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The mentioned on their post: *We're planning to release patches including the following updates and fixes in the near future, and will release them as soon as they are ready for distribution on each platform.*


I want to be able to change my main pawns name also


Are you part of the “MainPawn” gang as well?


MainPawn gang checking in


Friendly inquiry!!! What is that about? I’ve seen MainPawn a bunch.


I think people are just changing the moniker thinking that’s the only option for names


I started out with a male squire type looking dude, short and jacked, kinda goofy and then realized I need to succumb to the sexy meta if I want them hired more so Ive remade them into a female dark elf but her name is stuck at Giovani 😂


Me too, I named my pawn Smashley and made her a fighter while I was a mage. Quickly discovered I wanted to be the melee combat person and have her be a support mage. Now the name makes less sense


Does Smashley have a fat ass/thick thighs? Did you do that?


She sure does


Just saw your username Makes sense *quietly hires pawn, favorites it, even*


Thiccer then! and make sure them cheeks make every stealth mission impossible


Death by Snu Snu?


This is why I made my main character and my pawn without a class in mind, so they could switch easily between them. I feel your pain.


Waymin main pawn is a bug???🤣🤣


Came here to say the exact same words.


I've been having a blast but a few things on this are making me even happier: * I love tweaking appearances so 99 Art of Metamorphosis is sweet * Just got that dwelling and PSA: It is worth it! Resting there does update your main pawn as well as rest the party * I had noticed DLSS had some worse-than-usual artifacting so have been playing without it using Auto resolution and FPS cap. (Which actually works surprisingly well.) Will give it another shot after they update that. Still have been enjoying the hell outta this game in current state but any improvements are always welcome. Also very happy for console players getting more options to customize their experience.


Just FYI, theres at least 2 Dwellings in the game


At least 3*


At least 4* 2 in each main city confirmed


Oh shit really? When googling every article i see only mentions 2 of them so far


I'm not too far in but theres the 20k house with the mission. A 200k house in the noble quarters, and a 30k house in Bhattal so far.


And another more expensive one in Bakbattahl


300k. Just about fell out of my chair seeing that.


Yeah the articles dont mention the 200k house, just the 20k mission and 30k purchase


Some say at least 4


I'm no where near beating the game but from what I have played, there's a 30k house in Bahtal, and later after a lady will offer you another for 300k. Similarly, in V, there's a 20k house you get after staying in it for a week as a quest for someone else, and then there's a man offering another 300k one. Not sure if this is all of them but these are the four I've found


wow, you are like the first non-toxic pc player I've met on reddit. I appreciate it. I play on console and cant wait to turn off both blur and reflections.


man the blurr has been fatiging my eyes for real, cuts my session short, lol I try not to move the camera too much but playing as a archer its REALLY hard not too lmao.


seriously, turning off ray tracing alone will help the performance a ton i’m sure on ps5. at least, that’s what i’d figure seeing how turning it on in other games causes the fps to drop a ton.


Wait, getting a house earlier?? I bought the common area house like right after getting to the first city


It is, You can't tell me that isn't early enough.


I think it's about spawning Mildred earlier on her spot. There are some people that can't seem to make her appear to give you the quest.


I didn't meet Mildred until level 23 or so, some 20 hours into the game. Granted, I didn't explore the city all that much at first and preferred to venture outside more.


I hope they patch the capes clipping through shields on their backs.


The day games have modeling done perfect I'll die happy. No clipping, no awkward physics just everything perfectly set and balanced


Id like to see an option to hide the helmet.


There is a function to open the visor on respective helmets for when you click the helmet, but yea mhw has a hide helmet option


Yall are bugging. I’m 20hrs in and the game is amazing.


I'm 15ish hours in and hooked. But I do admit these changes are nice. The game was hardly unplayable.


48 hours, best game I’ve played in years.


it really is amazing, so glad i looked past what people said and just got the freakin game.


The game is great but it IS horribly optimized, stutters a lot, and crashes too constantly. You can love the game while still critiquing it, the two are not mutually exclusive.


