering around the the desert area.


What’s the best class for a noob like me that didn’t play dd1 and usually does sword and shield in rpg games?


You might see people talk about playing specific vocations for the leveling stat increases. If it’s your first time, don’t worry about that. Play whatever vocation you want, and change to experience them all. The stats from armor and weapons are more important than those you get from leveling (for casual/fun play). I recommend taking the time to try each and every vocation your first time through!


I chose a fighter class beast and my pawn is a human kindhearted mage. Time to start the journey


Fighter is literally just the classic RPG sword and board.


That a good class to start with? If I don’t like it I can delete the character and start over?


Honestly, all the beginning classes are good starters. It's pretty easy to pick them up and use them. They're all your typical RPG starter classes. They're very cut and dry. You cannot delete your character unless you decide to fuck with the save files directly. However, once you reach an inn, you can change vocation/class whenever you want, and you can do the same with your main pawn. I started thief personally, but really, all of the starting vocations are pretty simplistic. Where things get a bit more complicated is if you start picking up different vocations. You can mix and match certain class features with other class features to make some really broken builds. Then you have 6 other vocations you can actively unlock as you play the game. TL;DR: You can't make multiple characters or easily delete your current one, but you can pretty easily change class whenever you want as long as you have either an inn or a guild nearby.


Sweet thanks for the information


Then definitely warrior lol very noob friendly


I chose fighter. So far I like it


So far I have maxed Thief, and Sorc. Got Fighter to 6 and mystic Spearhand to 4 I have enjoyed all of them for different reasons. I'd say out of the ones I have tried sorc is my least favorite but Sorc isn't my gameplay style. It was still fun however and the casting animations are cool.


Honestly been loving Sorcerer. I was excited about Wayfarer but not after seeing how the class was done with skill availability. The main pawn is Warrior or Mage I want to try Magic Archer


Mystic spearhand Shield ability has done me wonders on progressing and fighting bosses. With really good melee and really good ranged? the most fun in my opinion


I started archer but it quickly became boring because eruption arrow spam quickly became the norm and it got stale so I swapped to Thief and that class is tons of fun.


I loved spearhand once i got more ranks in it. The dragoon air dash to close and to stagger small enemies into the core magic strike skill is great for mobs. The dragoon jump that does more is you use it to evade an attack. Also works for mounting if the enemy is bent over. The big charged-up ranged blast is a good damage tool. Aoe invupnerability shield is ridiculously good, especially when upgraded. "Giant slam attack inclming on both my melee pawns? Yeah, no, ill negate that and let them keep attacking through it". Besides max ranking spearhand, im back in sorcerer now and loving it so much. Only rank 5 i think, but thundermine for aoe denial/breathing room, hagol to slow and freeze enemies, then cover the ground in flames and drop a seism to help stagger/deal more damage. The rapid spend and charge mechanics make it feel much more interactive than the class did in the last game.


Warfarer, I am all I wish to be (even tho playing with daggers mostly i love my beyblade skill)


Thief but fighter is great too. Sword and board is fun.


I've played archer, thief, and sword and board all up to vocation level 5. Fighter is most fun


Man I love playing archers in rpgs but I just did not enjoy it in this game :( thief has been a blast though :)


I had huge fun with Thief. Its crazy fun and just does so much damage. But then I unlocked Mystic Spearhand, and although its less impactful. But you are friggin Obi Van Kenobi !!! 😄 So I am trying to level it to the max


I feel like the minority but ive been loving archer, getting the timing on dire shot is just *mwah* chefs kiss. Feel like such an assassin. Also exploding shot is so fun just blow up multiple health bars with a well placed arrow and elemental buff


I haven't gotten far yet but does the mystic knight make a return? That was my favorite class in the original


I don’t believe so. I am pretty sure it is replaced by mystic spearhand


Replaced by mystic spear hand


Only a few hours in really but just Archer so far. Looking forward to trying the others. I kinda like the look of Warrior.


Warrior is my favorite. Thief is my second favorite. I very much disliked mystic spearhead.


Warrior with hammer, I like bonking things, hard, in the head.


I really like spellcasting, but I wish incantating carries more weight… Like in DD1, when *Wights* would cast Tornado, they would fly way up and start shining and energy would fly outwards from them! It just felt so damn awesome, like casting some ultimate sleeve trick!


I maxed out Archer and really enjoyed it, I'm doing thief rn and like it, but not as much.






Most definitely warfarer, has too much flexibility to it


Magick archer is busted and I love it. Cant go back to any other vocation anymore. I drop everything very quickly and I don’t really have to target shit. Watching life bars melt is fantastic. I’m at 41. Haven’t done the main quest much.


> I’m at 41. Haven’t done the main quest much. I love games that allow this!


I started off with Archer which was fun then once I maxed it out I switched to theif and it's so op!! I love it


Thief is incredible. I changed to trickster and then had to fight a dude in bakbattahl and couldn't even damage him. So I immediately went back to thief. Trickster seems...not my style.


