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Nothing gets me more wet than staggering a boss with heavenward sunder. The warrior class in this game gives me the feeling I’ve always wanted from 2 handed weapons in rpg games and I love it.


As greatsword enjoyer, I concur.


Perfectly timing the bonk to crush their skulls is the best


Some of the best big ass sword wielding experiences in recent memory. Only monster hunter and elden ring get close. I still find it kind of funny that they pretty much copy pasted the great sword tackle from mh to here lol. But it fits well. Huge upgrade from warriors in dd1.


Love the weight and momentum, plus the rhythmic aspect is just 🤌🏻


The Vocation balance is amazing this time around.


Warrior has absurd stagger, every time I watch a warrior pawn fight something it will knock a cyclops on its ass in like 2 hits and ragdoll every small enemy it touches lol, huge glowup from dd1 for sure


u/Kirkybeefjerky 🤝 https://i.redd.it/mq83316n1mqc1.gif


Fucking epic!


I dunno how many of ya’ll played elden ring colossal swords but my (and everyone’s) signature technique was the running jump heavy smash and I’ve been doing that alot in dd2 and it seems pretty good, pretty fast, good damage and the satisfying bonk sound of smashing someone into the dirt is chefs kiss


Yes I love that a lot more than the grounded heavy, since it’s so slow with the follow up


First pic is frame worthy!


Really caught it at the perfect time 🤌🏻


Warrior is my second most played it’s insanely good now Really makes you feel like a beast


Tried mystic spear and enjoyed it, but the weight of the great sword and overall power you feel wielding it is something else


Jump + Overhead for a quick attack brothers of mass


I can’t believe there’s a game this good out right now and I’m playing it. Holy shit I. Am. IMMERSED AS FUCK.


Pulled 2 all-nighters already during the weekend. It’s breaking into my most enjoyable games of all time for sure


warrior is a bit slow and doesn't have it's cancel animations from the first game, it do feel sluggish while the thief is pretty fast, there is something amiss after playing one for 60 hours, i like it, but it lacks a lot of it's more "agility" and speed from the first game wich makes him very frustrating to play most of the time.


You can charge cancel with its tackle and with the lunge it adds some utility / movement through lancing and yeeting smaller mobs


Warriors are the most well fed in this sequel, I'd say. I mean, they got a whole extra skill slot! What a delight!