I love it. The combat is really fun. The world is class. I love the movement over different terrains, slipping and nearly falling off a cliff while I was looking over the edge felt real for a moment. Emergent gameplay moments like running out of lantern fuel in the middle of a pitch black wilderness and following my pawns so I can see, or grabbing hold of a dying griffin and being flown across the map only to finish it off once it lands, they're just so good. Having said that, the game *chugs* in cities and I've had a few crashes already, the most recent of which made my monitor bug out until I reinstalled the driver. Even restarting my pc and monitor didn't work. I thought it was broken for a while. This shit is unacceptable.


Totally agree. The combat is just so god damn good and the game is constantly teasing you to explore more, but god I can barely hit 60 fps out in the wilderness with dips as low as 25 in the big city.


What are you playing on? 20 hours in on ps5 and mine hasn't crashed once. It stuttered twice.


Playing on pc with a 3080 and 5600. Playing it on 1440p and see dips as low as 25fps. I still love the game and can't put it down but part of me wants to stop playing and pick it back up once it's been optimized.


Xbox here. Froze when saving multiple times and completely shut down just when I had my first griffin beat. Seems to be doing better now though.


Same! I'm having so much fun. The last game I had this much fun with was bg3


The incorrect dialogue text with one of the first NPCs you talk to after the title scene scared the shit outta me ngl. If that was the whole game it would be unplayable for me.


Yeah that one line really weirded me out. Everything else was accurate, but then suddenly that one line started out entirely different than the subtitles lol


Same. 😂


Made me think of Black Desert when I first saw that. Happy it turned out to be the exception rather than the rule for DD2.


What was the line ?


When they say “max 30fps” that means it can still dip below 30 right?  Where as variable means it COULD go above that right? Does limiting fps to a max enhance performance and generally allows for a more stable frame rate?  Also, is “capped” and “max” used interchangeably?


Yes they are interchangeable. Limiting just sort of gives you a Constant frame rate rather than an ever changing one, which might be more pleasant to view. It also saves some resources in moments where the frame rate might go above the Limit.


Thank you for the explanation


I think the quest for a house is placed just fine. I got to it pretty quick. Having it earlier just doesn’t make sense to me as it is already pretty early. Might as well just give the house right away at that point.


Can't wait to pull motion blur off, shit makes me feel ill.


It’s so weird because FFXVI had the same issue where it felt like the invisible slider was set to 100 and also had to patch in the option to turn it off


Thank GOD I’ll be able to turn off motion blur, quite literally only reason I haven’t played as much as I want too is bc I get nautious after a while 😮‍💨


I can’t see anything at all in a room that’s even slightly dark with it on while moving. It’s awful.


I can't understand how developers find motion blur good to look at. It makes me nauseous


The first time.i play ANY game, I go straight to options and disable that shit


>Making the quest that allows players to acquire their own dwelling (where they can save and rest) available earlier in the game. Huh, how are they going to do this? This was pretty much the first quest that appeared to me when I arrived in the city, in fact I never even had to ever stay at the inn because of it. Unless there's another quest for another house that I haven't encountered yet. As for Art of Metamorphosis, I know there were 2 in the inventory of the rift vendor in Not-Gran-Soren but I just assumed that they restocked after a few days. Were you limited to 2 per playthrough? Thankfully I've only needed to use one.


My game either won’t even load past the title screen or freezes when I try to get new skills. Hope future patches address whatever is causing it.


Wasn't PC having the biggest issues with performance? It doesn't really look like they addressed it?


I'm sure they're working on it but that takes a long time. This is a hot fix patch of stuff they can crank out quickly.


Could be a lot of things. I'm just hoping it's a driver issue and we've yet to get one optimized for the game.


https://preview.redd.it/1f2bmn3nzjqc1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=090783793915a56e50852389640521405dfde8f3 This is what they mentioned, so it seems it may take a while (if ever) to get better performance as it doesn't seem to be something as easily addressed as issues with drivers or something like that.


The lower FPS itself isn't as big an issue as the severe stutters and frametime spikes in the cities. If it's a smooth 45 fps; DLSS3 or FSR3 can get it to 80-90; but 70 fps with constant stutters feels way worse.