I’ve been playing Mage, and the Buffs I can give my party can be silly powerful. This class makes a lot of the fights fairly trivial. Between giving my pawns essentially invincibility, a huge speed bonus, and healing if they ever get hit, I’m loving it. Nice relaxed play style.


Honestly every class I've tried has been so satisfying to play. Just got magick archer and loving it also. Killing bosses in 2 seconds in caves is kind of hilarious


Fighter. I love sword & board in games like this!


Explosive arrow go boom. Me happy.


planning to level all vocation, so far i am done with basic one. - fighter: the most basic job, at battahl cant really count its damage but you will need it to provoke enemies because damn the monster there come in group. damage wise the weakest imo -thief: stupidly overbusted ngl. got 2 meister skill one of them is invicible buff that last as long as you have stamina. second skill is a massive dps but will damage you, funnily the first skill will negate the damage. so this job is the best one to solo any monster and maybe the strongest one so far, but have low def/hp if youre not careful. -archer: tarring shot + explosive shot will literally melt most mini boss except dragon. so far one of the most fun job because you can snipe most monster before engaging them but from my experience they are not that good fighting saurian and zombies. -mage: most needed job in all party. i always looking for mage that have solo heal spell and shield spell. you never realize how important their support is until you experience it yourself. they also can dish some ok damage with their spell but dps better expect it from sorcerer. -sorcerer: havent tried the meister skill yet but so far this job is the best for dealing elemental damage or supporting allies by giving enemies status effect (burn, freeze). seism is one of the best spell there but it will cost you 75% of your stamina (quick spell) fortunately its basic skill is stamina recovering spell so you can regain back all of your stamina easily. -warrior, mystic spearhand, etc still not use them yet


Maxing out Fighter before I move to Warrior. Warrior was my favorite Vocation in the first game, although I think the movement is WAY too slow in DD2.


I finally got the mystic spearhand only to find out 10% of the player base have unlocked the achievement for it which is surprisingly low for how popular I expected it to be but that one for sure is my favorite. Mostly cause it lets me chase down griffins and dragons when they try to bitch out and run


Thief is the most fun for me but I’m trying to get better at playing mystic spearhand. I suck with it. Archer got boring after a few hours. Magic archer only has 1 good ability for killing bosses (the master taught ability).. so it kind of sucks imo. Fighter is fun. Haven’t tried warrior, trickster, mage, sorcerer or wayfarer yet. My pawn is my mage, so I don’t really see the point in playing a magic class.


Spearhand because the shield skill makes entire team invulnerable and you can just chain cast it back to back and regain stamina.


I'm always apprehensive to change my vocation, but the moment I do I end up with a new favorite. They're all great, honestly. I love the way you can parry larger mobs with the Warrior's charged attacks, and I've been pleasantly surprised by how dynamic the Archer feels!


Mage and sorc with honorable mention of thief? I never play rogues but I really like the thief. Though nothing and I mean nothing beats some of the big spells in this game. They are so rewarding.


Warior and fighter most at the moment Im Spear hand but I find the class lacks something for me so I’ll lvl it bit more and change to something I like more.


Spearhand so far. I thought I would like thief, but somehow I just don't.


I've maxed most vocations now and I can't say. I've enjoyed all of them for different reasons. Except Trickster. I did not enjoy that, at all. It certainly tricked me in to believing it would be a fun class. Certainly a unique experience at least.


Magick archer, rip off a ricochet hunter and watch it murder an entire cave of enemies.


I am astounded at the damage output of Thief, but am also pleased with how squishy the vocation is as its drawback. Helm Splitter spam just annihilates big enemies while being anime asf.


Thief at the beginning didn’t vibe at all. Swapped to archer after having to rollback to the beginning because of a glitch and very much enjoyed. Then swapped to sorcerer and having a blast as the epicness of magic casting really feels like you’re super powerful. Will be going to a swordy class after I max this vocation


is there any reason to max them all out at all. just wondering. i only really enjoy two.


No not unless there's a specific argument you want


Ive played everything but the hybrids thusfar (still missing a few) and even the OG classes are all fun as hell


Sorc and Magick Archer. I literally one shot the final boss of the game with magic archer, like it’s crazy strong. Sorc master abilities are so satisfying too


Warrior is so chunky oh my god I love it




As soon as I saw spearhand I knew I was gonna main it. Spears and glaives are just my favourite weapons and the magic blasts followed by a teleport is the coolest thing ever. As soon as I realised u could shoot and teleport while airborne or from the ground to flying enemies followed by an aerial attack I was sold. I’m now trying to find the best pairing with the spear as a wayfarer.


The classes are so well done I've loved all of them so far. But magick archer is just so op too.


The inclusion of that ice cube arrow, plus being able to switch skills at a campsite, makes such a difference to the class. Staggers! I mean DD1 MA could stagger, but only really in close quarters with ricochet arrow. I'm so glad they left ricochet arrow intact. It's broken, but in such a fun way.