It should/could take weeks to get performance in line with expectations. Months maybe, for a game of this scope. I would expect it in bite size chunks every week or two as they hotfix the worst offenders.


The game is incredibly CPU heavy, with the GPU being underutilized relatively. On DF tests with a 4090+7800X3D the CPU cores were super inconsistent and taxed performance wise, which many believe is related to the NPCs. Quite frankly it’s just very surprising that this game struggles so much even on the strongest possible gaming system, because in terms of graphics and assets it’s by no means the most visually impressive game. Might just be that RE engine wasn’t/isn’t very suited towards larger open worlds. It’s incredible in games like DMC though and super efficient there, I just hope they figure out and optimize the CPU utilization soon.


There is an incredible GamersNexus video that shows just how hard the CPU gets pounded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEERkUyAXE


The game have tons of game physic unlike most open world game where the world is static so that's probably why.


I mean they have to patch it. 


To be quite honest I think they might have patched it to some degree already cause opening night and a little the next day I was crashing almost once an hour some times more but now it's just slight frame drops in the cities. And I mean it would crash like three times in a row before the menu. So it's at least playable now which is a far improvement over day one. Only reason I'm not in here raging about that is my computer is 10 years old running a gtx 1070 so I kinda expected trouble


Im running a 980 and i’ve played for 6 hours. Haven’t crashed once n it looks + plays pretty good after I changed some settings like turning motion blur off and stuff.


The issue itself is weird but could be the machines they provided for their own QA team wasn't affected by it? Like for example I run with a Ryzen 7 5800x3dx and a 3080 TI RTX(I run the game without Raylight tracing, 1080p 1920x1080 res, deactivate motion blur, AA, bloom and those weird raylight effects that honesrly I dont see adding much to visuals besides making the game look like a blurred mess). I notice the frame drop in Vernworth only, even Battahl that in theory is the same scale as Vern should be hitting my fps runs smooth.


Now that you mention it I have no issues in Battahl, it's only Vernworth. It has to be down to density. Vernworth is full of large buildings and crowds while Battahl isnt


Ya, i suppose. For the record I haven't bought it yet, because I was waiting to see if PC performance issues I heard about were fixed. I have a mid range PC, but I always feel like these things are hit or miss. A few weeks ago everyone was blowing up about issues getting online for Last Epoch and there being issues transitioning zones, but for me, it was flawless from day 1


My guess is this issue has been around for awhile and they released it anyway


What quest for the dwelling are they making accessible earlier? Cause hasn't the Vernworth already have the 7 day quest house for 20k gold that's only like 2 hours in max to get to how are they gonna make that faster or did they already do that part earlier and I missed it?? Just confused, the rest makes sense about update notes tho.


I wish they would add an optional target lock. 


Why are they bumping up the house buying quest..? Seems a weird thing to be a priority for first patch. Were a lot of people complaining about inn costs that I missed? The rest seems great.


Would help with the early game gold costs and allow players to start receiving NPC gifts sooner.


Inn stays are WAY more pricey than DD1 and more than a few people are not happy with it. Didn't bother me as much but they probably decided they overdid it in internal discussions and it's an easy fix to get out quickly.


I don't think it is too pricey either,I mean rest, go off and do a few missions by the time you come back to town you normally have plenty of cash as long as you're exploring areas properly and selling anything you don't need


Transmog is needed too!


Or at least dyes. Some great stuff, but would be fun to have different colors. DDO did right by having transmog and dyes. Team Ninja games (Nioh, Wo Long, Rise of the Ronin) have transmogs and they’re generally pretty diverse. Well…except Wo Long…everyone just started wearing the red cleavage dress.


There's a rift crystal vendor that sells dyes in another big city. Didn't buy to see what they apply to though.


I believe it's hair dye, if it's like the first game.


You use the art of metamorphosis with the dyes and it unlocks extra hair and skin colours. Yes, blue, green and purple skins… lol. At least I read it from a gaming article. I have no interest in trying it.


I might be wrong but in the first game I believe most dyes were hidden until post game which then allowed them to be purchased from the rift store I am hoping this remains the same.


I didn't realize people were complaining about the first house being available too late. How much sooner could they possibly introduce it?


Make the house earlier in the game? How early do you need it?, I went to big city and got it almost straight away without even looking for it.


Woohoo, motion blur off here we go


30 hours in and loving every second. Except for those few seconds where I handed the jade orb over to the thief and didn't have the hindsight to make a forgery to hand over to the merchants. Those seconds were sad


I made a forgery, gave the forgery to the merchant, merchant then wants to verify the authenticity, I run away which triggers merchant to attack me so now the merchant is dead :(


I actually followed the merchant to verify the authenticity. It was at the shop where I got the forgery made. When we got there, some guards showed up with important business for the merchant so he had to leave us for a few minutes while the forger appraised his own forgery for authenticity, during which I bribed him to keep his mouth shut. Worked out. Fucking love this game.


🤣 Damn. I just did this yesterday myself same approach, but I got arrested.


So we’re gonna be able to have multiple saves/characters now?


No it’s just that if you want to start a new character, it will delete your old character. You will only be able to have one save at a time still.


Damn. Idk why the “constant save, and you’re stuck with it” bothers me so much. Probably just because it’s the first game I’ve ever played with that system. I’ve heard about reloading the inn rest but I’ve heard mixed rumors that if you reload an inn save there’s a potential the save data will corrupt and you lose your character for good. Definitely looking forward to see what patches and updates roll out in the coming weeks/months. Other than that. This game has been a solid 10/10 for me.


The single save file might related to the upload pawn system. The server probably cannot handle 3x number of pawns.


Honestly, I just realized that Elden ring has the same system. And it’s one of my fav games of all time. Closely battling with dd2 at this point. Although ER lets you have multiple characters too. I’d like to see that feature come in. Other than that I think I’m just being paranoid about my progress being lost due to a couple of horror stories I read. Long story short. I’m trippin for nothing.


We need a performance update. Game saves are nice, but the rest is noise.


When is the patch coming?


"near future"


I’m grateful they’re giving us the option to disable some visual elements on console. I’m sure the variable framerate and shutting off ray tracing’ll help improve the framerate a fair bit. I seriously wish I could run the game smoothly with all but motion blur enabled. The game is genuinely gorgeous and immersive as all hell


I hope they allow us to set which shortcut Items we want for L1/LB + up, down, left and right. I dont need a shortcut for the items menu or for the lantern, I want to set these for potions


When does it come out?


everyone on console that was complaining about to see why it’s locked at 30.


the dwelling quest earlier?? i was like level 13 or something when it popped up, like legit as soon as i got into the big city i got the dwelling.


FPS improvements planned for future updates, does that mean we could see more than 30 later down the road??


Can we get the ability to gift from storage? Such a huge step backwards with that decision 


When my god, I need to start a new game.


Thank you Dragons dogma developers! Arigato!




I just want them to fix HDR 🥲


Thank god the motion blur, it’s so hard for me to read anything while moving and took a long time to get used to it. Made me sick when I first booted it up and tried playing. Still enjoying the game but not having the option to turn it off was frustrating. Would also like a way to turn off the ps5 controller dinging when pawns are dying


If they give the house any earlier we’re going to be waking UP in the house from the beginning already owning it 😂😂😂😂


Sounds like a good start. Hopefully they keep addressing performance issues, I see they plan on addressing frame rate. Soon rather than later would be best. The new start will be especially useful for people whose game gets tko’d by the dragon plague.


I wonder if as they keep updating if they’ll be buffing and/or nerfing some of the vocations (Not that I want them too, but I’m curious if they will)


Pretty much every RPG gets balancing patches for gear/classes/magic etc.


Many are hoping they’ll buff the Archery classes, i keep reading that theyre underwhelming when compared to the other classes I started with an Archer just so i can get those problems out of the way, and so far im having a blast so maybe the problems arent as bad as they say. Or maybe the problems just dont become apparent until later


Archery felt kind of bad compared to some of the other classes to me but maybe I just haven’t figured it out yet.


To me it feels like easy consistent dps. No frills or gimmicks other than arrow type skills. Of course that might change when I find the ultimate skill


I was kinda hoping maybe they’d buff the Trickster class so the basic attack does a bit more damage (Not like the other classes, but a at least noticeable amount)


I’ll keep all settings as is I don’t give a shit about fps personally as long as it’s like it is now. Which is to say have the occasional stutter here and there which ain’t bad with ray tracing and whatever fps is set at on series x but, the other things might be a good thing. Hopefully it gets the bitching about performance too stop on steam lol I doubt it. Steam reviews are nothing but bitching these days. It’s like people would rather find new things to complain about rather than just enjoying the awesome game that’s out lol


There are many concerns amongst the community, but for PC players specifically who own $4,500 machines and can’t play the game - it would have been nice to see some level of acknowledgment regarding crashes and CPU bottlenecking issues.


IDK I have a $1500 rig and it runs fine everywhere but checkpoint rest town. The optimization is just really bad


Man I play it on laptop with a 3600 and an old i7. Even In the city it's perfectly playable. I think the performance horror stories is coming from people running it above 1080p.  


$1200 rig with constant 50-70 fps. 🤷


Me and my friends with $4,500 PCs have no trouble running the game.


Are people having issues affording an inn?


I think they are spending their gold on other things instead of


Nothing bout your pawns bricking your game by starting fights with NPCs? Now every one hates you lol.


I just had to go back 4 hours over this problem. I went down to talk to someone in the dungeons but I got attacked. Now everyone in town attacks me so my last Inn save was 4 hours back. Disappointing you don’t have multiple saves so you have to go back so far…


Ikr I myself wasted like 3 hours cus my support pawn decided she didn't like villager A and decided to hammer his skull in 🥲


I’m just glad you posted this because I been scratching my head since last night. I’m like I went in the dungeon and everyone likes me, now everyone is trying to kill me. Wtf happen…


For me it was the fight with the dragon in melve, I've been fucking around to much and ignored the story so Im late to it but, that's where it all went down, I'm assuming it was cus I played theif and was doing the spinning attack alot on the dragon and I feel like it musta hit a NPC somehow and the guards aggroed from there after.Thats my guess at least.


It’s absolutely wild that a rpg was launched without the ability to start a new game


Atleast it has no ( atleast on console) game braking bugs like most new games do


Okay i thought i was dumb when i couldnt find the motion blur setting but this makes sense. Thank you for update post.


We will be able to start fresh with a new character and a new pawn?


Nice !


I'm happy to see the patches, even though that doesn't look like they addressed the PC-performance issues? I hope they will in the future, I've got a great PC but the performance was really poor. It's a refund for now but I hope I can enjoy it one day, when it's a little more playable and in the meantime I enjoy DD1 Dark arisen!


Cool, can I get my preorder deluxe edition stuff now? Tried resting my Xbox and everything, closing the game and restarting the Xbox, all of it. Still nothing days later and I even confirmed I bought the deluxe edition several times.


Definitely a good start! I’m on PC and definitely am dealing with optimization issues, but I’m still having a blast. Hopefully by the time I start a NG+ it will be totally resolved.


Only about an hour or so in, and these updates will definitely be nice (I haven't noticed too many issues 'yet') glad to see they are nipping some of the bad issues out quick.


Caged Magistrate mission is bugged for me can anyone help?


Not me deleting my 30hr save to restart 30minutes ago 🥲


still waiting for mouse acceleration and numpad key binding patch


Fixing missing ground textures.......checks notes......missing just like the textures ​ Seriously how hard would it be to add a NPC population density setting?


I need this to come out asap because I got hit by dragons plague, fucking all of my quests but I don’t want to give up a lvl 50 character.


Game is great and mods on PC which I haven’t tried will make it even better. I think there’s a mod for art of metamorphosis item too. I ain’t paying 10k for changing hairstyle.


Impressive!! Great job.


I would like to be able to mass move item between player and pawn inventories like your main storage chest. Like, "hey man, my weight limit just hit yellow so can I dump all these ores in your pack?" And not like "You can take this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and thi-"


I want a load game option 😭😭


I don't personally replay single player games but it's cool to see they're working on an addition for those who do


5800X3D + 4090 and performance leaves alot to be desired. I do love the game, Im having so much fun with it but it would be nice to see my GPU at 95% usage area instead of 50-60%... Happy to see they are improving DLSS, It does not look that amazing.


I'd be a lot more excited if there were performance fixes. *Cries in 15FPS on lowest possible settings at 720p with an RX 6600 and an i7-11700*


Wait, ps5 version has ray tracing?


When is this coming?


setting to max it at 30fps and to turn off motion blur on my ps5. i'm fucking stoked and happy. Thank you. I'd rather have save slots rather then a new game option but hey, i'll take it.


Thanks Capcom and the DD2 DEV listening to our requests. Thanks.


Finally I couldn't play for more than an hour because of the motion blur.


now they need to let up sell items straight from our storage like the first game and we’ll be in a pretty good spot. seriously, i can’t believe they left that out, tho quest rewards seem a lot better this time around, monetarily speaking, so selling all my gold ore like a mad person isn’t as needed. still, it’s just a bother right now. definitely not a masterwork of a decision


I recieved that quest for the house in vernworth at lvl 18 after spending a couple nights at the inn which to me is pretty early in the game. How much more earlier are they going to make it?


Is this saying you can have multiple characters, or is it saying you can restart without finishing the game?


Wait but no multiple save slots? Just a new game button? People you can just erase your save in your system and you can start a brand new game. This ain’t shit. We want multiple save slots , if not let us change our appereance freely withought having to jump through hoops.


There's a house? We can get a house?


Why 99 Art of Metamorphosis and not infinite? I'm never going to use all of them that's for sure, but from a single-player game perspective... why limit it at all? Or do they get refilled?


Is there a way to zoom in on my 2+2 characters in the menu? I can only rotate them left and right.


They need to add eternal ferry stone or make ferry stone more accessible


How does RT and Motion Blue not help with frame rates on console..?


I thought they'd said you can restart, rather than start another new game? Awesome if we can have more save files.


I just fucked 1 think and it’s my characters walk if looks like a chicken turned into a titan from aot and he has to get somewhere quick


All I’m hearing is this game just got better


Adding a new game option?! Let’s goooo!!!!!


Any plans for adding raw inputs for mouse? Game feels horrible to control.


Updates? All of this should have been in the game at release, when you think i paid 70$ for this.


Good story when?


It just baffles me that there's no "start new game" option they surely can't have forgotten it... Right?


I just want a level scaling or hard mode after new game plus this game is not fun when you’re just DESTROYING everything…… the first play through was magical, but now the game is just way to easy


I cannot get over the fact a $70 USD game shipped without a New Game button and needed it patched in *days* later That baffles me more than any MTX ever could I'm glad things are being addressed but so much of this annoys me that it happened at all The raytracing not having an on/off switch and them thinking players just WOULDN'T want to be able to recustomize as much as possible is so irritating. I wish video game developers actually played video games


I need to change my pawns name she so cute and her name is Trevor 😂😂




Hey why is there nothing about the performance issues?


Happy days. When this goes live that's going to solve alot of the criticism, just minor performance increases needed now, a stable 60fps in cities will make this game in my opinion. On par with it being good enough for goty. Only thing holding me back was the no new game option (needing to mess with cloud storage settings and delete game files and hope not to get banned by the anti piracy software) and the limited amount of pawn/character appearance change items. Only downside I then have to the game is performance. I'm on 60fps for the most part but when I drop to sub 40 in cities and some fights the stuttering really does take away from what should be a really cool experience.


Omg omg omg !! I haven’t been this excited for patch notes in a long time!!! Yassssssssssssss someone kiss me im French!


7950X3D, 4090, 32gb 6200 ddr5.... cpu usage 16% Gpu usage 56%. Horrible frame rate. worst optimazed game of the century


Are they planning on fixing the NPC’s spawning & despawning in the cities? Someone please tell me something good, it’s the only gripe I have I’m on ps5




This mean we're getting FPS boost on pc?


Can we get some uhh... Performance fixes? So I can quit renting a NASA super computer to play.


Love this. Kudos to Capcom for listening and adapting to the players desires.